Prince Rupert Daily News { | 8 jing seaweed and sea urchins. | i Friday, July 4, 1952 | evel 0) Market i 0 n rctic Remnants of cod were found in 2 their stomachs, showing them al (0a : to be cannibalistic | ara wowing, $0 early drougl ni ilippines ‘Se arate ype | The Baffin Island cod may ne ros ef ts ct nditions and uneven germina 2 cousin of the Atlantic cod, reasurer % ion, many fields appear unt VANCOUVER (CP)—New meth- 2. which is identical with the cod| bu pro pects still point to a }ods being taught farmers and enturies found in European Atlantic Good For rood hat vest In western Canada |loggers in the Philippines are sae o 2 waters, but different from the| etires his fall providing no abnormal | opening up markets for agri- OTTAWA (CP)—Fishery scien- Pacific cod conditions occur cultural products and logging | tists this year hope to unravel)” 3 aD aidiacioed . — TA In the Okanagan, weather|equipment from British Col. ithe mystery of cannibalistic owe vo rs . ~ iy wer ye oie eee . man throug RA! eat Crop turned very hot with several} umbia | fresh-water codfish which have notes that coc “> ound a : 10 Bi a nearly twejy, bil licavy showers near the end of| Frederick Palmer, Canadian lived in an Arctic lake for cen- ore ee am Ar a te a eee save Passed in th { WINNIPEG _} rains oc-| ‘his period. Some damage is ex-|trade representative at. Manila |turies, possibly for 4,009 years,;PoInt where they are — ca iY, Years Was given ‘ : nected herris na pee , : d ec . the|al the southern end of Baffin|testimoniai dinner here curréd ji h iirie pro-|P i rerries, but this can|said large quantities of fertil- Untouched by white men, the)” ] ow = tha <5 er| night by the preside Hil winees «© durit } ist week,|Not be estimated at hime.tizer are being shipped from small lake in Baffin Island and! sland, ayers . rane as a side fe ron ANd eign Heaviest ! f n central| Probably about 20 per cent 1| Trail, and a good market is its usual fish were dscovered| months wa coh "eae ave aad cae ; a Canada’s lary : 2 é rh . + ‘oug > ‘e ies and. -sout) Manitob and | be graded number three insteac developing for agricultural im last year by scientists aboard Caught cod i ~ alk wee depots co 4 damage to p from excessive |Of number one because of slight| plements made in Canada the Fisheries Research vessel| Winter on Ogac Lake, The man is Charles p Cowig moisture is a possibility imme-| Splits in cherries He said a man from Victoria Calanus. The ship returns this) “The present evidence points Vier ~president and treasurer gf diately 1th t of W ip Weather has be very bene-|is conducting a logging schooi year for further studies of the to the conclusion that the cod|the Canadian National Railwa } accordi i crop | ficial to all other fruit varieties | there, teaching lumbermen how cod. in Ogac Lake are completely who 7” a ae MODE{h alts report, of the rin { ind vegetables and no other|to use heavy equipment such as The lake, known as Ogac Lake, | isolated,” the Board said, “and see” .seerens irate: atne Sime ricullu +} { lian Na-/ damage i viaent. It is expect- produced in B.C is about half-way up Frobisher that they may have been jsol-| With the system He starteg tiona! Rai d that previous estim of tl The Philippines are aiso buy- Bay, a deep inlet which cuts|ated since the last climatic op-|a «rk In Toronto in i919 ang Bark ‘ ; are wel] | tus »p be maimtain Oring big.shipments of Canadian into the southeast corner of timum—perhaps as much as/ Was appointed treasurer jp 19 headed But the | POSStOly * of flour, shipped through Vancou- Baifin Island. The lake lies at|/4,000 years ago.’ and vice-president in 1945 majorit he ec ver the head of Ney harbor and tions : the suet biade Try Dally News Want Ads; Mr. Palmer, said there is a empties into it across a shallow TT reat demand” for B. C. sal- ) sill. Little salt water ever en BEFREARED Ne RRERRA VAR SRR ROBES eweweee | but it is classed as a lux- | ters the lake, which is less than Mont wrt oe pil — = : 2 fee @ 7 ‘ ~ = © wwy and trade is restricted. two miles long a. . ot ———— LOCKED IN LAKE w FOR A REAL « A brief ere years ago Singin in 5 f sur years 1g . BOY SUMMER 2 Marker Buoys was believed the first time white R , 7 ; m r bli h d men had visited the lake. Scien- ” w Hi Wa * sta isne In tists from the Calanus said they CARTOON a } 5 Wwe ace § 5 R believe there is no movement of : ty 2 upert Harbor | fish between the lake and the | ee NEWS wi Of Course! fo Pwo small “ean” buoy painted | i datecilr vi PERSE : ee harbor, = KELLY Do taal ron cs r . gm yellow and sut mounted by flags CARTMELL BROTHERS, Don and Bob, are a musical team from Last year they took 30 cod : a @ have been placed in position mn Sardi-, B.C., who have been staging religious performances at |frem the lake. They were larger Debbie REYNOLDS TODAY/ é ‘ osi | S ori A a ‘ ie, a the Full Gospel Tabernac}. here since Monday. They play the |than-the Labrador cod and were ; TEE SHIRTS = Prince Rupert harbor,to mark a 90 : ee ae ‘e | golden brown, perhaps from eat- E i 7-9:10 s s course set for purpose of sail| Suitar, accordion, Vibra-harp, trombone and corne They are I aps ee venings / - ¥: | d & & Ger { te SWEATERS gm ‘taining for personnel of HMCS| here until Sunday Saturday Matinees 2 -4:25 0 ay a ur day S . wm Chatham and Sea Cadets —_——_— ‘ s “ Buoy No. 2 is approximately Y rm SWIM TRUNKS . am laine os 2 oe, dar a O ay’ S Stoc Ss POPOOPLOEIILEELELILEREEEOLOLEEIEELELLLIDEDLEELEUELEOULOLED OE HY : SHORTS & off Wolf Island and at the same Experiment Being Plasined! Courtesy SD. Johnston Co Ltdy OGhn Feels aaaeldll > = distance from northern shore of hb harbor » a eee cureeiee CENTURY-FOX’ x PANTS a A p ii p i VANCOUVER $ Buoy 3 is due east of Detentio t cn s = mus sis due castor Detention AMQAINSt Polio Paralysis sein ine ® JEANS m@ island near the entrance to Mel- | BRX 04 8 ® ville Arm | gis oo ; OVERAL! S a Both buc ire well outside of By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE oo eer = es ¥ oo a nn hi 7 ret ! Hide \ Associated Press Science Repot Congress 07 = SHIRTS a . ua. ai ae a gi n ran i Cronin Babine 38 = 7 7 3 or, Said ! eKketov, depart- TET , , Sin : . : ase ¢ > ° z Gent of trannies aa ea NEW YORK,—A way to prevent paralysis from| Giant Mascot . he laces S CKS , — ls . ‘ ‘ ‘ ithe “ Indian Min 16'4 ° é s0C¢ [ a aac | polio is being tested this summer in a great human Pioneer 2.02 ETHEL BARRYMORE huss iON BATTL? ° . ‘ 22 ; | ye , Premier Border 23 4 j UNDERWEAR Z Continued from Page 1) experiment, Privatee; OTs KIM HUNTER i a a as nie s | 5 : Time and 60,000 children will tell whether it! Reeves MacDonald 3.50 e PACKETS m Rae Eddie enabled the So- | Reno 04 * i “ @ ‘cialist candidate to defeat Mr. | WOrKS. Sheep Creek 1.38 i PAJAMAS @ Jobnsen in New Westminster In a few cities hit by polio omy a few are hurt Bilbo Premie 48 TODAY and SATURDAY ' . : » hi bli witt lies rhe can recovi complete ot : . . = a mage a oe had ae eee line ~ > a aig. etki naraly ' Vananda 03'2 Evenings 7: - 9: p.m. sated up to that point, injections. They have already ”! i“ are Spud Valley 05 : 4 a aes 2? ye * ' ; hie’ owed FP pans ; nore we. Vabtey : is "RS 7. . Ag a yeere ee snd OOP tiewm|atarted at Houston) ‘Pex ctent of re depends} © gic. ptendcra 212 | Matinee Saturday 2 p.m. a FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRI Ld years Bith ppart to Social Credit Half will get a magical me upon “ pete Cam Western Uranium 4.1 PLILILLEEELEELELEELEBLELBEELEBEERLELELEOREBEEEEEREEEREREEEONO EM a a in Yale to enable Irvine Cor-|i¢ine from human blood—gam- "erve cells, Oils— a mM bett to defeat Liberal veteran|™a Globulin or G.G. In mon now Comes & viet Rew cis-| " Anels Canadian 7.60 3 f Sipr.J Gillis. There were simi-| keys, the G.G. shots prevented sis ry as by Dr. David Bo- A P Con 49 ms . i . I »pkins J - Sent > S el ace $ e t tore Bi iar supporting moves by both! Polio paralysis. Seem eo age Firs ch a on Calmont 1.60 Saturday Night . Ss y all ) yr . . « ; » @ parties in several other ridings The other half will get th as 7 oa C&E 14.00 a : wi : look baka mann of Yale, in polio work with Central Leduc 4.80 at 5 @ HELP EACH OTHER snjectena Sey 100k “the Same | onkevs and chit panzer oo te ERRSRAT EAR REBAR EAR REE . , : ld ; but lacking the G.G aftcr h dew haa s the a Home Oil 13.50 At the same time old coali- ’ , : vain F Mu Mercury 24% * ° . Late th all, it will be known , mid stonti ' : : . L A d tion part tried to help each = act a re a bas eee ; : goes from the intestines to the Royal Canadian 20 egion u rtor1um ol out, Liberals supporting |” eee sere 1S 2€5S paralysis bloodstream of monkeys BE- TORONTO Progressive Conservative ie id or even no paralysis among PORE it gets into the nerve Atl r ii! 9 to 12 pm Everybody Welcome og! V { rve 5, and | id An ee eee ae oe ; ” d ona r es ve ae aniee Ds ce youngsters getting the G.G. and: the virus doesn’t cosine: aie ie am Gents $1.00 Ladies 50 nser'vativ coming to the aid || hether the G.G. blockade tile : Aumaque 17 ‘ f Lit anlhe viru und top it from a . ne Bevcourt 1.12 Modern and Old Time Dancing . ; OK am u si 1e blooc ‘ 291 Iwo of Mr. Johnson’s minis- i ees | Buffalo Canadian 22'% detpewird oe . te a defe aa with ‘hin hitting human nerve: While it is in their blood, the; Gonsol_ smelters 36.25 MUSIC BY 'THE WESTERNAIRES Health Minister Douglés *Parn- | If so, there will be a fairly bod ents which disarm Conwest 3.60 bull was turned out in Rossland- PracHcal way of taking the! or neutralize he Virus. If ¢ht Donalda 38 " Trail by Social Credit. Mr. ‘furn dre ie pee sting om of monkeys make enough antibody wiinna 20 a bull administrator of the po. Gi ~_ un e the a in a soon enough, th pe sick East Sullivan 8.15 Se whi iken compulsory hospital art un, parents, children and ne ind paralysis. If they don’t, Giant Yellowknife 10.00 i? nee hief. issue in the G0ctors will never know whether they fall ill of polio God's Lake 1.15 lei 0 : er ae oe \ G.G. can do for humans what Most importantly, the mon- Hardrock 12 ' : Agriculture © Minister Harry it doe for _monkeys that get can be protected. They are Harricana 09% ; Bowman was beaten by Social the polio virus protected by giving them shots Heva 11 2 A R Cr ait in Bs Bartce ' The vital experiment is beins of gamma. globulin obtained Duvex 79 For R: " ie rht ley ight after supported by the national foun- from the blood of monkeys which Joliet, Quebec 43 : booklet, containing , . oT eo y .;, dation for infantile paralysis.' had fought off volio. or re \ ae ig 7 ; , 15 hours of counting only 31 : ' Little Long Lac 10 i a] aa i a recipes of the 12 most : : ? : } start any day 1 covered fr one f on — ¥ mixed aks 48 seats had reported com- n aoe _ ie a es pga iti ea Lynx 1542 e SS a ru ( 8 y "P.O. Box 308 ete first. counts and of. these! The Success of the trial, sa the shot of G.G. gives the Madsen Red Lake r.80 : y OX 90S .- cS Tee : ~ foundation officials, depen ds monkeys the extra antibody to | . of ‘ 40 Static "et ust 22 had swung inte 1ew : ee Ara an may *O McKenzie Red Lake é i station B, Montreal, s acwaha ° ee greatly upon parents’ calm and prevent paralytic sickness McLeod Cockshutt 3.60 ReG eT ORs i Ce | willing cooperation and their’ The GG. is not a vaccine. tt Moneta 37 4 Reason for this was that ab- unde rstanding of all the facts.| stays in the blood only a few Negus 43 sentce ballots had to be added hese are -the basic facts as| week giving temporary protec-! Noranda 79.25 to election night totals before ppnow w fr ~searc ‘ : : ‘ known now from research tion Louvicourt 22 +} ’ "OUY f 1+ t 1O » ie vee : " * bhe marae of alternative choices; The polio virus apparently on- Human tests must be made to! Pickle Crow 1.61 could start ters our bodies through the! learn whether G. G. can do any Petrol Oil & Gas 1.12 Except for New Westminster} mouth or nose good ? so» wei eociin silicate ideiitialanpeastidinah abiapienaiinieeeto all the new-count returns were | It. doesn’t cause any sickne Another vital fact is that most from rural erste , re-counts for! at all ‘while it is in our storaachs|of us already have had polio the first comple tallies will be‘! or intestines We developed our own anti- made in the paige tr rid-} It can cause mild sickness, bodies, soon enough, and dis- ings of Victoria and Vancouver- | such as fever and nausea and! armed the invading virus. We} Point Grey at the request of soreness of muscles, while it is | probably never knew we had the Pat Seagram's “83” tc . Progressive Conservatives and|in the blood and a few nerve! virus Pi Distilled and bottled in bond by © Social Credit respectively. |cells of the central nervous We still have the miraculous the: water: test, Water, HM. CORBY DISTILLERY LTD gE As a result, the issue will not; system. There is no_ paralysi: antibody, in the gamma globulin. plain or sparkling, reveals a-vhisky’s | ° ; Ze " SS more than a week or two at this time one tiny protein part of our true, natural flavour and bouquet. , = = be decided in several ridings for The virus causes paralysis! blood. If that virus comes along 6 » Pini 1dvertisement i het pu lishea on 1 layed b th i or only sf if damages n dot of again, our G.G antibody will ; ris adve seme 5 uisheg isplayve ’ p Linuc P ; ; : Ss tc ae Y a ore tae Deily W Ads | Uerve cells, All the damage 4o! capture it and make it harmless. eagrams rol Board or by vw Government of British Columbi v Daily cws ant 5 nerve cells is done within about ‘The experts estimate about 90 2 24 hours. percent of us over the age of i5 CE f Whi ; age ‘ adie et sted | People always recover from have these antibodies against {00° P _— ale ~ Y | polio if nerve cells are not dam- jpolic ad ~ ~ : ; | 0 polio. re Sy POUMNAW'S on’ S A , | ees. nT Say POMAUW'S 2/4 Sure f ; Be HMOUunNTING @ | This Gdvertisement is not published or displayed by | ae extent the Lique : Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia | p MAN wee " @ eee omen |* Dirty weather makes it clean! GRAND OPENING CENTRAL "The Spaghetti ACROSS FROM CAPITO ee. PIIDPIDPI LIP LPP PLP OLD LID PPPLD LIL DD 2 LP PO ror } Featuring . POPOL E LPL LOLOL LODDLOD DP DD DID ID LIV . CHEF JOHN BARAZZUOL with vears of OPEN TO 1 A.M. EVERY DAY SATURDAY CAFE? | House” | L THEATRE nations, have been handling preliminary docwmentation and translations, Left to right, standing, are: Sandra Bossy, Switzer- land; Cecile Ouellet, Canada; Varea-Saetton<, Peru; Herta Rubel, Sonia Nicmans, Rubel, Belgium; Aida Austria, and seated, Francoise Peterhans, Switzerland; Mercedes Boter Clavell, Spain. This exterior white actually washes itself! Comes up bright as new after each rainfall... stays white years longer .. . outlasts ordinary paint by as much as 3 years! Before painting — ask us about Martin-Senour 100% Pure Self-Cleansing White House Paint. Regular Colors and White $7.55 ANDERSON SEE US FOR... Superior Auto Service 3rd Avenue W. ~—LIMITED Phone Green 217 | : THREE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES, English, French ssid Spanish 4 Gallon suai Mtinletoker oe 11940 Chevrolet Sedan 3 experience in the best Canadian Hote!s and Restaurants. adr waiblag DE te ee : "ek el btexe eee Oe ee 2 will be used during the XVIIIth International Red Cross Con- 1—-1949 Morris 11916 Dodge 8-'Ton ‘Truck ; ‘ a . 4 ference to be held in Toronto July 23 - Aug. 9, but dozens of i—1t949 Austin i—194l International 34-Ton 4 LUNCH 4ES ‘ a FULL COURSE ME ALS tongues will be spoken by the delegates representing 72 nations & a ee Matere — : va I e Niiag: tncteating se Si is oii al shi 1—i8 ames Van —i951L Austin 5-Ton rue ITALIAN FOOD A SPECIAL TY" and 69 Red Cross Societies. These girls, natives of six different t Hi