I' IB-: In!,- Ira S. EM' urn fii" ilH i . -a c :t . i : wur'.J Soviet R ,f' no ' r the )! nJ rk o( Ifcnry . -j- - poor urm t-y who atatcd , . i '"fit in-;rtr-J empire ol generi- '.. t rcniirer Jttc-Jti-dt Oil or J, tr.it 'of time, ne pf. ft: iirou! Morris- i , h r;-;uirer -t -i In t i hit E,, rt m Britain. J xtz; To tike zrt-ii boy c j t!.-n too a o nrentice ' -.t the uk li .J v t - M.L.A. t )n t. , he ii - .uver -aercare sort CCD l - 11 11 Plt It 4 Ctiai ( iT&iS AIR PASSENGERS Air passengers from Vancouver yesterday were M. Watson, P. Nell and H. Anderson. Those arriving from Sandsplt were E. Eytcheson, A. Williamson, F. Burnell and B. Mackay. Air travellers outbound today for Vancouver were W. R. McAfee and son, M. Ulme:, II. Hansen and Miss M. Clee. Those making the trip to Sandsplt were Mr. and Mrs. McLaren and P. Prlngle. He re s Tht MIXER ! This London Concrete Mixer mixes rapidly and thoroughly, costs little to operate, is low in price and built to last a lifetime. Tilter models in 2, 2'i, 3, 3 1 a and 5 sizes. Non-tilt models in sizes Cs and Us. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK . Send for bulletins. Purves E. Ritchie and Son Ltd. C58 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. NOTICE . I ... " r ukakl nurse aaminisienng wm. r. kocks tme.i) T.LYOXVLIDE" for British Columbia, rrincf George Iloiel, Prince George, B.C. fast SOU) and until September 4th, 1947. Irmbo (6th, 17th, and 18th, 1947. betwttn Prince Grorge and Prince Rupert, B.C. m be made upon request. lornut a) please write to, the Vancouver office, BURNS BLOCK, 18 WEST HASTINGS ST., POUVEK, B.C. Phone PAcific 3450. Miss Dorothy Ebbutt returned to the city this morning aboard the Catala after a month SDent in the south visiting relatives and friends. John T. Beattle of Royal Bank of Canada at Victoria, and Mrs. Beattie, are among those making the round trip to Alaska on board the Princess Norah which was in port today; Hotel... arrivals Prince Rupert W. E. Walker, J. Douglas, I, Dennis, C. A. Whitti, K. Whtttit, J. Batts, W. S. Milner and P. B. Nell, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. L. Hopkins, Pacific; Miss M. E. Hecker. Port Dalhousie, Ont.; Mrs. O, Wigg, Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. G. McLaren, Sandsplt; Mr. and Mrs. L. Townsend, Calgary; Mrs. F. Case, Franklin Park; J. Wilson, Llbertyvllle, 111.: W. H. Sloan, Midland, Texas; D. D. Greene, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. R. Stone, Berkley, Calif. Governor-General Has Reindeer Meat NORMAN WELLS, N.W.T. When the Governor General and party visited here there was a banquet featured by the serving I of a saddle of reindeer meat. This was obtained at the- main ralndeer station east of'Aklavlk on the Anderson River during the annual roundup. It was delivered by plane with the compliments cf the Mines and Resources Department. High Wages For Section Workers ANCHORAGE The Alaska railway wants section laborers and will pay $80.50 a week for 60-hour week. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure J publication, should be In the office by 10 ajn. Contributors" are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal i Interest are always welcome.! Local News Items Remember! Port Day, Prince Chamber of Commerce Con Rupert's marine holiday, August 21. (tf) Vote Lorraine Youngman for a charming, talented Port Queen. Junior Chamber of Commerce. ,tf) Mrs. Jack Lindsay and child sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Plan to be In town for Car nival Week, August 16-23. Civic Centre Carnival, Prince Rupert's Event of the Year (tf) Attention Oddfellows and Re- bekahs Banquet In Commodore Cafe, August 5, at 6:30 p.m. in honor of the Grand Master (182) Arthur Brooksbank returned to the city on last night's train from a holiday trip to Vancou ver and elsewhere in the south W. R. McAfee left by air this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver, being accompanied by his young son. vention Ball, FrL August 8, Civic Centre. (185) O Whist drive and dance, Moose Temple, August 2. Robert's Or chestra. 8:30 pja. (179) Miss Olive Van Cooten sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Vancou ver. Ladies A great chance for window shopping. See BXJ. Pro ducts Show, Civic Centre, Wed nesday, August 6, 8 pjn. (It) Mrs. Irene Coleman and son Lyle, were passengers aboard the Princess Norah on their way to Atlin today, J. II. Black, president of the Prince Rupert Automobile As sociation and Hugo Kraupner, secretary, were in Terrace last night to attend a meeting o the Automobile Association there They made the trip by car, leav ing yesterday afternoon and re turning today. i jj THIS AND THAT 3: Well, here we are 'Murphv- -ut, of uniform, and back in civilian if ag$u." CLEVELAND BOYS ON ALASKA DRIVE Wednesday night a car bear ing four boys from Cleveland, Ohio, and a large sign reading "Alaska or Bust," arrived in Prince Rupert. Today it looked as though the expedition, wasn't going to "bust" for the boys were safely aboard the Princess Norah bound for Xetchlkan. The boys Bill Thomas, Jim Williams, John Hoffman and Art Merrfanan each 11 years of age, Intend to spend a few days in the Alaskan city before return ing to Prince Rupert to start the return trip home. They re ported the greatest difficulty on the trip was contending with flat tires. They have collected grand total of nine so far. The trip has been -wonderful the boys say, despite the dis couraging and contradictory In formation they received at some points along the way. Equipped with a camp outfit the lads sleep in the open and do their own cooking. EXOINJflrCHING FEAT Europe's oldest Alpine railway was built in 1848-54. ASTHMA? RAZ-MAH For quick relief from the wheeling, gasping, coughing, choking misery of Anhma, take RAZ-MAH I Praised by thousands of user. RAZ-MAH if specially made to relieve itching, streaming eyes. choked-up bronchial tube and exhausting coughs' tausca Dy nma, uiromc. Bronchitis and Hay Fever. SOc. SI. U-13 Announcements All advertisements lu this column will be charged lor a full at 3So ft word. Sons of Norway meeting, Thursday, Aug. 7. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Women of the Moose annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. - Canadian1 Ltgion Auxiliary Saki Nov. 14. Presbyterian Fall Braar, Nov; 20 Salvation -Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. ; CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre .Nov J 28th. Orange Sale, December 5. Starts AugUSt 1 COATS - SUITS - DRESSES These values represent a great saving to you. Take advantage of them NOW! Use the Sweet Sixteen budget plan or pay cash, but you must see these savings to believe them. Ends AugUSt 16 IS OFFERING AMAZWG VALUES in 9rfn Eupett DnflB tortus Friday, August 1, 1947 SWEATE R S JANTZEN AND PRIDE OF THE WEST Pure wool cardigans in plain colors. Pure wool pullovers with sleeves. Sleeveless pullovers in plain colors. Zipper sweater coats in plain colors and two tones. VOLCANOES IN LINE . ACADIAN EXILES Europe's most active volcan-1 Many of the early residents of oes, Etna, Stromboli and Vesuv- BaiUmore were Acadlans toan- ius He in a straight line. tehed from Nova Scotia. PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service i! I SPORTSWEAR and ACCESSORIES ? ' i ) " Ml g f i After the sale the bulk of the sale merchandise remaining will be shipped down to Vancouver. So come EARLY! Shop for these bargains while the selection is still good. Vrc assure you it will be worth your time to come in and sec these values. It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS This SALE will Last for TWO WEEKS ONLY 1