prince Rupert Daflg JQctos LtA Wednesday, July 2, 1947 (AuUiortJd M Second CI MS Mall, tost Office Department. Ottawa) - Published every arterniyin except Sunaay by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd, Srd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILT NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION A?Jlnd,fpcnent dally newipaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. City Carrier, per week, 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Year. $7 00-. Bj Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year. 4.00. Deplorable Ignorance V" APT. HENRY SLAYTON, who drove into V. Prince Rupert last night to win a medal as the first motorist to drive from Florida to this city, is not the first to tell of Canadian customs officers at the British Columbia border advising 'motor tourists, no doubt through sheer and de-.plorable, if not inexcusable, ignorance, that there ;was no highway open to Terrace and Prince Ru-'pert. How such officials should not yet know the northern transprovincial highway leading to the coast here Is open seems almost unbelieve-able but it seems, nevertheless, true. For instance Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth, recent settlers at Terrace from Nevada, were similarily misadvised and, ilike Captain Slayton, almost abandoned the trip. t The Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia and other organizations were well advised in making vigorous protest to the appropriate government authorities and it is hoped the pro- tests will have immediate effect. Certainly, government officials, particularly those having to do with immigration, should be the last to be so ill informed about their own country and its vital "travel facilities. KEEPING UP TO DATE WHETHER WE ARE READY to admit it or not, this has become an age of international-ism. No longer is it sufficient tor a citizen merely to keep up with happenings in his own community, his own province or even his own coun-. try. In this fast-moving period a development in a country or city thousands of miles away can affect a Canadian community. The last war emphasized to Canadians that the time has passed when they could think of their country as a land isolated and protected by vast oceans on either coast. Events in Asia and in Europe were .interlocked with the destiny of the Dominion. The end of war left Canada with new and lasting responsibilities in helping to make and keep the peace. The citizen shares those responsibilities because his representatives in parliament can carry out programs and, policies only to the extent they are backed -by the people of Canada. Where can the facts be found that will enable a Canadian to express a thoughtful, well-informed opinion on an issue of national importance? To what source can he turn for background information on an international development? Special departments of newspapers are one help special commentaries by news analysts, interpretative articles by correspondents and other expressions of expert opinion. Magazines contain many worthwhile articles written from the Canadian viewpoint. Practically every library has umeiy dooks on current ailairs. An atlas or a trloVa kent near the easv phnir El 3 A v,juxi,o ui Duivcva uiiu similar ac- iiviues can oe ODtamea. Keeping up to date needn't be dry or dull. It ; can provide an interesting way of broadening one's ; horizons, making new friends and gaining satis- faction from being in step with events. Being informed arid alert is more than the duty ' of a good citizen. It can safeguard liberty itself. ; Mr. and M.S. James Biemner , and small daughter returnrd. on - the Prince Rupert this morning from. Ocean Falls, -where -Mr. premner has spent the last few months doing plastering work on construction project. I Stan.ty Cameron, Standard 'Oil Co. representative, returned this morning on the Prince Ru-pert from a business trip during which he attended a company conference at San Francisco. He was in the south 'two weeks. Pre-Vacatioii Special! 1 I I For an elegant holiday, fingernails eloquently mirror-bright with one of Qien Yu's famous colors. CHEN YU Lacquer and Lacquerol Base 75 IReguUrly 11.00) (Matching lipsticks are 11.15) ORMES DRUGS AIRLINE NETWORK LOOPS PRAIRIES i -r- ml-" KCGINA ' ,, - - "- SWIFT CURRENT i C" MCCMCINE MM L! UTHBRIOCE . v. - I With the inauguration of service July 1 over the 763-mile airway direct from Winnipeg to Edmonton, passing through Saskatoon, Trans-Canada Air Lines expands its MALE STEWARDS ON AIR LINES Men Replacing Girls On Winnipeg-Calgary Run WINNIPEG TransCanada Air Lines has graduated its first class of male stewards. Eight ex-servicemen replace the girls on this flight which call at Regina, Swift Current and Medicine Hat to afford a local service across the southern prairies. Some of the men will ultimately be in T.CA.'s over-ocean services. To show there is no hard feel ings between the sexes the eight boys took their Instructress out to dinner Saturday night. She was Stewardess Florence Perkins of Winnipeg and Estevan, Sask. GOODS ARE FREER NOW Local Business Man Sees Wholesale and Retail Markets Getting Back to Normal Business Is rapidly getting back to pre-war normal say.' L. M. Felsenthal, local businessman, who returned to the r.ity at the end of. last week from a periodical business trip to Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. The market, both wholesale and retail, Is turning f:om that of the seller to that of the buyer Contrary to the condition which existed even three months a?o, Mr. Felsenthal reported that he was able to buy fretly of almost 5- prairie network to throw a 1,700 mile loop of air service around the principal western centres and brings them closer -than ever before in point of time. Medicine Hat, Swift ED BAKER HEAD OF ARCH MASONS Edward S. Baker, for many years prominent in Masonic affairs here and now living in retirement in Vancouver, was elected Grand First Principal of Royal Arch Mason of British Columbia at the recent annual convocation in New Westminster. Miss Carol Lummack of Vancouver is a round tilp passenger on the Princess Louise, which 'docked here, southbound, this afternoon. Mrs. Harold Hdgerson and rmall df-u-.-- icr, T-udy, are leaving on tonight's train on a trlj; to LVandon, Mrnitcfja, where they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ceail Reilly, formerly of this city. Miss Barbara Beale and Miss Irene Peatt sailed Monday nigh4, on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to sp?nd the summer vacation. They are local school teachers. all lines and to have deliveries insured too, "The picture has become altogether different," he Observed. "Buyers are abte to choose now whereas only, a few months ago they were still having t' take what they could get." Lifting of controls Is' one contributing factor. ,ia..Uie. new condition, Mr. Felsenthal.beiieves. HAY FVtj Relief tin brrn won- -qufctry. safely by thouundi wliooiv ('suffered hom ure. streaming, irritated eyes, itchy eurs, and who mieeitrd and wheezed, coughed, cliuked. spluttered every, year. Now they sleep, work. frl normal than! ta TemiJ-toa'a RAZ-MAJI. You needn't Miffer Hay I-evfcr misery. Talce RAZ-MAH and get the reliet you long fur. 50c, f 1 at druggists. K 1 9 Fort Garry Coffee is expertly blended to make a perfect combination of flavour, richness and strength! Enjoy Fort Garry Tea, too. I. . PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. P. II. L1NZEY FORT CARRY! INSURANCE RENTALS - REAL ESTATE 218 Fourth Street (Next Door to B.C. Messenger) RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize In rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service for all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED r a tottc? - a Apr"pc!erDTPO sv,,t i given special aiienuon. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5CC Prince Rupert, B.C. 1... WINNIPEC vf'i, :m Current and Saskatoon become new T.CA. stops that day. The map shows how distances across the three provinces have been collapsed in terms of travelling time. DESTROYERS TO VISIT PORT Prince Rupert will be a port of call for three American destroyers on July 17, according to word received at the executive office of H.M.C.S. Chatham this morning. The three vessels will remain four days, sailing again for the south on July 21. The visiting ships will be U.S.S. Lofberg, under command of Lieut-Commander William Newport; the U.S.S. Buck, Commander R. J. Ovrom, and U.S.S. John A Dole, Lieut. -Commander A. F. Chamberlain. All three vessels are of the same class, as the ILS.S. John W. Thomasorf, which visited Prince Rupert on May 24. They will be on reserve training cruises and will arrlvtj from the south and return directly to Seattle after leaving Prince Rupert. DRESSES BRIGHT! NEAT! AIRY! For Summer For Afternoon NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 SINGER Electric Sewing Machines For Kent Reasonable Rates Phone 864 Prince Rupert Singer Sewing Machine Co. GEORGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating. Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 147 4th Ave. E. (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) Phone Black 489 P.O. Box 1426 Classified Advertising Paysl J 111 Prints, Crepes Linens, Jerseys ROSA - LEE LADIES' WEAR 345 THIRD AVENJE WESV A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" ' FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT Phone 775 327 Third Avenue .wwwwwwwwwwwww w w rriMP A NITON v .- .s PRODUCTS VW Shaving Cream , fyfe, Jfe' ' IMlr T..nlc S 1 .00 ) ...tTtlU -ZgjWi J Ureme-uii Hair ;. jr U C ,uir on w COLONIAL CLUB SHAVING Afler-Shave Talc .... ne Look in th. ml ,nj ,i fc 0 Sffl McCUTCHEON PHARMACY (E. C. Wallace, Manager) n.:..i nt clvdi Street I'lidv. . JII1IU 1) II IIUV M tl - - " " ' - tU,l Moving, I'acklnj, Crating, Shipping and Genera) Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 I'hones CO and C8 UKVELOl'ING, I'll AND KNLAKGlxo Wn h.lVP A ren it Cameras, Kodak ftledifc tr. MM PrnUrl,,.. Enlargers and a com r1 line of photographic su; WRATH ALL Photo Finisli'm Box 478 Prince Rupttt KNOX HOT! A QUIET, TLEASANT TLACE TO LIVE rnMPT Tmrr.V RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VKKMKN THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Wort I Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks SI I Turnares Clutter Work 253 East First Cow Bay) Phone Black 884 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPEl TIME TO FIX THAT ROOF! Cedar Shinies We have just received a large shipment of best grade cedar shingles. Let ut supply your needs now while they are available. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED "Serving the North Since 1920" Coal Luinlwr Paint lluilriing Supplif PHONES 651 - 052 Best Wishes to Superior Auto and Body Service on th opening. Now. . . 'V ,Jh, The very Latest in Fancy Hair Combs and Barettes $ 2.00 and Up plus Tux Also a new stock of the Latest 'Coro' Pins, Chatelaines & Earring For the Very Latest in Jewellery see MANSON'S 'Your Friendly Jeweller' i