mm. GROUP DFOR RCtL , food parcel TT111 Rf i m 11111 7s w j i ll " tm- "TfpU or nis II. " r ... .-non Ira Trtr ... . trt, i 'Pivpn vmir I I' lLF ' U" Mil - - A 11' o:: here In oDtn)" adequate i. i . . b- urn n ro . J. .11 during J a. mi oi m- xua-wp after c. u ,i, 941. T K e -. an un- I'.-ni Am rrrnv-. . .. i ii i! undr- :? '!; wrallin? T"..F. - f U (J u:in : CaDt. rruso port it ne will c.v nirrr- ni- vessel -'li 1 om here a beam tt-r In .91 lnrv . " -" Prin-ess Adelaide coquitlam. 1:30 'amcsun. 10:13 i :nmt f j Pnncess Adelaide mte uupert, r""iudu I a n m nuce uupert, Caraosun, 8 p.m. r t- - IV.. Local News Items . . . Lutheran Tea and Sale, August 30, 3 to 6 pjn. Church Parlors. (It) Miss Helen Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs." Richard T. Adams of Usk, Is arriving In the city this week-end from the Interior to attend High School .here. Mrs. and Miss Prince Rupert Watch this paper for the opening (Very Soon) of ANNETTE MANSELL'S Dress Salon, (205) School principals will be at the schools to interview and enrol pupils who are newcomers to the district at the following hours: Booth Memorial High School, Friday August 29, 0 a.m. to 12 or by appointment, Phone 641. Borden Street School and Conrad Street Sichool, Fridiy 1 pjn. to 3 pjn. King Edward School Saturday August 30, 10 ajn. to 3 p.m. (202) Party of Buffalo. New York. s to ei it your, Gyros, returning south after provide us with ' having made the round trip ' to ... II.. .4111 . ..." law- ui a queue. Kind '.-: of you . H 'rue -v. ioi sena-tr inn-i i nprinle fn sitagway lonowing . the recent international convention. in Seattle, rpent o couple of hours in Prince Rupert While the Princess Norah was in port on Wednesday afternoon. Local Gyros acted as hosts In showing them around the city. The piarty consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Jcseph R. Schwindler, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson, Mrs. Gladys Sullivan and Mrs. Ella Schupp. Announcements All advertisement in this column will be charged for a full at 25 a word. 30. Lutheran Tea ana Sale August L.O.B.A. Orphanage Tea and Sale, Sept. 3. Moose, Men's Bazaar and Dance. Sept. 25 and 26. Catholic Bazaar Oct.'l and 2. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Women of the Moose annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 10. 20 Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov 28th. Orange Sale, Dtccmber 5. Stop HAY FEVER Hay Fcra needn't plague you with it anecxlng ami wheezing, its blowing and gasping, ita fore, atreaming. itching irritation of eyes and ears. Juittdowhatthou-kindi have done to get fast, tale relief-take Tcmpleton' RAZ-MA1I. You'll sleep better, oik luster, leel belter. SOc, tl at druggists -iveryhhere. K-15 If your building, house or furniture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and fur-.nlture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers now I H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 218 Sixth Street WHITE RUBBER SOLES ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF ""'li saddle oxfords lead a busy '"Pus and off . . . blithe little shoes, perfect companions to your skii-ts and sweaters . . . $7.95 Dance at Moose Temple, Saturday, August 30. Dancing 9 to 12:30. Good Music. (204) J. E. Merryfleld, Progressive-Conservative organizer for British Columbia, after spending a few days in the city, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night for his home in Vancouver. Copies of tnc recent special Industrial Development issue of the Prince Rupert Dally News are still available at the office but the supply is limited ana those who desire to send tihem out are advised to obtain same af. once. (tf) George McAfams, .past and acting president of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, arrived in the city on last night's train from Terrace to meet ithe United States senatorial party which was here this morning emoule to Alaska. Mr. McAdaing is returning to Terrace on tonight's train. Glen Lundqukt and Randall Nelson of Seattle are at LakeLse Lake spending a holiday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Balagno who are at present encamped there. Mrs. Lundqulst daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bal agno, who has been spending the past few weeks here, will re turn to Seattle with her hus band who motored north. 0aaaHaKfflMaaailaaaaa9aai aavaSl "Don't tell her which war I'm aveteran of Mrs. and Miss Prince Rupert Watch this paper for the opening 'Very Soon) of ANNETTE MANSELL'S Dress Salon. (206) Mrs. Ralph II. Browne and child sailed by the Princess Louise this morning on her return to her heme at Ketchikan after a visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Dlderlck-son, Fourth Avenue East. Mr. Browne returned north on Wednesday night after spending few days in the city. Gyro Supervised Playgrounds Children's Sports Labour Day - 10 a.m. - 12 Noon GYRO HALL PARK EVENTS 1. Egg and Spoon Race Girls 2. .23 yard Dash (5 and G years) Hoys 3. 25 yard Dash (5 and 6 years) Girls 4. 25 yard Dash (7 and 8 years) Boys 5. 25 yard Dash (7 and 8 years) Girls 6. Tiny Tot Race (5 years and under) Boys and Girls 7. Three-Legged Kace Boys 8. Skipping Rope Race Girls 9. 35 yard Dash (9 and 10 years) Roys 10. 35 yard Dash (9 and 10 years) Girls 11. 35 yard Dash (11 and 12 years) Roys 12. 35 yard Dash (11 and 12 years) Girls 13. 50 yard Dash (13 and 14 years) Roys 14 50 yard-DAh (1J and I4'years)i-Glrls ' ' 15. Cross Country Ricycle Race Roys 16. Cross Country Ricycle Race Girls ADMISSION FREE AWARDS ALL CHILDREN WELCOME ' SCHOOL SPECIALS School Opening Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1917 INK SCRIBBLERS , LOOSELEAF REFILLS & RENDERS Paper Cover 5c, 6 for 25c 2 Ring, 3 for 25c Oil Cloth Cover 10c, 3 for 25c 3 Ring, 30c Coll Bound 15c, 2 for 25c and 25c 2 Ring Binder 35c Hard Back Science 40c and 45c 3 Ring Binder 5c and 95c THREE RING LEATHER ZH'PER HINDERS $2.95 to $10.75 Pencils 6 for 25c Rulers 10c Penholders 10c Erasers 5c and 10c Blotters pkg. 5c and 10c Ink 15c Geometry Sets RLONDIE Crayons Pkg. 10c Water Color Paints (With Brush) 65c Set Squares 10c Protractors 10c Compasses ..25c 75c TEXTBOOKS , Special WATERMAN'S SCHOOL PEN & PENCIL SET Special The pen $2.60 The Pencil 87c The Set $3.47 MtaeMv5.Jdd She's the Forsivin Type! AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver Oeorge. Eals, W. II. Murphy, D. M. Ross,'Mr. II. G. Sullivan, K., Anthony, C. H. McKinnon, C. W. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. King, Steve Michael, E. Kobrynka. To Sandspft Miss W, Falr-balrn. To Port Hardy J. D. Scroggle. F.-jmi Sandsplt (Thursday) M. 3. Philion, J. Hartt, G. Kin-cade, Mrs, L. Eytcheson and two children, Mrs. Berg and two children. From Vancouver A. Larson, Mrs. A. MacKenzle, A. Atkeson. Mr. and Mrs. James MaNulty Jr. and two children of Long-beach, California, arrived in the city on the Princess Louise this morning for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty Sr. IT. is 15 years since Mr. and Mrs. McNulty were last here and they note Ihe changes in the city with deep interest. They brought their car with - them and will return .to California by motor. No yellowhue' thanks to Blue! S-w-i-i-h! That'i oll...uif a good (with of Blue In the. final riming water on waihday, and clothes come out inowy-white the way they should bel Ute Blue to eliminate the yellow tinge that makes clothes look old-it's the sure, quick, and easy way to a really white wathl P.S. Seven colourt combine to make white, one of Ihete It blue. Blue mutt be added to make true white. For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Fort Edward. B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. ' ForWall & Ceiling Decoration Use Modern colours in tlielr most attractive form. Applied with a mini, mum of labour and Inconvenience. The cost is surprisingly low, and it will not rub off on clothing. SOLD BY ; JUcBride St. Phone 311 JrVAlUrfCEIUNG 5 Decoration i J W.V.V.ViV.V.VWiV By Chic Young Wit. ' L CAUSS VOU'BE ) MM OH THAT'S TOO , ( VOU COULD ) M f" "ySHl AND AND -S -S ffWR BAy'CAUSe MY S TELL I WAS Asfo tm y?JJ3J?'?J J3M ) tSmoBn ) flnAm (just focxingi T' rks f r? vou Ztfy SB Ako some wixmk S couldnt ) m f2W4 fJ-SS (COLL-.TMATfe'fe SAC COULD) I "CM -w f ' V ''li'f THAT MUST BE I WHY DO if AREN'T YOU 1 1 NO I'M V JjK. WELL, THEN. I f C I'LL, GIVE THEM 1 t v M V THE CLEANER - YOU HAND Je FCOM THE AN INSUPANCEY GIVE MB BACK , . ( BACK IP YOU NlV' CALLING FOR ME VOUC - (CLEANECfe? SALESMAN rl WV PANTS ; TAKE A 4 Prince nuy'ctt Dails TBttos Friday, August 29, 1947 value and satisfaction, too, in the smart, faithful colors, the fine, enduring fabrics and the craftsmanship that says at a glance . . . it's a STETSON $8.00 to $15.00 nr.iij ji j j.rj.i m mum mm mmm. mum mum mum " mw u ihh A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CHESTERFIELD SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, BEDS, BEDSPRINGS, SPRINfi-FILLED AND FELT MATTRESSES B.C. Troducts made by Simmons and Restmore, the leading Bedding and Furniture manufacturers of Canada SEE OUR WINDOWS PHONE 77o 308 Third Ave. West PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. WILL INSURE YOUR HOME AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE 212 Fourth Street NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 80 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 198 Phone GREEN OV, MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR DYEING- SAVE THEIR SOLES Box 771 Second Avenue CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Radios at their best STROMBERG Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to S p.m. CARLSON MARCONI REPAIRS AND SERVICE at RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC Dependable Radio Servicing. Overhauls a Specialty. PHONE PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Serrlce It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Oil