TBIri COLUMBIA 1 tPtfnrc Rupert Drill? Jflrfou Today in Sports rmm leuA ' Thursday, October 30, 1947 . ....!& OF THE EBTAIB tHOMA3.. ,. ",it i ..JmV thit by Ordrr of I ' iu . jiMiarrniiir in liic r u)ntpn fiu"" 'Hnrm.: SrtMrU t "Thrtrt rented hW -m,PfW terlfled, to kfter whlcn ciaims , ' D: .j -iihmit reference ""IS, Tbleh I theh had T " tn oar tho ill Ul ,.b .... -" N-iri rift or uciodci. r mi ... uiu irnnm official Auminlatrator, . nrniaff 11 IT ituk --,203, e.mnirMB COURT OF T"5,- COLUMBIA L Hill A ' - T. - - v.. to' .tdiTinn AUi" km w roT A TP i Trru if- irir r. - a "S' BVPP DECEA8EO it koTO-b that by Orrtrt- ft JHO f- - r .mmbla. I was on the 0;'lrimini3trator of the Estate .. row mtn m itiiiuit nu- nrl((-i COlUmDia. Oil pirinuiiai ' - . IV,. I. . . - mrinwiui mm k: nainn . nrnnrrW Verified Oil fsSlr.J whlcn aisiriDuuons Mnu'uf ..iii' v . . r . Otnber A.U. imi. Cnrdon rraser rorocs, 01fi:;il Administrator. Prt.-e Rupert. B.C i Section 28) . .j il,.H,m fnr llrrf Ill-em . -- ..M.,r nlllfrM ...... 23th ci y ot HovemDer. nexi. infe-::;r.ri intends to appiy i - toiler Control Board for a r -,-. f nrpmisM hUne' il . culldlr.3 known as Karte ll: t.tuaie on ixuiuon :- i i : Mt-.scti Quen Charlotte ; Br iiin uoiumoiR. upun nic c :Md c- Lots One (1). Two ,M Thrw S). Block Fle (5), ii 3 846. Prince Rupert Land. i(E::: ;l) Columbia, Ibr the sale - . '. . I . 1. . IL. Initial HERALD OKAY Applicant. (375) THE S'lPREMB COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE E MATTES OP THE EBTATB, f ' J W O. Pulton, Local ' t - .uprcma Court of Brl-' t was oh the 22nd 0t ;.: A D. 1947, appointed itr.: if the Estate of Rossi i. i?r'La known as Rnsarlo ' 3 ftiardo. late of Prince j B; "l Columbia, who died - t.8 8th day of Septem- ' 1 ' C:t City of Prince Ru I t 1 Columbia. All persons ' t'-.? said estate are re-" pa; the amount Of their i '3 me forthwith and all kz;.7 plalma aoalnit thu f '- tit required to file them 1W C:tDPrH Vr(flAH nn n, ho. . v..n oay of November. 1947, dbtrlbutlon will be nv;r' regard only to such 31 Which T bhclll ham hn - " uciorifr, A.D. 1947. : 00IIDON FRA8ER FORBES. On;;'al Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (263) " III Vim l.tt .... . I -I'l HPf it 1)11) JlPni(i bnv 0f Control tr,J ThrnrA - oi.,!. it w ox premi08 Bitu vnird Avenue West, RUDcn The qtt.a-4 anrt biock 34 section l, - 't'ttLS KlinArr. l.nnrt Poo . iumoia, to entitle each . - ottiu uuu m Kppn nn IC'CIlllSPI . . "... ueir frt . r'lililhr'.l Q rtrl bm II h n lev 7 " ...v.mwcio won . w... - "uinu LLU M I.IMITKI1 RBf "fiMB COURT OP iiTWAW' DECEASED, Oi ih. " vt bun. uuum folumh.. PremB Court Df Drl' i di n4 . a uii me 'izna n . una EinLH ij ri i n CohluT..01 .prlhce Rupert, Brl- 3h d ' . h0 dl"a on or about . nnnn t-... . . - iu in un l. iirii i an 'rti . esuti r. lntlelJtcd to the lit , "-Muiira to nav t.n yirprt.n.8t the said Eatnti. rt Hrifift,! Z cm Win me Pro Qf Nov..rn. ?r berre the 30th .., - win no mnH I h.,..1? '"eh C alma T U f,f .ln.ce Rup-rt. B O., thin ' ur nha. a m ' ABER FORRBE3, Off .1 "luce Rut)fi nn (203) - OUiiT n i . . MeZ8 8ht" 13 m,hed ln MAKES POPPIES FOR LIVINOThls elderly Veteran haS beeh earning his living making popples In a Vetcraft shop for many years. Many other veterans who are unable to compete in the commercial world earn a good income this way. Here he' is shown wrapping the stem of a large poppy. Kegal or Royal Lily, one of the best, Lily bulbs for gardens are more plentiful this fall, thanks to rapidly growing domestic production. Bulbs grown In this country are available earlier than those imported from Europe, and many consider them to have superior vigor. So far Japan, which formerly supplied most of our lily bulbs, has ship ped only negligible quantities, tween acid-loving and lime-loving varieties of lilies can be drawn, For no species can it be &ttled BEER delivered free to your home 0 D C . . PHONE 654 25c PER DOZ. PAID for EMPTIES Please have them ready when the driver talis. tm. ftHvArHumpnt in not Dubllshed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by theuovernmenioi unuwi w"" DEVELOPING, PRINTlNd AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist II, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Bee K. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Wear CFPR) sr. EMPEROR NO MORE PRETORIA, South Africa. 05 The Union's great seal and all official documents bearing the King's title are to be altered to omit the words "Emperor of In dia.'1 This naturally follows for mation of two new dominions in India. HONOR LUMBER INDUSTRY SAINT JOHN, N.B. A monument to the lumber industry of the maritme provinces has I been erected by the Historic T (lino n ro nnt rltfftAiilf r rr rtit? HIGH SCORER IN FOOTBALL TORONTO (CJ1) Big BCH Mc- of the rampaging UhiYefslty' pf Westerri dntario MUstatiJJ, 6n- Mcys the fattest scoring .average adlan Press show that me ( I ipeedy McFarlane, one bf the DcrtiiHlon's fastest runners, stands within striking distance bf the scoring leaders in the two by scoring 14 points breaking a tie with his brother, Don, an-other western half, who failed to gain ground and remains in second place with 21 points. Rlht behind the brother? stands Western's-fleet-Jack Parry who got four touchdowns Saturday for the bluest Individual one-day scoring outburst this sea son. Wagner, Montreal Alouette3 halfback who came to Canada fcom the United States last sea-nn, lengthened his Big Four lead Saturdey by scoring two touchdowns to bring his sea son's total to 50 points. The hard-driving native of Belleville. 111., has been averaging a touchdown a game this season. Behind him stands Joe Krol of Toronto Argonauts with 39 points in nine games. Jce Farley, from iake Placid, N.Y., also stretched his lead In the O.R.F.U. with eight points Saturday for a total of 38 in nine games in his first season In Canadian football. Two play- For most varieties a medium Sites and Monument Board of lers are tied for second place with imrripn lniim nrh at will rrnw ! Cahada in Rlverview Park here, i 25 points apiece behind the Ot- good potatoes, corn or root!near the mouth of the St. John tawa Trojans' outside wing Bill vegetables, will answer well. An abundance of humus is of importance in lily culture, and may be added In the form of well rotted manure (never use fresh manure), leaf-mould, peat moss, compost or sawdust from hard wood. Manure is best spaded In a season before planting lilies. Good drainage :s necessary to all lilies; even swamp-loving species are found growing wild on dry hummocks and they thrive under garden conditions. Bulbs perish in damp soil. Where there is doubt about drainage, elevating the lily bed to a foot above the surrounding surface is advisable. Recent investigations make it doubtful If any sharp line be River. Sites have been chosen I Murmylyk of Hamilton Wildcats on the Ottawa River and In who went pointless Saturday British Columbia for similar -und Don Crowe of Toronto Ind-monuments. ' ians who got six. .W r 11 1 Hoop Season Commencing Good Melon Tossing Card Lined Up fof Saturday Night The Prince Rupert Basketball Association, at a meeting this non-college Unions although he starts wlth Bo-Me-Hi vs. Fash has played only one-third as jon Footwear. many games as the Big Four's Virgil Wagnef and the Ontario Rugby Football Union' Joe Fin ley. Only native Canadlah leBdlrti tfie scorers in anv of the East's the season to senior company. three senior unions, MCFarlahe j The Savoys are the same IpnlthPnpH hU lead in thP inter- I ilJuaa as iast winter, sirengm- Si liut It routes an aad or eolleslal, Hueb, Unta elray I J lW as guard a iei!':al soil. The site or the 11' y-'A 'hould1 have free elrcu latlon of air, without being exposed to the full sweep of high winds. Shade from the midday sun is desirable for most lilies; but they should not be planted near enough to trees sd that they suffer, from the competition of their roots. A northern slope 14 preferable, since here the soil Is cooler and dries out more slowly; but on a southern slope the flowers will come earlier. The civic band will be In attendance and Prexy Art Murray has other features to make Saturday night a grand opening for the melon tossers. 1C wiitm 25 In SPOR t (October 30, 1922) The usual fall lull between the summer's outdoor season and the winter's Indoor sport was at its height. Baseball, football and lacrosse -games were oVer for some weeks. And next on the program was-to be billiards, basketball and pos In Eastern Canada football with . week( completetl arrangements sibly iindoor bas alL uIr) llit!le 35 nninU in thrp sdrties. t, u.i meantime, sports fans had little I Statistic compiled by the Can- ball season this Saturday at the to do but talk about prospects Civic Centre gymnasium. The Junior1 Leaguers will raise the curtain with 65 Taxi taking on High School. The Intermediate League The main attraction bring! together Brownwoods and Savoy. Brownwoods were the last year's High School Intermediate champs after moving up late in for the Winter. If the winter 1 were clear, they hoped to have a few unseasonal outdoor sports games. HOCKEY SCORES National Detroit S, Chicago 2. Montreal 1, Torohtb 3. Boston 3, Rahgers 1. CHINA'S CONTRIBUTIONS From the Chinese the world has obtained silk, paper, print ing, the compass, gunpowder, the peach tree, oranges, lemons tea, porcelain, chrysanthemums and soybeans. t See the spies and Mecklln-j ad this week. (25Qf MOTORISTS Here is a service that yotl have been waiting for . . . TIRE VULCANIZING We have just installed Prince Rupert's first tire vulcanizing machine and offer you a prompt and efficient tire vulcan taing service. ALF STEINERT, who Is In charge of our tire department, will be pleased to explain this new service, and advise you about any of your tire problems. Prompt attention given to ou;-of-town orders. Bob Parker Limited . "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" P.O. Kox 38 Prince Rupert, B.C. For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. t'iilll- SUBY CHOW ME1N - 7:00 axn. to 11:00 pjn. IE HE'S a ruli In Canada which appears on no statute books, ... V yet it U eiigraveil In tlid liearis of the people. Constant, day after day 'observance of this rule is what makes Canada A country where freedom of thoiight, word and deed , j is truly renpected and practiced. t's thfl Riifc of Mwlirtitionmtxh-nititm in nil things. - 'And moderation, as The Mouse of Seagram lias frequently pointed out, , Incbldes telilpefute enjoyment of the luxuries of life. ? Also in the urn of whisky is the observance of the ' ' Hole of Moderation ii credit to the Canadian people. ' i On the list of the world's most temperate nations, Canada's name stands high and bright! I l THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, of by the Government of British Columbia. SALAM "FJEA BAGS A BLUE RIBBON ASK UU ItUPEI ftfy Box 1321 CHAMPION POSITIVE STAitTlNQ POSITIVE COOLING POSITIVELY GUARANTEED FOR A DEMONSTRATION AT nn i.nin Sr wT.v.r.TlMf! K IS : PHONE OttJ YES!! We Make Them All . . BOAT TANKS MUFFLERS STACKS FURNACES EAVESTROUGH THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Phone Black 8 I 253 East First RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS. MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Vhone Oreen 07. GEORGE HILL & SONS (Read Down) 2 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. Friday 11:45 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. Saturday 11 a.m. Saturday 2:30 p.m. Saturday LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 Union Steamships Ltd. wish to announce their ' NEW FAST DIRECT SERVICE Between Prince Rupert and Vancouver NOW EFFECTIVE (Southbound) " kLv. Prince Rupert Sundays 2 p.m. Arr. Vancouver Tuesdays 7 a.m. (Northbound) Lv. Vancouver Wednesdays 9 p.m. Arr. Prince Rupert Fridays .9 a.m. ' ' Also extended service to Alaska as follows:,- Lv. Pr. Rupert Arr. Arr. Ketchikan Lv. Lv. Ketchikan Arr. Arr. Petersburg Lv. Petersburg Arr. Wrangel (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE (Read Up) J. 8:30 a.m. Sundays 11:43 -ftm. I; Saturdays -'' !. io:30 p.m. Saturdays ;I Lv..3:30 p.m. 4 Saturday Fof Your Eating Pleasure . ' Broadway . Cafe BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS. DINNERS AND j AFTERNOON TEAS? Chinese Dishes Chow Mcin Chop Sjiey -TAKE -OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 A.M. to 1:30 AM. PHONE 200 i i CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRINO RESULTS if 5? I