1 1' If 1 ;i Eta 5 f I i IS I Induce Ruucrt Dnflp J3cto0 Saturday, October 18, 1947 Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notlce.i 50c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. HELP WANTED WANTED Dealer to sell and service I.E.L. Power Chain Saws and parts. For further Information write Ira Becker & Son, 79 Victoria Crescent, Nanalmo, B.C. (244) '.WANTED Reliable party to op-erate cafe. Phone Red 441. WANTED Clerk for municipal offices, salary $85 to $100 per ""month depending on qualifl cations and experience. Ap- plications stating age, qualifi cations, experience and marl tal status should reach the Treasurer prior to October 24, II. D. Thain, City Clerk. (245) AGENTS WANTED ARE YOU a Specialty Salesman? If so, make nine dollars cash in nine minutes demonstrating Sales-Maker. Apply Box 80 Daily News. (245) PERSONAL Man wanted for 'Rawlelgh business. Sell to 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. Write today to Raw-leigh Dept. WO-166-J-S, Winnipeg, Canada. WORK WANTED MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) WORK WANTED Returned man would like clerical work. P.O. Box 1375. (244) WANTED Work, by two vets. Phone Blue 952. (247) WANTED WANTED Will pay cash for small-sized house. Phone Black 970. (247) FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room -with kitchen prlveleges. Apply 221 Fifth Ave. East. (248 . FOR RENT Two -room furnish- prl cut to Annlv tIR Of K A? a "W. (248) HOUSE FOR RENT Three I rooms and bath. Apply 112 8th j --West. (2451 ROOM AND BOARD 'Room and boari; $40 each 'double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms, quiet. Apply1264 Beach Place. (249) PERSONAL - ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a positive and permanent release from drinking. It is a personal and confidential service rendered without cost 'or Inconvenience by other alcoholics who have found freedom from alcohol. Prince Rupert, Box 276, Dally News, (tf) PERSONAL Meet at the Bus Depot for one of those delicious milk shakes you have" dreamed of. Terminal Lunch and Cigar Stand, Cigarettes, Papers, Magazines. (246) STUBBORN Skin Ailments respond to "Kleerex" the quick healing salve for Eczema, Psoriasis, Itch, Impetigo, Ringworm, etc. 50c. $1.00. At all druggists or write Kleerex Mfg. Co., Winnipeg. YOU'RE NEXT Your Chester-" field cleaned like new at your home, grease removed, faded color restored. Phone your address to Black 548. (249) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES C1VTL SERVICE EXAMINA- tlons. Prepare NOW for Winter examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 eyton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Classified Advertising Pays! TENDERS will be received by .the undersigned for purchase of dwelling being No. 332 Fifth Ave. East. Closing date October 25, 1947. Arrangement can be made to view property. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. P. TINKER & CO. LIMITED, Besner Block, P.O. Box 508. (245) COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your' Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE FOR SALE FOR SALE Radio parts and couch mattress. 650 7th Ave. East. (tf) FOR SALE 1928 Dodge. Five good tires. Phone Red 601 after 5:30 or Green 598 days. (247) FOR SALE StudebakeT '30 and Boy's Bicycle. Can be seen at Midland Camp. (244) FOR SALE Three small houses, 9th Avenue East near McBride. An excellent revenue proposition. Price $2,400. For full particulars call H. G. Helger-son Ltd. (245) FOR SALE New and used fur niture for household and offices; also hardware; used mu sical instruments; 5-pce. kitchen suite $12.50; McClary's 'electric range $15; slightly used radios, electric, battery and portable, from $20; slightly used men's rain coats, topcoats, etc.; new small size coal and wood ranges $30; new unpainted furniture, chests, book cases, desks, medicine chests from $2.75; new tumblers 5c. Everything reduced. B.C. Furniture Co., Black 321. OARAGE Business In Interior town for sale or lease. Turnover about $7500.00 month. An opportunity that seldom appears. Fully equipped with modern machinery. Stock about $2000.00. Lessee may have option to buy property Particulars from P. H. Llnzey, Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf) FOR SALE 1941 Mercury sedan. For particulars phone 23. (tf) FOR SALE Hot air furnace In good condition at 410 West Sixth Avenue. Call after 5 p.m. (244) FOR SALE Fur coat, imitation beaver. Like new, $150.00. 427 5th Ave. East. Blue 967. (246) FOR SALE Dodge 1942 sedan. $1050; to be seen at Dan's Service Station. (245) FOR SALE Snapl Bedroom suite $75; kitchen suite $50; living rorom furniture, floor covering, curtains, small tables, chairs, etc. All above for $250. House may be available to rent. Apply 1400 . Overlook Street. (244) FOR SALE-We now have Kum-fort Furnaces in stock for im mediate installation. Inquire about our air conditioning units. Expert workmanship. Phone Black 884. 253 East First. Thorn Sheet Metal. (248) STOVE FOR SALE Month-old coal and -wood heater, going cheap. Phone Blue 378. (247) CHENILLE SPREADS, $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance first quality fpr double and single beds In beautiful two-toned colors, worth double the price. Money refunded if not satis-'fled. Sent COD. plus postage In Canada. Handicraft Distributors. 254 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal 18, Que. FOR SALE Farm at Remo. Box 1367, Postal St. "B" Prince Rupert. (18-25-1) FOR SALE Table and four chairs and bed complete. Phone Red 930. (246) METAL WORK WHY put up with a smoky furnace or leaking eavestrough. Call Black 884. New Installations. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Fur naces, t ante, eaves-troughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 829 Sixth West. Phone 543, (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE ro SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Brown leather key case and keys. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) FOUND Ring near the Sunrise Grocery. Owner apply at the Daily News; and pay for the ad. (tf) BROADCAST Emission Tenight Appears Doubtful Still Working on It Up to noon today, according to wdrd received at Station CFPR, it appeared doubtful that there would be an emission from here this evening of the National Hockey League broadcast but interested parties were still working towards having necessary arrangements mad-? and Manager C. H. Insulander had been assured that he would be advised immediately of the decision. Recently communications were sent by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, Prince Ttupert Public Relations Council, Canadian Legion, Northern British Columbia Power Co. and Edward Iipsett Ltd. commending, the recent broadcasting from here of the World Series and urging ' that similar arrangements be made for hockey broadcasts. SPICY PRESERVATIVE Spices are still used as a preservative in some parts of the Orient and. China. . Advertise in the Daily News! iNEMNIOR HOOP TEAM The Gyro .basketball team, winners of last year's city Junior championship, plans to step up into the intermediate section this year but, at the same time, will organize a novice team to operate on the Junior level. In deference to the merchants who have contributed to the cost of their uniforms and equipment, the junior team will be called "Merchants." Officers of the club were deeded at a recent pre-season meeting. They are: Chairman, Eric Moore. Vice-Chairman, Jim Hebb. Secretary. G. Haiigen. Treasurer. R. Currie. Manager-Coach, S. P. Wood-side. Uniform of the Merchants' team will be maroon with black trim and white lettering. A canvass of city business establisb- INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ments for funds resulted in response from more tfran 80 CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kllocyclei (Subject to change) - SATURDAY P.M. 4:00 Meet Giselle, Tor. 4:15 Canadian Short Stories 4:30 Here's to Romance 5:00 Music of the Americas 5:30 Platter Chatter 5:45 Sporw coilege 6:C0 CBC News 6:05 T.B.A. 6:15 To be announced 6:30 Charlie Splvak's Orch. 6:30 To be announced 7:30 Organ Music 7:45 This week, Wpg. 8:00 Sat. Night Serenade OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Aston Villa 2, Sheffield United 0. Blackburn Rovers 1, Burnley 2. Blackpool 1, Portsmouth 0. Chelsea 4, Mlddlesborough 2. Derby Count 2, Bolton Wanderers 1. Everton 0, Charlton Athletic 1. Grimsby Town 1, Preston North End 1. Huddersfleld Town 1. Liver pool 1. Manchester City 3, Stofce City 0. Sunderland 1, Manchester KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM TESUT STEVE VRKLAKN ...NOT BUNK ABOUT "BILL 39" r" niirni - ...-MiiwiBlMf5.-- WITHOUT saying WHY they arc opposing it, certain interests in British Columbia carry on a noisy campaign of abuse and misrepresentation of British Columbia's Labor Laws. "Slavery!" they cry. "Bill 39 takes away labor's right to strike!" This name-calling ignores the facts and appeals to either prejudice or cmo- tion not to common sense. if The potent fact about Bill 39 is that, if enforced and observed, it will end the condition in which a few people, by show-of-hands votes at small, nnrcpre' scntativc meetings or by other questionable balloting methods can call strikes which affect large numbers of employees and injure the public welfare. Is there anything wrong with giving to working men and women the privileges of the secret ballot? THESE ARE THE FACTS ... about British Columbia's Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1947 so-called Bill 39: JL It is labor legislation that Has evolved through the years in British Columbia to ensure (a.) employees and employers alike a square deal; (b.) to protect the interests of the rank and file of the public against lost production and industrial income through avoidable strikes. No one claims it is perfect legislation. It is always open to amendment by the representatives of the people by orderly and democratic processes in 'order, to improve it. It does NOT take away the employees' right to strike. As in the past, it DOES provide that before a strike can legally be called, every effort to arrive at a peaceful settlement by conciliation or arbitration must be put forth. THIS IS A FEATURE OF LAWS GOVERNING INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS EVERYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. The alternative is a return to the industrial warfare of 30 years ago. Most of the recent strikes in British Columbia have been called without complying with the law on conciliation. t Bill 39 DOES provide for a secret supervised ballot of all employees affected, after conciliation, before a strike can be called legally in their name. WHY IS THE SECRET BALLOT OPPOSED ? Hl.t,l,T,lliHalJniMI?i1iMI;ni!;TiMiia.i (Rtprtientlng industrial and commercial organizations in B.C. having a stake in industrial peace and progress along with thit 215,000 men and women on their payrolls.) United U. r r Wolverhampton Wanderers l Arsenal 1. Second Division Bradford ft, Leicester city 2 Brentfordvo, Cardiff city o Bury 3, Newcastle United S Chester field 0, West Brom-wlch Alban 2. Donccster Rovers 0, Ful U1 ham 1. MllU'all 3, Barnsley 3. Nottingham Forest 1, Leeds United 0. Sheffield Wednesday l, Luton Tcvn 0. Southampton 3, Coventry SCOTTISH - ' ' Vi... ft Queen cf tv,. ; lain 1 Rangers 7 Uiw. 'i MILE3 1 Cjtt' , . th It t-kr Terrace FOR rilOMIT SERVICE . GENERAL iwnTnno Chevrolet Pontiac llf A Bu,ck Ch. Oldsmobile GMr Maehine Work A specialty TERRACE B.C. Phil's Cat Lakclse Avenue DDUAITACT T t tiit , To... Ill 111 - IjUIIVU III AND BANQUETS Serve: Tastv Food Fine Patriot rv.i.t. -j n ... Proprietor, Phil Tetrault LITTLE, HAUGLAND & Lumber Manufacturers Rough and Dressed Lumber T E R R A C E Agents For International Hamster Co. Pbilco Radios Willard Batteries TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace I A C.LNfi w nv ill)' .iiai A m mm mm h nh h PHONE HI wwrn fi". inn hi The Pioneer Druggists nnrnnninTinM P HP Ml 3 UAH YKU Al'l'liii imi wv" - Announcing the opening ot oarneu) fMDDTNTFR SHO with the very latest in WOODWORKING MACHINE' We will build your WtchcjjB ight in the shop reaciy w. with the very Also Floor Sanding latest machine- For appointment call Gunnar Phone Blue G10 Selvi 7 made of wood, we P.O. p