asmasaanties Applauds Fashion Designs {create new and beautiful, clothes,” said artist Muriel Pem- berton, who directs the school’s | Indian Fi irst Non-White yal per sR NARRAWAY = ff Writer fashion-plate 30 art school in £150, gave ten fashion fashion and design section. NOT FOR SALE The show had everything most, to crow about.| puyers cross the channel to see ° inei j iw this shOW| nonsense, humor, drama, in- Marchioness ballots cast in the June 12 provincial election, : that Brit- vention and glamor. The only The three—Mrs. Maude An- unnot create, difference was that these goods LONDON (Reuters) An In-| field, Mrs. Mavis Fulton and MisS were lucky to have such a good in the News were not for sale They will most|dian woman today became the | Joan Cross—did a man-sized job man handling a most delicate likely be worn for some dream-| Premier Marchioness of Britain |'on Thursday helping sort letters chore,” said Mr. Hills. His re- Oe ee come-true occasion planned by —and the first non-white Mar-|and were ready for a real rest marks were echoed by Jack Me- the ylish the young designers as they cut, | chioness—when she married the | as counting finished at 10:30 p.m. Rae, Liberal, who was defeated nple proof that! gewed and ironed 89-year-old Marquess of Win- Returning officer A. Bruce qn his bid for re-election B i till give good Typifying French chic was a, chester. Brown thanked the ladies short ihc . ause it cares — a ao made Miss Bapsy Pavry, 49, wed the|ly after the final votes, were rom 15 yards of stiff white cot- elderly nobieman at a quet reg- counted and candidates also paid ; ; g millions get-' ton, pleated and machine em- istry office ceremony. Two office tribute to the excellent job doe Craig Stewart fashion-COn~ proidered to give weight and clerks acted as witnesses. No|by the trio. iware Of the style, and trimmed with 40 yards | relatives attended Miss Cross, who was Ml T S th oe on a a The groom's titie dates back pnven's election clerk Mrs ‘Ane rave > Ou | chools take ogether it cost designer|to 1539-—older than that of an ie nd 5 n spe é ; hat can be Marjorie Cornelius an outlay of | other marquess. He survived we a oy ees phen ae For Vacation designers, few | £8 10s. The cotton was 5s 11d a! previous wives, both of whom ontaned enunine the ballot boxes ied their wings yard, lace 10d and pleating 30s.| were widows when they married locating the proper letters and| Twelve-year-old Craig Stewart | irket The pleated empire top was ac- | him keeping a check with Mr. Brown'is making his first trip away | veeks of, cented by a large brown rose He and Miss Pavry, daughter on the correct number ane : a“ « y - t's worth it. that Marjorie had dyed herself. | of the late Parsee High Priest of “They did « grand job,” said | ee Roe §. 2) ee dream dress, A wide, stiff belt drew in the) Bombay, first met in 1928. | Mr, Brown, “I don’t think I could | Son of Sergeant and Mrs. T. A. of white! waist above a full, caif-length On the eve of his wedding, the | have chosen three more capable} Stev'art 0’ 4:5 Fourth Avenue | ; of white | skirt hemmed with pleating Marquess said he had proposed | women to handle the job " | West, Craig ‘eit here Thursday | , ethereal eve- Beachwear included black lin-|to Miss Pavry only in the last | And adding to the bouquets for | night for Vane war ‘aboard the | iid not dis-|en jeans and sloppy joe, a black | few days. |a good job, George Hills, newly-| Prince Rupert ; and white check lumber jacket} “I’m nearly 90, you know,” he|¢@ said. “When you get to my age |+ A diaphanous sleeves over plain | with empire ed organdie nd caseades | black playsuit. Worn with yellow the ground, |linen beach- bag, the bottom of | have to act quickly.” background which was a wicker bread basket, Raven-haired Miss Pavry, a gown with)it had all the chic necessary for | bride for the first time, wore a d waist, its|a Californian beach, white sari with a silver brocade | nted by two Wearability was the key-note| border which has been in her | ; of stiff white cotton blouses with | family for 300 years. ] hey had just big collars and important lan- Silver and gold bangles adorn- | co ahead and, tern sleeves ‘ed her wrists and she wore a| large pearl necklace. | The couple have not disclosed | their honeymoon plans but in- | itend to go to India later this| year. The Marquess has not lived | in England permanently since | 1930, when he was declared barik- rupt after being ruined in a financial crash Legion Ladies Enjoy Meeting In Auditorium w Secretary Civic Centre ives in City the three ladies who helped in the final counting of it’s too late to waste time. You) yr Brown for his “excellent job.’ Women Helpers Praised By Returning Officer Thanks for a “job well done” were extended to lected Member of the Legisla-| He will be met there by Sgt. ure for Prince Rupert, praised | Stewart's mother and leave later for Bowen Island to spend a va- “He did a swell job. I think we cation with his grandparents D A N C E Saturday Night at Legion Auditorium 9 to 12 p.m Gents $1.00 Modern and Old Time Dancing Everybody Welcome Ladies 50c MUSIC BY THE WESTERNAIRES |‘ Mrs. Tweed Leads Ladies at Cards monthly meeting of the Moose- heart Committee at the home of Mrs. Jose’s Taylor. cards were played. Mrs. Helen Tweed won first prize and Mrs. Anne Matson was second. | Good, Mrs. 8. Johnson. Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Saturday, July 5. 1952 Eight members attended the After a short business session, Other members present were Mrs. A. S. Hamilton, Mrs. H. | 2 Serviteurs were Mrs. Effie Soroptimists End \ |B Bea Mc- ‘Donald, Miss Muriel Vance and The Soroptimist Club of| Mrs, Evelyn Noble was cashier Prince Rupert ended their pastiand Mis. Eve Couling was in jsale of homemade candy at the! and Mrs. Margaret Smith re- home of Mrs. Rena Ham leeived the many guests who Paulson, Mrs. J. Flewin, Mrs. A. were Mrs. Mae Gordon and Mrs. June Bride Treasure Chest was Irene Bushaw, past president. drawn for at the end of the tea. oungs, Mrs. Nora Withers, Mrs, Y s A ti iti \Bertha Boulten, Mrs. Mrs. Willa Ray. lyear’s activities at a tea and!charge of the candy. Mrs. Ham Pouring for the afternoon ¢ajled during the afternoon. The ee GEORGE COOK—Jeweller Vy fb “resents for your dancing and listening pleasure “Saturday Night Dance Party | | | every Saturday night from 11 p.m. to | a.m. on Station CFPR | TWO FULL HOURS OF ENJOYMENT | Don't Miss Cook's Jewellers Saturday Night Dance Party Starting Tomorrow Night The Marquess has no children Regular meeting of the Ladies eae : eu 6 and heir to the title is a cousin, Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, was y-appointed { Civic Wencitne ae. oo . . loon a : i held at the Legion Auditorium ae 6. Paulet, who ae ' Bhs Thursday night with 43 mem- | Stirn, WhO S|pers attending, Mrs. Dorothy me in Van-|Gomez, president, in the chair Mrs. Marion Varfeldt has left | Legion Week was discussed,| by train for Calgary where she} 1 weal ef also scholarships for all chil- | will attend the famous Stampede be thy dren of ex-service men, spon-|She will be staying with hei sored by Provincial Command.| aunt, Mrs, B. Mitchel , ssistan Mi Gomez ifficial dele- y respon | gate, gave a complete report on Mrs. Jack Mussallem and het f eadership | wer ree ent convention attend- small daughter will arrive home . 17 parks | ance at Nelson B.C tonight from Winnipeg where and for) | Mrs J, S, Blac » ee honored they have been on an extended ut was|PY the local auxiliary as the) vacation, Mr. Mussallem who fest ~— president of Provin spent most of the holiday with dian Cal Command and = given @/¢hem arrived back a week ago » a time | hearty vote of thanks upon het ee : t) ad treat work in this northern; oo. a 4 ar 7one ee ee en ee ee var service A visitor from Edson, Alberta, PRINCE UPERT ication at| Mrs. M. Botrakoff, was welcom f British Colum ed at the meeting and gave a DRYDOCK ' recreation short account of activities in ¥ ncouver Park, Met branch AND SHIPYARD A The East End Sewing Circle " was given a vole of thanks upon SHIPBUILDERS AND their hilarious skit put on June ENGINEERS 4 27, the occasion of the Legion i , eaders Bring Your Missus” night Iron and Brass Castings The raffle was won by Mrs Kiectric and Acetylene Freda Marshall Welding , |. Bulgers Mrs. Emmy Rothwell served Meeting refreshments and bingo was en SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILI fuly 7, 8 p.m oyed by the members. There sia (158) were three applications for MINING MACHINERY membership Serer a a h Vacation Monday, July i thie chureh (at at WIE: “4 Better Perman TOG. Yi S onal operators Just phome 855 Nnach dad ty and Sunday, 100% NYLON a ee SOCKS AND ANKLETS emergency meet kers Local, U.F.A July 6, 7:30 p.m, Business deadline, (its Orium VOTK 1 Gilbert, of Helen’ n nnounees that McCallum, formerly Beauty Shoppe, will laff on July 2. (157) R dermn i The only socks actually air-conditioned! Monarch-Knit's amazing NYLO-MIST process keeps Toughies warm in winter, cool in summer. WATTS & NICKERSON MEN'S CLOTHING Relax and Enjoy... REVELSTOKE LAGER ENGLISH DARK BEER “Cross of Honor” for the Dominion NOW ON EASY TERMS | WITH ESSO FURNACE Ol CONTRACT ASSURED Both beers awarded of Canada, Brussels, Belgium, 1951. BE SURE TO... Ask for Them by Name y Limited, Reveistoke, B.C. ned or displayed by the Liquor Control British Columbia ' Enterprise Brewer This advertisement ts not publist Board or by the Government of WRITE OR 1 PER TE OR PHONE AL OIL LIMITED perenne BLONDIE oe DARLING, DO MIND IF MRS. ORIBB AND I GO TO THE MILLINERS AND THERE'S JUST ONE CATCH -- 2 MRS. DRIBB ae WOULD LIKE YOU TO TAKE CARE OF HER LITTLE DARLINGS WHILE WE'RE GONE you HEY CRY = tory, Ue ST WA J ( THEIR BOTTLES sy FOR THEM CHIC YOUN, I DIDN'T DO ANY THING --- iTS YOUR MILK-- IT'S GOOD--NUMMY GOODY -- WON'T YOU VEN T Pie 2 NOTHING DOING ~-!'VE GOT TO you INTO IT. NOW GET FINE FRIENDS I HAVE -- THEY DESERT ME IN MY TIME OF GREATEST NEED GOT YOURSELF AH, AT LAST THE FALLEN ASLEE! THANK GOOD MY NERVES WE READY TO EXPL _— 'M JUST CALLING YOU TO FIND OUT HOW THE BABIES ARE-* Is EVERYTHING Tene - ok = 4 Se sy { WOKE =+ = THEM UP > ae ws. iat ap fae = 2 Ff we oe hu ia CR Ti eS