lf.V ft- i y. y y y v y y I y 3 y y a y y y y. y Erfiicr Rnprrr 2nf!v ileitis . Monday. December 3.2, 1947 e thank you for your patronage- during the past year and extend to you a very Merry Christmas PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 651 - 652 COAL LlttlHKtf BUILDING SUPPLIES (297) Business and Professional DR. P.. J, CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOB THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765. ARMSTRONG. AGENCIES REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS Fiione 342. P.O. Box 927 P. N. Kllbom W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 - Night Calls Green 977 " Prince Rupert HELEN'S. BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving, Beauty Culture in all its branches. 206 4th Street Phone 655 PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE OREEN 955 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. JONES NEWS STAND Eastern ai.J western Papers, " Magazines SUBSCRIPTION? TAKEN Bixth Street Red 808 POAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT, WORKS A. P, Crawley Off ea. 391 GEORGE Lf ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled, Besner Block Phone 387 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Phone Black 823 H...L LUND. McKINLEY & ST. CLAIR PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, PHONE RED 240 ; ;SMITH & ELKINS LTD. ! , Plumbing, and Heating I Engineers Phone. 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE McWlUNNEY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING P.O. Box 1426 147 4th East Phone Black 489 SUPERIOR DECORATORS PNTINCj : PAPERHANOlNa Phone: BJue. 952. or Black 245 ten. Kitchens Bill Thornton (D18) PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Gifts MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders. Box 51 G Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. ROSS RICHARDSON 628 Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 246 Confederation Life Association STEPHEN ERICKSON Piano Technician TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave. If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS - BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 269 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. 1361 Overlook Specializing in Marine -and G e n.e r a.1. Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 arandview Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners. PHONES: Green 480 Red 894 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling Weighing BLUE 992 s PROMPT IWOIKT SUMO Mil M MM to COUMBIA OPTICAL Ca La Reminiscences By w.J. ancl Reflections In the days that saw Lord Roberts' army finish operations around Klmberley and Start marching across country to BIcemfontein, rations were ulain and none too plentiful. There vas a permanent thirst. Eloemfontein i place of the blossoming fountain) basked in warm Mrch. sunshine. The empty veldt spread flat and far, wth. oeca.si.onal flat-topped kopje or low rolling hills. And somewhere out thtW. alert commandos who. knew, their spacious land sa. well kept eluding the foct-slogging infantry uith provoking ease. NaW.v.e Africans had their homes handy. They were good nature d fsjuud it Qasy to shQv (learning tseth, in frequent laughter. Robust women car- i ted. latfen baskets, often on their heads. Black boys would come racing out to. the. invaders' camDS to sell the now-and- then conies of the "Bloemfontein Friend" a smaU. pink paper madp up any old way. It printed advertisements, what passed for news, letters. poems.- one (resh from the pen of Kipling and proclamations in two languages, bearing the signature Roberts F. M. Many a. njan worked as a. transport ciiivcr. He moved along by the s;de of the lurching, crammed wagon hauled by a dozea oacii. Gripping tne ipng nandled whip, shou.tjing and whjstllng, h would send the lash culling oxer the backs of the laboring beasf-s. In one of; these supaly, trains,, there hi be as, niany as a score ol wagons. An impatient buddy from Ontario disliked jam because he was given more than he. wished and not enough of what he yearnec for. Bully bef, and un- irim&nly, hard. lscuji qqujd become tiresome top. Anyway, he w;as aljerglc to Jam. FQijd, monotony keot oh growing. Some-, tiroes, troops, in the fiejd and hiew, to qampaignjng, will thjnk up favorite di$ii?s thousands of ! miles, distant, and mentlftn them I to note the reaction which is always certain. It soes like t hi.-: : "Say. I cjuld us' a T-bo:c sucTi that iTtfLl.ooo or more workers m a'.l were idle this week, and the number was not dwindling but in-reavn?. un France's bread ration smaller than it was during the Nazi occupation, a national strike hit the flour mills. Another was scheduled this week in all seaports. The Taris-Lyon-Medilerranee railway, main artery from Paris to the south, ground to a slop, and service social tems was crippled. -jst Brave Words, bart irtroie; s 1.17..,. I, tY, lief imnnn in ir-"E?iE atlfizXs- armory. But, above all, it is. a ' TIME, DcCEMUM, ... .zr.-.iML. rati.. tender und thick, with a baked spud. "Shut up." .What's wrong with a deu apple m. afld chte?" 'CripesJ Kick him in the pants" By this time every mouth was ! i.'lalnly watering. U:;w aJWut a cast of tlcksy j beer?" ! One afternoon, the Ontario ! laddie, given leave of atsnc i from camp, rambled off by him self, taking with him a beef tin jiart full of th Jam he pre-rerred dojng without. When he returned, the Jam had vanished but there was a tin lull cf mill: The boys were ' staggered. Th?y crowded around ! looking him up and dpwn, wn-ivtriua, specuiaUng. question!'!-, there might have teen Uve sacA around Blcm tonkin once , but, not now. And who ever heard of a dairy thtre. in the middle of a war? It was beautiful milk, tasting arich and nourishing s It, looked and drained to the I lust sweet drop. "Xcu wanted to know where got it," said Ontario, waging away. "WU. I called on a lot of, nivs ufid we nuwfe 8 cfcaj. Thre wese u-siug mothers, ana ,hey aewK WW Jw from Cajfc-adA ttore. They think it's line." Advertise In tne Daily News (Rtpttttnting iniuUiul tnd fOinmertuit org.n'Hilmnt in tt.C lut'tnf 't tlake hi nijmlriat 'rifif. t"t" iht 2lift00 mm mi mt to their fjriAU.) BIG PRIZES AT NIPAWIN Canada's Curling Classic At Saskatchewan, NIPAWIN., Sask O -The cream of the pomlnlon's broom crop is expected to flow into this nor the. in. Saskatchewan town January 7 to, 17 for tha annual Nlpawlo. boruplel Canada's richest qurlln? classic. Expected to attract the followers of the sport Is $10,500 in. prizes, including foj; 15i8 automobiles to, the winners of, the arand championship. To date more than 50, entries have been, received but officials, say this. number will be swelled, conskl orably this, month. I Already entered, for a cracky at the spiel's prUo list are such, tanks as Howard Wood's Winni peg Granite four, last year' winners; Dalt, Hederson of the Nutnna rink. Saskatoon, runner-up to Wood In last year's event; Walter Polskl of Virginia, Mijyi,, and L. II. Campbell of Avonlea. Saak.. who finished third In the pomlnlon curling championship at Saint John, N. H. i Officials say they have lnsta! htl additional comforts at Ujr rink for both players and spec tators at a cost of more, tha; $3,500 The improvements In i7HY FRANCE HAS TURNED TO ON STRIKE VOTES tl. ei 1LM Pninmiinist Benolt Pridian, secretary-general of the L.o. . (mtional Ubot federation, was up cvtry night until 3 a.m., directing, his army of 5,000,000 workers. Less than a third of this great mass is actually Communist, hut the Cocos hold three-tiiihs of the top executive jobs in all major unions. At' the strike-bound port of Marseille, where Red violence exploded last fort-.,;ht r ? spnmpn refused to unload I' S. instil, . ships. To them Benoit Fr.i.hon. who con ceals unlimited brutality ueneaina Of affability, teiegrapnea their their sympauiv. symrjainviii flu'--. V.'v , ,Hc ai . ,n 1 their their cST s eA.? V COat lS Vco1 slehold was TIME MAGAZINE REPORTS VOTES TAKEN BY SECRET BALLOT DIFFER WIDELY FROM ORDERS OF RED LEADERS I ERE is striking proof that the secret ballot is the only way a worker is free from pressure to vote for or against strike action. Dominated by zvcll-d rilled Communis t minority, French Unions zvere ordered to no out on strike not in their ozvn interests, but in the interests of that Communist minority. When zvorkers turned to thy secret ballot to determine their true zvishes, millions zveni back to zvork against the orders of the domineering minority. This same secret ballot, given, to British Columbia workers by "Bill 39", (the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1947) is violently opposed by certain labour leaders. They give no plausible reason for their opposition. The only conclusion is that they fear that their grip on the workers of British Columbia will be broken by the secret ballot exactly as the Communist stranglehold was broken in France. The secret ballot established by "Bill 39" is the worker's "Bill of Rights" because it protects him against the dictatorship of a radical minority. WHY SHOULD ANYONE OPPOSE THE SECRET BALLOT? flucie u new gallery capable ot lioWJjig coo. PCtJprs, a clln- iik muni, jtcw iuuiii ana a number of bleacher neaU. The final of the event for the automobiles will be a best-of-1 three-game affair Instead of the sudden death game as last year. The runners-up will receive gold wjtst washes. Other prizes include shpiguJM, outboard motor, tea wuotu. cedar chests and. wosWug maltM. Mpdenx Etiquette By liOUEliTA LSE Q. What should one do when he find that another person' jnlnlon on some subject r, dJ-uctly QpoosftcJ to his own? A. Immediately change the mbject of the conversatior. bove all. do not agrue. Q. Isn't It far more rude lor young man to bnak a, Without a plauAti) reawn. tha-i toe a lr I to do ao' Ap Not at ail; it Is equally udc for a girt to do so. pUN clinic WINNIPEG . . .. man, nresidBn. . .. T 1 wntly annillm lopot and rllnic fy.hn r,. ... . for 10r the Vfl " cost wm DUim.w.sa1(l jr"r ( llltlSVMAS sntltt One I'hoto 4n(i T viinsimaj clrd, for Prn-i f.ul d. ... C'liamlkr & (Wj " ill, a r, , KQDC oACTICa. 2Lm skat covins in:i uositii t vi siMitK n.i;is 9 ito.u, Lit.ins I.OC'KIM; (l.S C.tl'S O Xiunerou other IUdu BOB PARKER LTD. i I'lionc U "The Home F i,y 5,. r.o. i;x 38 Princ Kupt: WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE I'PHOUSTKMNT. FriiNI,Tt'UK UKl'AIRS New I'phoUtery .Materials Truck and Auto Cushions Kepalreil and Kecovrred 120 Second Avenue (Next to t'H'U) BLl'E SI ask Aitoirr cki iiit ti;kms s LO VIN'S Attentk ()u tiide Orde 7 able Knives Bread Knives v "ocket Knives Huntinrj Knive English Carving Sets THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LID. I I'Iiom: 101 WE DOCTOK SHOES TIIILM ATTEND TO TIICIK DYEIXO SAVE TIIEIK SOI.ES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave Why gvi Can ah l? J55 Third on TKIC AM (Ktv t KlTKH.I Afil X StK tall !.- - v Meni CITY TRANSFF ,r First Avfi.iif .i-'1 WINTERIZE NOW Recharge Battery, Tune Motor. het Cooling System and Instnl 7UUI.CT Repair or Replace Those Worn Mc Chains, Change to Winter (srntl.- 1 cation. no it now and avoid mr u. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. USE mmmmmaok Bulkley Valley & COAL AND SAVE OK Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Co Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES LtMtTE! r I elkwa, iu B.C. n c TRY OUU CLASSIFiliU AUS- THEY OET