A Merry : 'i OUR MANY CUSTOMERS ND Fill ENDS IN PRINCE h i PERT IN THE CAN- It --Vi 'i jv.I. Christmas l What to Give tlw Man who Smokes WE'VE ALL KINDS OK SMOKERS' (HITS. WHITTIIER PIPE. ClOAIt OR CmARETTE IS HIS CHOICE, PLEASE HIM WITH Ol'U P I N EQUALITY' BRANDS . . . AND SMOKING NECESSITIES. LIGHTERS - RAZORS MEN'S SUNDRIES GROTTO CIGAR STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCONISTS r..;i V. See Bert or Bud" Phone 372 Vdml lifts ooks FOR ALL AGES Litest Fiction iioist: divided" THE MONEYMAN" EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE" ME A CAVALIER" Oltl'MS OF DESTINY" PKOl'D DESTINY" I'KINCE OP FOXES TIIF, C.AItRRESTON CHRONICLE" .l S THE (ill EAT" HIE BISHOPS MANTLE" THE SAXON CHARM' . (Williams (Costalnt (Hilton (Keycs) (Bourne) (Feuchtwanger) ... (Shcllabarger) (Brace) (Duncan) (Turnbull) (Wakeman) HILL OF THE HAWK" . (ODcll) Litest General . . . INSIDE V. S. A." (Gunthcr) PLACE OF MIND" (Liebman) 111 MAN DESTINY" du Nouy) Bunks For Children ' miplclr list of books for rliililrrii of all aces. Hundreds of Titles in our Selection fK.cxxxxxxx:xxxixxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxl I'kIcwcI Watches from 1. 2 and .'-Strand Pearls from Musical Jewel and Powder ltoxes I'iuarct Cases and Compacts Earrinjja and Pins from VERIES- AT THE NUMEROUS HUDSON'S BAi CO. ESTABLISHMENTS AT VARIOUS OTHER CENTRES THROUOHOUT CENTRAL AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA. GRANT & NEWTON r; !NI AVE. WEST ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS BLACK 829 -XXXXI 12.50 up . ;).7f up . . . . 8.75 . 1.00 up A A A H A A A X n A A A A A X H A A A n itVXXXXXXXXlXXXXXKVXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XWtX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXIi XMAS DRAWING AT MOOSE PARTY The weekly whist and dancing party under the auspices of the Loyal Order of Moose In the Moose Temple Saturday night was attended by a large gathering of members and their friends. Winners at cards, which took up the early part of the evening, were Mrs. T. Latch and Mrs. T. King, for the ladles, and M. A. Blair and Angelo Campagnola for the men. Dancing, to music provided by Stevens' Orchestra, commenced at 10:30. During intermission refreshments were served and prizes distributed to the winners at whist. Drawing was also made for a turkey and chicken raffle, pro Archie Thompson arrived in the city on the Coqultlam last; evening from Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year I holidays with his parents, Mr. iand Mrs. James H. Thompson. ; y y y i v y i" 5" y y y y y y v y y y v y y y v v v y y y y v v y y y y y y y y y y The xxxxxxxxxx Gift Supreme (irmtrvl in lirl-t m.l trlliu(o In ffiittnlne Inflinrs4 . . . ,ji 1 1 II ( I. .ir :i r.jiht nun fcir hiillil.1) enj". nienl ... or hunk mi S:intu' nmnry nil the 1 m. BILL SCUBY 1'UKS ItllK'k IHi A K a 9 A A Local News Items Any Xmas Donations for Miller pay Hospital children can be left at 349 Taxi for free delivery. (299) Alfred Burnip arrived home on Malcolm Finlayson arrived in the city on the Coqultlam last night from Vancouver, where he is attending the University of British Columbia, to spend the Christmas and New Year holi- Bj? day season with his parents, Mr. I fetf and Mrs. William Finlayson. HIGH PRICES 'M VANCOUVER. P; Tahiti, once i Wtf famed as refuge from clvillza--tion's economic ills, has been hit ; by Inflation, officers of the1 steamship Waikawa reported on arrival here. It now costs $30 a day to live there. Once one could live there for a month for that, Announcenrents S.O.N. Christmas Dance, Mrs. Black and five-piece orchestra. Everyone welcome. Tickets at door. Civic Centre, Dec. 26, 9:30 till 2:00. S.O.N. Christmas Tree, Oddfellows' Hall. Dec. 30, 2 to 5. Refreshments and entertainment. J3ooth P.T.A. Jan. 21. Bosun Inn, 909 First Avenue West, Black 959. Fine food, ta-malcs, chill, barbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small parties. Open all night. Orders L - . 1. 4 Ol ! It . . . ..... ......... .,.. nt.i.ii niraf TT T.3 .' ...ui.tw. IV lilKC UUl. I' " irilVU AU IN TlllS UAlLiI INIUWO tviuu Ulllliu itjww tT.. .-. ---- m BULOVA HEADQUARTERS No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from $30.00 and up VK STII I OFFKK YOU A TI1RBE TO FIVE-DAY SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS JEWELLERY REPAIRS AND ENGRAVING roMP.'ETE OPTICAL SERVICE - kA A KJQOkP Jewellers and Optometrists lVIB3wl U Sincere Fr;endly Service MEMBER iO'lMU CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION Dominic Elio returned to the city on the Coqultlam last night from a brief trip to Vancouver. II. O. Archibald, M.P., will the Coqultlam last evening from C.F.P.R. f Ju his studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bur-nip, Second Avenue, Westvlew. There will be no delivery of milk on Christmas and New Year's Day. Valentine Dairy. (300) Mrs. Frank Skinner sr. arrived in the city on the Coqultlam last night from Vancouver to pay a visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr- and Mrs. Frank Skinner. Persons wishing to pay their Radio Auction bids may do sOi ttv ivupuii nuaio ana fciecinc where J. H. Jeffries will receive payment (300 George McAfee, son of Mr. and Mrs. George McAfee, returned home on the Coqultlam last evening from his studies at the University of British Columbia to .spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Walter Longwlll arrived home on the Coqultlam last evening from his studies at technical school in Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Longwlll. Hugh McKenzle arrived home on the Coqultlam last evening! from his studies at University of British Columbia in Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKenzle. O Plenty of tasty, fresh doughnuts for everybody. That Is our baking objective NOW! Orders taken for dances and parties no order too large or too small. Prompt attention given out of town orders. Three Sisters Cafe, 353 Third Avenue West, Prince Rupert. Phone 303. (299) Norman Martinusen, son of Capt. and Mrs. A. M. Martinusen, Graham Avenue, Westvlew, ceeds of which went to the arrived home on the Coqultlam j Christmas Tree Fund. Miss .PaUJast evening from his studies at Patterson drew ticket number the University of British Col-. 203 held by Dave Callow and en- umbia to spend the Christmas titling him to the turkey while and New Year holiday season. Dick Cameron won the chicken with ticket number 690. Monday, 6:30 p.m. .298) David Kristmansson arrived home on the Coqultlam last eve 1 The Misses L. Haahti and E. Haahtl, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Haahtl, were passen- irprfi flhnnrH tha r!nmiltlaTn laf. holiday season at their home In Stewart. The week-end marked the starting of the usual round of Christmas and New Year parties. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mori-son entertained many friends on nlng from his studies at the Unl-1 Saturday while Aid. and Mrs. C. verslty of British Columbia to : G. Ham were at home on Sunday spend the Christmas and New Year holidays. T. W. Brown, who was called recently to Vancouver to attend afternoon. John K. Kennedy Is home from his naval officers' studies at Royal Roads, Victoria, to spend the funeral of his father, the the Christmas and New Year late Judge J. R. Brown, returned ' season with his parents, Mr. and to the city from the south "on the Coqultlam last evening. W. J. Crawford returned to his home at Stewart on the Coqultlam last night after spending a I few days In hospital here re-1 celvlng treatment for injuries I sustained when he was trampled by runaway horses. He was accompanied by his daughter, Jeananne, on her way home for the Christmas and New Year holiday season from her studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Mrs. W. R. Kennedy. Early In the year he expects to make a train lng cruise to Mexican waters. NOTICE All oil companies will be closed from December 25th to 28th inclusive. Imperial Oil Limited, British American Oil Company, Home Oil Distributors, Standard Oil of B.C. (298) Classified Advertising Pays! I CANNED FOODS II s 8 V1 i 5? 1 Follow the Orowds . . . to the Variety Store II EKE YOU CAN 1) O A h L Y 0 U U CHUISTMAS SHOP IMNG UNDEK ONK KOOF. WE HAVE JUST THE It IG IIT GIFT FOR EVERYONE ON YOUH SIIOl'IMNG LIST- Christmas Shopping IS A DELIGHT IN OUR STORE WHERE THOUS-AN 1)3 OF ARTICLES ARE ON DISPLAY I a on escort duty. y g IT- JKWft y ! y v y y y v v V y , v , v ' y y ! V v y y v y v y y y v y v v y y Last Minute 'Shoppers7 1 THAT TOY FOR 1JOHHY OH J KAN IS WAITING I'OU YOU IN OUK LAHGK CHIL-IIKEN'S GUT SECTION. GIFT WRAPS TAGS, SEALS DECORATIONS S? 518 Third West Red 100 m Pcfnce tXupcrt DalliBctfi Monday, Defceifcbci' 22,' 1047 night going north from their I R- c- GooJ. ovln- studies in Vancouver to spend c,a Pllce' "turned to the city the Christmas and New Year n the Coqultlam last evening irom a Dnei trip to Vancouver m. . - k. v a i ;-rcwavorcOfcs: "IlUl AL CI1Y" P2SS 1 sweet pcus urc lyl I m always first in fyjlnTjT M flavour first in Lil I 1Un,ityI qjNg I I'OK HIM Power and Carpenter Tools, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods. : Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Johnson and daughter, Miss E. Johnson, returned home on the Coqultlam last evening from a trip to Vancouver. Make his happiness complete this Christmas'. Give him a . . . Dressing Gown ' Or Smoking Jacket thegift that is useful every day of the year. GOWNS from $7 75 10 $21.50 . . IOKING JACKETS from $10.50 $16:75 rise t ', iM 1 1 YtiTi ri-i r rT vi PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES DEALERS WANTED AND 1 or lOWKKIO range of I'OKT.llil.K Dump Ibid)' I nits I arm Wagons ItKlv lloMs and Alllrd lines. Opportunity for Live-wire men ex perienced. In selling' Farm or Auto Equipment. This profitable fast-selling low-priced equipment Is available In Canada for the first time. Converto (Canada) Co. 1390 Sherbrooke W.. Montreal Exclusive Canadian Distributors PRACTICAL GIFTS . . . are always acceptable FOR HEIl Lamps, Dishes, Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons, Toasters, Mixers, Pyrex Ware. KOIt THE VOUNGSTEKS Ice Skates, Skis and. equipment, Sleighs, Holler Skates, Wagons, Bicycles and Eiddie Cars. "SHOP EARLY" ... 1 Mclirlde M., I'liune 311 .v.v.v..v..........."....v.v..w.l We have a good selection of FURNITURE made in our shop, such as CABINETS BOOK CASES TABLES MAGAZINE RACKS DRYING RACKS ROCKING HORSES DOLL CRADLES' in three sizes Friday and Saturday, December 4'J and 20 Our display rooms in the Brooksbank Building on Third Avenue will be open all day Friday and Saturday, Dee. 19 and 20 Your last chance to purchase these .locally-made furnishings and toys before Christmas "II it is made ol wood, we can build it to'order" FREE DELIVERY PHONE BLUE 610 CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Arden Evening: In Paris Adrienne Max Factor Yardley Peggy Sage Cutex Tangce Bachelor WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT SETS. We will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS A A A A 3 K