tlnce EUweri Dallp i3juj0 Friday, August 29, 1947 CPDD Radio Dial I I W 1240 Kilocycle! j .'.(Subject to change) FRIDAY P.M. 4:00 Dd-McCuray ;smgs 4:15 Stock Quotations 4:30 Rambling Cowboy 4:45-Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 String Sfyllngs 5:30 T.B.A. fl:lS Community Calendar ' 6:0Oi-TheThlrd Horseman fi:3(EBand Music 6:4G-Recorded Int. 6:45 Recorded Int. 6:50 Ftsh Arrivals and Int. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 India's Independence "Day Broadcast 7:30 Heritage ol Music 8:00 Prairie Schooner, Wpg. 8:30 Serenade lor Strings 9:00 Continental Varieties 9:30 Three Suns Trio, N.B.C. 6:45 The Frasers 10:00 CBC News 10:103. C. News 10:15 Music by Shrednik. NBC V n u D n N a D H B fl n B n B B WALLACE'S SALLE INFANTS' and CHILDREN'S WEAR IS 0 W ONI DON'T MISS IT I WALLACE'S B B An Announcement of Interest Miss Marearet McLeod. nounces the opening of her Jewelers, Miss McLeod graduated from the Ontario College of Optometry in 1943 and after an association with apromi- " rl nent Toronto optometrlcal group she returned to her home province. Miss McLeod has since been associated with Dr. Harry Perrln, optometrist In Vancouver. She is well trained in the practise cf Optometry and has had considerable experience. She is of a family prominent in ODtometrv in n.C manv vpars Her father, Mr. Murdock McLeod, has an extensive practise throughout B.C. and her brother, Clyde, is a prominent optometrist In Penticton, B.C. Miss McLeod has Installed the most modern equipment for the examination of eyes and a conscientious service will be given. "TEMPORARY OFFICE, ,For the Latest in Jewelry 10:30 Dal Richards Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off SATUHDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock. 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Records at Random 9:30 Melodies for Junior 10:00 Time Signal 10:01 Nature Sketches 10:15 Saturday Matinee 10:30 Musical Program 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 Popular Varieties 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:33 Message Period 11:45 Perianal Album KM. 12:00 On the Teen Beat 12:30 Jive Hive Hal 1:00 Storehouse of Music 1:30 Musicians 2:00 Saturday Concert 3:00 El Rltmo Tropical 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Recorded Interlude 3:30 Serenade- To:. IHnVHHBIBBIBBBaiBDflBBBU H 5 m i 1 Starting School This Year? See our complete line of pencils, rulers, ink erasers, paste, poster paints, scribblers all sizes, loose leaf refills and covers. Many more articles necessary for school opening at the oDtometrlst of Vanrnuvpr. an permanent office at Manson's ROOM 10 STONE BLOCK "Your yAMCnW'Q Friendly Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 566 Prince Rupert, B.C. Jeweler" RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service for all makes of cars and trucks. BRITISH TRAIN WRECK CLAIMS 17 LIVES Here is an airview , of the shattered wreckage in which 17 died in a rail disaster at Doncaster. England. The speeding London-to-Leeds express plowed into the rear of a train which was slowing down prepara tory to entering Lancaster station. The upset engine of the express can be seen alongside the wrecked coaches of the local train." Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackhall I and son. 'David, have returned j to the city after a two weeks' hclicay v'iit at U?k as the guests of Mrs. Blackhall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durham. ...IPiHI fjf GIANT ANTS Australian scientist Miss E. A. Clarke is .shown in San FranciscoTcalif., with some of the 3,000 giant ants she flew across Uie Pacific ocean in a specialy-equippeti plane, for the purpose of conducting tests on adaptability, altitude and climate. The size of the ants Is compared with coins (bottom). Miss Clarke plans to return the ants to Melbourne following completion of tests. AL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms ' -CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Hotel. . . arrivals Prince IKupert Oapt. and Mrs. Tulford anjl family, Chicago; H. B. Scott, j 7nrvrtTTer' AJCr frc Pjv , i fc Victoria; Rev. and Mrs. E. Bird, Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. Boswell, , Smlthers; R. M. McClure, Van- couver: W. A. Sparkes, Terrace: R Atkcjon, Portland, Oregon:' M. J Philion, Sandspit; Mr. and Mr Orwitz, Los Angeles; E. DLmcurchell, Edmonton; Frank Edmonton; A. Larson, Seattle: J. D. Scroggic Port Hardy Miss G. Cooke Faust, Alberta Miss Mary Schieber, Faust, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. R Rumley. Faust, Alberta; T. Wcods, Edmonton; Mrs. C Hall, Petersburg; Mrs. Barwlck, Fcrt Babine; Mrs. G. Maclnnes. Terrace: Mrs. P. Murnhv. Ketehl- j kan; Mrs. R. Campbell, Ketchl- , kan: Mrs. A. Relce. Ketehllrah' Miss V. Falrburn, Queen Charlotte City; o. MeAdarr.s. Terrace: Miss B. Moats, Port Simpson; Miss I. Halberg, Los Angeles: Mrs. A. M. Lister. Newton, Mississippi. ( Mrs. Gena Lund, after a three months' visit to her native home at Rams'daen near Moldoe in Norway, returned to the city at the first of the week from the Old Country. HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked MeaU Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Tbone 21 Third Ave. West Dry Lumber Wc have just received a substantial shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED PHONES 651 AND 652 Coal Lumber Hardware Paints Playground Activities Sports Day on Monday . Will .Wind lUp (Season Monday morning at the Oyro Bail Park will see the wind-up of the playground season. A full morning's program will keep the children of five and under up to 14 years of age very busy In a ferlea of races. Full details, are given elsewhere In the official advertisement. Entries will be accepted on the grounds. There will be dashes for the different age groups, egg-and-jpoon and skipping races. A special feature will be two bicycle rfces, one fcr girls and one for boys. The exact course to be followed is being planned by Miss Margaret Sllnn, assistant! recreation director, in conjunc i Hon with city police chief Ser-j geant Potterton. The start and! finiJh will be at the-Gyro Ball ' Park and will be the last event j on the program. j Joseph Slaggard sailed this morning on the Princess Louise for a trip to Ketchikan. Advertise In the Daily News I. est KbbbbbbL- They beg for them... CLnfion BISKIES A Ligtily roncrnlralrd -IIet Ut all brrrdi. "FOR PORTRAITS THAT LIVE" Announcing . . . The Purchase by of JJKNSON'S STUDIO Now to be known as Van Meer Studio "YOUR CHILD IS NO PROBLEM HERE" Patronage of Former and New Customers is Invited NO ADVANCE IN PRICES PORTRAITS OF HIGHEST QUALITY 305 WEST THIRD AVENUE PHONE 426 FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin CHINESE DISHES 'OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 a m.- PHONE Whifflets From The Waterfront 000000000000000000000000 Two Ketchikan motor vessels were In port yesterday discharging fish for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. The Sydney had three carloads of frozen fish and the Dagne four carloads of canned salmon. Both arrived during the morning and both left yesterday afternoon on their return to Alaska. ! A I fe lt seems a - j canbeExigh! I heart hit "MICIW-uTCiisjnulkst! fyHrert hearing aid-U smyshckpnoiMy I guaranteed. Send me fact U J m: Name I City, .Slitc I Rupert Radio and Electric Phone 611 Box 1371 ISow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL A. Van Mecr BRITISH Limited COLUMBIA to- 2 -aon. 178 SPECIAL CHILDREN SATURDAY AT l: Frank AlbertUon Ilobt. Armstrong; -ln- "ARSON SQUAD" TUP ewe miiENni'KKiiQin IfUl Altar .1. won " mil mm llClilUilIII.IiiiHiiujiiu First Avenue and Sixth Strut Aug. 25 - Sept! ...EVERYTHING NEW Canada's FJJSEST M Jllilll IL.iiil If I III I fill A) DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF IUS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. j TELEPHONE 765 J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 154 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 208 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs ot all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Qreen 488 Red 804 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself lullj Insured while I do the work PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 II. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box n GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 Movlnf, Packing, Cratlnf, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 0 P.M, m rv i . DiL 1 SHOW I 4 Sitdj I 5:35.1.1 A.. I M I I I L V HUl lLfc I'L and MFSE nuni"? ct Tri' Tit lil k I LA X K - a vrn irra Lumber Coii Pboni St Prince !? I'll' IT E Uf - , " unnrsATI Pr B:.-. in Ft JONES NEW Eastern nd 8UBSCRIPT10S Slxtb Street JOHN Jift i ARPENTEl i , u rji PHON'E BS COW BAY 1 p Crawlfy 711 0 CarUte, ml fm UNI THE w PHON2