3 '. k. I. II it ? l3tmcc Uupcrt Daflp rectus LtD. Friday November 7, '1047 An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding or Prince Rupert ind all communities comprising northern and central British Columola. i (Authorized as Second Class MaU. Post Office Department. Ottawa) a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. II. a. PERKY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd... 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia, SUBSCRIPTION UATEJ. City Carrier, per week. 13ci Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, 7.00; Bj Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, M.00. Who the Aggressor? Br HE RUSSIAN foreign commissar, V. M. Molotov, Ji lids been indulging in some rather heavy propa-? ganda designed, it would appear, to considerable pxtQnt for home consumption but certainly not to jreliee-tuiy war of nerves there may be abroad. The iifjhier df the Soviet Army talks about immediate xeadindss to repel aggression. In spite of the Molotov fulmfnations and Red Army alarms, we know that neither United States or Great Britain have any intention or desire to embark upon a war of aggression against anybody. The idea, of course, is ridiculous. At the risk of being suggestive of war-monger-ing or undue distrust we cannot resist thinking iXlvdt Russia, if she did have the secret of the atom bomb, would wage war aggressively. Russia would make something out of the defensive preparations which have been embarked upoiK jointly by the Americans and Canadians in the I'ar .Worth and Arctic recions. rossiblv. it is .'y-r'frr. well' that we should be making ourselves strong in : ftheie;areas for it is but a realistic assumption that H S a z - u-anoiner Avar would oe iougnt in uiese parts as tne real irqnt line. Pointing the need for continued vigilance comes the 'report that Russia is building "Rock Houses" , .in the cliffs lining the shores of Siberia opposite St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea. The report does hot" come from any source that might be suspected of anti-Russian propaganda, It is reported through a Presbyterian missionary on St. Lawrence Island, who, in turn got the news from some - Island ... Eskimo who had been conscripted and . used t-L i. iin.ii pi in - in uiu wurK. vvnetner oiiensive or cieiensive, such, work in such isolated regions suggests the fact ., ..that Russia may be even more actively conscious oi tne nortn as a strategic area than we, on this i; continent, have been. HIGH SCHOOL SITE THE OPINION of the school board notwithstand-I ing, we cannot see a major school site on Acropolis Hill as being particularly central or convenient either now or in the future. Undoubtedly there is a beautiful prospect and the ground is suitable Irom a building standpoint.. The exposure .and the climb involved in reaching an Acropolis Hill site would always exist. These factors have .mitigated against the area as a central gathering 'place throughout the years and have led on various occasions to other sites being considered, for activities such as the city's principal sports venue. The school board would do well to reconsider well before making its final decision. There are disadvantages which might become more fully apparent once the location was implemented and the project established. - NEWFOUNDLAND THE PRESENT STATUS of Newfoundland is unlike the political situation of any other part of the British Empire. The former colony of Britain is not a dominion or a province nor has Newfoundland independence, To say the country is "up in the air" is a slangy way of expressing a trirthu Nvfoundland is temporarily governed by a Commission and has been for more than a dozen years. Next spring, there is to be a referendum to determine public attitude on an offer from Canada of 'admission to Confederation. Reminiscences ByWJ. Reflections Prlnct Rupert had barely be- (, the deadlier the better really come incorporated when the ! worked. Only "operation plzen" -taxpayers,were called on to meet1 tnrew Iul1 weight into the Tf - " ... I battle, holt In did AlA. the (ho. rodent nAf offensive nfrnncU.n v -mm .menace; that .'held danger to ... .both health and property. From nowhere in particular, Tats multiplied. And today, with i,. the necessity of extermination again appearing, local history is about to be repeated. Back .In 1910, the unlovely creatures on nimble feet spread wherever there were human beings. They haunted rooms and closets, stores and 'warehouses, wharves and cafes, streets and shacks. The collective rat appetite knew no limit or appeasement. They kept crossing sidewalks some- ;J;lmes on it but more frequently below, '- Some never took the trouble to run. They had a cool impudence In the unlooked-for presence of a citizen and of be-;lng told,about it. It was Just as if one looked up and remarked, . . "The you say!" Shooting got you nowhere. Only poison- start weakening. More power to the reoeat demonstration now on. in' up!" The little house over in the neighborhood of Cow Bay and Manson Way where Pat Carey, and his good wife lived this many a byegone year still stands. Both Pat and partner have, passed on. Each was a link with an era that liked its little joke, so it did. Pat wore long whiskers and, when he spoke, you'd have thought County Gal-way had suddenly come to town. ' "Pat," said Dr. W. T. Kergin, pioneer physician, one morning, "I hope by the time I become your age I shall be as straiiht as you are," "Faith, and ye will," said Mr. Carey. "Only ye won't ho tand- Education TFeeh it- j By NEIL ROSS ! Program Director, Civic Centre Education, according to the dictionary, is the systematic development and cultivation of tlw? normal powers of intellect, feeling and conduct so as to render them efficient in some particular form of living or for life In general. The theme of Education Week for this year is "Seven Freedoms," one of which is "Freedom for Leisure." Again referring to the dictionary, we find that leisure itself is defined as a freedom, freedom from stated or necessary occupations. Thus we find that freedom from leisure provides us with an opportunity for recreation, since leisure is freedom from stated or necessary occupations. Recrea tion, which is defined as the art of recreating or state of being any diverting or pleasurable ex erclse or employment for the t Supervised or organized recre The question is often aslpilr Bv what stanuarus snouiu a business be judged? Should it be judged 'by its size? Is a small business better than a large one? Fair measuring sticks to a good business can generally be found in the answers to such questions as: Does it provide high quality goods or services? Are its prices fair? Arc employees paid fair wages? What are the working conditions? Does . it occupy a position : of respect in the community? Can it offer a stable return to investors? Good management need never apologize for its actions provided it can give honest answers to these - simple fundamental questions. Tfxcc viewi ore prtuntti in ihli tifuifdptr bf th( Brituti Columbia Federation b Trdtk ami frttlustrjf. q-I PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO strike of gold in the Kalum I November 4, 1922 - i . , , . . i i uuiu ciuaiMuuu iiuiii ation is thus a particular and ment to make on the matter. important part of education.' ' Education, as understood today, Eighteen yards or sidewalk on connotes all those processes cul- Third Avenue were overturned, tivated by a given society as a a number of plate glass windows means for the realization in the blown in, a boat blown across individual of the ideals of the the harbor and other damage community as a whole. It may resulted from a CO-mlle-an-hour be either mainly esthetic, ethl- wind which hit the city during cal, intellectual, physical or the night, technical, but to be most satis- factory It must involve and de- education, through example and velop all these sides of human repetition, in social conduct, capacity. Thus it is shown that obvious standard require-recreation is a necessary ad- ment3 o( sodai behavior include junct to education. a sense of fair piay. an mnerent Freedom means possession or I knowledge of the meaning of allowance of particular priv- sportsmanship and the comple-lleges. Freedom for leisure pro- mentary knowledge of team-vides capacity for recreation work. and freedom in this sense must j Freedom for leisure, then, al-not be confused with license ! lows the privilege of refreshing which is unrestrained liberty of , the body or mind through pleas-action and abuse of privilege. urable diversion or amusement ' Restraint may be caUed a and permits enjoyment of the habit or characteristic which act of recrating. are attributes acquired not through a sustained period of tuition but rather as a result of habitual and repetitive practice. One acquires education by devious means as through tuition, as a result of teaching, by example, by memory, and by repetition 6f action. Recreation then becomes a means of education in the particular field of conduct. The normal powers of intellect must be developed and cultivated systematically, and what better method can be found of developing these powers than through pleasurable diversion for the refreshment of body or mind? As we have said, education includes development for the realization In the individual of the ideals of the community as a whole. Naturally enough In order to remain an accepted Individual in the community ono must conform to standards' of behavior which have become accepted through usage. Certain physical and moral requirements must be fulfilled. Supervised or organized recreation provides the obvious means of JUDGE 1 EHOWYO ABUSIHESS I, , i -M i 1 Oneimpe"1 i' iiurr II A kJIYTAM .Rupert, he uvea in British co ' lAIYirX nZllVlKlliro lmbia,Ilp,,Wk Koote- PASSES AWAY lUtUrfacesrv,a'PPSfetCt . 11 covers. 3 One coai r"7 - . . .j t one hour hour. a Dries n." ula naint odour - 5 . No t-a:. room in i uio. wasri nays during hn fimmi excite ment and was the .first police ' " ing the height of the boom, as t.,. umntnn rtuH . ' Q. S. Malloch of the Domin- James Hampton died last eve- J J ion geological survey finished a nlng at his home, 428 seventh , - survey of the Groundhog coal Avenue West, following a long liaise ir mm u ti fuM lllnc.w He had reached an nri- .iwuo. c oaiu uiai. wic was not as large as was at first, vanced age and for years had siaeraoie clprihfl tlmp ume anticipated but Uoat it had i been gradually falling. many seams containing large quantities of coal. Capt. Alexander and Capt. Hawthorne, owners of the famous Engineer mine at Atlin, went south on the Princess Sophia. They had with them samples from the property the value of which was said to run as high as $100,000 per ton. Joe Belway and Alex McLaren His passing takes another of the city's pioneer citizens for he came here weil in advance of the completion of. the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and had long taken an active part in general community affairs. I He had, In fact, shared in the development of the Canadian west, and from personal experience could tell of early days In small towns that became arrived from Kltsumkalum byCalfary and Edmonton he was in Rossland. He was also located in Vancouver for a con- He is said to have started the first ice rink west of the Rockies. With the pushing of the new transcontinental line through toward the coast, he lost no time In locating here early, arriving about 1909, and through the subsequent years engaged In re-tall trade, contracting, building and other lines of enterprise. j Mr. Hampton was an experienced hunter and when time and opportunity offered liked rifitlilns better thnn t.n on Intu cities such as Regina, Brandon, tne mountalns around Prlnce Rupert. He bagged nunv a deer : Bom in Cortland, Ontario, Mr. and goat! i Hampton came west In 1880. He The surviving members of the ! worked on the C.P.R. survey. He family are Mrs. Hampton and was through the Northwest Re- daughter Helen (Mrs. Ollberti.' bellion of 1885. For a time he who have the svmD.ithv of mnnv m 111 j. V Uiivllw mil & i WAVY 0 vu 1 j - - - recreated and which embodies identified with commercial was friends. The funeral announce h lnslde ftnd outside workers reiresnme n "u! hall. The city engineer's office; Long before settling In Prince I Advertise in the Dally News, logical complement of leisure. ficV.Iv,. i r iiri...i. .ii. . .... . . . were Dendinc. accordimr to re-' " wiuniprg norm mem win be made later. ports emanating from the city oI Winnipeg. was said to be expecUng the 1 most drastic cuts in personnel, j Mayor Rochester had no com- FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE I'KINO KUPERT Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA .... florae room. , ... -linn ($4.95) do-- 2 Coversau- br.ck shable surface use Pt RADISH $0C AT Tuntjc AUNT JEMIMAS Good for you. Digestible as toast. Yes! .i a.S L' walls that WWi look like a million dollar Overseas Cartons .ii m .- si in 6-pound and 11-pound i in i -ir i ai mt unu iuc eacn respeciil These are suitable for packing your psj Christmas mailing. You can get tbl as any other requirements from Broadway Cat Forr.: v Ec YOUR 11 EST BATING PU FULL COUUSi: MKALS II A..U TO I M Chinese Dishes Our Speai HANQl KT II A LI FOR Ll'XCHfi DINNKRS AND I'ARTIF'v- Kriendij 608 Hiinl Avenue U'est Pay a Visit to Fowlie & tattle See the excellent values in II lack Electric Seai coat These hard - wearing, deep piled and luxurious coats in a variety of styles and prices are sure to meet with your approval. $95.00 - $150.09 $225.00 .Budget Terms Available - N Interest No Carrjins Charges STYLE and Uen.ember-.for QUALITY, Fowlie .'128 Third Avenue Tflvlffll 47 Hm To Wartime Housing Prcha' We have somethinj I"- C(F tereslin anU reason- able to offer you in . . n0 i ftilrnllU"1' . i.,v..w mill iw- . ...i nr UW ,, ... h iuu r lay in providing y .r;ourn ivn i ivn :i lll.lll iu . iinr nv m'v i Do Not Uciay: .. ..r. r CDUIN U I- U I II 1 It .J V - .. ( n ll. L L v f " ,i6S'l" a sr tcif.m - - . .i nl III Phone INI or vlsii c&1