f 4 v Irfnrc nnurrf Dafto Jftctas Friday Nbvember 7. 1947 tf to West OGDEWS Rolls Best Asd? YOU'LL ROLL 'EM A ' ''WT TO' HOU-DIUOHTfUl TO SMOKE "PIPE SMOKERS! ASK FOR OGDEN'S CUT PLUG." J V y DRESSER SETS FLATWEAR y FOR THE LATEST IN y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y MANSONTS JEWELLERS "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER" Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED t'ARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5CG Prince Rupert, B.C. RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER HKOKI.KS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS j (Just East of i Box 548 Moving:, racking Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones CO and C8 e a A a a a a A A A A A SHOPPING DAYS X a a TILL CHRISTMAS A A A A A A A A A A ItULOVAS A A A A GItUENS A A A A ELGIN'S A A and A A A A Many Others to A 3 A Choose From A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Shopper U A A The Early Never Disappointed On Engraving ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES A . JEWELRY RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service for all makes of cars and trucks. (ll) Llpsett's, Waterfront) Phone Green 075 Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come In and see samples WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing PUCK LEAGUE T BULL SESSION Muzz Patrick and Mac Colville Keminekce By KEN METHERAL Canadian Presa Staff Writer VANCOUVER (Pi Away out here on Canada's west coast where men are men and more fragile Easterners watch enviously from the sidelines, Clancy (News-Herald) Loranger a 110 pounder who just manages to reach the five-foot-five mark by standing on .his toes recite3 the following tale of a typical far west "hot stove league" session: "A bunch of us he-men were whoopin' it up, twisting wrists, Indian wrestling and spitting on the floor you know us he-men and when we finally tired of sport, we got to talking. He-men talk, of course. "The subject strangely enough was he-men we have known. "When we had exhausted the subject and our listeners of our own prowess of splitting doors with our fists and chewing nails and spitting rust, the talk drifted toward the sport world. "The first plug for a good example of rampant muscle went to Muzz Patrick of the Victoria Patricks. Mac Colville seconded the motion and whipped in with an anecdote about their days together on the New York Rangers. "Colville (now coaching Vancouver Canucks in the Pacific Coast Hockey League) recalled a game in which Rangers were playing Boston Bruins and there was a scuffle in the corner. "Eddie Shore, a citizen who was never known to run away from a brawl, was upholding Boston's end, and Muzz was the party of the second part. The fight didn't last long. Patrick swung once, and Shore skated out of the corner holding hi i hands over his fj.ee. The punch ; had broken his nose. "The talk drifted to football i and how Greg Kakat took the ! starch out of Dean Drifting. ! The Calgary coach and ex-Re-gina Roughrider isn't exactly a lily himself, and, as a matter of fact, I understand he still prefers his meat raw. "Kabat (ex-Winnipeg Blue Bomber and now football coach at University of British Columbia) and Griff lng had been growling at each other for years I and on this particular1 day Ka- bat decided he had to discour-1 age Dean If his club was to do anything at all. "So on every play Greg con- j centrated on Dean, putting! everything he had into every block and every tackle and incidentally walking on his face n sam iace happened to, be in the right position. Finally, somewhere in the second half, Griff lng had 'had it.' '"Nuts to you, Kabat,' he said, or something eauallv he-man nish, 'I'm through, I'm getting out of here.' "Yep, Kabat won that round. but Grifflng got even in the next game. There was a pileup, then a howl from Kabat. Grifflng had bitten a piece out of his leg." Yes, sir! Men are men he-men away out. here in the west. MUCH WATER NEEDED It takes about 22,000 gallons of water to make one ton of newsprint, ed. PIONEER JOURNALISTS The Pekin Court Gazette, China, was 640 years old when the first newspaper was printed In Europe in 1524. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert GREER & BUILDERS AND Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 5G1 In - HWPiTmm i 'ii"ffrfHHitiViinmiii urn Saturday evening President Art Murray will offer to the basketball fans a menu which should be something of a nice dish. The curtain-raiser brings tc-Sther 66 Taxi and Gyros. The Taxlmen will try and extend their lead at ine expense of the i clubmen but, according to the latest report, the playground lads will be in there fighting from the opening whistle. The second game between Fashion Footwear and Merchants should be a ding-dong battle. The Booters are out to try, and get their first win. Jack Chesbro, one of baseball's leading spltball pitchers, died at Conway. Mass.. 16 years ago today. He led National League pitchers in 1901 and .1902 while with Pittsburgh, and In 1904 hung up an all-time record for games won with 41, while playing with the New York Yankees. Gaye Stewart of Toronto Maple Leafs and Jimmy Orlando of Detroit Red Wings were ordered by Frank Calder. National Hockey League president, to pay $100 to a war charity. five years ago, for their part In a fight in an N.H.L. fixture at Toronto. at iv ic Centre TOMOKRO W Saturday Sports A.M. 11:00 High School Novice Girls' Basketball. P.M. 1:30 Novice Adult Badminton. 7:00 Basketball 65 vs. Gyro, r r i r V V, ". ui.amx i.u-op vs. mownwootw. c....:.i v ... 1 -an TlnHmlntnn SPEAKS ON EDUCATION "Education Week" was explained to Prince Rupert Rotarl-ans Thursday afternoon by R. D. Cleland, vice principal of Booth Memorial High School, In an address which outlined the corn- plex approach to the single aim of education enlightened citi zenship. Mr. Cleland said that developments in science are causing constant shifting in educational methods and that the conception of "Education Week" is based on the desirability of keep ing those outside the profession posted on the changes. ' He outlined the educational j methods used at Booth High ! School which, he said, Is abreast of the present-day approach to secondary school education. j Mr. Cleland was thanked for ! his address by Club president Lee ' Gordon. Guests at the luncheon I were Major Grant. Vancouver; BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 721 The Basket. a This should foe a very close same. The Senior tilt will have Brownwoods and Co-op each trying to get their ffrst win. Coach Angus McPhee had his team out the other evening and predicts he should defeat the shoe merchants by five or six points but. Aiex Bill is quite confident that his squad will have a walk over. The prediction is that the Cabbies will defeat the clubmen. Fashion Footwear should win by a close score over Merchants Co-op should beat Brown woods. MADDIAfiC .Miss Edna Toop Becomes Bride of Robert Cooper TERRACE On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in St. Matthew's Anglican Church, marriage vows were exchanged between Edna Agnes Toop, only daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Toop of Terrace and Robert Mar-sharsbai Cooper, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cooper, Forestry Warden of Terrace. The Church had been decorated for the occasion with late fall flowers by Mrs. Bert West. Mrs. 11. King and Mrs. Thomson. FRANCOIS LAKE Mrs. Phil Kelly brought a box of gifts of food from the Women's Christian Association at Southbank to go in the Women's Institute box for the Lon don Hospital Two boxes have been sent off recently. It has been a rainy week and the roads are in poor condition, especially for the trucks hauling cattle and lumber. A farewell dance for the Rad- levs , hpM . n o, .,- . --- - j - nlng at Colleyraount, MEN'S FIVE PIN "B" LEAGUE Nov. 7- Army vs. 'Canflsco, Grotto vs. Thorn SAI. Co-op vs, Moose, Thorncllffes vs. Scotians, Stones vs. Maple Leafs, Mutts vs. Fish Dock. Nov. 14-Mutts vs. Thorn S.M., Stones vs. Thorncllffes. Maple Leafs VS. Scntlans. Armv ve Pith Dock, Grotto v. Moose, Co-op vs. Canflsco. Lieut. Stapleon, R. G. Moore. C. A. Radford, Edmonton; H. E. Pawson, Montreal; and Judge W. O. Fulton. Sotttsd BEER delivered free to your home C . 0 . D PHONE 654 25c PER DOZ. PAID for EMPTIES Please have them ready when the driver calls. This advertisement U not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or oy tne uovurnment ol British Columbia, Timely Topics This being Education Week,! to the schools were open to the parents on Wednesday and the teaching staff report that quite lng large number of parents visited late the schools in the morning to and afternoon. aim Two inches of snow fell In Terrace during Tuesday night but Wednesday's sun dispersed it. However, on Thursday morning there was just as much snow again. John Hepburn travelled to Prince Rupert on Tuesday's train. ' of Mrs. Brackenbury and sen Raymond returned on' Tuesday after a couple of days .spent in Smlthers. Hugo Kraupner of Prince Ru oe pert arrived in Terrace on Monday on a business visit II. Hal-liwell is taking over the Cleaners' Agency in Terrace. to MargUerlate Paquette was a visitor to Prince Rupert on Tuesday. C. L. M. Glggey drove to Prince Rupert on Wednesday morning making a beautiful setting for the lovely bride who was given in marriage by her father. ( Attired in a floor length, short sleeved sown of white ny- j Ion satin, with peplum and a sweetheart neckline, and an embroidered net veil, pearls, the gift of the groom, were the bride's only ornament. Sk carried a bouqutt of piak row. Her only attendant was Pat Tumllson in a floor length 'gown of ice blue Nylon, sweetheart-neckline, blue shoulder veil, held in place with a coronet of flow ers. She carried a bouquet of pink ronebud. Alex Holden attended the groom and Ronnie Paulsen was other. Mrs. C. J. Norrinton played the nuptial music at the organ. A quiet reception for relatives was later held at the home of the bride's parents where pictures were taken by Joe Feller of the bride cutting a beautiful three tiered wedding cake. The toast to the bride was proposed by Sid Cooper and to the bridesmaid by Rev. R. Hills. All the guests wore a nosegay of fresh roses from tne garden of Mrs. Loen. Later in the evening a dancf was held in the- Oddfellows Hall where friends of the young couple gathered to with them happiness. Music for the danclK? was provided by the local orchestra fOR THAT m G01D ; ; RUB IN... I Three Ballings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3i pjn Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WRANOIJ.L and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND POUT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 November 14 and 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, 16 and 30 Midnight, FRANK J. SKINNERj 1" i Prince Rupert Agent! Third Ave. Phone 568 froth Terrace meet Mrs. oiaeev i, , been visiting frieads and tlves in tpe East after com), Mrs. Mar, wlduw or t Canon Marsh of Ten;, the home of her son-in- uausmar, Mr. and M: . ,MMIl JormeriY Prince Rupert and now of m treal. Mrs. Dover and Mrs. Maxi. motored to Prince Rupert Wednesday with C. L. M. Gi, The W.A. of St. Matin.-.-. Anglican Chuch ait at the hoi, Mrs. Olsen on Thunjdiiv , ternoon. Mrs. West was in ! : , chair again after a few wm: absence in Vancouver. Mr- m Nabb acted aa secretary in ;i absence of the secretary, p; ., were laid for a tea and sa neia on uecember 6 Uiui. wear for the Anglican Schoo. Parcross has been purely. ; and proved satisfactory to members and will be forward : the Diocesan Dorcas secretan For dec, , MINORA B Conn.-. 1 LITTLE, HAUGLAND & Uoujh and Dressed Lumber Lumber Manufacturers TER RACK Agents For International Ilirmtw Co. nresione Tire & Rubber Co. I I'hilco Kadios Willard Battcrit; Phil's Cafe LaUclsc Aonue BREAKFAST - LUNCH -I AND BANQUETS Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries QuUc cdCstal Proprietor, Phi) TetnJ! TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terra, PHONE 81 DAILY DELIVERS SERVICE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS na low prit, '2for25f w ECONOMY PACK 12 TtrrifJ SING Immediilttfrrl machinal rM SINGE! Sewin? JlitVj .V "'al-MlSABB be: i HEW M HOTE A Home PRINCE pbone Ml Orme Bn 'THE PIONE EB DRUGGIST From This Bate WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 512.00 per ton MINE R UN-Loose $11.00 per tun No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 4 EASY T 49.5 ONE WEEK1 (White W (P .. .L-ipnts) Guaranteed tor-