PrfnrtRiiiicrt Dally J3ciu0 Thursday. December 11, 1947 Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections 1 Fred Stork. Prince Ruperts fiMt mayor, hailed from Bramp-tcn. Ontario, but much of his atuve nit win spent in wesipiii ) i Canada.' Prior to coming here hp sprvpri nc llrct motw nf Por jfef-SU nie in the Crow Nest Pass country. He established a hardware .tore in Prince- Rupert, and iri subsequent years represented Skeena at Ottawa.-He died a year cr so ago at Brampton. ' William Manson, Stork's od- ponent in the first election and i himself second mayor, was born t'tli-i 'ln Scotland. Long: identified wvk With public affalrs he had been " T"mayor of,Nana!mo before coming ' !j north. He served as government 1 -.. agent at Port Simpson, later fill-tne same office at Prince H ... Rupert, tinne leaving the north he has made his home at Van- V couver. S V W Kmifh.Jrtf the. ff nf Foley, welch and Stewart, who headed the first aldermanic poll here took . a highTy. responsible k part in the construction of the I! Grand Trunk Pacific chiefly in &fthe Pacific territory and at Prince Rupert. He died years j'' ago in Edmonton. ,. Ij T D. Pftttull.-). whojiow makwt vhis home in Victoria, had been living in Yukon before decidin? m; locate in Prince Rupert. He lll .vas through the Klondike stam- )de. In this city, he established. ' ! ji realty and brokerage business, ! Miss Helen R. Hurd, United I .Vtnd later entering rmblip Hfp.iChurph Wnnwn't miecinn,-., " i " . u .'...UI.UI J uaineamucn success. He served society worker for this area, ar-. premier of, the province and rived in the city Wednesday U as cabinet member In a num- j ternoon on the Prince Rupert of administrations. to engage in extension of church Dr. A. A. Mclntyre put up the work here for the next few Week, bearing his name, on weeks. Miss Hurd is a veteran of Third Avenue, just west of Sixth cllurch missionary work in Ja-S':??t He was amensr thP first Pan- slnce returning to Canada 1 1 rfpinrnrntj Vi foitv, ; v,ii In 1941, she has worked with thp fjjt'subs,antlal way. 'Years later Dr JaPanese at Lemon Creek re-jfFMcIntyre moved to California. 1 locatlon centre near Nelson. f . ffttl ntr nut foi. (mm e-i I wt o ,wv w. iiuiii uau nail- j I UlUUl". Frank others the i. pit council, lived ;n Yukon before moving this way. Ht- iided here for years, beiny assn cialed with D. G. Stewart n -.he wholesale trade. Mr. Mnoe passed away hi the south J. H. HiUtitch, generi. ... tractor, was born in Crew-. Butt land, took a whirl at thv Kln dike, then settled down in Pi- m- Rupert, where he passed aw.iv years ago. Among the building he erected herp was the Triple Island lighthouse. George Naden conducted an Insurance and realty office here and was Ions identified wfch general business and public affairs. From here, he moved to Victoria. Arthur Barrow was a land surveyor. He is an Englishman! witty and good company. ' W. P. Lynch was active in gro cery business. He put up the first building out at the Junction. This was a department store. 1 Now It Is an apartment house. I The recording officer at Prince 1 Rupert's first election was Ar-! thur Cuthbert. and the first city clerk. E. A. Woods. The lat- 1 ter, however, was not present at the first meeting. The first sit- ' things took place In the building used originally by the Bank of I Commerce, in the neighborhood !of the present railway station.- MEXICO'S PORTS Mexico has 22 ocean ports. Oil n WRECK ITALIAN GOVERNMENT Calling upon Italian worker to stand by their Soviet Union "defending" independence oi all nations against aggressive Yankee imperialism. Paimiro Togliatti. left. Italian Communist leader, and Pietro Nenni. right, leader of the extreme left wing Socialists, are sluxvn haranguing their followers at a Rome rally. The two are making a concerted effort to wreck the government of Premier de Gasperi. Their followers are rioting all over Italy. Already there have been several deaths. The government Is now calling out troops and tanks to combat the disorders. Timely Recipe CHRISTMAS CANJHKS Let the whole family join in the fun of making homemade Christmas candies. There's plenty of dipping chocolate about so you can make ' f:aisln Nut Confection." Rich with goldfn raisins and chopped roasted almonds, this confection is always a favorite among holiday sweetmeats. Raisin Nut Confection Hi cups golden raisins Wz cups chopped roasted al- monds 1 pound dark dipping chocolate Rinse raisins in hot water and drain. Melt chocolate over warm water. Beat until smooth. Pour half in wax paper-lined pan (about 7 x 11 inches! and sprinkle with raisins and almonds. Pour remaining chocolate over raisins and nuts. Set In cool place until hard, Cut Into squares. Makes about 6 dozen 1-inch squares. P I 31L I S AND THAT . LONDONfArthur:Leslie, LONDONArthurLesUe. 60, 60, U tb1 i ""V ' ihkcouiitant inlccountant and and assistant assistant scout scout !Sf (Cn i. I ... ....... WJ commissioner for Shoreditch, has given 107 blood transfusions -highest authenticated record. i if si if i i i ii ii n II !? II ,11 y ! . Watch the Classified Ads! Classified Advertising Pays! V-' T Some Australian aborigines j I find flre-maklng so difficult V v ' fi " ' v " j 1 they make long journeys to THOMAS MEILLA5 IS GOING SOUTH Elderly Man, for Whose Assistance Campaign Was Held, Is Leaving Tonight Arrangements having been ompleied for him to receive ireutment at the Canadian Institute for the Blind clinic at Vancouver as a result of which ' i.s hoped that his sight will oe at least partially restored, Thomas Melllas. Inmate of the oral Pioneers' Home, will leave tuniKht on the steamer Prince Rupert tor Vancouver. A campaign for funds Instituted by Mrs Ross Richardson helped in making it possible for Mr. Meil las to go south for treatment Mrs. R. s. Sargent arrived from Vancouver yesterday and I will spend the holiday season with her sister, Mrs. St. Amour. j GENEROUS TIPPERS According to waitresses, best tippers are movie directors and race horse owners; the worst are baseball players barbers and women. GLAMOR AT HOME! Smart and Cozy All-Wool IMaid House Coats SEE OUR EXCITING Blouses Rose Marx BRASSIERES LINGERIE REGENT SIREN KNITTING WOOL CCitC'tMC'CCCiCt(CCi CIIKISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Luncheon Sets HoSil-LeC ludief Wear S-'j, n rr j neighboring tribes to borrow a (279) illght" 181 ' .Vl' I Alsofe handle nothing but standard stones g Ir'' j' l .wTwant to say that our diamond stock Is ffl1 rnr Mt.'(v' dCffi&dfr s T r t r i very carefully chosen. ' l drtLfS' vAemffl I I monds will soon be hard to get on account of the ' W J wtPl&QftC7lSSU m hi it c iii n n ii i i m . Si wS PlM' i BROADWAY CAFE '(FORMERLY BOSTON) Ch inese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties C08 TIIIKD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 Are You Ready For Christmas? u .. if not, let us help you r fin i I 8 5 518 Third West CHRISTMAS DAY WILL BE OUR HOLIDAY BUT PLAN NOW TO DINE WITH US HOXINK DAY AND NKW YKAR'S DAY I'hone in Krsrrvationi CALL 231 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Send I'ersonallzed CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come in and see sample WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing " W Inc. V DROP IN ANYTIMK i.iki: YOL'K CIIKISTMAS LIST. omc to y v y v V y y y y y y y y y y y y tt y y y y y y y y v y v y y t y y v 55 y y y y y y ' 9 VVe wailt 10 tel1 you that thls store isixed 0 . jJkt, & mwi 9 ytlsE I n in suit vein hn matter hnw muph vou wixr? to Dav. Pa m. V M WIT jffllOTS y ( Toyland IIFKi: YOU'LL ski: TOYS, GAMKS. DOLLS, MINIATUKK I'lANOS THAT 'LAY, SAILING SHU'S, SLEIGHS, DOLL III GGIKS, MKTAL CARS THAT WIND Ul. WIKKLKSS SCTS . . .AND SCORES OF OTIIKK GIFTS TO GLADDKN THE UFA UTS OF CIIII.DKKN, m for YOU'LL FIND JUST TDK GIFT FflK vZ.. t")V K Gift Wraps, oeals. Rihhr OX in Gay Tree and House Decorations I'hone RED 100 vv FRIDAY AND SATl'UDAY MEATS AND GROCERIES swirrs I'KiiMur.M SIR LOIN STEAK SWIFTS I'KKMIUM UACON Silted Wmm a VP Delicious, Delicious, Tfndfr Tndr QQn Tl I UFFf HKKF ROAST IIIIAST OOL- 65c Sl'N RYI'K CiaUIFIKD AI'I'LK JIIICK 2 ror 29c PACIFIC MILK 2 for27c .ME.TY SPAKE KIMS 36c AYLMKK DICED CAKKOTS 2 23c LIKllY'S SAI'F.KKKAIT 19c DONT FOKGLT THE HOLIDAY SEASON WILL SOON HE HERE! ORDER YOFK POL'LTKY EARLY WE'LL HAVE A FINE SELECTION Poulson's Grocery and Meat Store Cth Ave. Kait (At Itrld(e) Free Delivery Kcd 111 IF You Are Particular THKN CALL FS FOR .UX YOFK PLFMB1NO AND 1 1 EATIN G KEQL'IK EM E NTS Phone 108 Prince Rupert Plumbing and Heating Second Ave and Seventh Street PHONE 101 Are you Perplexed About your mas Gift? Sailu Nmtui SUGGESTS A Gift Subscription AS A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING DAILY UNTIL NEXT CHRISTMAS USE THIS COUPON DAILY NEWS, '' PRINCE RUPERT: Please send a Christmas Gift Subscription of the Daily News to m (Address) ), T ....... . (Post Office) iSr . . . '.if. .'. .' "flfT"; ?r' It is understood you will senU receipt to inc and a gift notification to the - recipient. - f ; Enclosed jilease find the sum of $.7. . . ($7 for a year's subscription by carrier In. the city, $4 by mall anywhere 3 ill hi i i i i i : i : : i i i ! i i 2 ! t i A i