Heart In Service Salvation Army tor Speaker at Gyro ncbton ibembfd ir. ...... holnir lost aj service wrauRn mid prciessiunm- yscti- ... ,Hv Commission- rlcS Da"8' . (rHtnrlnl -ho Knivmiou tier o' '"- . V " nada Newiounti- Be muda. in speakln - Dnivrt Ovrn I.Mjnlf 'I MA nncn",iri vesiciuujr. . - A f viir In Oil tatlon was based on .nnniH ! P Love me uuiu Ncshbw as Thyself." , tiia' organized became more wide- d accepted as a public he human ap- van Armv nad won p:acf of esteem nut : worm, uuiiinua- Cjji simply be-vork '"fan; from the m rtnrt nnrt fellow ic -".r bed briefly Army !( ;. ;ui:n people as necdv women, the egiec- o ipe flown ana ...dren The great i . -national work . Canada where a xt: r.an of hospital ordected. Twenty ... . - . i 1 - V.n4 A f:.H- i sillily jiuaui- yr:; and 15,000 babies cr.. therein, Two d c ruo been snei Army hostels -J ceuple had been .! Baugh told the $ : vs now complet- - -ris-country tour tij appointment . commlssloner-i a y:ar ago. Raised c a child, the Com-. teen service in all world Including o India. He '"ni London where C -is-Joner Baugh :r.'.; aftermath" of be' "j experienced In-r i and weary, n?.y on the part t; relax and slow Tf country Is to he declared," ir.ore discipline." 1 W M. Watts it at yesterday's m the absence O Ham. Other :" Commissioner i: -icl Brigadier T. H. T nto. territorial T C r.-ham, divisional 'r and Frank W. Local News Items O See the Spies arid Meckllng ad this week. ' (256) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oilmore are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Hallowe'en Kvent! The Oyro Club Hoedown at the Civic Centre, Oct. 31. Everybody, welcome. Grown-up and 'teen age tickets. (255) William Glass, manager of the Edmunds and Walker plant of B.C. Packers, and Nick Maz-zone, of the company staff, are sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Little and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haug-land of Terrace arrived in the city by car yesterday from the interior for a brief visit, returning to Terrace this morn ing. W. W. Swindon, manager of the sleeping and dining car de partment, Canadian National Railways, Montreal, accompan ied bv Mrs. Swindon, is salllne Duncan Kerr, Terrace sawmill man and secretary of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, Is reported doing well In the Prince Rupert General Hospital today following an operation for appendicitis yesterday morning. Mrs. Kerr is here with him. Mrs. John Connery returned to the city yesterday on the Prince Rupert from the south to resume residence on Fulton Street after a six-months stay in the south. She visited in Vernon with one daughter, Mrs. W. J. Hicks, for three months and for a similar period with another daughter, Mrs., E. D. Hcatherington, In Seattle. Shorter visits were paid to Vancouver and Powell River. commissioner Charles Baueh :d during the wari n, Rr,flH.r w. H. Mundv. of :cr of the metro-14. . c,win 4Pmv Toronto. .1 WIG uai f hhvii ; i d been the , most I mr Prinrp Rimprt ate ou&b tonight for Vancouver after having spent two days In the city during which Commissioner Baugh is addressing public gatherings here. They will be accompanied by Capt. Earl Jar-rett. local Salvation Army leader, who will spend a few days in Vancouver to attend a congress there. Smuck of Edmonton. Next week's Gyro speaker will be B'shop Anthony Jordan O.M.I. who will soeak on international affairs following his recent return from a trip to Italy, Spain. France. Great Britain and Lutheran Ladles' Aid Fall TK7Ct n r Too o A Unma PnnlrtMn Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Clay STAG PARTY AT PR. RUPERT CLUB LOCAL ANGLE ON GAS PLANT BLAST Edward Flecknel, who suffered face burns in an explosion and fire In the British Colum- of Victory Cove, Wark Canal, are j Storrle of this city. Mrs. Fleck-spending a week visiting in the I nel is the former Jean Storrle. city. Mr. Storrle, whose condition Is where she recently graduated from St. Joseph's Hospital. K. F. Harding, manager of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative, left this afternoon by air for a business trip to Ottawa. Ello's Furniture Store will be closed Nov. 10 to Jan. 3, 1948. (270) reported fair in uiga turner. .., General Hospital, was employed turned to the city on the Prince ! at the ga, lant Rupert yesterday from Victoria SCOUTS PLAN BUSY WINTER ., , group, now sponsored Dy a. o. . . .. . Members of the Prince Rupert j lans an actlye geason Club rail ed in goodly number undw Scoutmaster Harry Qulck last night for a stag party to! nd Cubmaster Robert Fergu- marK me opening oi me local , tonight on the Prince Rupert j business men's winter social ac on his way to Vancouver after a brief stop in the city on com pany business. tlvltles. There were the usual Plans for the annual meeting i j of the Prince Rupert Boy Scout Association, which will be held on November 27, were discussed at an executive meeting of the organization in the Civic Centre last night at which progress of the local scout groups was reported. The former Wartime Housing Announcement was made of plans for the organization of a Presbyterian Church group in card games and the big billiard near future The Cathedral table was the centre for the;. n9rV ,.A hv Rpv nasil P: serving t)f sandwiches and cof-- Prockter s als0 looking forward ! iee. ine nouse curaraiiKc, ui which W. D. Lamble is chairman, was in charge. Announcements Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 30. Lutheran Ladies' Aid Bazaar, Saturday Nov, 1. Baptist Sale. Nov. 6. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 10. i Women of the Moose annual j Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13. Moose Temple. Turkey Dinner, United Church, Nov. 13 Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, Nov. 19. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 20 Eastern Star fall dance, Masonic Temple, Nov. 21. St. Andrew Cathedral Bazaar. November 22. Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. " ' 28th. Sonja Tea, Home Cooking, Fancy Work. Lutheran Recreation Rooms, 2:30-5:30. Nov. 29. United Church Bazaar, Decem ber 4. Orange Sale, December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11. Train Schedule For the East-Monday. Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. to a busy winter. Chairman of th meeeting was F. E. Anfleld, association president. Other members present were Col. Keith Doxon, A. Van Meer, Robert Cameron, Earl Gordon, L. Bevlngton, Rev. B. F. Prockter, Roy Brain, Robert Ferguson, Harry Quick and Constable William McLatchle. MAYORAL GIFT CARDSTON, Alta. (CP) William Cooper has given the town of Cardston a modern street lighting unit as a sift. Council followed up the gift by deciding to purchase three additional units. MENNONITFS ARRIVE CHILLIWACK, B. C. (CP) First Mennonlte family to be admitted to Canada, from Europe under present immigration laws, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rempel and their four children, have arrived here. FIFTH LEG When moving slowly, the kangaroo uses the tall as a fifth leg to support the body while the hind legs are being moved forward. Here's Welcome Relief From ACUTi CATARRH Put a few drops of Va-tro-nol up each nostril and eel H go to work right where catarrh misery Is . . bringing quick, soothing reuei irum iiipu c 1 miseries. . flIw VATRONOL ist. Cookie! By Chic Young FEYOu) (DAOOvI jfo2Ur 1 W v "I. WAS, Hi ARM DROPS OFP) ksHNsI sSv r S niPT t M C AFRAID ID - 7 JUST FOR Xl'qra tea? A ' Tf Jftt M&xi m BOBOLINK IS SALVAGED uwj Hi ' nvi w i rhtii'.Li t.n.i 1 1 if i nm v T The Nelson Bros. Fisheries Nov 1 1, Vso-eOO 2:30-6:00 nm p.m. (255'ibIa Elec'rIc water gas plant In .floating boat repair scow Bobo- vancouver on Monaay ui una; iiuk. was saivagea irum nacun week, is the son-in-law of Alex Point on the north shore of the harbor this morning and towed back to the dry dock from which It broke loose, piling up on the Vancouver i rocks during last Thursday night's gale. Relieved of her maze of machinery over the weekend, the Bobolink was lightened to such an extent that she could be floated, despite the holes in her bottom where she grated on the rocks during the storm. The salvage Job was directed by Norman Nelson, head of the BE SUItE TO HAVE YOUR 3 Big company,-who flew to the city on Monday, Repairs to her dam aged hull will be made at the aryaocK. The Bobolink, f6rmerly a federal Department of Public Works river snag scow, had Just had her hull re-caulked and copper painted before her lines snapped In the storm and she drifted across the harbor. Ordinarily she is moored at the company cannery at Port Edward. STILL USED TODAY Sixteenth century armor man ufacturers discovered that flut ing metal gave It added strength and rigidity without adding weight, a principle used today with corrugated iron and steel girders. ... EATON'S Has No More Catalogues For Fall and Winter, 1947 We're sorry, but there it Is. No more catalogues till the next edition. We could mail hundreds IF we had them to mail, but unfortunately our whole , supply (bigger than it's been In years) is gone. To those who have been asking for books, our sincere apologies. EATON'S will do its best to see that all new names receive future catalogues at time of mailing. Meantime, the catalogues In EATON'S Order Offices are there for your convenience. Drop in and read them whenever you have an opportunity. EATON merchandise and shipping facilities always are at your service' with the assurance of our guarantee) "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded Including Shipping Charges" T. EATON C o ilHITtO PRINCE UUPEUT OKI)ER OFFICE: 616 Third Ave. XV. - - Telephone 740 Shell-Out TICKETS READY FOR OCT. 31st FOR Hallowe'en jiZ Ticket Collections Start at Dusk Bonfires Start at 7:30 p.m. I Tickets Must Be Turned In at Your Bonfire at 8:30 p.m. Help $jr Help Kinsmen Kiddies Valuable Prizes For Shell-Out Winners Entertainment Candied Annies Novelties KvJsi Swn i iWrir-- together y 1 1 Bhj i i i i i 1 1 i iri v t t u imj. i ii iii t ' s vs. x.tsri 1 1 i i iKn. i v hi rs , w m i I s n I iir liT I V WW W. X V;7Vt-vur kin I (A. 1 I I I I KSL'VtH I H II II I II Hit rmm v- f i es pi I III I rJ f.'.i ? .11 IV FUR Goes Places to tie about your throat in an interesting ascot . . . to form two huge pockets on this full, flared, soft all-wool coat. Come in today and see our unusual collection of fur-trimmed coats to beautify the season. DRESSES SUITS ACCESSORIES From our large selection you will be able to match your taste for smart apparel. Our personalized BUDGET PLAN is designed to suit every Budget NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES $rfnce Htipcrt SDnHp J3ctos Thursday, October 30, 1947 Topcoats Fall is here and we're ready with a fine stock-by Fashion-Craft and Society. There are smart Tweeds, coverts and gabardines, velours and fleeces to choose from. You can take our word they're made right and styled right! Priced from $37.50 From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 312.00 per ton MINE R UN-Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 ORDER NOW! Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ALSO BOXED ASSORTMENTS In New and Original Designs. Prices from ."() up GIFT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE POPULAR GUITAR RECORDS (Hillbilly and Cowboy) Stock Now Complete of Your Favorite Artists WILF CARTER . . Hank (Yodellinjr Cowboy) GENE AUTRY Spade, Cooly and others ALSO ALBUM SETS by "Sons of the Pioneers" GENE AUTRY - BING CROSBY -and Square Dances with calls j x R ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft MaeSm.Ml A. MacKeniie Furniture ... ; ' ; LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions CHESTERFIELD SUITES (various designs) CEDAR CHESTS BEDROOM SUITES DINETTE SUITES TABLE LAMPS LAY-AWAY FLOOR LAMPS END TABLES MAGAZINE TABLES (walnut). COFFEE TABLES (walnut). LIVING ROO.M DESKS (solid mahogany). LIVING ROOM TABLES (Duncan Phyfeh COFFEE TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). MI KRORS Numerous designs, reflection ol beauty and taste. ORIENTAL CARPETS WILTON CARPETS AXMINSTER CARPETS. MAIL ORDERS HAVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Phone 775 327 Third Avenue ft NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 30 Rooms, Hot and Cold water f R1NCE RUPERT, B.C. pnone 281 P.O. Box 198 1 Prince Rupert PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS-CIRCULATION COUNTS 7.