pan, comfortable, Eking shoves iuse Irablades p favourite in quality pnce - 4 for 1 Off llTABLE WRENS frequently build nests fcever occupied. h i I' WANTED Experienced grocery Rply Overwaltea. (1&1 IN TED- -Cook for small imen locally No bread Iphone 453 or call at b Cannery Seal Cove. i-Names are being re ,t the Dally News of iboys or girls desiring i routes (tf) IfK 111 - ( J Ml .!...! ..V, I 1 "noons and evenings, WANTED B-Used beds And . dress- (181) (1811 Your Scrap Metals, many i.rr v.r. St Vancouver. B.C. (tf) INVITED for 1000 feet first class fqulpment , -.rrTtf IV rML'V Iff I FOR KKNT -Housekeeping room; (180) --, ..... .. mi , i,u,i ui. aeartove. Blue 815 (tf pNT Modern four-roorri Phone Oveen 378, tot at" i.vf wr m AMI HOARD " -av . tm-ev cttUI Kitwiv iiiuaid, -wiia rrui , , '.it.. , rraser atree.. (tf; AlirTAI. mnuv fixed and rurnace tln- Thom Sheet Metal . 'Ibll RIACIIINERT ucxier lumber mure Irnllnr if., lu. i jt uac uic luuueiii who byue xtuLinnai by National Mdohinflpt -,,ireu,, vuueuuver, HHfiMtlt 1 mm sport a Tonight's game In the Men's Fastball .League (brings .together .Onerdl .Motors and C.N.H.A. General Motors Head 'the league (tf ti; .."'"s. Rupert, ,t --- iemiocicrSpruce, . j uuc uiinni. in in.nn run 5ur will be alinui tiniKu.. ..,.- with a percentage of .750. CM. R.A. .are second with a. percent age .ol .000. vne railway men have jplayed one more game. their record being six wins and three losses 'while the motor-men have.slx .wins. and only two losses. A. win for General Motors Lwlll keep .them at the top of the league while a victory for the railway men 'will put them on top. : Mondayinlght's game will bring General Motors and Oordon and Anderson Into conflict. Should General Motors Jose tonlght andue bat on Monday 'the: hardware men! would be tied with General lllotors for second place behind C.N.R.A. : A feature of the Ladies' Fastball League has been the pitch ing of Betty Hamilton for the Classified Advertising 'ia wr word, per loMTtton.: minimum. chre. SOo. Birth NoUcm Bcrds of Tbanu. Datn'Motlc. Funeral iHoticei, Marriage Ana !!.IlJtKIiiciJ..imuuAji:iucuvD FOR SALE FOR SALE' CHEAP-SI earn tug -'Oypsy' Has good steam bow winch, and boat needs repairing. .Make offer. on as is basis. Boat at McLean's Float, Seal Gove.-Phone Black .548. (173 ) FOR SALE-rC room house, fully equipped: 953 Atribrose Avenue. (184) FORSALEr24 foot motor launch Ella Brltta, 6 h.p. Palmer engine. Phone Re 811. (180) FOR SALE-;victor cabinet radio. Phone Black 700. (180) CHECK '.THESE 'BUYS 5-room cottage, furnished, $1800; with easy terms for' quick sale. 6-room house,' view, superior con struction, $4500. 8 -room house with ' fireblace. good location, partly furnished, $3500. Terms arranged onall three dwellings. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, Phone 342. (183) r FOR SALK-1942 Ford 3,4-ton panel delivery truck. New 100. h.p,. engine: 5 excellent tires. Ideal Cleaners and Laundry. . (tf) FOR. SALE One lighting plant. A.C. 110-volt, Watts 750. Make, Onan. Mrs. K. Dopson, General Delivery, Prince Rupert. (180) BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE $2,000 handles $3,000 buy. 0-room house with 3 lots on 6th .East. .Apply Collart and Mac-Caffery." tf) FOR; SALE Shlplap, windows, flooring, .lockstave buildings (two Inch cedar), Gyproc and Gyproc- lap, steam radiation, 2 toy 4's'.:2"x'u,s, 2 x 8's. Phone 86. (179) HOUSEHOLD and Office Furni ture, Hardware, etc. Used Has socks 42; Pails 60c; 5-plece Kitchen Set 412-50; 3-piece Chesterfield Suite $40; Desk $1.50f new Hot Plates $3.50; lowest prices. B. C. FURNI 'TUBE CO., Black 324. FOt SALE lfr-ft. Turner-bnllt speed ';bdat. 02, h.p. wiuys jeep .ehglne,:used only two montlis. Complete with all accessories. Phone Blue 365. (181) FOR SALE R.ttP. White Leghorns and Hampshire pullets, 10 weeks old. $1.35 each. Add 10 cents per bird per week after July 19 .sufficient cockerels free. Terms cash F.O.B. 'Kltwanga, M. Rowe. (tf) tpOR SALE Ooed .used lumber, 2x4's. 2x6 and 1x8, all double dressed, can be- seen at the nrtalh highway ,at Telegraph Point. Tliere are. approximate iy. e.OOOU.all for $200. Apply W; 'Walsh, Telegraph pomi. (182 r0(l SALE 32 ft. Olllnetter -Bnsc .Island. 7 h.p. Apply at Port Edward on Friday, Satur idav or Sunday, (1'9' FOR SALE i5 used cars, 1-8 cyl jiider Hudson, 1 Dodge, 3 Fords, from $500 up. Contact Jonn ion or Malr. Phone Black 166 Moose team and of Beth Sedge-1 wick forHlgh'Scho6I. 'Both' these ' Birls have fin,e recdtds and i should go far In the fastbair world. In nine games played Betty I Hamilton has allowed forty-two hits, walked twenty-seven, and , struck out no fewer than 105 ! batters; Betty has lots of speed, good control and is steady iln pinches. As her batting average Is .379-she Is-very valuable there too. And she Is a good fielder. In a recent game she retired the side on three pitches. Beth Sedgewick, the High School southpaw, has a very impressive record too. In nine games she has allowed fifty-one hits, yielded forty walks and struck out eighty-two of her opponents. Beth has a lot of speed and throws a hard ball. Her batting percentage Is .230 so she Is also an asset to her team at IS WINNER rttCCKLYN, -JJshUheavy-wc!ht Gus Lesnevich is, an exception o the rule that armed service duties "took something out of all fighters." He banged out a 10-round upset decision over Tami Mauriello, the round man from the Bronx, in Ebbets Field Wednesday night. The Associated Press score card gave ex -Sailor Gus six rounds and Mauriello four with Gus in the lead from the first heat on. made him buckle at the knees. The ninth round was also a bad one for him ibut he weathered the storm and was the winner by unanimous decision. The winner weighed In at 178V'2 pounds to Maurlello's 197 '. Had there been a really decis ive margin the winner would have been matched with Joe Louis but as a result It is doubt - FOUND FOUND 'Purse on public counter In Bank of Montreal. Owner may have same by calling at the bank, Identifying same and paying for this advertisement. nan FOR SALE Business and Apartment Hlock on Second Avenue TWO STOKES SIX SUITES AND A COTTAGE ALL RENTED Good revenue producer and a , building that never has a vacancy. $5000.00 will handle balance on terms Write H.A.ROBERTS LIMITED BRANCH OFFICE Box 525, Trince George, B.C. "We Cover British Columbia" (181) Today HOTEL MEN WIN AGAIN Savoys Keep Up Their Victorious Stride in Baseball Savoys continued their victory march at Roosevelt Park last night by taking their week's second win in. a clash with the Watts and Nickerson nine that ended w!4h the Clothiers coming out on the short end of an-U-3 score. Tuesday night the Hotel-men obscured the Moose by a 9-2 score. Watts and Nickerson saved themselves from a complete shut-out by knocking off three runs from five hits' in the ninth Inning. Groff, the Clothiers left fielder, turned out the best hit-tin? of the game with three hits In four times at bat. Jack Sharpe was starting pitcher for ClothiersW striking out three batters .and allowing one hit In four innings. He was relieved by Forbes, who struck out four , and allowed seven hits -tive in .the ninth Inning. Savoys ran up a record that has jiot been equalled In recent baseball history when thev clouted .two home runs in the first four -innings. Minor Slmundson, bacfcln the game during an intermission in the fishing season, slugged jx homer in the first Inning and, Forman, emulating the older player, knocked a home Lesnevich was well ahead in irUn in the fourth, the first seven rounds but was Savoys brought In three runs nailed with a terrific right iyin the first inning. Both.Bruee Mauriello in the eighth thati slmundson, who singled, and Ted Arney, who got on-'base on a fielder's choice, came in on Minor's home run. Minor scored asaln In the second when he got on base on a walk. A double by Nlck Pavlikls brought him In. Pavlikls also scored. A sacrifice in the second Inning by Bruce Slmundson hbrousht in Forman who got on broe on a fielder's error. ful If either will get a chance at Watts and Nickerson pulled a the world title. I aouDie piay in me vnira wnen Gurvich and Morgan were retired in-a Turnerto-Howe-to-Domin- ato triangle. A Vuckovichto- -There Is Nothing Finer Than A Stromberg-Carlson NOW IN STOCK Chest of Drawers, well made MODEL 7(5111 j unpalnted; Desks, Radios and b TI.mmBKG-CAKLS()N I KOAIlWiUl. v other useful furniture at tne o-wne "- Stanaara wave. - STROM BEUCr-C ARLSON MODEL 72H- .... .tithii iwrformanee. AU manue ihoucj, walnut cabinet. Long ana siwiv wave Vmmw I nnut 'I' m,.n., . m un Sports I MOOSE LADIES $49.95 $81.50 RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC Dependable Radio Servicing. Overhauls a Specialty. PHONE HU The Vacuum Cleaner You Have Waited For! EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER You are Invited to make a personal Inspection of these wonderful new .EUREKA .VACUUM C LEA NEKS. Visit McRae Bros, and arrange for is demonstration In your home. Remember,, you buy the best when you buy EUREKA GOING STRONG Gordon and Andtrsoit'sfLast Inning: Raly Falls Short In the Ladles' Fastball League last evening the Moose ladles added another to their long list of wins by defeating the Gordon and Anderson nine by 9 to 6. In their first Inning the store ladles scored when Stewart, first up, was safe on an error and later scored, coming home on S.iRamsay's hit. The Moose' team kept even when Payne, the first ' batter, hit safely and came home on Bettey Hamilton's hit. Hamilton was out on a double play when Duff us caught Currle's fly and threw to I. Ramsay at first. Hamilton struck out the three Viottoro in fona, rtsr n tVto CAnnnH struck out. In their half of the third Moose scored three runs. North was walked, Payne hit safely, Klldal hit safely. Betty Hamilton was out, Wlndle to I. Ramsay, and Currie hit safely. Arietta Hamilton singled and two runs came in. Laird was safe on an error and Klldal came in. Thain was out. I. Ramsay unassisted. In the fourth the Iron ladles scored a run. I Ramsay singled, Duffus flew out, S. Ramsay singled and I. Ramsay crossed the plate. Balagno and Wlndla struck out. Moose scored one inj their half. Mennell hit a fine two-bagger. North was safe on a fielder's choice. Payne was out Balagno to I. Ramsay and Klldal Wlndle-to-Lewls play tagged Bruce Slmundson at home plate In the sixth. The league standing to date: W L Pet. Savoy .. 11 2 vJ540 Moose 5 7 ' .41? W. and N 3 10 .231, "My son here Is taking over the business. Hereafter you will kindly give him your dirty looks." TlinEE-CONTINENT PLANT Flax- Is cultivated In Europe, Asia and America. 4clcksor BATTERY MODEL As Illustrated- -smart plastic cabinet $i:i).l)5 ELECTRIC MODEL As illustrated two-tone, plastic cabinet $:U.1)." reached first on S. Ramsay's error. Betty Hamilton singled atid Mennell cam's home. The store ladies-went scoreless In the fifth and -sixth, in the last half of the sixth the lodg? singled, Payne was out at first, girls had their big inning. North KlWal was (safe on Wihdle'a error, Betty Hamilton flew out to I. Ramsay, Currle was safe on Duff us' error and bases were loaded. Arietta singled as did Laird and three runs came in. Thaln was walked and another run came In. Mennell was out 'Duffus to I. Ramsay. The seventh found Gordon and Anderson staging a great rally. S. Ramsay was walked and Bal- ; agno singled. Wlndle struck out. Clough singled. Cloutler was walked. Stewart singled and S. Ramsay and Balagno scored. Jeffries struck out. Stewart singled and Clough came In. I. Ramsay singled and Cloutler scored, with Stewart reaching third in the fast play. DUffus struck out with two runners left umiytij ui,g 4iv.t wtv n.wiiu , on Id CISC Inning. Moose went scoreless too. ' . in the third Cloutler hit, Jef-! " wa a, j ne with som3 fries struck out and Cloutler was f1"' plough caught biS h"s Jef" out, catcher to Currle, when try- In, left,,fleld; Mes cauht a lon8 1 at cen ing to steal second. Stewart tre. Currie also caught a good hit. Betty Hamilton gave up two walks, allowed seven hits and struck out twelve. Stewart did a god Job for Gordon and Anderson although she gave up three walks and struck out only one batter. Box scores: INTERNATIONAL. LEAGUE In the Western International Baseball League Vancouver won from Wenatchee In a high-scoring game by 15-9 Wednesday night. CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Rate, for your convenience . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Room. CAPE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) ruoM ti Aio Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 NOW AVAILABLE AT PRE-WAR PRICES SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY .nr pall 171 3rd Ave. East, (tf) BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE H' 1938 LINCOLN -21EP1 IYH for sale Smith, rino-uprt; (131) Parker's OirBe. i fftP8 Yours Afrn 13tfncc .Rupert Dally I3ctus Friday, August L 1947 In SPORT OOlKlOlKKXKKKKKHICKKMiaOOOv, August 1.J.1922 The Sons- of Canada repeated their victory over the Elks in the second lacrosse game of ths league series. Harry Menzlesj scored threeand Jacobs-one goair for the Sons, while Eddie Smith scored both goals for the Elks. Elks H. Lipsett; Jack Mc-Auley, L. Styles, F. Gllhuly, S.' Wrlggleswerth, J. Mitchell, B, Oliver, Eddie Smith, A. ,. Easson, M. MacLach!an,M. Gonzales-and S. W. Taylor. Sorts cl Canada D. Brown, Jacobs, G. O. Shaw, B. Crossett, G. Mansell, U. Y. Lacasse, E. Mackintosh, II. Menzies, C. Blyth, H. Prlngle, D. Graham, W. Gray and A. Jacobs. In a poor senior lacrosse game Sons of Canada swamped, the Knights of Columbus by at237 score. Teams; iSonaViif Canada Farquhar, H.-Menzles, H. Curtis, W. Anderson,:iI. B.ScottA. Roy, H. B. Charlton, B, Daniels, C Eady. Knights, of iColumbis WakefieldL.'Moor,a. HlhVDr Douglas, ?F.?Hennlrrg,iR. Moore, Hamilton. S. Haudenschlld, H. Astoria, R. Oreenwell. ; A-challenge has-been received from Fred'Camero'rwmanaer (A the Ocean FalLs baseball team, inviting 'Prince Rupert to send a. team down for arf( inter-town series of games. Ben Self will brin? the matter up at the first meeting of the baseball officials. Jackie IPaterson Loses IHis HTitle LONDON 'Jackie-Peterson has had his flyweight championship standing taken away from him by the British Boxing Board, It is announced. RUPERT MARINE REALTY McBrlde Street Phone 311 (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND ITSHINO EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 518 Phone Green 075 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager . Specializing In Marine and General Sheet, MetaljWorkjf Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 881 ' P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE' RUPERT Hollywood Gate PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST f. UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT f FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AJI. TO C A3I. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST De luxe Wall Tint An Improved Sanitary Kdlsomine SOLD IN MANY PLEASING TINTS. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT. CHEERY AND INVITING WITH DELUXE WALL TINTS. EASY TO MIX EASY TO APPLY 5-lb. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. You will find ... ! SOUVENIRS NOVELTIES POST CARDS of all Mnds, at 1 FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS (Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA