PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P Classified Rates HELP WANTED—MALE Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- SUPER-VALU requires a butcher vious t) publication for summer months—could be Classified, 3 a Steady job for the right man cents per word per (160) imsertion; minimum charge 50> ——~ cents WANTED — Two young men to Birth Notices, 50 cents: Cards accompany an expedition on of Thanks Mesth Notices, an overland trek through the wilderness from Houston, B.C., Funeral Notices, Marriage and to the Chehalis Lake district. Engagement 1 Announcements Approximately 500 miles. No _ $2.00. roads or trails followed. Ob- Special Display double price. Ject, adventure only. For fuil details apply in person to 70 ANNOw NCEMENTS ie’ ieee Govan Taxi, Third Avenue, between " 8 and 9 p sk for Rebekah Bazaar, October 4. Webb. ror — ( isan? Catholic Faii Bazaar, Oct. 8 HELP WANTED—FEMALE _ and 9 oes a > mer WANTED Experienced sten- 1.0.D.E. Fal: Bazaar, Nuvem- ographer. State qualifications. ber 206 Apply Box 425, Daily News lancipeeits esas mans slat (157) Presbyterian isazaar, Novem- oo her 2° WANTED Housekeeper ‘for ba- chelor, no objection 1 child, FUNERAL NOTICE musically inclined welcomed 4s - Box 432 Daily News (157) WONG—In the city Wednes- day, July 2, 1952, Wong Ten Yen,, ———————____________ 2 Vong Ten Yen, | “MALE OR FEMALE HELP age 60 years, 751 Fraser Street. Rev. L. G. Seiber will conduct younG MEN AND WOMEN— set vices at Grenville Court Here is your opportunity to Chapel at 2 p.m. Monday, July jearn a trade, take a business ‘. Interment to follow in Fair-| course and have steadv. secure view Cemetery, B.C. Undertak-| gmployment in the "RCAF ers in charge of arrangements ao : MEN can train as radio tech- (It) nicians, electrical technicians, eae metal workers, accountants, ENGAGEMENT NOTICE aero-engine technicians, sec- Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Brechin SS ce a Sig ee wish to announce the engage- talety is ines a ~ Esa ment of their only daughter,!. Dreces ‘sosretariot ecek. Meliaine Lucille, to William John| [aROCrS. Secretarial, account- ants, medical assistants etc. For ground crew trades, men must be 17 to 39 years of age with Grade 8 education or better. Women must be 18 to 29 years of age with Grade 10 McIntyre, youngest son of Mr: Esther McIntyre and’ the late Murdoch McIntyre of Vancou- ver. The wedding will take place August 7 in St. Andrew’s Cath- > al « " + edral at 7 p.m (itp) education or better. Starting sith initially pay is equivalent to $150.00 PERSONAL per month while training. ie , For air crew, young men 17 to JERRY’S for Hair Styles. Fancy ¢ ih ; 24 years of age with junio: hain cutting. Look for the matriculation can train as Spinning Barber Pole Give Pilots, Navigatmrs or Radio your hair the best. Phone 855. Oficers, receiving $250.00 per (159) month while training. Yop ‘s ; For further particulars write fad Os, oh A yee oe 9921 101A Avenue, Edmonton ford Electcteal Works, Cow Name Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) ‘Aaa Po re UNWAN PED HaAiR--Permanent-| Age , Jv eradicated with Saca-Pelu BOWORIAOD ye a a The must remarkbale discov- NOTE—An RCAF. Recruit- ery of the aye. Saca-Pelo is ing Officer will be in Prince guaranteed to kill the roots Rupert at the National Em- of any hair and contains no ployment Office, July 9 and drugs or cheuicals, ‘“orBeer 10. . : : Lab, 679 Granville, YVancou-) , | ver, BC (H} | - BOATS FOR SALE _ PHONE 16 your Norithlana Dairy, | _ FOR SALE for daily delivery except Sun- 16 ft. boat with 2, day. By looking after your | h.p. Wisconsin motor. In good milk your milk will look after} condition. Phone Blue 754. (1t) you. Keep it cool. Ail milk} guaranteed. es mt FOR SALE WINDOWS WASHED—Domestic | ~~ iw" PF : : and Commercial free esti ‘ATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- mates hone 589 (15 ited. Distributors for: Mining, mate: Phone 58! 158p) : ; Sawmi'l, Logging and Con- “NU-LIFE” Duracleaners. Up tractois’ liquipment. Enguir- | holstery, rugs and car clean-| ing. Free estimates given on request. Address 1228 Beach Place. Phone Black 433. (171) jes invited. Granville Tsland, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE —Used doors, win- dows, nails, flooring, tools of STAR Delivery and Messenger.| all descriptions. Call 120 5th Day and night service. Phone; West, or Blue 610 after 5:30. 112.0r Black 433. (160p) (158) | | . : i\FOR SALE—Chest of drawers, LOST AND FOUND rs Hollywood bed, kitchen table _ “ rey hs ~+.),| and chairs, and other house- on oi vf ai eel anaes] hold furnishings. Call Red ) Strap, ‘ * " Q2 « le 69) 17 Valu. Valued gift. Finder| _ 893 after 6 (157) please leave at Daily News of-|FOR SALE—Kitchen table, four fice. Reward. (158p) | chairs, sun lamp, — electric] LOST—Near second Overlook! heater. 213 4th East — 6 and Sixth, budgie bird color} ?-™- ‘ ie turquoise blue, Phone treen| FOR SALE—Studio lounge. Rea- 336, (157) | sonable. Phone Green 850 after ST- Ba y's Shoe; size.6, White | 5 Bim. 6D) Pemouplesstrap famidal fer-right}—" e222 oe ee Toot. 3Fd Ave: between Mc- CARS FOR SALE Bride and Super-Valu. Black : . * 495 (153) |OFFERS plainly marked on the ieee minsapanhemgiiin ; envelope “Offer for Ford” will HELP WANTEvp—MALE be received by the undersigned : | up to noon, July 25th, for| EVENING WORK FOR | Forest Service vehicle No. 433, SALES AGENT 3 | a 1941 Ford Sedan, “located as COLLIER & SON Publish- PF is and where is” at Prince Ru- ers of Colliers American and) pert, B.C. Further information Women’s Home Companion may be obtained upon appli-| magazines want a local man} cation to the District Forester, between the ages of 23 and 48 as representative in Prince Rupert area. Position consists of furthering the sale of the, Prince Rupert. Offers will be subject to 3% S.S. & M.A. Tax; the highest or any offer not world’s newest and finest En-| jne Commission, Parliament cyclopeadia which has _ just Buildings, Victoria, B.C. been completed at a cost of July 2, 1952. (H) over $2,500,000. Some _ sales : experience preferred but not|FOR SALE—1950 Fargo % ton absolutely necessary Must pickup, 11,000 miles, A-1 con- have at least High School ed- dition throughout. Or will cation but this is not essen- trade for late model car, Ap- ~ ul This position will not ply 2005 Graham Ave. Phone 5 ponflict with your present job as the major portion of con- tacts are made after 6 p.m Salary plus liberal bonus. See Blue 691 between 5 and 7 p.m. ian jeep model CJ2A. 23,000 Mr. John Boe Savoy Hotei | original throughout. Has hea- Sunday only, 10 a.m. to 2 pm.| ‘€! and defroster, 2 ice and : . ney snow, and 3 mud tires. Power (157) | ae t take off to front drives Ram- SALESMAN required for North- | necessarily accepted. Purchas-! FOR SALE—1947 Willys Civil-| rience Rupe: r Saturday, July 5, 1952 i ee : iv INGwes it ea , :¥ AD-TAKER M. DAY PREVIOUS | CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE— 1946 green Chev. sedan. New engine, excellent | condition. Phone Blue 814. | ey FOR SALE—1949 Dodge special deluxe sedan, $1650. Red 617 after 5. (161p) Can Lead To FOR RENT —s”™” ae Room to — on given Mr. Muzzy a lecture FOR RENT—Three room suite| Sisting of five to the queen opposite three to the ace,| with th furniture for sale. No|1Q. The diamond suit in children 933 West Ist. (1tp) | FOR RENT—Sleeping room. 221 such a situation, , Ist Street. (it) Mr. Heinsite had pointed out . Saas : ? that the best way to insure tak- FOR RENT—Housekeeping room | ing at least three tricks against iinkee'o ah ote maa lany opposing distribution not Ith West a = (itp) | Worse than 4-1, was to cash the — ace first, then cross over and FOR RENT—Sleeping room close | jead up to tne tien. in. Blue 433 (159)! Mr. Dale decided not to open WANTED TO RENT __ his club suit against such strong ——ibidding as Mr. Muzzy had put WANTED — Three room apart-, out and he laid down the nine of ment for couple, no children. spades. Mr. Muzzy won wth the Phone Red 271. (158P) | queen and looked at the dia- WANTED TO RENT—Two bed-/| mond suit. It appeared to be just room house, unfurnished. Cen-| the set-up Mr. Heinsite had trally located. Phone Red 280| talked about. after 6. (1862p), So he eashed the ace of dia- WANTED TO RENT—Furnished monds, went to his hand with housekeeping room. Phone the ace of hearts and led a Blue 701, (159p) |Small diamond. Mr. Dale played er eters ror Ne ameyirirwmne™ the nine, dummy’s ten went on WANTED TO RENT — Any ac-| ang Mr. Abel won with the jack. mea: for * family of | on the nine of clubs return, the nree. E. Larson, Commercial f : Hotel. (157p) | Contract was doomed. Mr. Dale's clubs were bound to be set up WANTED TO RENT—Furnished| while he still had the king of 3 or 4 room apartment. Phone Blue 828 (161p) diamonds for an entry. : of a club lead from Dale's side " a daetiaieritemoae arate “What are you playing, give-) «put you just got through | REAL ESTATE away?” roared Mr. Heinsite.| tejjing me about the safety play | FOR SALE_Wartime six Full You should play the ace of dia- with this holding,” Mr. Muzzy | basement. 1305 6th East. (1tc) , : ney | replied. FOR SALE_R an ter REAw STATE “That applied to another ' SALE—Revenue house, two ernest eras : : shia a ae . ‘ eat furnished suites with fireplace) rooms, living, dining and util-| hand,” continued Mr Dre ee and Pembroke bath in base-| ity rooms, kitchen. Two lots.; You only make a safety play ment, three cheerful bed-| Call at 329 7th East. Phone} where you can afford to. Here, rooms, living room with fire- Blue 726. (159¢) | you couldn't stand a lead of a FOR SALE— Large four roam Two landscaped corner lots a ae upstairs. Pal with harbor view. Askimg price) _ css RR ER et et $15,000. Terms, Box 438, Daily FOR SALE—Good bargain ¢- place, oak floor, bright kitchen and dinette, Pembroke bath. News. (1458p) room house on Fraser Street, SPECIAL possession within 30 days.| Owner transferred, must sell Price $3,500. Phone J. Gur- three room bungalow. Full ce- vich, Red 511. (159p) | ment basement, new hot air i furnace (just instaHed), num- ber one floors. Lot 37%, sewer, venetian blinds. Livingroom 16” x 12’. Price $3500. Terms, half cash. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. | Phone 342 — Black 197 (1t) 3 2 | FOR SALE—11) lots with base- WANTED — TOP MARKET! ment dug. Close in. Apply 623A PRICES PAID for scrap iron, SHEET METAL PLUMBING, Heating and Shect | Metal Work. Roofing. Phone} 543, 630 6th West, Letourneau, | (tf) | Os RD Test. 158p) | steel, brass, cowper, lead, ete. aed abs: oe Honest grading. Prompt pay- FOR SALE—Six room house, ment made, Atlas Iron & partially furnished. Two bed SEVERAL GOOD BUYS rooms—8th East, near King Edward. 4 rooms—8th East, near Con- Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van- eouver, BC. Phone PaAcific 6357 (tf) CASH for scrap brass, copper, 6 rad. batteries and radiators. Phone 6 rooms—9th East, near Mc-| 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, Bride. es = 5 rooms—11th East, 1000 block. ACCOU All fair priced with terms ——— available-—T. Norton Youngs,| PUBLIC ACCVUUNTANT, income Real Estate and Insurance.| Tax specialist. 8S G. Furk, Phone 451 or 648. (157). Stone Building, Red 598. (20m) SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE EXCHEQUER COURT OF CANADA IN T'HE MATTER OF THE INCOME TAX ACT, and Amendments thereto, , —And— IN THE MATTER OF MILTON FORD ANDREWS, Defendant. Under and by virtue. of a Writ of Fieri Facias from the above Court, and to me directed, I have seiged of the goods and chattels of the defendant, Milton Ford¢Apdrews, one FABGQsEXBRESS TRUCK, 1947 Model, Séri#] No. 90051492, altd-bn Monday, the Stet’ day:of July, 1952, at BOb ‘Parker's; Garage; in the Village of Terrace, B.C., I shall offer for sale at public auetion all the right, title and interest of the said defendant in the above goods Terms of sale, CASH, and this sale shall be subject to The Social rity and Municipal Aid Tax Secu | Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 4th day of July, 1952 M. M. Stephens, Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert (J5,12,19) " “ SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT McLENNAN, McFEELY & PRIOR LTD., Plaintiff, —And— | ROBERT R. LEMARQUAND, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution, issued by the above | Court, and to me directed, I have seized of the goo@s and chattels of the defendant, Robert R. LeMarquand, one 1941 TRUCK, Engine No. GRD-21453674, Serial No. K 31453, and on Thursday the 17th day of July, 1952, at Superior Auto Service Limited Garage, Prince Rupert, B.C., I shall offer for sale at public auction all the right, title and interest of the said defendant in the above goods. Terms of sale, CASH, and this sale shall be subject. to The Security and Municipal Aid Tax Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 4th day of July, 1962. M. M. Stephens, | Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert (J5,12,15) Social SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT BULKLEY VALLEY CREDIT UNION —Versus— | S. G. COLLINS, Defendant. | 8e¥ model 101 winch 601 re-| ang torme directed t ive reeeN rant of Execution from the above Court, ern Interior Territories. New| duction. Controlled either! @ conins, one 1949 Austin Sedan, ‘Model A-40 Bagine No. <0 apes. product manufactured in B.C.} from _cab or outside. Drum| geriai No. GS2L407170, equipped with radio, and on Wednesday, the 23rd Direct Sales, commercial ac-| has 75 feet % cable. $1,000.| day of July, 1952, at the hour of 1:30 in the afternoon, at Burns Lake counts. Write or wire 8. & A Blue 602. (157) | Hardware and Garage, Burns Lake, B.C., I shall offer for sale at public Distributors, 719 Ford Build-| = a tn | auction all the right, title and interest of the defendant in the above goods ‘ ’ ‘ , $350—I am leaving town Sunday Terms of sale, CASH, ¢ . os ; . ing, Vancouve 2 Cc (159) $ , a 5 oO ale, SH, and this sale shall be subject to The Social es ne a myers 4 B.C Ss 159) | morning and must sell my ’40| Security and Municipal Aid Tax, MALE-resident Sales Represent-| Pontiac coach. Ask for Ed at M. M. Stephens, ative wanted for Prince Ru-| ._ 740 Fulton Street after 7 p.m.|} Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. pert. area sales and servicing. | ° (157) | a isteniaeh sade Experience not necessary but| = we a IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT a help as we train you and|FOR, SALE — ’48 Hydramatic S. ANDERSON & CO. supply car and expenses Good | Oldsmobile 4 - door sedan. —Versus— ed aie enme* | adi ¢ ; j ; opportunity for advancement | Radio, heater, spotlight. En-| NIILO KEMPPAINEN, Defendant. for right man. Write age. ex-| quire No. 4 Royal Hotel (157) | Under and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution against the defendant, ‘ ms : ure ORG, | ———- - ~| Nilo Kemppainen, to me directed, I have seized of the good 1s perience and salary expected) FOR SALE—1950 %4-ton Stude-| of the defendant, one 1946 model Chevrolet C cc. 490MM Gorial 431, Daily News. (159) | A ant, one model Chevrotet Coach, Eng. io. 123939, Serial to Box 431, Daily News. (159) baker truck. 1425 11th East | No, 6121114441, and on Wednesday, the 23rd day of July, 1952, at the hour WANTED—Young man, 17 to 35 | _ after 5 (158p) | of 2.00 o'clock in the afterncon, at Burns Lake Hardware and Garage, in interested in a career in the| FOR SALE*-1946 Triumph Twin motorcycle 350 cc. $300. Red | newspaper game. An excep- | tional opportunity for those | interested. No previous ex- Write your 554. (161p) nesded, perience qualifications to Box 434, Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE—3-ton GMC. Spe- cial, Low price. Quick sale. Box 423, Daily News. (157) | the Village of Burns Lake, B.C., I shall offer for sale at public auction, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in the above goods, Terms of sale, CASH, and this sale shall be subject to The Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. M. M. Stephens, Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 4th day of July, 1962. (35,12,19) BLACKWOOD on | By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Too Much Playing Advice On the hand before this one, Mr. Heinsite had| | | } Due From Korea — ! VANCOUVER @-—Ni hund red and fifty Canadian troop veterans of the Korean war, will | arrive in Seattle within the next | few days, the Army announced | Thursday | This brings to 5,000 the num- INTERNATIONAL PANEL , ridge Big Disaster on the play of a suit con-} today’s hand represented South dealer ECONOMY PLUS FORD'S ENGLISH BUILT CONSUL and PREPERCTS Are you looking for a depend- uble, smart stvled, comfortable car that makes GASOLINE GO TWICE AS FAR? Then Test Drive the New Prefect oc Consul DO IT TODAY! “Home of friendly service” FORD-—MONARCH DEALERS Phone 93 BOB PARKER LIMITED ’ Neither side vulnerable North (\tir. Heinsite) S-——7 6 4 H--K 8 6 2 D--A 10 2 | €> } > v | West Hast } (Mr. Date) (Mer Abel) | S—) 5 3 , ST 1082 | H—J 3 H--Q 10954 | D—K 9 6 D-—J 8 \ C-K @ 10 43 ¢ 762 ! South | (Mr. Muzzy) | 58—A K @ H—A 7 | D—-Q 7543 | C—A J 6 j The bidding South West North bast | 1D Pass 1H Pa | 3 NT All pass Chigead _hiinese tsites Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 pan, - 3:30 a.m, t HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 123 | monds and come right back with | the deuce. That way, you not| only hold your diamond losers | to one, but you keep Abel from making a killing lead through your clubs. You're not afraid} | club from your right. You safety- Played one suit and forgot about the safety of the whole hand.” “Well if you just wouldn't tell me ANYTHING” said Mr. Muzzy. “Muzzy has something there,’ put in Mr. Dale, who knows that it doesn't pay to “teach” a part- ner who is confused already Vl (All Times Daylight Saving) VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY Camosun 8 FRIDAY SS Coquitlam 8 p.m ALICE AKM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Friday, Camosun, 12 Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS June 4 and 18 SS Coquitlam, midnight POR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam June 11 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 8s p.m and 25 950 More Troops ber of troops repatriated from | Korea within the last two} months. United States Army | authorities will not release the name of the ship, or its exact} date of arrival ee £sso OIL BURNERS ante Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did it ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for your particular business? ° s Type faces give you this outstanding and these can be supplied by our modern printing depart ment Dibb Printing Co. distinetivene NOW ON EASY TERMS WITH ESSO FURNACE OIL CONTRACT ASSURED 4 WRITE OR PHONE IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 General Construction Floor Sanding General Repairs Cabinet Work Greer & Bridden LIMITED Phone 909 ‘15 Ist Ave. W. P.O. Box 721 BLONDIE —Hire a Hall ! Pe. C., fa .k . WSusiness Cr [ro eSd10nG John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR- Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608—3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O, Box 374 FRED £. pow OPTOMETRIgp Successor to Margaret Room 10, Stone Builg PHONE BLUE 593 P.O, BOX ti, FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Ceinent For Less Phone Blue 939 |? PRECISION SAW FILING Lawn Mowers Sharpened 2!5—Ist Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 ) HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 4th Street Phone 204 655 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Wuen Soles 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- cient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies, LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est, 1910 Phones 60 and 68 HANDYMAy HOME SER\V¢g GENERAL CONTRA Building and Repair kinds ROOFS CHIMNE OIL BURNERS PHONES: P.O. Box 1670 MATTSON’S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. % 234—3rd Ave. B Prince Rupert, Be H. G. HELGERS LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSUR Phone 06, Evenings Big | LING THE TAIL Tailoring - Alterat and Clothes Made-to-M 220 Sixth St Ph PORTRAITS Films Developed and P PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STU 4th Street By Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert 216 BES1 OF FOOD For the MEAL that REFRES BROADWAY CAFE FINEST OF COOKIN JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue WRATHAILL Photo Finishing 6 DEVELOPING, PRINT ENLARGING EXPOSURE METER AMATEUR SUPPLIB Phone Green 136 B The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 Yor Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Ltd P.O. Box 274 EXPLOSION SEOUL, Korea (AP)—Fire and explosions of incendiary ammun- ition killed a Korean woman and injured nine persons ineluding two Americans, the nUited States Eighth Army announced, The fire and explosions on a pier at Ulsan, an army port 36 miles PLUMBING || 6 and Be HEATING|| R= DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEM SURROUNDIN Commodore KNOWN TO CHAMP Bic, popular summer ™ the south shore of the 5 rence is a corruption of ! , “pie” given to it by Cham north of Pusan on the east started from the accden® tion of air force incendia munition, the army said: ~ By CHIC YOU mr I ere 'M TIRED --) T THINK I'LL > GO TO BED hm NOW y 'M TIRED Too: I THINK /'LL GO TO BED AND READ AFTER {| LFIX A SNACK MY BED LAMP IS ) BROKEN --1 MUST ) REMEMBER TO BRING UP ) Ree, - ANOTHER »7S ore LAMP Fels 7 WV asc Q) 2 WHAT Y' ZB (iY Q : ee Ke,