r 1 v If ft i i 5 i - Print r Riinrrf Dnflp I3ehis Thursday, October 30, 1947 Classified Advertising - - - - Cufuifleds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth Notlcen. 60c: Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, funeral Notices, Marriage & " and Engagement Announcements: $2. WOKS WANTED JjlMlDDLE-aget: woman win look ..after children evenings. Phone jfe, Preen 583. (tf) .WORK WANTED Capable girl HJwnts housework by the hour. Phone Black 152. (254 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED assistant trapper. Good deal and good trap line. Phone Red 154 or call 516 8th Ave. East. WANTED TO KENT (255) "AGENTS WANTED "Are you a Specialty Salesman?" If so, make nine dollars cash In nine minutes demonstrating Sales-Maker. Apply Box 273, Daily News. (255) WANTED TO RENT Furnished 3 or 4 room house or apartment, coupie with one child. Phone Mrs. Hampton, Prince Rupert Hotel. (257) FOR SENT FOR RENT 3 room furnished, -. suite, 1028 2nd Ave., Blue 270. ! (259) FOR RENT Heated offices and heated warehouse space, cen-j trally located on waterfront.! ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from hnvnf Table meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Frasr Street, (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Fountain pen, Parker "51", between Rupert Motors ;,and Tavlor Street. Finder f please Dhone Green 182. Re-ward. (254) PERSONAL " ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a positive and permanent release from drinking. It is a personal and confidential service rendered without cost or inconvenience by other alcoholics who have found free-"' dom from alcohol. Prince Rupert, Box 276, Dally News, (tf) Aj SANDED FLOOI'. makes a -new room I Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient Job with modern equipment. Greer and Brid-den have the latest in floor sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 561. (tf) FCR FURNACE Kumfort See Us. Thorn Sheet Metal, Black 884. 253 Eaxt First. (259V TENDERS TENDERS will be recelvedby the Massett Co-operative Association for purchase of the following trucks at Massett, B.C.; closing date Nov. 15. .1947. FARGO, 3 tons, 196" W.B., siaKe-uody, 1947 Model, used two months, condition as new. 1 Equipped with 2 speed rear axle, reinforced frame, platform 7' 10"xl7' 6". Platform .v. may be purchased with truck or separately. FARGO, 2z ton, stake-body, 1942 Model, completely overhauled, 1st class condition, good tires. Equipped with reinforced frame, two speed rear axle, platform 6' 6"xl6' with truck only. Submit tenders to the Mas-set Co-operative Association, co Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assn., P.O. Box 264, Prince Rupert, B.C. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Additional Information may be had - - from either of the above named. (tf) FOU SALE FOR SALE Dinette suite, rug 7x9. occasional chair. 1512 j 6th Ave. East. Phone Oreen j 336. (257) FOR SALE Lady's Coat. Red 807. Coney Fur (257) FOR SALE Dinette, buffet, table and four chairs. $90.00. 1840 7th Ave. East. (256) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture for Household, Offices. Hardware and Musical Instruments, etc. Slightly used Radios, battery and electric sets, from $20; used kitchen NITURE CO., Black 324. j FOR SALE Flooring and 2x10. Phone Green 698. (256) For full particulars apply or ,FOR SALE 1937 Chev. sedauln pnone H. G Helgerson Ltd. (256) FOR R E N T Furnished house s- for 3 weeks. Phone Blue 275. i , (255) FOR R ENT House keepingroom in private home close to town. . - Blue 232. 720 6th St. (tf ) good condition. Can be seen at Long Motors Service Station. (254) FOR SALE House on Bus line. 1723 6th Ave. East. Phone Blue 336. (257) FOR SALE Bedroom suite $75; dinette suit, 6 pieces $50; or what offers? 913 10th Ave. East. (255) FOR SALE 621 Fulton Street, formerly knewn as Norfolk Rooms and Japanese Association Building, consists of large "bullring with two suites .ground floor and hall above, also cottage at rear. $3500. H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. (257) FOR SALE 6 room house with 3 room suite, close to McBridc. completely renovated, immediate occupancy. $2,000 down will handle, balance on easy ' terms. Also: 2 4-room houses 2 3-room houses 1 exceptionally handsome home, nearly new, 5 rooms plus rumpus room. See Armstrong Agencies, 307 3rd Avenue West. (257) LAST CHANCE! Ere we leave, we offer you for a short while only the following: Pig Lead in 3-lb. blocks, lb. .12 Gyproc Lath (good), Per M 25.00 12-Light Windows (10x16) each (check rail) 3.00 Cedar Siding, 2", per M. 25.00 Loxstave Rafters, 24 long, hinged, each 2.50 Valves, Pipe Fittings (good) at i2 Price 1000' Shorts in Pipe, , 34.to 22 i3 Price Good Doors, while they last 4,00 2 Garage Doors, each 3.00 1 Penberthy 1" Automatic Cellar Drainer (good).. 10.00 Large Valves and Hydrants 1, Price Shorts in 6x6, 4x14, 2x3, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12, good material, I rough and S4S, per M 20.00 2x8, 2x10, 3x14, 6x6, s4S base 45.00 2M feet 2x4 shorts, per M 22.50 Many other kinds and sizes of materials at special prices. 8PIES & MECKLING, Phone 866. Wantage Road. (256) FOR SALE Large supply of dry scrap wood, random lengths, $G per cord, 3 cord lots. $16. BLUE 810 Bert's Transfer 303 Third Ave. TENDERS will he received hy the undersigned lor tne purcliase ot dwelling nronertv No 5th Avenue East, City. Tenders to he suhmitted on or hefore Saturday noon, Ncvemher 1, 1947. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. P. TINKER & CO. LTD. BESNER BLOCK PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (255) I Old Country Letter Parliament Among Pubs By NORMAN CRIBBENS Canadian Press Staff Writer Britons Air Their Views Between Drinks There Is only one official parliament but in the countless pubs of Britain there are informal parliaments that have no speaker, no sergeant-at-arms and no solemn rules of parliamentary procedure to govern their conduct. Debates covering an infinite variety of topics are controlled by the common sense and native humor of the customers with rare interference by landlords. Often a chance remark on i some burning topic of the day Chairs. $1: Hassocks, $1.50; . M preclpitate a discussion Chesterfield Bed, $32; newJlMtln until closi Ume double electric Hot Plate with, A t lca, parliarnent ,t cord, $7; unpalnted Medicine j found ln the red-curtained bar Chests, $2.75; unpainted Book of the Horse and' Groom at Cases and Chests of Drawers. Twickenham, Middlesex, where Everything reduced. Come and!each evenlng the flrelight nick-look them over. B.C. FURNI- Brintr nr. h im ooii. w a a a j Mtv tun UVUliiVU vv 11 ing, gleaming fitfully on old pewter and brass, creates an atmosphere that is cozy but pro vocative. FOR SALE Girl's bicycle. Green ' " snoman 1 De anowea, says 937 (255) a mlld and bitter with one el-1 FOR SALE 1935 Dodge coupe car in good running condition. Apply Box 246, Terrace, B.C. (258) j bow resting on a swilly counter. "Ana why not? ' counters a brown ale next to him. "It's a free country, ain't It?" ; Then the fun starts, A well- FOU SALE FOR SALE Kitchen table, four chairs and bed complete. Call at 513 8th Ave. East. (256) ! FOR SALE Cabins" at Salt ' Lakes. Seaview, Hive and Jo's Lunch stand. Electric radio,! piano, battery radio, small j stores, etc. Owner leaving j town. Call at Salt Lakes on write Box 282. (259) j FOR SALE 1940 Chevrolet Sedan ln good condition. Apply 537 Taxi. (tf) METAL WORK WHY put up with a smoky fur- 1 nace or leaking eavestrough? ' Call Black 8S4. New installa- I tions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf PLUMBING Installations and repairs! SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tfi WHY put up with a smoky furnace or leaking eavestrough. Call Black 884. New installations. Satisfaction guaranteed Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf ) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL tuves-troughlng and stack WORK. Fur naces, t anks work. Letourneau & Sons, 62P Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf' MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) j GIFT FOR ANY , -n occasion ; FINEST M! SILVERPLATE S&Y f Service for Six yrf "7 ' Hollow handle lFIRST LOVE ! knlve$. Firstlove tWtfe-JL'f" I or Adoration J fT?" , 327 i rrtm mn BULGER'S LTD CANADA REPRESENTED AT GUIDE CONFERENCE Mr John Corbett (left , chief commissioner of the GUI Guides and Girl Scouts of Canada, Is shown being greeted on her rarlval at the Girl Guides Association headquarters ln London by Mis Violet Synge. Britain's Girl Guide head, as Dona Rosita Behiana. Girl Guide commissioner of Brazil, looks on. The women leaders are in London to attend th eexecutive meeting of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Mrs. Corbett Is chairman of the world committee. dressed whisky and soda on his right says vehemently that Britain ceased to be a free country when the. Labor government took office and soon every voice ln the bar is raised ln political debate. "What you call a free country meant freedom for the rich and slavery for the worker," says an aggressive light ale in the cor- j ner. i "Class prejudice again," sighs the whisky and soda. "Don't you fellows know you were better fed and clothed under the Conservatives than vou ar now?" AND SO THE BATTLE GOES "Purely circumstantial," answers a rum and lime Judicially. "Fat lot the Conservatives cared about feeding and clothin? the worker. If they was in now we probably would be lining up for the dole like we did after the last bust-up." The battle rages hot and strong with fleeting pauses while the debaters replenish their glasses. However anry he may be. It is rare when a protagonist does not stand his opponents a drink or receive one In return. 'Only once ln six years have PACKED 2 WAYS: In Drip and R.gular Grind, tn on AII-Purpo$t Grind WH-487 I had to clear the bar," says the full-stomached landlord. "And that was when two old gentlemen what should have known better started scrapping with umbrellas." Pub parliaments are found everywhere but the Free Masons' Arms in the Hampstead district of London nas taken the first step toward organized debates. Each Friday evening at eight one of the regulars usually a well-known local figure Is nominated to open a discussion ln one corner of the saloon usually on some aspect or other' of the national crisis The speaker has 20 minutes, a'fter which glasses are refilled and the subject Is thrown open to discussion. j "This Is the very essence of democracy," said a quiet, elderly man on the outskirts of the debate. "So long as we have parliaments in pubs we shall have a parliament ln Westminster too." See the Sp:e and Merkliri ad this week. (256 1 m l ami In Maxwell Home you get mora llian jutt "good" coffee. Vou gel the tTorliTs Leading llrand of Coffee 1 Vou get mart flavor lernue Maxwell lloue ronUinl choice Latin-American roffeet ... the heht obtainable. TIiee richer, more flavorful coffees ore hlended hy experts to give you finer flavor. And, Radiant IioaMing develops tvery extra atom of goodness to give you fuller flavor. LING ' THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait, P.HONEC49 520 Sixth Street $30,000,000 KITTY AID TO NEWFOUNDLAND ST JOHN'S. Nfld . Oi Newfoundland's salt codfish Indus-'xv wor $8,000,000 annually, has weatnered the crisis posed o- Britain's suspension of the i:anvertiblllty of sterjlng by the us.' of the Island's accumulated urnluses in London. During the war U.NJUI.A. purchases sent Newfoundland codfish into countries which it had never reached before and exporters had hoped to hold hf se markets in ie?eetime. j With the industry facing col-1 lapse and fishermen expecting' heavy losses, the people of Newfoundland were bewildered by the sudden closing of one of their chief outlets for fish by i Britain's action until W. H.I Finn, commissioner of natural resources, stepped to a microphone ln a St. John's radio I He announced that the $30,-j 000,000 kitty plied up by New-! foundland during prosperous war years would be used to help. The dollars would be exchanged for the sterling which was paid to Newfoundland exporters and the sterling held on I Newfoundland's behalf ln Lon don where the Island has a debt i ' of $78,000,000. I' Although another problem j might have to be faced next year, Mr. Finn said, fishermen 1 were assured by the govern- , ment's action of steady prices this year for cod, running from $10 to $14 a quintal 112 pounds. Try a Classified Ad in The News CRYING? CROSS? CROTCHETY? $ this your child? "Worms" a very possible reason. Dr. McKenzie's Dead Shot Worm Candy. Write for our free (realise on worms. THE V. H. COMSTOCK CO. BROCKVIUE ONTARIO KJ No wonder more people buy MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE than any other brand IT'S "GOOD TO THE 'LAST DROP" of coffee in the world... a! W prce MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE A Product of C.n.rol Foodi GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 721 Terr FOR PROMPT SERVICE Chevrolet rolet See Your see GENERAL MOTORS DEA, BuUk m..i... Olchmobllt ' u .Mai-Ill... i..... . Trl Ur Special!, Terrace Machine Shop & Qa TEKK.U'K M.C. toil's Cate Lakelse Avenue BREAKFAST LUNCH AND BANQUETS Serve: Instv Pmrt nni Wick ana cobikJ rropnetor, I'hil Tetrault LITRE, HAUCLiMD & KERR1 l.iimlior M:imif:iiliircri Knueli anil l)rrsvf, .mM., T V. If l C H . AKenU r'or International HarvrMrr C. Third Avenue Kiretnnr Tiff & Itnhhrr r.,l ("Ullro Radios Willard Ititlprln TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAIN SERVICE TO ANY KIIN IN THE DISTRICT (11. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrie ; J Furs of Quality, Style and SINGE Immediate dflittrj I treadle and tltctri machines in Prinet and district Priced to suit all liudgtls SEE THEM AT SINGER Scwin? M J Plume 864 Mat Fowlie & Ruttfe THIRD AVENUE Coney Coats $i:t."i.00 Orev Broadui Brown Electric Seal Coats Coats JjiKiri.OO MuskratriaiikCiiUSj Mouton Coats Sl.'O.OO Muskrat Back Cuts 4 A generous valuation nlven cr. yoar old fur coat in trade (or a r.rw one Budget terms available-No Inte-est -No CarrjimC Remember ... for (JUAI.ITV, STYLE and LOff HKl FOWLIE & RUTTLE PHOSf ,.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.,.,. Thone Oreen 917 I', II. LINZEY Prince Rupert Realty C Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Lalel "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Ruve ) I0HN GURVICH ! has rclurned lo the - CONTRACTING Bill NoJobT00 A7 1hTnnl.nra EXCAVATING. HAULING, LAND I'lIONE 32 . To Avoid Inconvif . ,.. mir f"SIf We strongly recommcmi 0J fill their coal Inns as mw n least order well in ndvancc a of supP) imouestionahly, a i shortage -call us o:iflJ' j it is going to le a - : PHILPOTl EVITT&CO.l Coal Lumber Call 651 or 65 ; j HuiW,n ,,:..ic -