SALE 1 4 nir4 TTlfinf anu - Second1 Avenue ....c cir SUITES A COTTAGE it ented! frtHnpr- nnn-a that never has iiie on terms nnnrntf mnTJ) Ol'I lCli I'rinre George, B.C. :th notice (181) 1 1 a nn Mrs. dviiii liu in Prince Rupert Gen- Tutif in o crtri Cooic wanted for lawmiu crew, iLittle and Son. East .B.C U82) Experienced grocery ... -v II. lOI a .it. - n ! kt An in nr ifcoys or gins aesinng i routes, (tf) . ...IK . -I J .1.11 III f II Will 111 11 111 Li 1 11 . 1 111 I 318. (182) VANTED ImnU nrtfttnl lfithft' In .on Phone 76. (It) -U;ed beds and dress- oca ccnaiuon. rnone (181) i-Used cash register. C. (181) J r- . . r - . -1 Danv L12 935 Ea. St. Vancouver. B.C. lit ICS H AYITII (tf) INVITED for 1000 feet mine ten mnes irom First class equipment FOR RENT 3 rooms unfurnUh bath Phone Red 411. (185) Housekeeping room, h oH r Iaa nrl aIahh (180) j-none oreen 378 or single, uome away r VY t T W 1 . . rouNo iiivuio, iuii oc uu puuiic counter If Irlnil .1 -..vajii& 041V U.(U for this advertisement. II. RRnvirp AMINATIONS H In V. n . . ,1 . (181) II u 'r. ...... .ni.r ' .... NOW for Fall ex- School. 301 Enderton "niuiurir. man. 1 RUN a Home Kinder- with our heln. Cana- ft for Winter. Now' la fixed and furnace In-Thom She,t Mptal - i in j MACHINERY better llimtitr mnrn InnlU. .. fc.iW uiuucui P-to-date type National -- wuiui3, manuiac-bv Moti ...... . . uLiui ill , Mapninni any Llmlti-rt Vft t"l Arthur BASEBALL SCHEDULE (tf) August 3 Watts & N'.ckerson vs Moose August 5 Savoy vs Watts & Nlckerson August Moose vs Savoy August 10WatU & Nlckerson vs Savoy August 14-Moose vs Watts & NickersuO August1 IV -Savoy vs Moose. Team! last' mentioned is to be the Home team. Prank McDonald momtng for the left Frlzzell this hot springs on the Skcena IUver Um be -away Tbt about a month. Mr. McDonald who has been troubled ,wlth rheumatism, is In hopes that the rest and change will be Of ! some' benefit- Classified Advertising - m Der word per Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth Nuttcea . mi fa. TA-. W Kl I An m IAihamI : kltf ...... . ana EnKagCTncm Auaounccmenui; a. FOK SALE FOR SALE Bedroom suite. double bed with spring, dres ser with bench and chiffonier. Also solid walnut double bed, wicker inlay, with spring, and vanity with stool to match. Excellent condition. Also four rugs. Wheelbarrow, lawnmover and garden tools. Phone Black 725. (182) FOR SALE CHEAP-Sieam tug "Oypsy." lias good steam bow winch, and boat needs repairing. Make offer on as is basis. Boat at McLean's Float, Seal Cove. Phone Black 548. '178) FOR SALE 5 room house, fully equipped. 953 Ambrose Avenue. (184) FOR SALE 24 foot motor launch Ella Britta, 0 h p. Palmer engine. Phone Red 811. (180) FOR SALE Victor cabinet radio. Phone Black 700. (180) CHECK THESE BUYS 5-room cottage, furnished, $1800; with easy terms for quick sale. 0- room house, view, superior con structlon, $4500. 8-room house with fireplace, good location, partly furnished, $3500. Terms arranged on all three dwellings. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, Phone 342. " (183) FOR SALE 1942 Ford 34-ton panel delivery truck. New 100 h!p. engine; 5 excellent tires. Ideal Cleaners and Laundry. (tf) FOR SALE One lighting plant, A.C. 110-volt, Watts 750. Mako Onan. Mrs. K. Dopson, General Delivery, Prince Rupert. (180) BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE $2,000 handles $3,000 buy. C-room house with 3 lots on 6th East. Apply Collart and Mac-Caffery. (tf) HOUSEHOLD and Office Furniture, Hardware, etc. Used Hassocks $2; Pails 50cf 5-pIece Kitchen Set $12.50; 3-plece Chesterfield Suite $40; Desk , $7.50; new Hot Plates $3.50; Chest of Drawers, well made, unpalnted; Desks, Radios, and other useful furniture at the lowest prices. B. C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. FOR SALE 16-ft. Turner-built speed boat. 62 h.p. Willys Jeep engine, used only two month3. Complete with all accessories. Phone Blue 365. (181) FOR SALE 3ood used lumber, 2x4,s, 2x6 and 1x8, all doublt dressed, can be seen at the main highway at Telegraph Point. There are approximately 6,000 ft., all for $200. Apply W. Walsh, Telegraph Point. (182) FOR SALE-5 used cars, 1-8 cyl inder Hudson. 1 Dodge. 3 Fords, from $500 up. Contact Johnson or Malr. Phone Black 153 or call 171 3rd Ave. East, (tf) 1938 LINCOLN Sedan for sale. Parker's Garage. . (190) FOR SALE Porto-lbar, table lamp, vacuum cleaner and 3-piece chesterfield suite. 921 10th East. (180) Classified Advertising Pavsl 1 FILMS is Superpan Press Films Developing; Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passoorts. and Photo Supplies rrompt Mall Ordef1 Service Chandler and Gowpill 216 4th St. ?ox 645 PRINCE RUPERT, P c- THANKS TO UMPIRES The ball had been hit hard to shortstop fielding fairly deep. However, he got it under control and made a fast throw to first. "Out," yelled the base umpire and his hand shot up In the air. There was .a howl from th? stands, mostly from the supporters of the side at bat, a cheer from the supporters of the fielding team and, generally speaking, a lot of heated argument?. All this was clearly heard but there was one comment not gen erally heard. It was made by the hwrunner who had Just been railed out. lie made It to the base umpire as he passed him on his wiay back to the players' bench. "It was a close call umps, but you were right. I was out." And the umpires are right. One of the ever-present-problem of an association is to get umpires. As far as the fastball association Is concerned it has been fortunate in having been i!" tfr obtain the services of wn'lt- Tandn, aeorge McWhln- nrv Ale- Bill. Jnhnnie Ccma-dina and. of course. Neil Ross'. wiind the plate. Others have heiocd with the base umpiring. Thee officials have given their time, and made use of their knowledge of the same in order to help the nlay along. Are the spectators appreciative of their work? There are three kinds of spec- tptors and, Indeed, of pkyers. as, fpr as "'aailin? the umpire" is concerned. TheTe is the kind who erta Paul, Dorothy Hibbard, Ber- !n a sood-humored Way crlti- nice Hood, Agnes Mcintosh, El-fie the decision. They want to eanor Hood, Norma Montgomery. KN-0 W 'fm know if the umptre Is blind, one moment, and the next moment assure hhn that ''that was a good i call, iimps-." This Is all part of the game and no one resents It, least of all the umpire; A second kind of spectator is the one who can ma-rauit only when the decision Is against hU own team, This type Is- a- poor sport and is a handicap to the game. He is not helping his team, nor the sport. Then there Is the third type who is grossly bad-mannered and Ignorant of the rules of the game. This person should be removed frcm the stands but, inasmuch as the Gyro Ball Park is not fenced In, so" that this type cf: person might be fenced out spectators and players and the' umpire have to put up with him. Vet when this same per son is invited to come down and dd a bit of umpiring, he declines. But surely we can all be good sports and give" the umpires a break. They deserve our support and we need them. GYROSCOPE IN FASTBALL WIN In the Girls' Supervised Playground activities the fastball game between the Gyroscopes and the Alderettes resulted In another win for the Gyroscopes by a score of 29-12. Teams were as follows: Gyrojccpes Isobe' Taylor, Alice Paulson, Mary Keyes, Janet Rackcw, Eileen Jcrstad, Joyce Peterson, Hazel Paulson, Margol Melgard, Enid Sather. Alderettes Anita Brue, Bar bara Moore, Vera Wouden, Rob- YOUR TREES (Pseudotsuga taxifollj) lio known ti Or30n(Pint nd Douslti Spruce. A eonifttoul tr otoch prtftrs freih, wtll-dn!ed, potoui, deep, loimy oil, i-o!Jfi5 lurld pootly-drind, hyy loili. Moit sisnli Is of lh Pjtilic Coit forests, with tht exception of the srt Srquoi of Clifornii. Commonly srowi from 1 50 to 200 feet in heisht with diemeterj from 31 to 6 feet Has wide range In the Interior of B.C., but chiefly confined to lower part of coastal region. Very valuable fof timbers. Also suitable for normal lumber products, finishlnj limbtr,, veneei and pulp. II 8" ! t ani I No. 2 In a series cf Informative advertisenoS. Paste themlnyourscrap-book foi future reference, PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY B R! I T I S H C 0 I U MB I A DEVELOriNCi, HUNTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur! Enlargers and a complete' line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. 1IICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FKASEK STREET Phone Black 823 ! COTTAGE CnEESE iNew Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Ladies' Thursday Softball Box Scores Gordon and Anderson AB R Stewart 4 I. Ramsay 4 Duffus 4 S. Ramsay 2 Balagno J.... 3 Wlndle 3' Clough . 3 Jeffries 3 Cloutler ...... 2 28 LADIES' FASTBALL LEAGUE STANDING W L Pet. Moose 8 1 .888 High School 5 4 .555 trordon and Ahdcrfcon 2 7 .222 Moose ' AB R H Payne 4 2 2 Mlldal 4 2 1 b; Hamilton 4 0 2 Currie : 4 1 1 Laird 4 0 1 A. Hamilton 4 1 2 Husoy 0 0 0 Menriell ..:T 4 1' 1 Thain 2 0 0 North 2 2 1 32 9 11 Gordon and Anderson 1 0 0 1 0 0 46 Moose 10 3 1 4 X 9 Umpires At plate, George Mc-Whinney; bases, Neil Ross. taste jd 1 gly" MILLBANK 1 P sJPF- JT STRAIGHT CUT J - Prince Rupert I 7-D11S-7 Pox 1308 Aug.25-Sept.1 ''losing Labor Day 1 - BIG SHOWS - 1 12 - MAJOR RIDES -12 SEE: MYSTERIOUS FUN HOUSE A'THRILL A LAUGH A SECOND FROM' tT, In' rerocious Man-killing AFRICA i ang' la00-Ld GORILLA (ALIVE) AND HIS TRAINED HOI 'KITTEN Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. ItATTERY MODEL As Illustrated smart plastic cabinet iji!).!).". ELECTRIC MODEL As illustrated two-tone, plastic cabinet JjWU.D.I & CO. IN V VESTERN SHOW The DIXIE Girl WALKER You Have T IF .n IRAK ..i , I M .,A filers in Read Abgut in , . . erson ALL THE .lOYS OF THE CIRCUS ON CANADA'S FINEST ailDWAY 7 Big Days of Fun and Frolic 7 Extra!! Streamlined Train S'tr Kiddies Matinee Monday, Aug. 25 from 12 Noon to 6. All Rides and Shows 5c to Children Only REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Thone RED 561 P O. Box 721 Phono 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now in stock Large Stock ot Plumbing Supplies .V.VAV.V.V.V.VWAVV.V.'.W.V.VW.V.V.W.W NOW AVAILABLE PRE-WAR PRICES McBrlde Street Phone 311 prfnrc ttupctt Dadj? rectos Saturday, August 2, 1947 Announcement . . . OYAL CAFE REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES- Take-out Orders Given Special Attention J. COMER and ASSEMINA1 PAVLIK1S Proprietors THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ' ERIC SPEERS, Manager' J' Specializing: in Marine and General Sheet Meta Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stackst Furnaces Gutter Work ml' 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 884 .. P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 A Mi TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. to S piirt. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST De Luxe Wall Tint An Improved Sanitary Kalsomine SOLD IN MANY PLEASING TINTS. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT, CHEERY AND INVITING WITH DELUXE WALL TINTS. EASY TO MIX EASY TO'APPLY 5lb. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD for the baby ... BABIES' WEAR of all kinds. You are under no obligation when looking over our display at FAMOUS V RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by : CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE' PRINCE . .. , BRITISH 1 rupert Company Limited Colombia"1 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies ; Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class staUonery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens' DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK TIHRfl AVENUE