S i 4 I iT r IPrfnrc Rupert sDaflg J3cuis Friday. August 1. 1947 LADY IRIS FACES BAD CHEQUES CHARGE Lady Iris Mount-batten O'Malley, cousin of King George VI and great granddaughter of the late Queen Victoria, is shown at police head- .quarters in New York with Detective Joseph Sulik. She was arrested on a Washington, D.C. fugitive warrent charging her with passing bad cheques adding up to $185.05. She is divorced from Capt. Hamilton Keyes-O'Malley. ' Barge Service To Haines Available From either Juneau or Skag- way barge service for cars be - tween Haines and Prince Rupert is now available. Tills Is the advice from the Chamber of Com- Terrace Juvenile In Terrace Hotel Breaking Case TERRACE The marauder who is,, alleged to have broken into the Terrace Hotel on Saturday night, stealing the cash register from the office, was brought into juvenile court on Monday morning before Magistrate Wiil Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and , . ! Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. FU10AY-AN1) SATURDAY August 1 and 2 "The Dancing Pirate" IN TECHNICOLOR with Charles Collins, Frank Morgan, Steffi Duna and Luis Albernl. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY August 5 and G "WATERLOO KOAD" ,wlth Stewart Cronger. John - Mills and Joy Shelton. On-your way THE SKEENA merce in Haines. Robinson. Final disposition of the case has not yet been made. Stay at The Willows Auto Ccuri Cabins with Electric Lights Telephone Reservations W. CREGO, Prop. TERRACE CARINS Skeena Bridge Tourist Camp! (One Mile East of Town) z Box 13 Terrace, B.C. ; 1..........,................. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace to lite lake? SEE OUR TWO I LOOKS LADIES' WEAR YAH I) GOODS MEN'S WEAR GROCERIES MERCANTILE TERRACE DINE AT PHIL'S (Formerly Skeena Cafe) Lakelsc Awnue Terrace, B.C. BREAKFAST LUNCH - DINNER AND BANQUETS Serve: .Tasty Food Fine Pastries Quick and Courteous Service Proprietor, Phil Tetrault FOR l'KOMPT SKRVICE .... See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Ruick ciiev. Trucks I'ontiac Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE B.C. LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Lumber JIanufacturers Rough and Logs, Poles Dressed Lumber 1 Hi K K A U I'j anti pnine Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Philco Radios Wlllard Batteries CITY LIBRARY CLOSED FOR SUMMER; ")k" Jc "A"- MANY FACILITIES ARE APPRECIATED (By M. E. ANDERER) Now that the library is closed for a month and the librarians are enjoying, a well-earned vacation one realizes what a large part the library plays in the life of many of the citizens. Various individuals have been seen within the past few days burdened with many volumes of books, books from the library to tide .them over the weeks until. 1 ; the library re-opens. Perhaps it is only on such an occasion as this that the regular borrower realizes how much he depends- on the - library for relaxation. Within the group of frequenters of the library there .is a smaller group who will miss an other feature of the library. They are the ones- who use the reading room. This is a service that is not used as much as it should be- by the average citi zen. In it are many valuable! reference books on a surprising I variety of topics. At times habi- tuees may be seen, with notebook and pencil gleaning from the shelves material not elsewhere available. Recently the discovery of very early editions of the first newspapers printed In Prince Rupert afforded much lnforma- tion and entertainment. There is an almost unlimited fund of material on hand. In addition there are the periodicals. These include "Saturday Night," "MacLean's," National Geographic" and "Canadian Geographic," Photography" and "Nature." To some frequenters the weekly arrival of the "Strand" and the "Illustrated sable feature. V f puo"caT "elYork- To have won this scholar ThJv f a"V" ?IaWe- sh,P thus stamps Mr. Nichols as They are "Theatre Arts "Cana- an nilf.tanHi- dian Art" and "Canadian Poetry." "Theatre Arts" Is a Smithers CAMPERS Supplies delivered twice weekiy to Lnke Kathlyn. GOODACRES' SMITHERS, B.C. (202) HOLIDAYERS . When in. the vacation land of Bulkley Valley SHOP AT Leach Bros. FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS Free Delivery to Lake Kathlyn Tuesdays and Fridays (130) He likes groups of Individuals In their own environment, Against the background of their own routine he feels that he can portray the characters most truly. In 1943 he was :n the navy and was commissioned to do paintings for the Canadian Mer chant Navy. One of these en titled "The Mess Deck" is re produced in the current Issue of "Canadiajv Art" and Is typical Of his work. Later he became the official Naval War Artist. His "Rescue at Sea," won the prize for the best picture in the Canadian Group of Palnten Show In 1945. Much" of hU work Is done In pencil and colored turpentine, or in charcoal and crayon. Ills work will definitely be a feature cf Canadian art in the years to come. The book of "Canadian Poetry" Is published quarterly by the Canadian Authors' Association for the encouragement and de- I velopment of Canadian Verse. To us In British Columbia there is a special appeal as the editor-in-chief is Earle Birney, Acadian Camp, University of British Columbia. In this issue it features "Behind the Log," the latest and most Important work of E. J. Pratt, one of Canada's most distinguished contemporary J poets. j These are Just a few of the ' attractions that may be found in the Reading Room of the public library. Its regular users wish the1 librarians a most enjoyable and Invigorating holiday and they look forward very much to the re-openlng when once agan they will be able to drop In as before and enjoy the wonderful pleasures and relaxation that can always he had in the friendship of books and book lovers. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR ' SALE Torto-Jbar, table lamp, vacuum cleaner and 3- piece chesterfield suite. 921 10th East. fl80 SINGER -U i - t - - - Electric Sewing Machines For Rent Reasonable Rates tPhone 864 Prince Rupert I Singer Sewing Machine Cd. . SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 160 East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton'a) llCAN l MAVE lil'iill" H f0NiMO?i7wiNG75 A OOART6R IN ) rZ POP CAfsf I whAtA SMELL j fl O'MGLE I P-.iFI V . fof LJ. in x v pr9 F - mvPocketO 0A PRCmiSE not J V !X X"" vT BLONDIE NO. SIR.' VCj COME HOME AT casU rAM-T I U2rJEN'T Ji? WHETme-R tLfA. E PAPry 'y ALEXANDER. ALEXANDER, WILL WILL VOU YOU BRING BRING ME ME THAT THAT 1 1 ilt'2 I 73T I 1 COLD COLD BOTTLE BOTTLE OF OF SOCA SOCA 14 1 OUT OF THE monthly publication containing recent contemporary and, at times, Historical comments on the work of the legitimate theatre, both professional and amateur, and the screen. Contributors are all leaders In their respective fields, and .their pronouncements, are dlscernlng and critical. The" Illustrations, all reproduced on art paper, are chosen with fine, discrimination and reproduced most artistically. "CANADIAN "ART" AND OTHER MAGAZINES "Canadian Art" is published i four times a year. Responsible for it Is a board which reure- !lnts hiuNat,0al Gallery of 2ln"da'1Tht Asstiation of treal The Vancouver Art Ga l"y Th( Maritime Art As- 0Clat!n anAdt hte deration of (Canuadlan Arttate One article in me juusi, recent issue leus 01 the work of Jack Nichols, a Montreal-born artist who Is the second Canadian to win a Guggenheim Scholarship for creative work in the fine arts. To win one of these scholarships, I established by the former United States Senator and Mrs. Gug-i genheim as a memorial to their: son, a person must have shown X and ertlVe ability In fine arts. The award --wniumg AtbUli, Jack Nichols was born In Montreal in 1921 and was left an orphan while still a child. At fourteen years of age he was forced to seek work and he did everything from washing dishes t6 digging ditches. But Jie was always determlned-to. become an ' artist. He planned to earn enough money to quit a Job and then paint. As a result he has no formal education in art. In this way he has had one bene- B-.'iy's Awake Now! fit, that of not being tied to any traditional school. Early Canadian artists who broke away from the traditional European forms devoted themselves to landscape paintings and many notable scenes have been done. But Nichols Is a humanitarian. W I i i H ( Alaska. Beckons Some Are Stranded SEATTLE Strangers who are trying to go north are belns stranded in Seattle. Everyone thinks Alaska has all kmds or vork and top wages. But many are mistaken. The executive director of the Traveller's Aid Society in Seattle say scores have very limited funds or else are "broke. Both skilled and unskilled have been taking chances jf making the long and entire journey without any dollars to spare, and this was their undoing. Money gave out. In some cases, before they even reached the Canadian border. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 849 220 Sixth Street' DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 SLM Projectors, Amateur Enlargcrs and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST 9 John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue If your building, house or fur-nlture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your . possessions? 0 Do you realize that present .day costs; or material iand furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance .advisers now I H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 218 Sixth Street By Chic Young WELL.ANWJAV. llll'J 1 CAS1 CCT THE S NOU LCKXl.0 VrTVK-S OR(?IBLE I THINK S THE R"OOM IS WHERE IT WAS ) ( THINI j ( TIRED, V(J?e ARRANGING T'eC'-l HATE IT' IT LOOKS) C POStTiVELV - J J V S? DEAR ) THE LMNQ ROOM lW&tL REAL V WDE0U5 V vV 'IV U NICHT PRINCE RUPERT REAlHi WILL INSURE YOUR HOME) AUAUXO 1 L,Ud BY FIRE 212 Fourth Street KNOX HOU A QUIET, TLEASANT PLACE TO Lm COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS RffiJ contMn.TTTT T.irn MATTnraspq ... 1 UNDER NEW M ANAQEMEKj Proprietors: TOM l'ESUT STEVE veklh Call on us lor your ciutYBLER engineerq PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of town ordw given special attention. ' Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5CG Prince Rupert, Bf USED GOODS WE itUY AND SELL ENTERPRISE MARK! Phone .m 1NU OrlKllNrv AUc. INSIST ON HAZELWOQD Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St f- PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBS & . HEATING ENGINEER! Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DEICO Iff BURNERS for your furnace or bofor A General Motors Product QUAKER Oil, RANGES AND HEATERS Mil Larte Stock of riumbins SuppUd UPIIOKSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attenti6n 10 YIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 COTTAGE CHEESE 'New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Announcement mvai m REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New SEA FOODS - SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN W ' Atl"1'10 Take-out Orders Given Special J.. COMER and ASSEMINA rAVUtf NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH O Phon, RUPERT MOTORS! Chrysler Parts and Smif J we specialize in rebuild Marine and Industrial Enjlca Complete Automotive w for all makes of cars and bttl 141 Third Amid it's ice cm PHONE RED II I for DEiinrl INCOME! Returns Prepw U. E. MORTB 324 2nd Ave IS GE0RC1 McWI Com CONTRACTU Decorating, LandicapJ LavW H7 4th A1 (To rear of" LauniW' Phone . UiMvn WE SPECIALIZE IN or.tlMBlAv I