Cdl lit f:- Cxi. as :': News Items .turned to the . (tupcrt Wed-ni-ee-weck trip business. , ii Card Party, a) artist, sail-he Prince RU-i, where he will n of paintings. penlng uira. OUts that Monday. Dec. 15, (290) iu ui returned in- Prince Rupert noon after vis-parents In Al- : turned to the afternoon on , : from a busl- .mver. agned, wish to . nave purchas-and trucking irge u. cascy ,.utronagc. Order :-i?cs from us .at e orders early 182 Tommy Prrry Welter Jr. (292) Taylor and ie George ..... Hill. A. J. 'Dom' OMINATO lor .L-l T i R. DEC. 11 O.lll I.U O II. Hi, E NT U E NO Mrs. V. E. Cavenalle and child are sailing tonight by the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Moose Christmas Tree Saturday. December 13, at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs, O. P. Tinker are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season In Vancouver and the Okanagan. Arrow Bus Route No. 4. Owing to winter conditions, until further notice Inbound buses will not turn west on 8th Avenue but will conlnue on McBrlde to 2nd Avenue and the Depot. 1 (289) Mrs. Leona Kalanko. daugh ter of Mrs. J. L. Bethurem of Arrangements for Ing events of a social nature were reported complete by tees at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club A perate under j yesterday. special Iheld December 24 and there will be a New Year's Eve party In the Knights of Columbus Hall. Installation of officers will take place January 14 or 21 with Wilson Hunt, lieutenant i governor from Pentlcton, conducting the ceremony. President tonleht on C. O. Ham was In the chair at for their yesterday's luncheon and Roy W They have Barrs of Vancouver was a guest, ne recent flnaj, Doug,aj p,, r c t u r n e d of Mrs. Tay-iUr-jn..j. o-i-- n,, TE ) I'r ) V VOTE I MlUIKMiai Wit tklt u pert from a business trip to The regular weekly luncheon X HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT TLACE TO LIVE 'WPLEtELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PtPrtetors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN Doug Frizzell On Dealers' Executive"' Douglas Frizzell was one of the delegates to the convention of the Motor Dealers Association of British Columbia which adjourned a few days ago In Vancouver. There were 120 present. A. J. LawsonOates of Vancouver was elected president. The directors elected included Sid Smith of Kamloops, Wilson Hunt of Pentlcton, Norman Ros- coe of Nelson, J. O. Ranley of Prince Oeorge and O. D. Frizzell of Prince Rupert. EXTRA PAY FOR ARCTIC SERVICE OTTAWA Every man aboard H.M.CS. St. Stephen, assigned as weather ship at a point be- Usk. left at the end of the weeictween Greenland .and Labrador, for Vancouver. She will enter a sanitarium in the south. will be granted cash compensa tlon of $31.67. This will be in effect while the naval frigate will be at sea In the north. Her position is in the patch of the freezing Labrador current. The added boost to the seamen's pay is welcomed. It applies to all officers and men. Bernard Allen, general superintendent, Canadian National Railways. Vancouver, is sailing by the Prince Rupert tonight on his return to Vancouver after a two-day visit here on official business. Robert Crulkshank, who Is at present employed In a bank at Kamloops, returned to the city Wednesday afternoon on the Prince Rupert to spend Christmas holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William meeting of the Rotary Club wasl Mrs. Vera A. Parsons, recently cancelled this afternoon in favor arrived from Maple Bay. Van-of a mixed dinner meeting tojCOuver Island, has taken over be held In the Commodore Cafe the premises on Sixth Street Friday evening, after which the! formerly occupied by the Inter-Rotarlans, their ladles and national Cafe which have now their guests will attend the Ro- j been completely renovated and tary ball In the Civic Centre au- in which she Is opening up an ditorlum. art. souvenir and novelty shop whlcn business she has had whoi,n Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaw, considerable experience. have been paying an extended , visit here with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Judge, are sailing tonight by the Prince Rupert on their return to their home in Long Beach. California. BABY'S 7il hC l-St VVLIJ Relieve misery dlrffti -without "dosWT RUB ON V SALE Crown-Owned Land PRINCE RUPERT B.C. - prior sale or withdrawal. War Assets Cor-aes binding offers for the purchase outright - n s right, title and interest in the land des- l-ois 1G. 17. 18 anil 19, Work 31, Section 1. " lie City of Prince Kupcrl, In the I'rov-" of British Columbia. "r'Tj may be submitted for one or all of " above lots. ontatned herein arc necessarily abbreviated correction. nis property to any purchaser will be subject v;il of the Governor In Council. i'ts Corporation reserves the unqualified right or all offers received for the above property. purchase should reach the address given be-' than DECEMBER 29, 1947 AND BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT AR Am rnDPORATin m5! ,Calh"ine Street West, P.O. Box G090 Phone BElalr 3771 Announcenvents All advertisement m this column will be charged (or a full month at 25 cent a word. Another Rotary ticket will dr i three things give you a chancr to win a car, give you ticket lo Grand Rotary Dance, help the hospital children's ward. Oet one today. (289) St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11 i Catholic Card Party. School Hall. December 11, 8 p.m. St Peter's Y.P.A. Xmas Con cert. Dec. 19 and 20. St. Peter's Hall. S.O.N. Christmas Dance. Mrs. Black and five-piece orchestra. Everyone welcome. Tickets at door. Civic Centre, Dec. 26, 9:30 till 2:00. S.O.N. Christmas Tree, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 30. 2' to 5. Refreshments and entertain- ment. Bosun Inn. 909 First Avenue West, Black 959. Fine food, ta- males, chill, barbeque chicken -krww- W r SHIP OF HOPE- -New Canadians to the number of 800, displaced persons and other immigrants, will arrive in this country with each voyage of the dlesel-electric liner Beaverbrae, seen above (left) alongside her refitting berth at Sorel, Que., when she enters service early in 1948. Formerly the German vessel Huascaran of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, she was captured virtually undamaged by Allied forces in a Norwegian fjord, where she had acted as repair and "mother" ship to U-boats seeking their toll of shipping in the North Atlantic, and handed over to Canada as pari reparations payment. Master of the Beaverbrae is Captain G. O. Baugh, O.B.E., R.D., seen at right in the ship's wheelhouse holding the Mazl rear-admiral's flag which was found aboard the ship. Capt. Baugh is himself a veteran of the Battle of the Atlantic and quite possibly during the war tangled with some submarines which had been based alonslde his new command. The blackboard for marking bilge and water tank soundings, seen behind the captain, still carries it3 German wording. (Canadian Pacific Photos.) IF. R.i Herr- Sm-I Krllrl fir Tender, Aching, Burning Feet Your feet may be so swollen and Inflamed that you think you cant go another step. Your shoes may feel as If they are cutting right Into the flesh You feel sick all over with the pain and torture; you'd give anything to get relief. Two or three applications of Give HIM the Gift lie wants . . comfy, Affe SLIPPERS for FOR CHRISTMAS Slater Shoes GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED P.O. Box "37 C21 Third Avenue 15-Jcwel Watches from 12.50 up 1, 2 and 3-Strand Pearls fronv 3.75 up Musical Jewel and Powder Boxes ...... 8.75 Cigaret Cases and Compacts ....... up Earrings and Pins from 1-00 up GODFATHER Prince Philip Mountbatten took on another tough task in the light of his many duties preceding his marriage to Princess Elizabeth. He became a godfather to the new-born son of Lord and Lady Brabourne at their home in Marsham-le- Hatch, near Ashford, Eng. The child is the grandson of j Earl and Lady Mountbatten, uncle and aunt of the prince. Mountbatten Is seen peering over the shoulder of Lady Brabourne at his godson. ' V ! Moone s .mcraia vju turn ui icw , i minutes the pain and soreness dts- j y appears. I S ineui . matter how discouraged you!?. Caterers large or small have been. If you have not tried I w parties. Open all night. Orders; " on tnen j- to take OUt. (2) j ormes Drugs and all druggist. I F. I y y ! ' y y y y y y 1 y y v . y i y MEM 'DELUXE UPRIGHT MODEL (With polisher attachment) MASTER UPRIGHT MODEL DELUXE TANK MODEL (with attachments) ALSO-f Mr. and Mrs. Roderick McRaa are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. I .ICWEST '" ! I .21 tablets 2c I II lOOUbKU 7N I 109.50 89.50 99.50 The machine that Scrubs Waxes Polishes Buffs Price $99.50 No increase received on these items as yet (prices subject to change without notice). McuMvs.jM COME IN AND LOOK AROUND . . . COMPARE OUR PRICES AND QUALITY! GIFT WRAPPING FREE SERVICE No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from 30.00 and up n ua Bia xbiv sum as ta i 2f? FIVE-DAY SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS J W STII L OFFER YOU A THREE TO COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE - JEWELLERY REPAIRS AM) ENGRAVING j . ' " , R MANSON'S -rtST 1 I MOIBEROP THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION . 'i i : " : ! ! i s : a : 5 : Wnti JClupctt 22ailB J3eUi, Thursday, December 11, 1947 5? There's No Doubt . . . ... he will appreciate one of the new TIES or a smart, comfortable SCARF. In scarves you. can make an easy selection from a wide range which includes Quebec handwovens, authentic tartans and colorful plaids and stripes.. We've silks and spun rayons also. Priced from $2.00 to $4.00 There's a host of fine TIES to choose from. See the new Swiss silks, Mac-clesfields, silk foulards, as well as the favorite wool chains and Loch Glens. ' From $1.00 to $3.50 GIFT BOXES AT NO EXTRA COST Vo f 1 ! a el i inJi 1 Si PRACTICAL GIFTS . . . are always acceptable FOR HIM Power and Carpenter Tools, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods. FOR HER Lamps, Dishes, Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons, Toasters, Mixers, Pyrex Ware. FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Ice Skates, Skis and equipment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, Wagons, Bicycles and Kiddie Cars. "SHOP EARLY" ilr LDJklkfU Mdirlcle St., riione 311 If you want your kitchen remodelled, we build your CUPBOARDS in our shop, ready for installation. Or if you want your FLOOR SANDED Call BLUE 610 We also have a good selection of furniture made in our shop, such as Cabinets, Book-Cases, Tables, Magazine Hacks, Drying Hacks, Hocking Horses and Doll Cradles in three sizes. SEE OUR DISPLAY KOOM IN 11R00KSBANK BLDG., THIRD Ave. Open 2-5 P.M. THIS WEEK ft K R R A 8 H K art, 'Ox- CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Ardcn Evening In Paris Adriennc Max Factor Yardley Peggy Sage Cutcx Tangee Bachelor WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT SETS. We will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs 'THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' 8 ft H A GIFT OF FISH... Your friends will appreciate as a Christmas Gift a ten-pound carton of our Famous B.B. Brand of ASSORTED SMOKED FISH Shipped Express Prepaid in B.C ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN OR ONTARIO for Send your orders to the Bacon Fisheries PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Prince Rupert Seafood Products PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY M K A fi S 2 K K K R R K R r R R R R fi R R K K R i I R R R R R R R R R R i R I R R I i R