FOR A REAL BOY’S SUMMER It's Wallace's Of Course! TEE SHIRTS SWEATERS SWIM TRUNKS SHORTS PANTS JEANS C OVERALLS : SHIRTS Fi SOCKS 4 UNDERWEAR : JACKETS F PAJAMAS Ages 2 ycars to 18 years ee Wallace's Dept. Store MER RRR RISER RRR RRR RE This firm favourite, a sparkling extra dry lager ig served with pleasure all year round. Here in British Columbia the pure soft water and gentle climate combine with the skill and patience of the brewers to bring you Lucky Lager, a thoroughly satisfying beverage. L-13 Free Hon Delive: Phoac: LUCKY LAGER BREWING CO. LTD. New Westminster, B.C. ALSO wuREWERS OF BURTON TYPE ALE — 3 * ~ . a This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia = Sox Take Pair = From Browns; Hold 2nd Spot Saturday, J Prince Rupert Daily News ; Legion Hall, hot-dogs, coffee,| companied by the retiy |pop and ice-cream were served| Joan and tne maids jand a game of bingo kept all) Miss Gloria Lawrence the crowd going all afternoon : In the evening the Moose Hall|/0ttie Walker, was packed for the dance. Queen| The sports program Deana led the Grand March ac- poned until this Sund ‘NE Queen of honop and Miss uly 5, 1952 ‘Rainy Weather Fails To Stop WAS post. ’ WATERFRONT July 1 Festival == : i 7" ' * “ any NEW YORK Chicago White | | Special to The Daily News rODAY Batata BOGARD in dee ghee tres ie ea oe | peer amin daa! dis a DEADLINE.U.S.A,” ta i ta oie a — WHIFFS trict of Hyder, Alaska, Premier . “ ee i a "Bre a 3 1 ee qd a Bill and Stewart combined their ef- Toda S Most Sus venseful sOUIS IWNS 3- and 2- il } 2 / Ms - | i forts to make the July Ist cele y Kennedy's fine relief work on “ : ; brations here the best ever, but D ! the mound featured both tri- } c ‘ ae aa ASeeeG Ol the weather man interposed and rama. "ian Maidens tins wines Dominion Fisheries Department biologists are} a pouring rain put a wet blanket I naepena ay uday is ari } gicia ; be bctis : . >, hina | Over tie proceedings bab a iS ye ti Cees watching the movement of salmon on the Babine Undaunted, the committee neadcers mn DOUn e American * . 2 . . } 3 ‘ and National Leagues. Only game| River where a slide cut off the normal flow of the! went ahead with part of th , “DEV si Sel rg re fue uke ee ~|show and the First of July LEO McC AREYS ili gh Ps oor a oe river a year ago. Queen was crowned, with all 1 O! between POOKLY ana V * . raps f ¥ ae ‘Caine ee sii Engineers from the depart- Craps Of Paper. ,/due form and ceremony, in the M Son John D sire Y 4 ia adivea BAe ment are also at the scene of The smart iy KINB and MOS’) Canadian Legion Hall which , uw hontai Sal ga a te ot fe +t the slide probing means of clear- | modernized ore ee ht was cheerfully donated by the meus in cr van slants of Sal Maglie fe : ater Sc : the coast will tow Davis rafts ee : ‘ ON OW é the Giants’ ace §-1 in the first/™S the river to allow fishigp/the coast will tow Davis rafts iocal branch HAVES - HEFLIN : WALKER JAGGER, rame, called after eight innings move freely Irom Prince vwupel! 0 ay . Mr. Dale L. Pitt, managing di-| Screenpiay by MYLES CONNOLLY ana LEO McCAREY a aa . to . rs Mahi id - posted Biologists plan to tag fish on River for the pulp and aa 'N~'reetor of Silbak Premier mine, Adaptation by JOHN LEE MAHIN cd aln. Magtie é s ; Fe netry shea m ‘ ' ted by LEO McCAR . eight straight victories over the|P0th sides of the slide and also/ dustry. She is une mae ult ascorted the Queen Elect Miss Cronaed ane Goeeetld te LEO Pe Brooks and entered Friday's|{Utther down the river. The big crat eee at YarroWs neana Geddes to the stage, | ume boasting a string of 23\TUD Of the year has not yet in Esquimait, She will operate | While Mr. W. R. Tooth, chair- ani 1eSS innings, ig 1inst_ Brook- started up the Babine, but offi- | main! ee eis, 8 ¢ | an of th Village Commission - a f u Player Theatre lyn. ae aE See ee ens rr ee | Oe ee — sh ers, escorted the retiring Queen : a ee Victory left the Dodgers three| Pick up Crappo ve eee ad ie >| Miss Joan McKay |} MONDAY And TUESDAY — EVENING SHOWS 7:60 - 9:00 pay sames ahead of Giants in th re ’ oe f Al rt Bi 7 Sh Miss McKay placed the crown | oe National League pennant race Midnight, Saturday, July 12, oOGe ae oe a eee tes ‘© on the head of Miss Geddes and meme r . the closure of Halibut Areas 3A | carries a crew of nine with a| oo ootuated her The new , aren why . ‘ , . » . or ¢ ] 7 TODAY GENE KELLY DONALD O'CONNOR and 1A will become effective. | Separate cabin f nn Queen then thanked the people | ts 1 ne . ‘ : 6 tees, Baseball] Scores This makes the 1952 halibut sea- oe hace y for {0 the honor they had confer-| 6:50 - 9 in SINGING IN THE RAiN . oa 4 ‘ ? nae t OooKs yermanency tf | son for Area 3 four days longer “ hag . re fe a red upon her, concluding with| American than last year. Area 3A includes re oC Ts ae SF the wish that they would all} — New York 9, 4; Washington 4, 3./ all convention waters off Alaska tempt to remove this grave men enjoy themselves Sunday Midnight and Monday Matinee 2:00 Boston 10, 4; Philadelphia 3, 0. between a line running south | ace to navigatior oecn mace’,| In the snug auatters of the Cleveland 11, 10; Detroit 0, 1 | one quarter east (magnetic) from but for various reasons the job VINCENT PRICE RICHARD ‘TRAVIS St. Louis 1, 0; Chicago 3, 2 Capt. Spencer light from the has never mage real nheaaway, | IN IN National Alaska peninsula rows, and itis one of the bustest EAL GWELD L | “ Brooklyn 5, New York 1 . rows, and it is one of the busiest BARON OF MASK OF >} wits 9 t 9 * r » fleet tre val Victor pots on the coast. a well as ENJOY 7 Philadelpiia 1, 2; Boston 2, 3 The fleet of tue Royal Victoria ; : ARIZONA THE DRAGON” Pittsburgh 4, 5; Cincinnati 2, 2.; Yacht Club recently extended a/ One of the most dangerous It Ss a Chicago 7, 1; St. Louis 13, 4. welcome to the largest sailing ®lways a headache to navigators ly 14 Pacific Coast League vessel ever to become included ; : f “ Sacramento 0, 1; Seattle 8, 5. | With those vessels. She has been he shipping world wii doupt- ape Be % ty San Francisco 3.4; Los Angeles acquired by a retired naval !¢ss be interested in the recent oar L . a) 4.2 officer, Capt. W. B. Holms, who neement of the r¢ oe ” berg, : ‘ . A Dee san fficers and crew of the Holly. 0. 5; @akland 2, 4 | brought her from Long Beach , ze ee than bus : San Diego 0 Portland 1, 4, | (Cal.). The ship is an auxliary Swedish steamer Christer Saler, tee, with nh ay | ete ame rag ‘ vVhich broke in tw. wnule on a Western International ketch, named the Dragoon and a : 1 an: . Salem 3. 1: Yakima 4 5 is 57 feet long. For the past two Voyage iv v © Ja lovely uscious * Vancouver 3. 1: Lewiston 2 years, the vessel has figured in| pan. Suc ( ) iS pel L 7 aS Victoria 10, 4; Spokane 0 races to Honolulu forn b iaster and n that lovable AZ.....S rri-City 11, 1; Wenatchee 6,0. i as we ce the ea SG” S lat 1s callec Mack cod is , : g ih memori -G- } yar picture! a found off the north Pacific c a sso ee ee — beekeeper Busy coast, and very large quantities e ship pea names of mime LARRY PARKS , y are regularly arketed t { ew { mained aboard ——— “ C : - A iN sag ‘ d. But 2 u sg . 4 ( oe $3 ( OIL ELIZABETH TAYLOR 4 , x S Sala to be no relation to the) the al part Guring its peris eee” As Bee Evadin Atlantic species, where immense Yoxonama BURNERS , amounts of grey, and other kinds ONCE EACH NIGHT AT 6 a* f Bet of cod have been caught for g°*ereerrorerroros -ceeeerrrnrrrn centuries ; 3 Also On " i § ee 2 SUNSET CABIN $| The Same Program ; $ ‘ ioe ' 4 fOSCOW (AP A noted GA Wriles Captain Kettle, marine ; ;| ee oe vies { ‘ ; a historian But if Egypt has ¢ 3 at 7:00 ane 52 ) h the Cauca LS NUS Be rc . ~ S/ changed, the Canal itself has ¢ BOATS and CABINS $ NOW ON Pe : v Mt ohanparl } tik seeie $ ; , : $ >-M's icism ant oat d i . t tH vel nald 3 FOR RENT ; EASY TERM ia ; awiy,. 1 Ww i > yeal « OL i , on ) lis « s + i ve ] ersed 1) . newspaper Iz- 200 vessels wasersed ie canal. § FD WHALEN ; WITH ESSO FURNACE OIL ri ve aled tod It ‘warns L} 1920 the number had grown 3 c CONTRACT ASSURED Storing h ; lanves elcaars ty 4,900, about 17 million tons 2 Terrace, B.C, ; He'e . "(In 1950, no less than 11,751 ves- $ PORE IN CONNECTION § new’ Ralph MEEKER - Nancy DAVIS s 3 amiga * : 1 ‘ $ , LE LCs ol own to *els totalling 81 million tons 2 ; ; A ) through the Sovie; Wen through the canal, No one 30x 421 $ lames WHITMORF lran HAGFN us be oncerning him- ©@2 deny that the Suez Canal is AOPPROLEELERPRRER OEE ORS inall Pitat, with wet. NOW @ very vital artery for the e : together documents to prove Shipping of many.countries, Ce ) S ? ot a thief. Good Commu- *4in it is that it transcends ia ie / ‘ ipposed to indulge in portance the nationalistic aims ; in elf-criticism” and of any one cowuiil y peclauy dae " I joing me whic apparentiy 0 not OE or * "EE . ile m be doing al heat x “ one the :: eri : gods os WRITE OR PHONE >s « € i rhilill t .* oe > doctrine that treatie ire but IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED ting quietly ana eee wee cee . SEE US FOR uly drinking’ tea with Re ind awaiting the orders new methods of ee~keeplr cialdom,” said the govern- presumably and criticize peop ewspaper, “he thinks up no matter who they are, at me ings and in newspape1 One woman charged that swiped ideas from other bee adulterated wax. stole coll farm sugar and even raised so inferior. misguded bee Nita oe OLYMPIC SWIMMER Allen Gilchrist of Vancouver is one of ning vimmers—five men yvonien hosen for idian team at the Olympics in Helsinki second the Can finished to Gerry McNamee, also of Van ouver, in the men’s 400-yard event in the Olym t Toronto Popular Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver ind Intermediate Ports Euch Thursday at Tt:15 pom For KETCHIKAN WEDNYSDAY NIGHT Comfort and Service haere eae w Reservations Write or Call City GR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT BC CANADIAN NATIONAL tr which to subvert other bee farn / “it 4 Impossinie to say ted Izvestia, “or to } cle with the pen how many comini sions investigated after t} H much ink was wasted on cor posing various documents and conclusions.” Anyway, the commissions could no ubstantiats the harg made agall the beekeer all, about 12 commiszio nin Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East— Daily except Sunday From the East— Daily except Monday & 9 pn Bs Appoinument Gin DistiMers ‘To the Late King George V1 ‘Tanquerey, Gordon & Co. Lid Gordon's Stands Suptome TANQUERAY, GORDON & CO. LTD. . + the largest gin distillers in the world This aavertisement m nov published or displayed by the Liquor Contro} Board or by the Government | British Columbia, of FOOTWEAR CAR ! 1910 Chevrolet Sedan I--1950 Studebaker Sedan, Cham 1-195 Austin pion Reval Deluxe TREOCKS ‘ iu. it's deneerets bi haslin vou : rr Morris i 1946 Dodge 8. Ton Track child's shoes fitted in any other way. i nap phtne tandard nol Ce a ng Standare ne Tie seniler. cll tees bh Me oath 598 i148 Thames Van I-—1951 Austin 5-Ton Truck Be rer! bones and pliant muscle can be com- é =e — brewed into almost any type of shoe he child, feeling no pain, cannot fell if the shoe fits properly or not, That's why we in- sist upon fitting children's shoes by X-Ray. That's the only way we, and you, can be sure that your child’s shoes will help to develop normal, healthy feet fora lifetime of foot health and comfort. i Dirty weather makes it clean! This exterior white actually washes itself! Comes up bright as new otter each rainfall... stays white years longer . . . outlasts ordinary paint by as much as 3 years! Before painting — ask us about Martin-Senour 100% Pure Self-Cleansing White House Paint. Superior Auto Service 3rd Avenue W, LIMITED Phone Green 217 AAA Reqular Colors omen | The Fineit POLISH $7.55 1 \\ A BETTER FIT SEE FASHION] SORDON & ANDERSON | ANN WT ng os. SHINE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L, BELL, C.A. Resident, Partner Prince Rupert $25 Fourth Ave. East P.O. Box 1247 | Telephone: Red 879 « | 10 POPULAR SHADES—Waterproofs—Protects—Preserves ps Hs Terrace Prince George Mission City Vancouver ‘ A &