m 1 Ji$ 4 Prfhrc Rupert Dailp J3cta0 FOR RfcNT Monday, August 18, 1947 Classified Advertising . wi - -- J 'Classifieds per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c Birth Nottcet " "60c;' Cards of Thanks, Death notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 2. IN MEM01UAM In loving memory of our dearly , beloveds and brother, Alan Flight Berst J. A. .Leighton, K. C.A.F., Kllled'ln action "Penne-munde" August 18, 1943, buried at "Greifswaldwieck, Germany. Each daysour thoughts go out To one we loved so dearly. Sadly missed and ever remembered by ,Mum, Dad and Donnle. (It) FORRENT Tnree roon cottage ' partly furnished for couple with one child. Green 62C. FOR RENT Two room apartment. $15.00 month. Apply 221 5th Ave, East. (194) FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping rodrh. Apply 80C Fraser street. , (197) HELP WANTED UIRED.'at the Prince Rupert neral Hospital: Cook and assistant coos. Apply to .Matron. tn WANTED Names are being re ceived at the Dally News of ficer ofiboysor girls desiring delivery .routes. (tf) HELP WANTED Ward Maids for Prince Rupert General ,,,.. .Hospital, Apply Matron, (tf) . 1 si . HELP WANTED Housekeeper for elderly couple. $60.00 a month with room and board. Phone 264, Ktf) WANTED for new Red Cross Outpost Hospital to be opened shortly at Terrace: Cook $80.00 per month gross, less $20.00 per month maintenance. Laundress $70.00 per month, less $20.00 per month maintenance. Ward Maid $65.00 yer month.less, $20.00 per " "month maintenance. Apply r.bcfluperviier, Outpost Hospitals, 615 West Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. (194) WANTED -Llii WANTED Light delivery truck! f-f WrUe G. Luridquist, Smithers, B.C. (204) . I WANTED """-good u:sed IMMEDIATELY Five cars now on Wintale, Chrysler, Dodge and La-salle. Contact Johnson or Miir. Phone Black 156 or call UC. rail. 3rd. Avet East. (tf) t.'.!wA?'ED'Tnree or lour room cottage, or three room suite, both may be furnished or unfurnished. Phone Green 155. (194) 4oi6JnP' Us- Your Scrap Metals, Top Prices Paid Active Trading Company Ltd.. 035 East Cordova St Vancouver, B.C. (tf) WANTED TO RENT Cabin at Prudhomme Lake for Labor Day week-end. Write P.O. Box 502, Myy (19"" MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B. C. (tf ) TENDERS ATTENTION TTMBERMEN! Tenders wanted for 404 acres of crown grant timber in Remo '""" district for cash sale. Tenders - must be in to Mrs. M. Boyn- " ton. Prince Rupert Hotel, be tiMiK-fore August 18. Highest or any tenders not necessarily accept ed. (193) MONEY WANTED . MONEY WANTED Two young 'ouslness men' already well established would like to borrow money tfdr I expansion. Interested1 in small or large loans. Box 71, Ctfr, (196) ROOM AND DOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45, single. Home away from hortie.' Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) METAL WORK DONT Wait for Winter, Now Is the time to have that eaves-trough fixed and furnace installed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., Black 884 (tf) COTTAGE CnEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE FOR SALE FOR SALE 27-foot boat. East-hope engine in first class shape. Moored at Yacht Club. Price $300. (216) room house with modern bath room, modern design, water view and good ground, immediate occupancy. Priced for quick sale, $3,200. Collart tt McCaffery. (tf) FOR SALE New & Used Fur niture and Hardware. Slightly used wool blanketes $4.50, Bicycles, Mirrors 50c, Cushions for boats and Chesterfields $2, office chairs, single beds complete $20, new desks, small size wood and coal stoves, scatter rugs $$1.25, used vacuum cleaner $$12, new hot plates $3.50, new unpainted chest of drawers, new compasses from $1. Other useful articles at reduced prices. B. C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Brand new carptit, 6 ft. 6"x9 ft. Wine with blue. 511 7th Ave. East. (193) FOR SALE 3 room cabin partly furnished. $700. 885 Summit Avenue, Phone Blue 830 after 6 p.m. (193) WILL SELL OR TRADE for good pair of binoculars, a new .25 cal. Mauser Automatic pistol, 10-shot. Box 265 Dally News. (195) FOR SALE Fawcett "Rival" Furnace, catologue No. 1224, 'together with piping sufficient to heat 16 rooms. Has air conditioning unit and thermostat. Cheap for cash. Apply P.O. Box 119. Terrace. (196) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the unedrsighed up to noon of Wednesday, August 27, 1947, for the purchase of Lot 10, Block 24, Section 1, Map 923, City of Prince Rupert, together with two storey frame building sltuat; thereon and the furnUure corv tents of the apartment for merly occupied by Harry Lewis, deceased, in the above referred to builddng and numbered 819 Second Avenue West. Further particulars may be obtained from the Official Administrator. Court House, Prince Rupert. Terms: Strictly cash-Highest or any tender not nsc-esarily accepted. Gordon F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Harry Lewis, deceased. (197) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, August 27th, 1947, for the purchase of Lots 1 to 24, Block 15, S.D. of D.L. 16 and 16A, Plan 934, Queen Charlotte District. Terms: strictly cash. Highest or any tender not' necessarily accepted, G, F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the estate of Charles William Bllejfield. deceased. (198) FOR SALE Trolling boat Sea Lad, $900. 29 ft, very good shape, including sail, gurdljs, spring bunk. All ready to go. Can be seen at New Fishermen's Float, address 1669 6th Ave. East. (m-w-f) FOR SALE Lady's black pin stripe suit, like new, size 16. Phone Red 668. (193) FOR SALE Cement wash tub, new, with swing tap. Phone Green 959. (193) FOR SALE Tenders will be re-J ceived by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, August 27, 1947, for the purchase ot Lot 27, Block 31, Section 1, Map 923, City of Prince Rupert. Terms: Strictly cash. Highest or an ytender not necessarily accepted. Gordon F. Fqrbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Hugh Gregory Hllland, de ceased. (198) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned up to noon of Tuesday, August 26, for the purchase of gillnet boat equipped wjth 10-14 Easthope engine. Length 29', Beam 7 Depth 2'8", named Oceanic No, 276, belonging to the herein mentioned estate. Presently moored at Oceanic Cannery Terms: Strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Gordon F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Admin istrator of the Estate of Thorn as Svensen, deceased, Court House. Prince Rupert, (198) VANCOUVER IS FAVORED WINNIPEG, 9) A powerful Vancouver St. Andrew's eleven is the choice of the west to emerge with the Canadian soccer football championship play - offs which open here Saturday with Winnipeg Scottish meeting Fort William Legion in a best-of-three first-round series. The Pacific Coast champions FOR SALE Brand new three-' are oniy 0ne of four western teams in the running Edmonton's North Side Legion is the other but most fans have just about conceded them the Dominion Football Association trophy In succession to British Columbia Radlals who took it in 1939. The trophy was not at stake during the war although unofficial Canadian champions were declared. Scottish, Connaugbi Cup winners of 1915 the trophy then was emblematic of the Canadian titletout seldom a threat since are slight favorites over th Lakehead team which had an up-and-down career against the Port Arthur team, its only rival in the new Ontario Football As sociation this year. The Legion was beaten decis ively by Port Arthur during league play and lost the first game of the challenge cup series only to sweep The next six. Like Scottish, which Is led by "Iam" Fraser of hockey fame and Midge Pennington, the Legion has a home-bred aggregation with Jack McLeod, BUI Nesblt, Scotty Stewart and Art Goodman, who played in the Dominion final against Toronto last year the best known. Edmonton Legion, which meets the survivor of the Winnipeg- Fort William series, has an experienced squad with two former R.A.F. men and old country players. Centre Dave Glllings and Forward Bill Thomas, to set the pace. It is regarded as a dark horse with at least an even chance of upsetting either the Legion or Scottish, However, the average western fan will say that St. Andrew's. FOR SALE FOR SALE CHEAP Combina tion ,Radio-Record, Player.com plete with 'records and table: guitar, high chair, card table, hassock, smoking stand, table lamp, magazine stand, cushions. All like new. Call between 6 p.m. and 9" pjn. 336 8th Ave. E., downstairs. (It) FOR SALE 28 Petters seml-dlesel marine engine, suitable for small packer or light plant. Box 266, City. (195) FOR SALE Dinette, table, buffet and four chairs. 1840 9th Ave. East. (198) FOR SALE-Sx4, 2x6, shiplap, flooring and dimensions. Phone Green 698. (tf) FOR SALE 1942 Plymouth Sed an. New paint and reconditioning jcb. Can be seen at Dan's Service Station. Phone Green 605. (tf) FOR SALE 1937 Austin 7 coach. Good mechanical condition, Phone Black 965, after 7 p.m. (197) FOR SALE Furnished house. fully modern. 517 7th Ave. West, Phone Black 890. (197) Today SAVOY WINS OVER MOOSE fifth inning the ledge men looked as good as the hotel men but when Savoy got their turn to swing the ash, siix men managed to do the circuit. First run of the game was scored by Foster in the second inning. He earned first, was forced to second by Gurvich who was struck by one of Rosedale's pitches, stole third and came home on catcher Abel's overthrow to "third. Moose evened the score in the third when Rosedale got a single, moved to second on a play that put McNeil out at first, did a steal to third and went over the plate when Lindsay scooped tip Maundrell's effort and overthrew to first. Savoy got their second tally in the last of the fourth. Lindsay whammed out a base hit and gathered Foster's fielder's choice and tried for a double. Falling to nail Pavllxis. Dahl, at second, winged the ball down to first but his wide pitch made Foster safe and put Pavlikis on third. A timely hit by Gurvich brough: Pavlikis over the plate. McNeil tied up the score again when he went around on errors. Scherk stopped McNeil's drive but his widt throw to first let the runner make second. Attempting to cut off McNeil's steal to third Postuk whipped the ball down third, Arney failed to snag It and McNeil galloped home. Simundson started the slaugh ter in the last of the fifth when he was given first after being hit by a pitched ball and went to third on Pavlikis' two-bagger rated the best Vancouver team since the days of Westminster Royals, despite the departure of lert-half Jackie Whent !to play for Brighton and Hove Albion in England, is head-and-should-ers above any other squad. The team is composed largely of veterans and all but one are Vancouver-born with Goalie Bob Newbold, Centre Frank Ambler and Right-back Earling Storness the brightest lights. The survivor of the Fort William-Winnipeg-Edmonton round has one consolation. It goes east to play the Ontario - Quebec champions with the winner meeting St. Andrews In the final at Vancouver LaJUkJkUJUllOiU IHMIaQliil McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 70 Remember . . . The THREE SISTERS CAFE ONCE AGAIN OPEN FOR BUSINESS Same Place, Same Jim Moran, Prop. SERVICE AROUND THE CLOCK Sports Rosedale then filled the bases by walking Lindsay. Foster, next mo, drilled one down first where McNeil grabbed it and played home but failed to catch Sim- Savoy hung a 10 to 5 defeat nn i undson. Pavlikis walked over the the Moose men when the two!Plate when Rosedale issued a teams tangled Sunday afternoon I Jree PaSfi to Scherk and forced in the season's last game before ; a run in. Postuk slashed out a the play-off. i hltthat brought in Forman, run- Up to the bottom half of thein'ne Ior Lindsay, ana foster Forman's single brought Scherk home and Postuk got in on McNeil's overthrow to third. Jn the sixth Moose tried hard to win back some of the lost ground but oniy McKinno;i Kurzdiel and Linney made the tour. Savoy picked up two more runs in the sixth when Simund-sn and Lindsay got all the way around. Maundrell took over the Moose mound in the seventh and struck out three while only Issuing one free pass. Alex Bill took over the pitching duties from Lindsay in the first of the eighth and Benny Windle called the game on account of rain as soon as the third Moose man fielded out. SAVOY AR Arney 3b 5 Simundson ss ' 5 Pavlikis. running for him beat . pavuk)s a 4 tnr the play nlnv in to second ttnrrtn tvnon when T.it-mAV Linney T Lindsay p 4 Foster If 4 Gurvich rf - 4 Hartwig 2b 1 Postik c 4 Forman lb 4-' Scherk 2b 3 Bill p - MOOSE AB McNeil lb 5 Maundrell cf " Dahl 3b 4 Abel c 4 Moore rf 4 McKlnnon 2b 4 Kurzdiel If 4 H 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 0 H 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 Radios at their best STROMIiERG R 0 2 1 i 3 o ! o ! o : l o l R l o 0 0 0 1 1 Linney sa ... 4 0 1 Rosedale p 4 1 - 1 Scherk f6r Hartwl In 4th. Bill for Lindsay In 8th. Umpire in chief Benny Win-die; Base" umpires, Jake Antone and Vuckovlch. Batteries: Savoy Postuk, Lindsay and BUI. .Moose Abel, Rosedale and Maundrell. Classified Advertising Pays! Three Ballings Ter Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 pjn, Coqultlam. Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 p.m Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 pin. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS August 8 and 22 September 6 and 19 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS August 10 and 24 September 8 and 21 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Dry Lumber We have just received a substantial shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED PHONES G51 AND G52 Coal Lumber Hardware Paints De Luxe Wall Tint An Improved Sanitary Kalsomine SOLD IN MANY PLEASING TINTS. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT, CHEERY AND INVITINa WITH DELUXE WALL TINTS. EASY TO MIX EASY TO APPLY 5-lb. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. w m CARLSON MARCONI REPAIRS AND SERVICE at RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC Dependable Radio Servicing. Overhauls a Specialty. PHONE (til KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN Just Arrived ! SLATER KANGAROO OXFORDS $14.50 GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 024 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 0 Rotary Club Thursdays 1 p.m. Phone RED 561 I Tf 1IAS AR TUP THE WELCOME WtT nrm . . Hat OUT FOR ITS PATRQijguE Announcement Our Foods Are Pre, by a New Whlua Who Special . Canadian DUU Sundays, 8 am t COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE SODAS - ICE CREAM - SUNDAES GEO. DYBIIAVN Prop. W. T. COOPEK Manager REPAIR AND RECONDIt3 IUUK HUMfc. 1HIS CALL GREER & BR1DD BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR; Repairs Construction AM RUPERT MOTORS Chrysler Parts and Swift J We specialize In rebC Marine and Industrial Esta I Complete Automotive jtetfl cor all makes of can and Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town ordea , given special attention. Corner Second and Park Aveiwu PHONE 566 Prince Rupert, B& ROYAL CAN REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New tefl WE SPECIALIZE IN t SEA FOODS - SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DIS Take-out Ordei Given Special AttHt JOHN COMER, Proprietor 7An Ounce of Prevent is worth a Pound oK t Tire a cltt t rn DtrvomTAW flTIR SERVICE ISTS CAN EXAMINE YOUR CAR FOR SWM ILLNESS . . . AND RECOMMEND TREATMW ' VENT MECHANICAL BREAKDOWNS. J?TROMDAHL,t1 many years of experience, and will be pi! advise you about the condition of your t- Bob Parker Liw "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVK r.ini.Mnniri, ii.,i.,a princt USED GOODS ENTERPRISE MARfi Third Phontaia Ul "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert JOHN GURVICH has returned to the - CONTRACTING No Job Too Large No lob EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND U PHONE 32 PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward. CHOP SUEY 7:00 jn. to Ii:w p