(IMMUNITY HAS TREE The rotunda of entre was crowded "venij with happy in parents for the an-unit Uiriatmat (rw , ways draws out the of the population j ' rom bables-ln-arma ! ;indparents. Abeautl-Mu and lighted tree ;ie stage. The evening' i nem- was carried out j of the Kinsmen Clyb vd of games and ng With Mr. Lloyd the piano and led iiu-rv Seaton at the Classified I ft tlUrt t tna.4 1 irnsTii notice :Earix'WN - At the Prince General Hospital on v December 20, to Mr. Harry Sheardown. a Hi FOR SALE a ca.E Perfection portable a new. $8.50. Phone ( 298 1 a f.ALE Hothouse 7x19' able Phone Black 183. (300) ' ar In perfect coiuil-: 'client Christmas gift ;: lover Phone Green Call at offke or ''rocn 877. evenings. Ji? :ALE 2 piece formal B:: ; Sl.-.e 18-20. Phone Black (300) a F.ALE Brand new 4 -piece Ui: ;m iMlte Apply 4M HUi Kn tx - ami 7 'AIP .l"lnlW'Vinn fZxjua C::: Oualltv Order Now. . 1 I B inlture Co. 1 H '.ALE Hrlt sh Inrt ft Rum Ko Beautiful Colors, Limlt- o Quantity Reasonably Pric- n :me In and look them t.n u.l t urnuure uo. utac 314 ID P CrnHohalrnr 1QW Red Fdx Fur 'Necfc Cedar Planking, 3x12" 3x10 Apply 1401 Fred-St Midland Camp). (209) ALE New and Used Fur-Hard ware and Office rev. New Skillets 80c, and Saucers 25c. Soup 25c Aluminum Double s $195, Elertrlc Double siatcs $7 New Camp Scatter Rugs $1.75, Chesterfield Bed $30. r Occasional Chai rs 11 : Sllehtly Used Radios, ic and Battery Sets from Ci All kinds of other useful nr.: irz Come and look them B C Furniture Co. Black 2 tin K paint Job and general wernaul Phone or apply 112 j hx, (tfl JR SALE- Baby Carriage. 1013 to Ave E. (299 i MACHINERY FOR SALE I C A tit L. -1 - t..l..a MAMA wormrnically use the modern "no up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufacturer! by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, Be (tf) "rnrirate ..f Tllle N. t:.V.n-l '"I loiirlren (II). IH'"k Jfnn -right (tit), Serllni. Mx JJ ' ll of I'rlm-e Rupert. M.l 'HEREAS latlsUcfcrry proof of " above Certificate of Title ii the name of Benjamin D. to: been filed In this office. Jllf o herrhv olven that I Shall. u "Oration of one month from "real me a Provisional Certlfl- ' I . I I 1 1 -. . - 1 .4 (net ror- ' Ill 111' 11 Ul M11U v.. '" inlfM In the meantime valid ifL10" be made to me In writing UATKn ih. , . u.ni..tf nf. " rr,iice nurur nn h i 24in " november, 1047. A.U. ANDREW THOMPSON. Di-puty Registrar of Titles. (301) 1 AM) KliniSTUV AOT ' '' ideate of Title No. 23082-1 ' Nurth-Weat Qua. ter of Lot U1" Thousand Seven Hundred no flltxy.flvo (1705). Queen J'ariotte District, said to contain " Hundred and Sixty (100) more or Icm-, ""EBEAS aatlsfactory proof of " tlle above Certificate of Title t, ' the name of Cesar Vcrhey-bren rilel ln this office, vtZ " heuy given that I shall, 2 !xP'ratl3n of one month from of kw to of tne nrst publication tin ,nue a Provisional Certificate tail, , , n "cu or "ld lst Certificate. qj- m the meantime valid objec-D.2! "iade to me In writing, of ri-. " tne Land RegUtry Office. W, ""Pt, U.O,. this J5th day m Wmlu.i- toil r. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (302) microphone, the children heralded the approach ol SdUa Clau., with Christmas carols. Alf AUree, a Santa cian .n. loudly cheered alter his greeting uu men we efiiidren filed onto ;the stage where the Kinsmen members handed out bags of fruit, nut and eandy. On Thursday evening 550 bags had been filled by members of the Terrace Parent - Teachers Association. Only a few of these were left for those children who could not be present that night. After a few weeds with Santa Claus, the children left the stage for the far end of the hall where lee cream cones were handed out to them. Three rousing "Good 1 Continued on I'ae 8i Advertising - Birth Nntlrra UMTluge I OK .':KM FOR REN T Two-room suite. furnished. Apply No. 2 Bay Apia, df) FOR RENT Warm, comfortable room; reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser St. (303i FOR RBKT One 3-nwm apartment, unfurnished or partly furnished. With private bath. Rod 441. ufi PERSONAL ORDER your Christmas Tree now from B. & w. Transfer. 2c a foot. Phone Red 182. Uf ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS" Oilers a permanent release from drinking. It Is a confidetlal. service rendered without cost, by others who have found free- j aom irom alcohol. Box 270 Dally News (tfl A SANDED FLOOh makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient job with modern equipment. Oreer and Brld-den have the latest in floor sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 561. (tfi METAL WO ICR PLUMBING - Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. F u r n a ce s , tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau St Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf ROOM AMI BOARD ROOM AND BOARD-$43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley. C22 Fraser Street. (tf) WANTED WANTED Job as cook, general. Have references. Box 1029 Postal B. (303) WANTED TO REjNT 4- or 5-roam house, or would consider buying wartime house from owner. Box 297. Dally News. 300 WOUfc WANTED MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 583. tf) AGENTS WANTED HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS If you live anywhere in B. C, have a car and are neat in appearance, like meeting the public, here Is an opportunity for you to get ln on the ground floor of an exciting new business. A business giving you 65 profit per sale (average sale $7,501, 50 of sales repeat Immediately after delivery. You won't have any competition for at least 6 months. We supply you with and train you to operate our advanced equipment. Also supply you with leads. You deposit with the company $300 as a guarantee which will be returned to you anytime you wish to discontinue your agency. Reply Movietone Recording Co., Box 290, Dally News. (3001 mmi iinnxrrtv act Re- Certificate of Title No. 25304-1 to the North Half of the South-East Quarter and the South Half of the North-East Quarter of Lot One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-five (1705). Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Hundred and Sixty (ICO) acres, more or leas. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Cesur Verhey sen has been tiled In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall. t the expiration of one month from the date of the nrst publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me ln writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, n.C, this 25th day November. 1947, A D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (301) Advertise in tne Dally News TERRACE ENJOYS SCHOOL CONCERTS Pupils Acquit Themselves With fireat Credit TERRACE - The primary school children held their party and Christmas entertainment on Thursday afternoon at the I school, songs and recitations were greatly enjoyed by the parents and, after the distribution I of gifts to the children, tea was 'served to the visitors by Mrs. ! Campbell and Miss Robson of j the primary school staff. At the elementary school, west of town, the Christmas entertainment was held on the Friday afternoon. Wife the weatner , cold and snow blowm in bliz zards, only a few parents turned out for an excellent program of singing, pianoforte tolos and playlets presented by the children. Highlights o; (he entertainment 1 were the courtroom scene from Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" whe:e Shvlock (Lloyd Honkei deminds his pound of flesh, present d by ths children from Grades V and VI. i and the singing of cowioy songs by the boys of Grades 7 and 8, which they enjoyed hi much themselves that they sang with great gusto. Ending the concert was a fine display of rhvthmlc exercises and folk dancing by the larger girls, led by Phyllis Lofeudo. Trained by Miss Annie Lips, school principal, the girls showed such great talent after only two weeks of training that the hope was expressed by several of the parents that, early In the spring, a school entertainment could be staged In town for the enjoyment of the whole community. The distribution of the chlldrens' gifts to each other followed after the concert. HICKS I FRASER HOUSE Modem, Quiet, Com(jrtarii 714 FRASER STRF.E1 Phone Black 823 Q 1 From YOUR Tlie payoff on War Savings Certificates has begun, Right now all War Savings Certificates issued in May 1940 are being redeemed by the Canadian . Government at their full face value. On or after December 15th, you can redeem all War Savings Certificates issued in Jurc 1940 . . . and so on, mojith by month, for the next few years. If you are among the thrifty people who own War Savings Certificates; NOW is the time to look them over, sort them out by months and as they fall due, endorse them and mail to Ottawa as described on the back of each Certificate. A cheque for the full face value of each Certificate will be sent to you in due course. ' " But here is another suggestion... Have The Royal Dank of Canada do all this "office work" and sorting for you. Save yourself the bother of searching out the right pieces of paper each month, endorsing them and mailing them off to Ottawa. Here's what you dot Bring all your War SAFEKEEPING CHARGES FOR WAR SAV- Savings Certificates which you have at 1NGS CERTIFICATES, INCIUDING AUTO-liome or in your safe deposit box, to MATIC REDEMPTION WHEN DUE your nearest Royal Hank 1) ranch. We will Tor each $5 Certificate .... St 1 nut (hem in our vaults for safekeeping. 1 ; $io 2od As the Certificate fall due, we will " $25 " ..... 7lt cash them for you and deposit the full " " $50 " 30t fate value (which includes interest) in jI00 ss the savings account of the registered j50q $j 0J owner, automatically. If you have no account w ith us, w e w ill open one for If your Certificates are already lodged with you for thiinurpose. u fof safekeeping, we will arrange for their ' automatic redemption, as described above, The cost of this service, including safe- at a nominal charge of 5d per Certificate, keeping until your Certificates mature, regardless of the face value, is low, as the following table shows. f TAKE ADVANTAGE OF. THIS MilftD J IABOUR.SAV.NG SIRV.C IT i S '"fur. i no'' niv,, ; u recci,. WrfXVy J IS AVAIIMLI IO YOU At i ,, J . SRANCH O, ,H. , V-CfMfS 0L BANK O, CANADA S"w' THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Timely Topics I Travelling to Prince Rupert j on Thursday's train were Mr. and Mrs. Degenhart, also Rev. r uiner itacetie. Contests at the High School on Friday afternoon were participated In by most of the students. Winner, of the croklnole was Parker Mills and winner of the Dln.nnn . n, lanaers. Mr.aind Mrs. D. Tumlinson of I Terrace have received word of the marriage of their only son, L.A.C. David C. Tumlinson, to Mrs. Isabel Rawlins, eldest daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Henry Mink of Angus, Ontario, where the marriage took 'place, the bride's small daughter, Nancy, being the flower girl. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Campbell a nd Sum have moved into town to live In one of th8 cabins at Mrs. W. S. Anderson'3 auto camp. from Terrace LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Rough and 1,, Poi Dressed Lumber i ft K K A t h and ruing Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. I'hilco Radios Willard ISatteries FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Chev. Trucks Pontlac Oldsmobile G.M.C, Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. now on, month WAR SAVB Jimmy Arsenault of Prince Rupert arrived in town Friday, returning to the coast on Saturday's train. Constable W. Richmond of Burn's Lake arrived In town on Thursday's train to attend the " inquest on n " Pete 5 Sheremata. bnemata. wauon wagon VIC- tim, and left on Friday's train. Mrs. Do'ris Brentzen and small daughter arrived in Terrace on Saturday's train to spend the Yuletlde with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson. Miss Freda Hall of the Conrad Street School teaching staff at Prince Rupert, arrived in town on Friday's train to spend the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall. In connection with the P.T.A. guessing contest which closed on Saturday, the eight-day clock was won by Joe Schultzlk and a by month OS A. FLATEN, Manager CERTIFICATES can he cashed! VISITING IN SOtTTCI Alf Yoxall, director of the Civic Centre, left on Saturday's train for Prince Rupert to enplane for Vancouver to spend the Yuletlde season near his mother who is ill In hospital there. He expects to be away about two weeks and, during his absence, his place at the Civic Center is being filled by Mrs. Jean Mayo. set of pyrex bowls donated by J. H. Smith was won by Bruce Smith. The fruit cake winner was Bud Fisher who guessed the exact weight of 4 lbs. 10 ozs. WHEN IN TERRACE STOP AT THE TERRACE HOTEL For Convenience and Comfort HOT AND COLD WATER IN ROOMS Central Heating Spring-Filled Mattresses l LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Margaret McLeod Optometrist AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave Phone Oreen 324 lor appoint mcnts y v SINGER V T Immediate delivery of new 4 treadle and electric sewing f machines in Prince Rupert I and district. SINGER Sewing Machine Co. ! a. Phone 861 Prince Rupert SAVOY HO TEL j Carl Zarelli, Prop. ) Phone 37 P.O. Box .511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert. 1 Two Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3i pjn. Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS December 26 midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS December 28 midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 888 Prfnrfcttupm .Mle ratios Monday. December 22, 1947 V J I v EHFECT PERFORMANCE FOR LEADING MEN GET SET FOR THE HOLIDAYS NOW! DROP IN AND SELECT ONE OF OUR GUARANTEED GOOD FITS. MORGANS MENS WEAR "TAILORED IN" THE CUSTOM MANNER" i Gifts Galore... 7 at McCUTCHEONS FOR HER Cosmetic Sets, Perfumes, Colognes, Compacts, Stationery, etc. FOR HIM Shaving .Sets, Wallets, Ronson Lighters, Pen and Pencil Sets, Pipes, etc. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. " 3rd 'Ave. at 6th St. SHUT OUT THAT CLATTERING NOISE Soundproof with ' ,AN,)SOME?'v crr DOL'IJLE AND SINGLE BREASTED MODE L Si ALL SIZES Phone "9 ACOUSTI. BOARD U'e can ship direct to you and SAVE the cost of handling SMOOTH AND SLATE SURFACED ROOFING Asbestos Products Asphalt and Asbestos Shingles Wallboard and Masonite Lustrelita Flcxboard Rubber Floor Tile S r E C I A L We have Just received a shipment of ASPHALT FLOOR TILE s .. PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. 208 Fourth Street PHone Blue I "389 FOR PRINCE HANDCRAFTS (Vera A. Parsons) RUPERT PEOPLE GIFTS that are DIFFERENT! ARTCRAFT NOVELTIES SOUVENIRS WAX FLOWERS NOW OPEN AND SOUVENIRS 211 SIXTH STREET RUPERT MARINE REALTY I (J. CLAUSEN &. SON) j We Take Listings of . . . j BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY ) FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS j (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) j Box SIS Phone Green 075 WE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY AND BOXING DAY ALSO SATURDAY 27th PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR COAL EARLY A Merry Christinas TO ALL : ALBERLoMcCAFFERY LTD. 4 PKbhes 1 16 anil 1 17 and 58