t PtncQibprl Arli)prtfcina Prfnre Rupert DaHp Betas m w Booth M emorial School News! Friday November 7, 194T r word pr insertion, minimum charge. BOff. Birth Noticen, FOR SALE ...-tinir House. nyi" -ivlng references mm u a" - WANTED" Capable i.nrvr iiiiuuiv -o'- -fir Private room, an Willi!,-.... Innltt . - -till 1,-vnlr hildren evenings, pnone WANTED (tf) . . i J I..w AT I II IU lUUIil 1VM IT U IT---LJ " " JLU) ww-- - - ri- w (2GI) -arty $8,cJ0. will slve 1 (206) I PERSONAL seuo wife power of at- (2601 r,nnnrO 1 MO UvMnTlH i ocsltive and perman- r 1t T. release irom urunmig. it p rfiiiiriru wiuiuuv limv ; Box 276. Dally News, (tf) 7 T-v 1. I A - I I room uarJt anu auuutu r i .1 1 1 lit- iiiiiuc u..a c uua iui dv sanainK. a quick, ei- . - . j n.l J 4 i. - service rnone itea ooi. a 1 Li 1 ROOM AND HOARD AST) BOARD $40 each f 14.1 ( nv p n i ttt i w svl-:i nome tedit. meais. m pt 822 France Slrppt. ftfl OUT ANI FIlITKrl Odd locket, initialled Flr.der please return ' Dally News. 254) k 'iLijiij niiik.rv ir leaking eavestrouah? Black 884. New lnstalla- H.wt, WWM (I) MM WW. i oneet Metal Ltd. (tl) r m u u P t f pt T in II arf nu.u. Massett Co-nneratlv As- closlne date Nov. 15. fer.n n x ....... ... n months. pnnrtlUnn n npw. nnori m.wu n , reinforced frame, plat r WxV 6". Platform be purchased with truck nn l ft- .i. .jninH UJllUlLIUlli tires. Equipped with re- , . r"uyiui o o AlO Willi in nniv Co-operative Association. Pr npn Ti. ,ri H,n "Hittuve Assn., F.u. box "lnce RuDert. B.C. n tnr.. i . . j -. ivwuukiuii may uc jio.u either of the above run otxi-tt r ... . I nnmiftoii.. . i - FOR SALE Mc Clary Quebec (tf) V UfiH l.Ilt" IIIIIIICLIA -i-yu-utti type iNauuuui i. r ... . , - "animal iviactliiicijr innnm, ti FOR SALE (tf) riTQ o,,....1.. .1.... 0 uujllltv UJ. UIJT 1. 1 II .I.MA.I I . I M UUVIt .L ttlallVJlll . COrrl Wo tifi ww ijJAV, ULUE 810 lierl'Q T C Third Ave. heater, $10. 1955 5th Ave. E. Phone Red 728 after 5 p.m. (tf). FOR SALE New and Used Fur niture for Household, Offices. Hardware and Musical Instruments, etc. Slightly used Radios, battery and electric sets, from $20; used kitchen Chairs, $1; Hassocks, $1.50; Chesterfield Bed, $32; new double electric Hot Plate with cord, $7; unpalnted Medicine ChesU, $2.75; unpalnted Book Cases and Chests, of Drawers. Everything reduced. Come and War Assets .surplus at previously unheard of prices consisting of: folding steel cets, kitchen, office, mess and cooks tables, all sizes, many solid maple. Chests oX drawers, lockers, counters, kitchen and office chairs, desks, file cabinets, fileboards, coffee urns and numerous other articles. Contact Mr. Johnson-Phone 342. Evenings Blue 607. P.O. Box 927. (2C9) FOR SALE FuJormg and 2x10. Phone Green 698, (281) FOR SALE Large brick-lined circulating heater, used six months, suitable for hall or store. Phone Black 835. (262) FOR SALE Office counter, two drawers and storage space. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. (261) LAST CHANCE! Ere we leave. Gyproc Lath (good), perM. 25.00 12-Llght Windows. (10x16) each (check rail) 3.00 Cedar Siding, 2", per M. 25.00 Loxstave Rafters, 24' long, hinged, each 2.50 Valves, Pipe Fittings, (good) at i Price 1000' Shorts In Pipe, 3'4 to 2V4 Price Good Doors, while they last 4.00 2 Garage Doors, each .... 3.00 1 Penberthy 1" Automatic Cellar Drainer (good).. 10.00 Large Valves and Hydrants Price Shorts in 6x6, 4x14, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10. 2x12, good material rough and S4S, per M 20.00 2x8. 2x10. 3x14, 6x6, S4S base 45.00 2M feet 2x4 shorts, per M 22.50 Many other kinds and sizes of materials at special prices, SPIES Si MECKLING, Phone Brt Wnntae-e Road. (ZGZ) FOR SALE Trolling boat, 28 ft. long, with 7 h.p engine, and eurdies. Blue 518, evenings. (268) FOR SALE Good steamboat winch, and also marine steam 58 h.n.. and con- dencer. Apply Superintendent, Prince Rupert Dry Dock Phone 2G0. (263) -FOR SALE Living room furni ture; also Singer and few odds and ends; double bunks, con-poleums, etc. Priced right. Red 922, 402 East 6th. (265) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMDIA Tin iiiTTTO OP THE ESTATE OF ROSSI ROBALDI OTHERWISE KNOWN AS ROSARIO RODALDO OK .rw-, TMPniPASirn. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot His Honor Juags w. u. r uiw... Judge of the Supreme Court ot Brt- day of October', A.D. 1947, appointed Administrator oi Bobaldl, otherwise known as Rosarlo Robaldo or Robardo, late of Prince oim.rt; British Columbia, who died nhnut the 8th day of Septem w ion it the City of Prince Ru pert, British Columbia. Alt persons indebted to the said estate are re-oulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all nrannu hnvlnsr claims asalnst the said Estate are required to' file them with, me properly verified on or before the 30th day of November, 1947. faUlnn which distribution will be made having regard only to such .... ,v.ih T chill have been U wa.awa. - (Ciailim notified. DATED at rrinEB nupurs. v...- J3rd lay of October. A D. 1947. GORDON FRASER FORBES, " Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Junior High Hallowe'en An enjoyable Hallowe'en party took place In the auditorium of Booth Memorial High School last Friday evening. Most of the popular program was provided by Junior talent Benlta Wlndle sang "The September Song" and "Sweet Sixteen," accompanied by Beverley Matson at the piano. Allan Fredhean gave a piano selection. Eleanor and Bernlce Hood look them over, B.C, FURNI-j san a duet "The Lord's Pray- WTTTIUtr nn m.l, mi pr " and "Tho TVilniri! Wo niH Last Summer." Rosemary Kurulok and Donna Dennlson formed a gay duet, singing "The Old Lamplighter." The master of ceremonies was Robert Wood ot grade 8B. The girl's costume which was awarded first prize was that of Janet Rackow. She was dressed as a young damsel of the gay Nineties. Herbte Amos won first for the boys, with his sombre pirate's costume. The varied games played included the following: The boys' 100 yard dash lng crackers and then whlst- FOR SALE Steel bedstead com-, ling), plete with Esquire spring-fill- j The girls' 75 yard dash (first ed mattress Apply 1020, 9th ' to, drink a coke) Ave. E. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. ( ts) FOR SALE Three rom furnished cabin on Taylor Street. Phone Black 392. (262) FOR SALE 1946 Ford Super Deluxe, Al condition. Complete with radio and heater. Terms cash. Apply 13 Taxi. (2G5) HOUSEHOLD FURNITUREI-Phone Green 469 after 6 p.m. (261) The boys' high Jump . (rolling an apple across the floor with your head). ntnn Diane Kenneay, ijois FOR SALE House and furniture Apply 806 Borden Street. (262) FOR SALE 8-ft. plywood dinghy, pram type, new. Blue 980. (263) FOR SALE 1930 Studebaker se dan and cedar decking, 3xiu nnri 3x12. Aooly Midland Camp. WANTED TO RENT (266) WANTED TO RENT woman and two high school girls want furnished rooms near Booth. Must be clean and reasonaDie. Phone Red 922. 262) Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell UUer) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight Foe -reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PR1NCK RUFERT STUDENT EDITORS Editor-in-Chief, Mary Mae-Afec. Social Editor, Yvonne Morin. Sport Editor, Charles Forbes. Ifolkestad and Frances Olaf- Ron. 'Open House7 Attracts 100 The halls and classrooms at Booth School were thronged yesterday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. by one hundred visitors who took advantage of "Open House" held in connection with the observance of Education Week In the city schools. Ushers conducted visitors about the building so that everyone was given ample opportunity to visit classrooms and see both students and teachers The girls' high Jump (eating ,dent b qulckly proving tQ be cornuaKes wivnoui mum. The boys broad Jump (balancing a bean In a spoon). The girls broad jump (rabbit hop. The boys' javelin throw (bounce balloons on the nose). Mixed potato spoon race and hammer and nail race. The winners of these games were: Elizabeth Martin, Bernice Hood, Isobql Taylor, Dorothy Marshall, Gerry Prockter, Billy Donaldson, Alan Sheppard, Roy Webber, Jimmy Holt, Raymond Davidson.. Paul Slwicki, Billy games. Mrs. Moses supervised the decorating. Miss Anstey looked after the refreshments. Mr. EwaH catered and Mr. Church supervised the games. SENIOR GIRLS' BASKETBALL Bo-Me-Hi's entry In the Ladies' League in the city will see five new players Mona PERSONALITIES TOM HOLT TOM. HCUP-Junior Council President. Tom Holt, the new young and popular Junior Council Presl- both a hard-working and cap able leader. He was largely re sponsible for the fine manner. In which the arrangements for the Junior High Party were so successfully carried out. This Is not his first year on the Student's Council for he was a Grade 8 class president last year. Tom was born in Urma, Al berta, and entered. Grade 3 at Borden Street School when he first came to Prince Rupert. He has shown himself to be Stewart Hills. student. Tom plays on one ol One of the evening's high- the local junior basketball teams lights were the refreshments, and received first class honors consisting of hamburgers, cokes, we offer you for a short while , cookies and cake. only the following: j Two hours of dancing follow - Pig Lead in 3 lb. blocks, lb. .12 ed the various skirts, songs and lr. the recent term examinations. House Sports Are1 Organized would be volleyball and Borden I Ball. Borden Ball was developed during the war cy a Y.M.C.A. supervisor at. Camp Borden and I . . I 1 . iU... Lykegard, Pat Smith, Marlon is piayea on w ru e Greenwood, Beth SedgewlcK ana ' a piayci uuu " Nellie Pavlch. Rusty Thaln, more than three seSonds, can-Jackie Budinlch, Arietta Ham-, not take more than three steps Thompson and Lorna Howe are all that are left of last year's league-winning 'Rainblrds." Classified Advertising Pays! FOR SALE the ball. At the end of the play lng field there la a hockey goal post. Since the game, which is played with a rugby ball, requires no great technical knowledge,. It should be an excellent sport for all to enjoy. Of course, during good weather soccer win be played outside as part of the inter-house sport. HOW CAN 1111 By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove grease stains from delicate fabrics A. Touch the spots with chloroform or ether. Then rub with dry cloth until the spct Is perfectly dry. Use caution wheii handling chloroform or ether. Q. How can I clean silver purses? A. One of the (best ways is to remove the lining, wash the purse In hot soapsuds, rub with any .good silver polish, and then polish with chamois. Q. How can I cool a dlsn ci hot food quickly? A. Place It in a pan of cold salt water. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" (Section 28) Nnllce of Application for Beer Licence NOTICE 13 HEREBY QIVEN that on the 28th day of November, next, the undersigned Intends to appiy to the Llquot Control Board for a licence In respect of premises being r.t n KniiHiiifr knnwn aa Karls- .J. a.a......w i w court Hotel, situate on Colllson Ave-, nue. at Massett. Queen cnarioice Islands, British Columbia, upon the, lands described as Lots One (1). Two' (2) and Three (3), Block Five (5), Subdivision of District Lot Seven (7), Plan 948. Prince Rupert Land, Registration District. In the Prov- lnce of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the bottle for consumption on the premsles or elsewhere. ' DATED this 27th day of October, 1947. I HERALD ORAY Applicant. ,22 STUDENTS GAIN HONORS IN OCTOBER EXAMS ! In the October examinations completed at the iHigh School, twenty-two students won first class Typists Jean Faught, Herdis j honors by attaining an average of 80 percent or better. Margaret Strachan of grade 8M, with an average of 89.1, topped all students in the High School. Margaret Wilkinson of grade 10B, with an average of 87.4, held the highest marks among the senior. Each of the following first das;? Senior High students gained ten points for his or her house: Qrade 12: Arthur Olsen, Gamma, Rose Marie Hart '.p, Gamma. Grade 11. Mildred Furnsss, Delta, Edith Jordan, Gamma, Diane Kennedy, Beta, Laila Hu-scy, Alpha. Grade '40. Margaret Wllkin-sonlpha. Betty Prince.Gamma. In Junior High each of the following fourteen (Students ailso carrying on their normal work.'won or,hls or, At the close of the school day i '"- tea was served to the school's guests. lust cms nuuuuis in exams. Grade 9. Edith Johnston, Al pha. Gerry Prockter, Gamma. Peter Harvey. Delta. Tom Holt, Delta; Magnuj Eyolfson, Delta Margaret Johanscn, Beta. Grade 8: Margaret Strachan, Delta; Margo Brown, Alpha. Grade 7: Margaret Giske, Be ta; Ronald Rhodes, Delta; Junp Henry, Beta; Barbara Hyndman Student Voices MIDGTT JOE In the train opposite me sat the oddest-looking man I have ever seen. He was so small he could pass for ten years but his head was big and old-looking for his small body. He was dressed in a blue suit, a black bow tie,, and a white starched collar that covered his neck Morrison, Penlo Penoff and both a good athlete and a good l rJ ht tQ Ws chJn Judging by his face I'd say he was at least thirty-two. His mouth was as wide as any have ever seen and his eyes were large and brown. He blinked continually in a most unnatural way. It looked as though he was blinking or winking on purpose. His nose was small like that of a baby's and At a meeting of the sports every once in a while he would representatives of the f o u r rub it as if he were thinking, houses, It was decided that th'ej I sat there wondering what main sports for Inter-house this man did for a living. May- competition during the winter I be he crawled in the small parts 1 I i. 11 t 11 . T-MIM I m 1 P 111 of an airplane like I ve seen midgets do in pictures during the war but if he did that he would surely be out of a job now. During the whole ride I kept wondering what this little fellow did for a livelihood now. When the train finally stop- I noticed the writing on it "Midget Jce, Central Circus." Class 8B. Age 13. COTTAGE CHEESE ,New Creamed Fresh Made 1 VALENTIN DAIRY 1 Your Dally ( ALL-WEATHER SERVICE r LING THE TAILOR v are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Electric Heaters Delta; Joyce Strand, Alpha; Ro ibert Dunn, Dalta. Delta, the new house, with eight first class students, scored the largest number of points 80. Gamma house, with 50 points, won second honours closely fol lowed by Alpha and Beta each with 40 points. Students obtaining an aver age of between 65 and 80 per cent.recelved second class honours; each one thus adding five points to his or her House total For 'Xmas j m it i i ' Elaborate- 1 LINGERIES EVENING BLOUSES Up-to-the minute FORMALS Newest Designs- QU1LTED HOUSE COATS SWISS EMBROIDERED BRUNCH COATS ANNETTE MANSELL Upstairs STONE BLOCK for the Cold Weather AKUIN FAN-FORCED EVE11HOT C1KCULATING BEAUTY RADIANT He Comfortable e Wise Buy Now From Stock RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC I'hone Gil 313 Third Ave. W. Box 321 Phone Green 917 !. II. LINZEY 211 4th Street Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! i i i i REX CAFE , SECOND' AVENUE", OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTKL Chop Sucy Chow Mein CHINESE DISHHS OUR SPECIALTY Open. S ajn- ta 2 tun. PHONr 17S A. MacKenzie Furniture Sag CIICS'IEKFILLD SUITES (various designs) CEDAR CHESTS BEDROOM SUITES DINETTE SUITES TABLE LAMPS I'LOOU LAMPS LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas tees t tot ts HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all its branches. 206 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners, PHONES : Green 480 Red 894 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND I SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage Freight Express Ph,bn'e'Blue 269 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 88a LAY-AWAY r END TABLES .MAGAZINE TABLES (walnut). COFFEE TABLES (walnut). LIVING ROOM DESKS (solid mahogany). LIVING ROOM TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). COFFEE TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). MIRRORS Numerous' designs rellectlon of beauty and taste, ORIENTAL. CARPETS WILTON CARPETS AXMINSTER CARPETS. MAIL ORDERS HAVE" IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Business and Professional DR. P. J, CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OP HIS OFFICE FOR THE PR.ACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE. 5. SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 MARIE. RICHARDSON GRADUATE NURSE Dealer for Spencer Style and SURGICAL SUPPORTS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED FOR COMFORT and FIGURE PROBLEMS. For appointments please Phone, Res. Red 246. PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER ' PHONE-RED 828 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. Express Baggage General Hauling FRED'S MESSENGER AND HANDYMAN SERVIQE FRED LOWE. Proprietor 14-Hour service TELEPHONE GREEN 446 149 NINTH AVENUB WEST Grandview Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT ' Call; Black 412 P. N. Kllborn W. Peterson BERTS TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLUE 993 MM MflUtTnU IFflQCKT 1 M nm Um W COIMMWA OPTICAL OX LP I I PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS 3 A, R. LOCK , i. Wedding Bouquets Corsages j Designs Potted Plants T Large selection of Bulbs MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. V JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines . SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808