. i in i o rrvkir ii 11 n vt m m m LIMITED Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AfiBVTS FOR SLATER SHOES i.pnue Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box. 737 Your Eating Pleasure . n 1 Krnanwav - 1DL UI.J SERVICE re (Formerly Hoston Cafe) Kill If there is anything more an noying than pebtoles talcing ad vantage of open toes It is being disturbed. at your favorite radio program. Crystal sets spring up at will for the convenience of young listeners in the family but mother and father, appar ently, ftnd something Idealistic about sharing the living room radio. Or tussling wntly, as when Bob Hcpe come cracking in from one station and Isabel McEwen sings her way from another. "Do you want Hope?" "Oh it doetn't really matter," I ;ay, "but he's gcx.d Isn't he? So witty." "Yeah." The dial stays put on wmgsmz&m 71 i IIANQUKT HALL i FOU LUNCHEONS. DINNERS AND ArTEKNOON TEAS j Dishes Chow Mcin Chop Suey TAKE OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME 1 1 u imm AM PHONE 200 1 ramnmf ,rnm Ira Help the Children our Purchase or a nonei ntitlcs You to an Oppor tunity of Winning This JV I ILKK i U llNlrvc-oi-. Steamer Service PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (I'oweU River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE ttUFERT ftp - .mom a rMJTI rR L INTS VVAKU 11 i j nL UOLU 1U r unn - ' THE LOCAL HOSPITAL .m m-m m m rm m m m v m M a m , m m , mm w r If I II II I Mil I JIIIIHUi."" J Club of Prince lluperl, u.t,. hard lately and prepared to my rest. On second thought, mending heaps of things left out of sight heretofore came in for careful attention. Felt morr conscientious. It was wonderful until the fourth day wilen It was nip and tuck all the way. In my anxiety for the Dodgers I forgot to be discreet, so that when the man I married telephoned I left the radio loud and one ear turned in that direction. There was a great shout. "Something's happenedat the ball game I mean" j ' I babbled into the mouthpiece. "I've got to go listen." which I did. But not for long. Almost Immediately the phone rang. A stranger inquired at length for my husband. He hung up only to ring right back. "Are you y chance listening to the ball game? Could you please tell me the score?" Could I tell him! was more than enthusiastic on both counts To my ear that "please" was pathetic. Imagine the disadvt ' .age of being mnn. esneciallv on a day like today! Here was I, free to ar range my work to suit myself and listen but that poor fellow had to keep to schedule. I lost an "out" sadly weighing the lot of some folk However, those sentiments -i - mistaken," my ingeniously and hastened on to question number three. Yes, I expected him heme for lunch "If he dares U come!" added un der my vreath. ! Lavage saved the day. when he hit that run the Dodgers won. And because he hit It all Dodgr fans were happy Including me Even after a gentleman I know extremely well telephoned home to Inquire If the phone was ' working order. And 'did I hav' t!me to talk to him now? 5 iat to 1CB IIDIHSTIM. tU. m MIVMII S0U1 SIMMS. sun KUinUH. IUQI1IG. I101TIIG I lilt i jut JJ lU ( SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert J Church Creek; Percy Prltchard, Church Creek; R. Dunlap, Smjfg then; S. Chllcgtt, VancouverMB McPherson. Queen Charlotte! City, Don Morrison, Vancouver; G. F. Hoar, Edmonton; Hon. t. T. Kenney. Victoria; C. D. Orch ard, Victoria; C. L. Lewis, Bute-dale; K. W. Hlnton, Vancouver; Miss Jane Common, Port Simpson; Mrs. Q. Benn, Sandsplt. CHINA'S GOLD LODE Many Indications of rich gold deposits have been discovered In the Altai mountains in China. m r r r . I w Un View in Long Motors Salesroom . . - m r r" T- 'CKETS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM ALL mt.mo JOB'S DAUGHTERS ''E JOB'S DAUGHTERS HAVE UNDEKIA" IGNITION SYSTEM WIRING RATTER Y r CIGARETTE l $$5m IB 9 A A E J I HB ! ! : " i ". DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 33 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11. 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Knlargtrs and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. H . -rtori. II i libit i a . n Ilk A 1 Cii b. " - - TT 3 JL.mm. rfl .nrTTTT.AP PPTrF? AT .,roT RADIO & HLfcUlKlL, lit - HB & BRIDDEN ?5 AVfl CONTRACTORS Construction Alterations P.O. Box 721 in this Prince Rupert by BIDDEE JINKS Even for double the price you can't buy anything better than Isobel. "Got a range hasn't she!" "Yeah tout so has Bob. Different kind, of course." "Do you really want to listen to Hope?" ",Not If you. don't dear,".sweet-ly. And the dial stays, as was and one goes to wondering If twin radio sets might not be as catch- I ing as twin beds. . . I It behoves women to be leni ent about the radio In the eve ning for the radio is their own most cf the day: Prom the hours between 9 and 6. "Ethel and Albert" comes In promptly without any sermonizing on "soap operas and such drama to entertain perions slightly below par Intel lectually." And when the World Series baseball tame on, I fluffed the chair nearest the radio, were short-lived, The phone cununuva 10 mi" w two nnn three minute Intervals. Always, It was a new and strange voice, always asking the same questions with slight show of Imaj- lnatlon. No, my husband was not at home. No! Yes, he'd be In at lunchtime. Yes, I was listening to the ball game and I did know the score. Shortly, there was 0 much time spent at the mouth piece of a certain black demon on the wall that I was no longer sure hew the game went. But I did my best long after I got the feeling that something in Denmark had gone wrong. Even after I distinctly caught a snicker at the other end of the line and faintly, the din of thousands of people yelling themselves hoarse. Nowhere do crowds roar like that except Brooklyn ye: at that moment I might have launched Into close competition. For the next ring I was ready. This time .""V I - knew where thJ J u.j T 1 1 1 tnn . wu'T6tT' take gentleman was. "You must be caller suggested Hotel:: . Prince Itupert Mr. and Mrs. Tarbuck and children, Pacofl; James OTJara, arrivals x lJLK 5 . ttlnnSir AYfHssi. 'TTf TTTfyy' r Before having that next REPAIR JOB done, drive In and have one of our experts give you a detailed ESTIMATE. JVe are Fully Equipped for Automobile Repairs Dealers in Studebaker Commercial and Hudson . Cars Tires and Tubes 'Repaired Grease Servicing SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE Junction Second and Third Avenues Phone Green 917 P. II. LINZEY Arr. Ketchikan Lv Lv. Ketchikan Arr. Arr. Petersburg Lv. Petersburg Arr. Wrangel IT TODAY! Green 217 211 4lh Street Prince Rupert Realty Co- p'rotect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! Union Steamships Ltd. wish to announce their NEW FAST DIRECT SERVICE Between Prince Rupert and Vancouver Effective October 22 (Southbound) Lv. Prince Rupert Sundays. 2 p.m. ,, Arr. Vancouver Tuesdays 7 a.m. (Northbound) ; Lv. Vancouver Wednesdays 9 p.m. Arr. Prince Rupert Fridays 9 a.m. - Also extended service to Alaska as follows:. (Read Down) 2 pjn. Friday 9:30 pm. Friday 11:45 pjn. Friday 10 a.m. Saturday 11 ajn. Saturday 2:30 p.m. Saturday Lv. Pr. Rupert Arr (Read Up) 8:30 a.m. Sundays 11:45 p'.m. . Saturdays 10:30 p.m. Saturdays Lv. 3:30 p.m. Saturday I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH mmiA'SNEWSPAPER ared Your Car or Truck Remember "IT'S A FRIEND IN NEED" HAVE OUR GM SPECIALIZED MECHANICAL STAFF INSPECT YOUR CAR OR TRUCK TODAY WE SUGGEST THAT YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS INSPECTED AND ADJUSTED OR REPLACED AS NEEDED: LIGHTS. BRAKES GENERATOR BRAKE LININGS SWITCHES BRAKE CABLES T7inri dump RADIATOR BATTERY BP5e TUNE-W CABLES WXTERPUMP HOSE CONNECTIONS WHEEL BEARINGS CLUTCH LUBK IL. fciiun. HEATERS GAS LINE CARBURATOR DEFROSTERS STARTER STEERING CT SYSTEM SPRINGS SHOCKS TIRES (l ; GM APPROVED ACCESSORIES ARE N OW AVAILABLE A ANTI.FREEZE SEAT COVERS CHAINS on atwq DEFROSTERS POWER-PAKS r, TrTrDiirc nAPK-.ITP I.TflHTS RADIOS TRUNK GUARDS FOG LIGHTS WAX and POLI LONG MOTORS LIMITED 7 I I W". r- m 1 j l1y I I 1 I i '-.