“FOREST ACT” (Section 33) ee oe : 1 4 $ jOTICE OF APPLICATION F ‘OREST 2 EDerT ; YOTICE | LICATION FOR FOREST MANAGEMENT LICENCE Me oe Friday, July 4, 1952 2 Lp don bee oe a corner there-/ 161 {T. 8620P); thence northerly|S.T.L's 1377P and 1983P to the ee ee cere t ' ‘ an . raight line ‘the 7 ae oe in __% | following the terly boundary of|south-west corner of said Ss: TL } oe Ae f Lot 2867 (T1 "ethan? aan id Lot 161 to the southerly bound-|1983P; thence due west te the west- | i a (TL. 243 ee : the Queer southerly and westerly following th wi of the watershed of Naka Creek; | erly boundary of STi. i79P; thence o » g ae sence in a general es . : 7 ts r terly and southerly boundaries of E 1 @ general easterly direc-| northerly to the north-west corne Giants Turn Back Bums: ; i @ Pow River | Lot 2267 (TA 3P) and 2265 (T1 tion following said southerly bound-| thereof; thence westerly following [! AKE ! : has applic for 431P) to a point due north of the hi on ae westerly boundary of the the southerly boundaries of 8.T-L, a e lf ‘ Licenes eas nortis- weet cores od Lot 5430 ns a ne Adam River thence in 1399P and 1394P to the south-west lt st Applicant togethe hence south to said corner and 4, con nore directian corner of the east of said vig ace t ens |i Lan it continuing southerly to the south-/the sor sid Se “pe mene 30 ee Soeseers cep. < “" the folliwin est corner of said ot 6439; thence iohnetone cuir Gane ea * eet iy BES Sie — th r xesterly and southe j iy tiie | a stone Strait; thence in a gen- of &.T.L’s 1 an 4 to » Canadis r sess “ 3 penne jo pp ew cee —_— a one mortnaress, He of said cnet ue ‘ By The Canadian Press ¥ ; ‘ corrfer therec thine Oinehaaes ? gh-water-ma ? €|S.T.L. 1379P; thence westeriy folow- + 5 : + north-east, west corer Ubereot: thence westerly | northeast corner of Tie A162P be- | ing. the southerly boundarisg of Seo NEW YORK—New York Giants turned back __ Ree ie ahh hte an bee a . : ing the point of commencement tiens 36 and 35. Township 12, to the first: yz B : kly D | a ot . tl yuth-east corner of Got 4613; thence BLOCK 3 Sea See aaeee gone St-place rookiyn oagers 4-3 Thursday, and , rortherly following » ane “" 3 thence northerly following - eBU- Viz s . ‘ fs Lots 48 ('T| northerly” following | the, easterly ~Compriaing. ine area, in, Range 1. |eriy boundaries of Section: $8, Youn. Chicago White Sox registered a pair of triumphs shoei les skits waae aaiiitage ol oe hd ae See meeK ying within tie | ship 12, Sections 2 and 11, Township x : Bre : nce of 1, gate: |nortiaaat corner of Lek S0P% hanna Sauowing surtmped wade, Samety’ 14 Te tee sommes cane A oom over St. Louis Browns as the major league pennant) eth. | thereof, being a point « : din ir eae o ease), 601 and | tion 16 of said Township 4; thence aps ee i : 3 | i ms nes +h ae high.w ve ae of Petals Lane asi teueee ‘snaetedonnn kets worery 2 iy see’ oa ae _ a tightened Ki - both circuits, | - 7 "eet ci weieie” dak ltos an © P sland, e t of said Section 15; theace ih, expen aisles icles TE : ; { Lot 2479 ™~ ce ae Ss aon Port rnuded and ee *” inp Loess), Turnour ie- | Sortheriy’” following the westerly Giants had Don Mueller’s| { i easter) = y so cepaieaee < 6 and; Lo 94 (Pulp ase age | ort f Sections 5 : | 419, 2480 an i|southerly and westerly bigh-water-| Island; Lots 482 “hein Laces | eae foe ae hea Fi N d booming bat and accurate right | ! st oenee ni Sak soi Scene, | a, cee ee, aay taney at | Sane, eee See ae aaa IEMEN NUAGE — arm to thank as they moved wo | + due west of lowing the boundaries of said 5.T 3052 317 2046 “ye ¥ : = 29. | a s : ' 4488 | 38947 to the salen Bin or dened tat ett ir iS outer con said een Ma of ae oe First Place In Bers, . eae Pee: 4 cor-/0f being a point on the easterly 8.TL’s 3870P, 31059 -12703P and penta onli Pour evry at ies White Sox jumped from fourth | RECORD SWIMMER — Irene md norther so i y . _Reterve = 1, 45110 - 12792P Thompson Sound: | tions 22 and 27 of said Township 4 to second in the junior loop Strong, a 1948 Olympic con- : ed 105P eye? ae ee eee the Lots 117A, 118, 119, 420, 121, 122,!to the north-west corner of said 0 a ed We : : : tender. will represent Canada 488 (TL. 61053 rth-east corner thereof, being the 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 132, | ge ‘ se ly to thel! v Standings as they wrapped up ; : 1, to the north- | point of commencement 133. 134. 135. 136. 187 and 128 pend (eee = ae ee ah of i é éa vie on the team of nine swimmers. Tae In the above-deseribed lands all Sound; Lot 491 (Pulp Lease), North a Toeninip * 4: ide te teats! Led by “Tiny” Carlson’s big c -3 victory on completion of at the summer Olympics in ‘ rut be wy on vce ms oe mature i” Broughton Island; Lot 485 (Pulp | following the westerly boundaries oi bat and Olson's six-hit pitch- a gene suspended after five in- Helsinki Miss Strong. who ; i n : isposal by competitive, Lease), Watson Island; Lot 486 (Pulp! section 33, Tewnship 4, Sections 4 ing, Firemen eked out a 10-9 nings April 27, and then won a| proke two records at the trials te are ortl a d sormal timber sale pro-| Lease) Kirmaird Isiand:; Lot 487 4 * ns ee » ~e " ul a , ai int in ¢ . cfwhes deat si anon Sa € ag t eo Hon tari , Aa ; ¢ 9, 16 and 21, Township 6, to the win. over . the . cellat-dwelling 12-3 verdict in a regularly sched- | jn Torontc, will compete in ‘ ‘ (Pulp Lease), Sutle) Channel; Lot north-west corner of said Section 21 - euing led contest Sees : Mh npete ony BON Mer s = (euip wanes) ee may et thence westerly following the south- Hawks Wednesday night. “ 4 breast-stroke events. eawey ; 490 (Pulp Lease) cKenzie Sound: erly boundaries of Sections 29 and ; i ae 1e Chisox gain was made (CP PHOTO) : bot as Commencing at the north-east ST's 8860P, 10638P, 10639P and 309 of said Township 6 to the south- The Firemen’s third straight possible when New. York Yank ‘ ploy nner of STL. 8163P, Rupert Land | 10646P, Wells Passage and Drury In-|eriy high-water-mark of Hardy Bay: | win moved them to within half sca seit wiih Washineto Gen. wnad herly | District being 6 point on the south- “6 ae 479 (Pulp Lease), Thompson /thence in a general a and I Pon! y , a game of first place. aaa cides th roe . sf fF ? . . ; erly high-water-mark of Johnstone %OUN northerly direction ollowing the , i - 8, 2 rst game armers ewer ; , i pi tralt ituated southerly from Port pLock 4 | southerly and westerly high-water-| OLYMPIC RUNNER — Rich } Hawks took an early 3-0 lead, 9-6, but dropping the nightcap ( ‘ th-| Neville; thence southerly following, 4, mark of said Hardy Bay to the most . 4 : but the Firemen scored twice in ¢_4 ® t orth the easterly boundary of said 8.T.L.| eae at the ss rl westerly north-west corner of said| Ferguson's time of 15:188 in the fourth and four times in : ; A p } aes { said! gi63P for @ distance of one mile.|!¥ Borth-west corner of Fractional) Township 6 being the point of com-| ta we ; ; ; it @- ~ et, Im tue only other American ul Fa er high-water- thence south 30 denroes enst te the| Township 6, Rupert Land District; | mencement Together point of com-| the 5.000-metre event at the the sixth making it 6-5. Hawks) | 210 game, Philadelphia's Carl vence 1 therly boundary of the watershed |P@!ng @ point on the westerly high-| (Pulp Lease).” ' Olympic trials at Hamilton tied it up in the top of the Scheib beat Boston Red Sox 4 MOOSE JAW. Sask, @—Sase 5 , : . Newcastle Creek; thence easterly water-mark of Hardy Bay; thence BLOCK 5 broke the former record f seventh, but Firemen tallied) ¢) See oe ar Poa oe Pe. katehew: farmers are dec é s to the 1 following said northerly boundary to|®S0Utherly following the westerly | Bly 5 c ue rmer record Of sou, moee in -theté hall to move Cleveland at Detroit was rained | *#'ehewan f¢ aes Crease 4719; thence |the northerly boundary of -8T.L,|boundary of sald Fractional Town-| “Commencing at the north-casi 15:23.6 set by Cliff Salmond of into a 10 pout, > ee ee er followi tt #159P; thence easterly to the north- ship 6 to the northeast corner of Lot! corner of Lot 380, Range 1, Coast : : : : into a -6 lead. fe eee wealth. 7 or of east corner thereof; thence southerly sa — oe oe ee | ee gon being a gee on the Vancouver and ensured him a Hawks scored one run in ihe os . Dominion Burean of Statisties f ‘\ following the easterly y 4 of | and southerly olowing ne north-| westerly high-water-mark of rillips c the Canadic “se ‘i i : Be Z : . in * . va er f ri #150P ssn PE may ny oe erly, and westerly boundaries of Lot| Arm; thence westerly and tial place on the { . ackan — at eighth | and twice in the ninth Baseball Scores show that Saskatchewan t : itl juth-east corner of said S.TL ine ant ae ae _— pes See the ees of nate Lot the summer Olympics. Fergu- a their drive to overtake the a farms than it had. 10 i ) 8158P; thence easterly to e _| boundary of & v 33P; nENCe | ¢ to the south-west corner thereof; ca. ‘ios is a i ‘iremen. Nationa vears arc " se that ¢ the east-| east corner of 8.T.L 8155P ons westerly to the north-west corner|thence westerly and northerly fol- a, Tome renmae Hae Art Ols as inning Filtsburgh 1, Cincinnati ; pet Ab 7 rut ot tae utherly following the easterly | thereot, thence southerly following) lowing the boundaries of S.T.L. 6470P Towa University, rallied to. win Art Olson was the winning iltsburgh 1, Cincmnat » eo ee ene of Tatms ‘ oundarie of ST1 B155P and | the westerly boundaries of S.T.\L.s)|to the southerly boundary of, S.T.L atler an catiier lanes wi » playe ce ; g i In the all-over total farm-area the vence easterly to the north- ; aed ; Next game will be played to- (Pirst game of doubleneadez.> 4 4; then west-|east corner of said Lot 459: thence |! said Township 10; thence easterly] lips Arm; thence inva general norta ’ night with the third place CCC rst. game @ULt-' ‘increases in the prairies and to the sout ithe following the easverty | and souttierly following the Wounhe- | asiy, enaeity Gale Bene ee ea 1] é€e aas ¥f a ee oe Western International British Columbia outweighed de- rence we t ries of Lots 459 (TLL. 9812P),| @fies of said Township 10 to th/| following the westerly northerly and 300. s — 1 mola < em é i in he | 462 ri 516P) and 464 4T 1, | South-west corner of Section 30.| easterly boundaries of the watershed . HAWKS— ABRH Wenatchee 11. Victoria 15 creases in ail the eastern “pytve Lot 4723 + he|g156P to the south-east corner of | }OWDSD!P 4; thence eanterly follow- | of said Phiitips Arm te a point due ’ Spokane 2, Salem 6 inces. The number of farnis fe ere thence i 484: thence eheters to thei me the southerly boundaries of Sec-|east of the most easteriy north-east iver u Laurie --_-s 1 Lewiston 5 T : City 8 in every province except Britis weste north-east corner of Lot 467 (TL. | tons 80. 20 end 268 of said Township| corner of S.T.L. 2601P; thence dur Waters ‘ 3.1 iston 9, tTi-Ulty Columbi: : P { T s24P) thence yutherly following 4 the north-west corner of the} west 1 mile; thence south-westeri The Football Associatiot has M. Sedgwick & tS Vancouver 2, Yakima 3 oimbpla. ; ent the casterly boundagies of Lote .467| 00% 4 of Section 92 Township 4;/in a straight line to the south-eas 1e Football Association OAs B. Marti 3 4 ae j The bureau ‘said that as the the TL ObaAP) and 468 (TL. seeap) (tence southerty to the South-west/comer of sald ST. 2601P; thence received a challenge from the eis artin 3 0 Pacifie Coast result of the decline in the num- west to tl ; , , BE ast %% of Section 2 Nes y, northerly sterly fol- anager ' cries: ak : ° . : Pow 468 ab oe a : ; rr ae primar ea oe a culate ‘eae a0 | Senet tar ee ee beg Dy ~~ of the Alyansh Soccer rp ; : ; hg Mata Coens? Dee OF SAFES AS ee aie 7 f wedt ‘ er Reccran Sean pom the north-west corner of Section 15 | 2601P to the easterly boundary of — . Bex a reprierng> Denker 400 San Francisco 2, Los Angeles il , crease in area, the average farm recti : erly following the easterly boundar- | 0 s8%4 Township 4 thence southerly | Lot 92; thence northerly and westerly team of the city at 7 p.m. this B aciseenbuaparanaiprereeessooes San Diego 5, Portland 0 |increased about 25 acres over t! ‘ {f Lots 470 (TL. 10191P). 47) | lowing the westerly boundaries of | following the boundaries of said Lot Saturda} 3. Sedgwick ‘ 2s Sacramento 2, Seattle 0. ‘the 10-year period. watershed | \T 1, 10193P). 472 (TL. 10194P) and | Sections 15, 10 and 3 of Township |92 to the north-west corner thereof ai \t Ig most Llkeie th __, Erickson SM i eeu cia eee as te northe 4% TL. 10196P) to the south-east | 4 Sections 34. 27 and 22 of Town-| being a point on the easterly high- ou S : y that severa: T. Sedewiek ies thence rer | Lot 478: thimce Gus | stip 32 to the south-wem Oxn™ of | water-mark of Phillips Arm: thence of these games | be arranged - i ‘ her i it for a distance of one miic said ae 22; ete te tile : ert ais gl naa fol throughout the season the asso- 37. 9 | er oi dadie abi ok: tie . weateriy | the north-west corne ) 0) 8; | lowing said easterly high-water-mars « ey ies oi ga ik watershet ad wy f 1b 408 (Pulp rae ae thence due south to a point due ea t| to the south-west corner of Lot 3 he a Aas a . ided ~ este each en 5 4 ' ' 1 son anaret narthete: aent- (oe north-east cormer of Lot 179; | thence easterly to the south-east van playing in the local league : 4 = A erly stheriy And weatarly direetion | TOenOn Weel fo ane fposEy apd con-| corner thereof; thence northerly and the opportunity to pit their skill Ratchford 4 9 lis f veri the boundaries Of anid te Unies westerly to the north-west | westerly following the easterly and goainst the visiting teams Dallyn Ss 6 i I 18 . m the southerly corner of said Lot 179; thence south- | northerly boundaries of Lot 378 and 4 Dy ; : : Bill st 5 f dary thereof due north to the erly and easterly following the | Indian Reserve No. 5 (Matsayno) ts ky sal the ball rolling, the Webst a4 \ & 1D | nortis~ep cotper of S.T.L, 41524 -| voundaries of said Lot 179 to the |ithe north-west corner of said Indian wigher of the Dominion Day aster 4 2\ ri 86P41E547P? “thelice south to said corner. | S0Uth-Cast” corner thereof. beine* *)meéserte being a point on the easterly Trophy will meet the Aiyansh Carison sae one y St Sie eeiene thority and wdetaely tole Poe oe the westerly bigh-water-)| high-water-mark of Phillips Arm, Bath of ; ci a th atten oe Lewellyn 5 98 1] boundaries of sald "S71 p. mark of Alice Lake; thence due east. thence in a general northerly direc- * irday night and the losers Currie 5 0-2 ‘ . th snieit aeeiind Parmele the easterly high-water-mark of tion following said ea sterly high-, will have t opportunity of 4 I 794 here tas ccixendite’: west corner of said Block D; thent aus cd i ‘ , northerly higt tter-mark of Cum- R d a M . r by . aa raenaniiean oF southerly and easterly following th sctnar ar ae tt ei) ines: hewa Iniet and Gillatt Arm to the e ross oves | Vhite ' or thenee in «a general westerly and southerly ee rt * Charlotte Land District, being a point pobiut x~ commencement Medical Su lies 17 : . uther lirection following — said a ot ae a oe water- 00 the northerly high-water-mark of BLOCK 7 Pp easterly oundary t a point north * - Ag . . 2 i Gillatt Arm. Cushewa Inlet; thence Comme i at he most rth- 3 . ; , rr ta ou { the n cahers extremity | Shed of Yootook Creek; ee ae northerly following the easterly, erly south- or ot Lot 153! GENEVA (AP)The interna-| 1 ee thence suush | a es a ae west- boundaries of Lots 44 (T.L. 1717P) (T.L. 9429! Charlotte Lan | tional committee of ~ the- Red ? “Oe ae . id northerly extremity . = ig eke Ag 82 aaa and 48 (T.L. 1718P) to the north-east | District, being a point on the north-| | . 2 . eRe youndarit caida de val wosteriy @irec. (ery, poundary of ¢he a cee Ar aki Lak 48; themes wett-lefly Righveater-mpark of Diba wd. | cae has decided to use for) OLYMPI:t HURDLER—John Holland of Hamilton, N Z., 25-year Freda ‘ \ ing the northerly bound-| Benson River a wn northerly di-|erly and northerly following the Masset tnieti thence northerly and|c" eae ee part of the medi-| oiq school teacher, will represent his country.in the 400-metre gg et one Mgr ms rc nen} southerly. owing the westerly “y ch. | southerly and westerly boundaries of westerly following the boundaries »:|¢al supplies sent. to Hong Kong juries in the Olympics at Helsinki, New Zealanders expect il ene ‘' Creek to the southerly boundary of | Fee” : ae oe the | LOt 035 (T.L. 1948P), S.T.L.’s 5830P said Lot 1531 to most northerty | for vietims i , 7 . ay ie penile ani dye gaaaa ’ t oum. fe, | the watershied of White River; thence | Cit and asterty Oeeceon, Rivet t0 and S8396P to the north-west corer horth-west corner thereof; then >| Korea. 4 Se eer ie te place in the first six on the basis of his record whieh : aul n a keneral westerly and northerly| Waterehed of . . of said S&.T.L. 5836P; thence easterly due west to the v rly bo ry | a J | ine : reaachi >» somi-finals i th ¢ ) ina” if therl™ direction following thy aioe ct the southerly boundary = o— rer — ee on gs Bet ghd aoeety Sone The Communists have refused inetudes: FOpCHINy the semi oe ~ he ie CLs ; erences es westerly wundaries of the watershed | River thence hr Se totewii the |S.T.L.'s 5836P and 5837P to the thence in a general southerly direc- | to accept the supplies. Some of London and a second in the 1950 British Empire Games. vu ; hems, of said White River to the southerly and weak aged eae boundaries of | South-west corner of ST.L. §841P; tion following said westerly boundary| them will be sent to India. | (CP PHOTO) , ; "boundary of the watershed of Schoen outherly anc id Cluxewe River thence northerly following the west- to the westerly boundary of the | — SR se 2 See te ee S ra, ies of th? Creek; thence in a general northerly | the watershed of weet the south-east | erly boundaries of S.T.L.'s 5841P and watershed of Masset Inlet; thence in| m direction follo the southerly and | © @ point due ee - : = north 5842P to the north-west corner of a general south-easterly direction fol- | . _ wsterly boundaries of the watershed | commer of 8.7L 1973; ae ks the Said S.T.L. 5842P; thence westerly lowing said westerly boundary to 2 Rane of id Schoen Creek to the south-| easterly In a straight Genter 17. following the southerly boundaries point due west of the north-west .— a tee high-water-mark of Schoen | South-west Higgs - aie snq (of Lots 909 (TL. 1922P) and 908 corner of Section 34, Township °%; | ms - rt Lake; thence due north to the north- | TOW nship 15; thence to davies of (T.-L. 1921P) to the south-west co thence east to said corner; thenes! the ath erly high=water-mark thereof; thence easterly following the ce Gann eaee ner of said Lot 908; thence northerly easterly following the norther Cs 8483! " Dts eral westerly direction fol-|8#id Section 7 adi : rtherly aid following the westerly boundaries of boundaries of Sections 34, 35 and 39) eat Corner OF iis’ weld: hinh-wWater-mark to theeormer cereal; tierce Wee NE? ©) tots son (Ts, f00IP) Gant O17 (TL. of saul Township % vo ine south. | 4 or com or econom thet ‘' westerly extremity of said Schoen westerly following ip sachaal cor-|1930P) to the north-west corner of west corner of tion 6, Township} 9 pores |} Lake thence in a general easterly 5.T.L 3326P oo ponte : northerly said Lot 917; thence easterly follow- 5; thence nortlierly to the horth- | .. northerly and westerly direction fol-| €T of 6.T-L 14008 — ied thereot; ing the northerly boundaries of Lots west corner thereof; thence eastert, | °°. m _, oe wing the northerly boundary of the | the oneere ni straight O17. (T.L. 1930P) and 918 (T.L. following. the yutherly boundaries | an on 1 e “~) ; watershed of said Schoen Lake to/| thence north-easter!y Pe Saas ey | 1981P) to the westerly boundary of of Sections 7 to 12 ipelusive, Town- | eee eh, 676. | tne so y boundary of the water-| line to | the gn soci se ag to the | Lot 846 (TL. 5866P); thence south hip 5, to the easterly boundary ot } [é a as ‘ tht hed o River: thence in a gen-|9-T4 4n1eP; thence a aan due | erly, easterly, northerly and westerly said) Township 5; thence northerly | 697, thence norune eral north-westerty direttion follow- north-east corner eo bf Nimpktish | following the ‘westerly, southeriy, foliowing the ca riy boundaries ot | ones : veers 1 i aid southerly boundary to aj east to the tes get oes eruantl easterly and northerly boundaries of Townships 4, 6. 7 and 11 to the | nith=" joint due east of the most easterly River; thence In : Be ; left bank to) sald Lot 846 to the south-east cos- north orie of Section 13 of} il 8N4 | Lopth-east corner of §.T.L, 2015P direction re ee Re , corner per of Lot 2817; thence northerly said Township 11; thence westerly | wiherly boundaries thence west to said corner; thence the most northerly a 15: thence |and westerly following the boundar- following ‘the northerly boundaries | at 108, 4417 and 4411 © in a general westerly direction fol- of Section 33 cows » easterly | tes of said Lot 2817 to the south- of Sections 13 and 14, Township 11, | ; 1 Low 441) wing the northerly boundaries of northerly ere Township west corner of Lot 4; thence north- to the south-east corner of Section | the: eat} sop 1, 2015P. 7214P, 7213P ane | boundaries of aa “yg ‘Township 1, to/ erly following the westerly boundary! 2z of said Township 11; thence | 3510 and Sorop.to the north-west corner of 15, Sections en, Y the south of said Lot 4 to the most westeriy . northerly following the casteriy| ae Ad SCLL: T21aP: thenpe due west pne north-east sore oo Oi. | north-west corner tmerent being (8) bounds oO Sections 22, 27 and neh terly: 7 Salt ne’ easterly “boundary of the 4 of sald Section ¥; tus "cig |point on the southerly Bishiwat ++ 134, Township 11, and Sections 3, _ vatershed of Lukwa Creek; thence in to the north-west a. seenie north: | Mark of Alliford Bay; thence in 2/10 and 15 fownship 14, to the +4 A to » general northerly direction follow- outh ' of Rection a ste ly boundar general north-easterly direciion 1 -tsoutherly boundary of Lot 409: , a t4i i the easterly boundaries of the erly following the et of sat | owing the southerly high-water-| thence wes and northerly fol- low the ep weiheined ot Lukwa aon Claud Bi. i6¢ OF Gectee 9 ee corner |mark of Alliford Bay and Skidegate | jowing the boundaries of said Lot “ { Lot 463) ot Creeks to a point due east of ‘Township | to the ao a point on| inlet to the north-east corner of | 40) ‘to the northerly boundary of a th Corner) the most northerly north-east corner of said Section bi . ese ieee ate of |S T.b. 5845P; thence southerly to) Section 16, Township 14 thence rf hence westerly tO] or gry, @461P; thence west to said) the southerly ae ee in a ger-| the south-east corner thereof; thence | westerly iolowing the — northerly corne thereo! crit thence due north to the Broughton Strait; = slowing said easterly to the north-east corner of | boundaries ef Sections 15, 16 and th miles; thence} \oetherly boundary of the watershed | ¢ral westerly direction ae to. the| Lot 029 (T.-L. 1842P); thence souti-| 17 to the easterly boundary of Lot le westerly ved { said Claud Elliot Creek; thence southerly ER Ae os 95: thence | (rly following the easterly boundar- | y95; thehee soutnerly and westerly " Lois Lake: | 5, eneral westerly direction fo! north-west corner ee ‘the westerly ies of Lots 949 (T.L. 1942P) and ¥30 | following the boundaries of said Lot northerly cir lowing said northerly boundary to southerly following , 95. Sections 13 ani (T.L, 1943P) to the northerly bound- | 995 to a point on tne casterly higa- he westerly boune ary of Lot 915 (T.L, 1928P); thence | waver-mark of Yakoun Bay Masset rshed of Lois I poundaries of Lot he westerly boundary of the water- 12. Township 2 to the south-east e ie hed of Tsitika River; thence in ® ner sec 11 of said Town- easterly following the said northerly | ict} tnence nerta 45° west to the ‘ nA naa a ett a eneral vortherly direction following a ee wanenty the south- | boundary to the westerly boundary middlé tine of said Masset Inlet; ~ ) 1 : HP) shknen he said westerly boundary to a porns Sunt “corner thereof; thence south | of — “ ce cee —— thence in a gemerat westeriy a | one cast copher ahereoe fo the south-west corner) ond westerly following the | Hortherly to the north= ~ oa . "| tion following the middie lines of | venterty is traicnt | ot 8-T- 7449P; thence north to = boundaries of Section 3, of sald) thereof; thence easterly 7 ae ies Masset Iniet and Dinan Bay to | ’ € . ; a + I . » pt © i. , 3 2 y oO ) , r - be nea ae ae ‘pp corner thence northerly Maes lrownship 2, to the south-west cor: | rep eget Pre gtr em) (Tt See “i point ana soutn t tng gees bag re 4 ja rt € northerly following the | ory oo aoe 5 pai = an tuk nevis iner thereof; wee mot Toe hike werehohast Horner pe sald Lot] eo yy bhi * oer ood ast : a a ry Oo 7 4 sina on .? ; a4 esterly un . 33. at iit ; eos ? T TE ss r aaa _ par heh high-water-mark of sonnenone strat ee A at %4 ‘Township 24, | 988: — ee en ak ee veing the point of commence- *RIP VAN WIN KLE a ' I ee One € a general easterly direction | * Des sale 3 Sec. | Wes 4 2 > Knent.” | ¥ 1 , the nofth-east cor | thence i & teed srly high- sr. {to the south-west corner of ne ence easterly, southerly and west- : lon recognized as one following said southerly high-water- | 9g thence weaterly following | then easterly, y pA®eh gune 87, AD. 1982 | 2650; thence we : tf gg 22; sterly wing > nant } June 37, J 952 3890" thence wes'-| Thane tothe north-east comer of HOM .cciypoundaries of $-T-L-| S04 foutmenly boundaries of sald. 10 POV Rivek COMPANY of the most comfortable, he Ae it va “ Lot 221 (Pulp Lease); thence a=] % . % north-west | s ; s s Lot | AD js ; ; Btindar a eat to. Lae Fearne, erly. to the South-west corner ot} SF -_ Js at een thence | 916 to the mine ournat auece: LIMITED, long lived mattresses for the ; ; ) i itershed of Horse- : s1AP rnee e 7 he | corner ‘ L => of: thence southerly following the Ait#fsubmission in tespect to the : : : e Rive ; S‘1.L. 11016P; thence easterly to the) i sterly south- : ny sbmiissh i i “§ Prther divestinn an Ea gui = south-east cornet sane boteiggintn hey aT. ‘OTaP: thence herr eer ones = Q a abové application must be in) writ» money available—the Rip N an ini folowing the iP nce due & p east- | east corne : . oa mane | 10846P)) 860 (T.L, 10% ), 859 (T ' bas aikty: Gs or . : Nek ten the watershed a ts snnett or Bong < Booby | westerly, following the eo Paid | i0343P), 858 (T.L. 10342P), 906 (TL she dane or neat po emg ‘a Winkle is made to the same ho 2 eri oO . Lp ah ry 8 | ; * a : M : $ , s ‘ i naine it River and Dodd Lake | qeitica River; thence in a general | of ~ en — prolongation | 10379P), 904 rE voeree pane - : notice of application in The British exacting standards of slumber ; cue cast of the souther alee a ,y gald|S.T.L. 1 see | 10376P), 891A (T.L, 10373P) an 9A | Goat entse. the ater’ of tt at Cavan Like, tence conenty "3 rary toa point ‘ue westerly theres” oar: “ane (TL \0371P) to the south-west cor- | poabgr pap ot gy ahr as aoa viel comfort as all the other fine t aid s« ws ation ce easterly boundary : ae STL. 39 . ne hs 10S" ; eee § sts a) ay hice ie eee sence west of the south-west corner of Lot nt = the north-east corner | ner of said Lot paceors — — | disposal of the application and, | Restmore mattresses. M following. the pecidi. high. | 162 (Tl. 8653P); thence ger ey bese o STL. 1975P; thence westerly and —— ys on ae = a | therefore, to ensure consideration, | ter-mark of said Gio Lith + ia corner; thence easterly to & Me Lot | southerly following the boundaries |, 1’ Soreri api the acce-eant Se | submissions should be Teceived by | the herly boundary of Lot |soudherly north-west come! ctneriy {of sald S.TL: 197SF to. the south | (Se eee tot amma: thence Hore lie’ tee ieciot Breer , eames nna Pb; ther th 48" eee e IGA (TE, GREP): SOE ‘ ; : re westerly | A; ¢ \-'in that period. However, - ; ice south 4€ VES 10 “f | ere: st corner thereof; taence J le . jowing | ss. , wen Lar ; sterly bound : j Pick st to th ,;|) to the south-west corner thereof, vaioetni the southerly boundaries of pe me Oe oT eeane | sideration will be accorded to all | a fe Haslam Lake: the the watershed | tence easterly following the pouth- | follow 976P and 3947P to the e westerly, erly rly | submissions received at any time | ; ther ake; thence in @ general) | pHoundaries of Lots 164 (T.L.|S.T.L.’s 1 boundaries of Lot 886A (T.L, 10368P) | prior to final disposal, Submissions | direction following said . 7 to the}south-west corner of said 8.T\L, to the northerly boundary of Lot 25; |, dresse: Min- | ste i 942P) and 163 (T.L 8941P) to 1s '\should be addressed to Deputy n —"Y boundary to the northerly er eetaban. corner of said Lot. 16%; | 3947P: thence Sern eae thence easterly and southerly along | ister of Forests, Department of Lands . t 8ST. 37468 - 3145P: | thence northerly and westerly fol-|straight line to the sou the boundaries of said Lot 25 to the/anq Forests, Parliament Buildings, A ee ’ : STL. 1377P; thence westerly|south-east corner thereof, being | victoria, B.C. “A Good Place to Buy—For Over a Quarter Century” 27 Third Avenue Phone 775 ‘sterly and southerly fol+| lowing the poundaries of said Lot| ner of "ng the boundaries ot aid S-'T.b | 188 to the south-west corner of Lot folliwing the southerly boundaries of! poiny on the northerly Aigh-water- | (J27,33,10,17) — i A ma