% ‘, Sixty Years of Building Health Sixty Years of Instilling Hope Sixty Years of Practicing Brotherly Love OO An MEE | so niversary of the UNION PRINTERS HOME To International Typographical Union, while observing its 100th Anniversary Year, the 60th Year of the Union Printers Home at Colorado-Springs, Colo. Fortunately, the realization of hum initarian ideas and ilso_ celebrates altruistic plans has kept pace with the discoveries of science and the development of skills by the building of this Home for the aged and infirm. To have maintained this Home for sixty years is a tribute to the unselfishness of the working union printers of the United States and Canada. This Union Printers Home for aged craftsmen, with its hospital and tuberculos's sar atorium, 1S a practical invest- ment for the International Typographical | nion’s 95,000 It offers reh< suffering curable diseases and relief for those members. bilitation for those from who need medical care Thou- and assistance often impossible to obtain elsewhere. LL RIOLT LIP LEE NE rT ee as Te Hospital Operating Room sands of union printers have been restored to health and returned to useful production. It-is financed solely from the pay checks of union printers. * In addition to the care for the sick, the Home itself is a place of refuge and rest for many whose life-work is prac- tically finished and whose remaining years can be cheered and lightened by the love of universal kinship and the tender- of human affection,’ William Green, presitient of the American Federation of Labor, said of-it: the Union Printers Home as one of the most outstanding achievements of any and all And a typical picture of the Home today was accurately aie at the dedication ceremonies just ness and helpfulness “l regard the establishment of organizations.’ Sixty years ago: “This Home is a tribute tothe worth of the craft and to Board of Trustees Wooprurr RANDOLPH, President WiiuiaM R. Lucas, Vice-President Don F. Hurp, Secretary-Treasurer Roy T. BAKER Guy M. BILLINGSLY Epwarp J, FirzGeRaLD Danie J. MCCAULEY DoweLt E. PATTErson, Superintendent Eva R. PAtTerson, Matron the benevolent development of the age. Here will be gathered many of tke bright minds of the art preservative. Here after the active possibilities of life have departed will come veterans from the ranks, to gather around the hospitable fireside, amid the glow and beauty of this most favored spot, and recount the experiences of the craft, stories of the printshop, and achievements of great men of the profession. Here will the burden of misfortune be lifted, sorrows mitigated, suffer- ing ameliorated, and the sunset days of many good men be rendered most happy.” * * * The building of the Union Printers Home, its growth and its maintenance by working union printers throughout the United States and Canada—this truly is an exemplification of otr American way of doing things! “Dairy Herd and Corrals Prince Kupeit Daity News Friday, July 4, 1952