WINNER 1 u rv s n . . mm DELN JtWtLLtlJ a 1 G, Alexander O Third Ave. Ulue 615 jj - Warning OTHEIt THING if CAN POS- si'PLY DO W!U. E V K R PROVE' SO COSTLY ... AS TO ALLOW Your Regular CUSTOMERS to Forget You TIIK DAILY NEWS "Vnur Own Newspaper" i 7M "' ;C50000aOOOOOOQOOOOlOiOOaOOlOC-OC-CH5KlOOlOtC 1 Smiles and Chuckles -:5ooocKjoocHooccKKioeooooaoo0ioooocKic-ia used to be able to he deceived me. He said he was i glasses, but now going out of town and he didn't i aves 'em where she go." r.ll ;p medical confer-ambltlous d.octor to the one beside ;:ed. 'Where did Dr. .ks- hts fortune?" The crlef: "Stork- mar- sfutive is a man who .ack a letter for the to a red-headed - K TS hi' . c deceived your hus- asked the Judge ontrary. your honor, j LUVLLY tilt- lb S ;S SHIPMENT JUST .tveo for youn 5 : VOWl B ELECTION n out sMAiir a "v.;i.HNf; IIIIIIIX II SI'.TS rt t 11 1 r u a , 'I it u not generally Known, dui Try a Daily News Classified Ad. Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers GILLETTE CALENDAR AND MEMO PAD UNIT This J-in-1 gift Kt contains J0 packages of Gillette Blue FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DEFINITE ASSET TO HOMEMAKER Frozen fruits and vegetable. If a few ice crystals still remain ! 3A run C"P If svrun yP nark 1 ucp'Hi Citron lb e a definite asset to the home-' when served. Therefore, they . nd ,beaLs"gh"y- d 'n thaed caullflowe'i Cauliflower, are maker whether she takes them should never be thawed until the packages from a retail store, This old way of preserving food has been brought . up-to-date so that foods packed and . frozen by modern methods re tain all their, natural fresh fla vor and color. Retention of these natural qualities and also of texture depends greatly on the way the food is handled from freezer to1 table. Vegetables, with the exception of corn-on-the-cob, should be! put on to cook while still frozen. Those packed in brine require! only sufficient boiling water to1 prevent scorching as they begin i n tUnm n a r urn n V1 acnnn vu ilia w vyuc wj wuicouuuuii , . ... . ii , usually enough. No Uon-.XS salt should be necessary. When vegetables have r. am removed, trie DaCK- handy calendar and aKe becomes a memo pad with 100 sheets of paper included. Sells for the regular blades alone .3W price of the GILLETTE MILORD GIFT SET wffh One-P'ece Razor This set feature, the uuieuc um 15 p;- Razor in all Rotor-gram case, aU Wube ?? Gillette Shaving Cream $462 ana b im's , - , in acetate-covered package light. Gradually beat in 2 cup( ; sugar. Stir in milk and then been .i(h fat AH4 Hr IntrrPrllpntS dry-packed, ft cup of water ls'nnfl mlK thorouehlv. Pat Into a usea ior a u-ounce pacKage 01 weU greased 8-inch square pan.' all vegetables except caullflow- Brealc frozen bXoci apart anoy er. For cauliflower, 34 cup of i Epread fruit while only partially water is better. Corn-on-the- (thawed over the dough. Sprinkle cob should be thawed, then cov- wlth sugar Bake m a moderate ered with boiling water. oven (35o degrees .) for 45 min- A tightly fitting lid on the j utes. Serve hot with cream. Six saucepan Is essential. servings. To hasten thawing and en-: Note: The amount of sugar sure, uniform cooking, the melt- required to sweeten the fruit lng mass may be broken apart will vary from to V2 cup de-with a fork. This aDDlles par- nendine on the fruit used. If Millard Fillmore, the thirteenth tlcularly to spinach, asparagus 1 the fruit has been frozen with-presldent of the United States.; and broccoli. lout any sugar use the same . . . .1 - 1 a i ...1 save Samuel F. Morse his earl-. The cooking ume ior irozeu 1 amount as iur ire6 ituii. Is about one half lest and most potent support. In vegetables ( ... that of the fresh product. Time gratitude. Morse named the two sh(mld mQ. M.nrM fd!,MCharaften MfJ" al whlch water reaches Fillmore's children: or Dorothy. over-cooking dot: and for Dashlell. dash. lcxtBurf and ' - Frozen fruits are usually serv ed raw Most fruits are better, Strawberry Whip 3 egg whites 2 tablespoons sugar 1 8 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 16-oz. package frozen strawberries Beat egg whites until .stiff but. 1 e0 When vou qive a man Ihe world's fines! shaving equipment for Christmas, it's sure to be remembered with pleasure for a-long, long time! You'll find the right' set and right price among the Gillette Gift Sets below! GILLETTE TECH RAZOR GIFT SET Ever-popular at Christmas time. All-metal Gillette Tech Raior and 3 pack-ages Gillette Blu Blades 5's all in durable transparent box. A smart, inexpensive gift any. man can use every day of the year, Only 7 o GILLETTE SHAVING KIT Here's a gift set that supplies a-complete-shaving service. Beautifully packaged, it contains the world-famous Gillette Tech Razor, 15 Gillette Blue Blades and a large-size tube or Gillette Lather $32 Shaving Cream. Only 'ft. At GILLETTE ONE-PIECE ARISTOCRAT SET The deluxe gold-plated Gillette Aristocrat One-Piece Razor and 10 Gillette Blue Blades in a rich travelling case covered in fine-grained Texol and lined with velveteen, O.W t n n 1 . .AL.'. I a L a nnnri. KUThe Gillette Une-neze . -t. - ff-j" Twitt the handle ..." oP" ' b'ad Twist again . . . iff ready for ute. I not dry. Gradually beat in sugar; Add salt and lemon juice. I Add juice from berries ry2 to uciues. rue wnii) jigiiuy in in from her own freezer or buys! needed for serving. Fruit' should j dividual dishes and serve once- Slx rvin8' be thawed in .the unopened con- talner, either.' in the refrlgera tor or at room temperature. Fruit' Kutchen' iy2 cups sifted all-purpose flour Or V cups pastry flour 2Yi teaspoons baking powder' 2 teaspoon salt 1 egg 12. cup sugar V cup milk cup melted fat at CANADA'S GJFT Shipments of. wheat go regularly at the rate of 15,000 tons ajmonth as a gift to the people of Greece from Canadians. Here's to the man of CO or past Who lived his life and lived It fast. Here's to the girl of 24 Who sat on his lap and asked fo more. THE MARKETS Vegetables Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 29 Hubbard Squash, lb Danlah Squash, lb Spanish Onions, 2 lb Vegetable Marrow,, lb Sugar White, lb 11 Golden Pellow, lb .11 Fresh J:llk Quart IS Pint 10 1 16-oz. package frozenblue- But a dQ waj and Cream 12.pint rhubarb (approx. 2 cups) j 1 And her what a goQd wuzzcr Grade A Sift together flour, baking Lggs Larg: cartoned, doz. 06 ... .06 .23 Ofl 08 ea 30 to .45 Leeks, 2 bunches 15! Parsnln (unwashed) 3 lbs. .. .19 TurnlDs. lb 06 Mushrooms, lb 63 BeeU, 6 lb 25 Lettuce (head), each. ... AO to 25 Celery. 2 lbs. 30 Garlic, lb 49 Cabbage (new), lb 10 White, lb, 10 , I I Two Phones: 585 and 58(5 Free Delivery j - Xfy TOMATO SOUP 3 290 Peaches' Royal City 20-oz. tin Apple Juice Clear tin Canada Dry Coffee Chase tt Sanborn Pound 25c 10 c Jell-o Puddings 3 for 29c 50 c, M PINTS v- Telkwa Spuds $3.69 10C-lb. sack $1.50 49c Lifebuoy Soap BARS 29c .Grapefruit Juice 2C-oz, tin Sardines King Oscar 9'c 2 for 45c DELNOR FROZEN CANTELOUPE A Real'Treat Mb. pkt; 23c Xmas Puddings Crosse Si Blackwell's CCn Swift's Cheese 2-lb. box Xmas Tree Foil Regular pkts. Malkin's Tea Blue Label Pound 99c Large Stock of XMAS CRACKERS-CANDY DECORATIONS-STOCKINGS and NUTS VMAS TREE Balls and Bells Regular 15c Per dozen Wa ch Our Window For Other Bargains Turnips 5 POUNDS Carrots M Washed X POUNDS Potatoes 10 POUNDS Onions 4 POUNDS 23c 25c 39c 25c 9c 85c Navel Oranges 2 dozen 55c Pink Grapefruit 3 for 29c Fancy Pears 3 POUNDS 35c Fancy Macs 3 pounds 32c Specials Gcod Fri. Dec. 12 to Thur. Dec. 18 No. 1 Honey 65C 2-lb. carton Westminster Tissue 4 rolls 29c Mixed Nuts No Peanuts ?OUND Rye Crunch 2 PKTS 39c 29c CLEAN DELIVER THEM TURKEYS THEM HAVE YOU ORDERED YOURS? WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New Upholstery Materials Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered 230 K0 Second Second Avenue Avenue (Next (.exi to 10 CFrit) uim "lE 1 ASK ABOUT fl V I K ' C WW CREDIT TERMS L V f I II J to rAttention ()utsid( Outside Orders prince Rupert D'allp. I3etys T Thursday, December 11, 1947 I ! "ROYAL CITY" U sweet peas are JIjtPPMIV k j J j flavour first in ' I m w s r, l m m B my m 59 CANNED FOODS 1 " 1 rr- PARTY ?GLAMOR FOR YOU - There are gcod times ahead this coming holiday season. Let us help you look your best. PHONE 655 Helen's Beauty Salon 206 Fourth Street For Less Selling . . . Xsi Use our person alized BUDGET PLAN. No Interest-No Carrying Charges Margaret McLeod Optometrist Our AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 , Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for HarrisTweeds as well as. a number of other smart CLOTH GOATS have been reduced in price to clear before Christmas See these remarkable values now on display at Sweet Sixteen. For the Christmas Season you will want something especially alluring. , You will find it among our selections of regular priced DRESSES BLOUSES and' SUITS A. MacKcniic Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions CHESTERFIELD SUITES BEDROOM SUITES Beauty Rest Mattress, Beauty Rest Box Spring-Walnut Tables for every purpose WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS 31 3rd ivenue Phone 775 - - Do You Have FIRE PROTECTION We handle Fire Extinguishers for any need . . . OAS OIL ELECTRICAL or GENERAL FIRES All types all siies KIDDE LUX C02 EXTINGUISHERS PYRENE FO AMITE Ideal for Home, Office, Boat, etc. Call us for Information regarding your fire protection requirements. COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR RECHARGING. ON HAND PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal Ruildins Supplies Paint Hardware PHONES 651 - 652 -1 1 V i- r 1! y.