2 Prince sb Daily News 1952 suGay, July 7, Aa fade} pendent dail and Nort} heri ua Central British Columma, Member of Can adian Pre Audit Bureau of Circulations ; Car ian Dall Newspaper Association Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited J. F. MAGOR. President i. G. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rate By carrier—Per wee} c; per month $1.00; per year, $10.00 By maii—Per menth per ear, $8.06 7 auth rized a econd cla mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa WE PA$$ UP THOUSANDS a trade union is to watch the! unwarranted absenteeism bring | J MERICAN ¢ a 1 6 ranva Gite as s th orkers and/. >? \ 5 A’ AMERI( AN tourist a few days ago told us | IT Is 25 yeal 8 since I was ee cone soighibene Ah hame . all 4 . ) . : Pp | 6 " ' “Trade union officials must | Prince Rupert was the jumping off place to in hospital before—as a working conditions from the} .. 34 >” it said. “They : 3 jset an example,” it said. “They some of the best scenery on the North Ame? ric: an | patic nt, that is, not jus tj) e ont peophirs ‘denietencten, | must explain and convince pe ; i {who are slack as regards wor continent. He also said that in his opinion this a visiting Poppa. But here’ however, trade unions guard the |discipline, who hinder work by | i . : : a in| st the state, which is| ~~ ee a ice \§ segnery could be the basis of a big tourist industry T ani again, this time in ee - aoe suas the unauthorized absente eism, by | ; 2 . + a | late , rorkine for Prince Rupert | the hic modern Shavneh-| oiersto—work-haraer— z eR : were ' He ier ‘ theiy hardest during-work hours, weptt are) A — wi , = ‘os ness\ okt an Ho pital The “new ‘functions of trade Sy asm aie crioltrauilin or paivcimar Aterican, who comes trom age . HOD — and afteials coe iby doing bad quality work that Nas hville, Tennessee is not the only tourist to have lin Vaneouver. | highligh ed in “ recent article |they, are thereby damaging the, poresTRy c TAIRM “yec , : } : | ‘Phe first thing that strikes|on “the important task of the country and thelr own families.” ov Lister Robi AN . expres sed such a re action, but he represents some | |me, in this return visit, is about | trade union in the fight for the Trade union officials, whose! the dele eati oe On Will f ; . ' . . in er 9 , ad. | . —_ an ve mm froy ofthe more hardy type who, despite the fact that | |) .~ needles! ee ee _ sey pos |job in the West is to prevent the sixth British. ss want hs thi ah pre ee aes es pe Whether they are putting| Rime, puphshed in the un- | workers from being punished, wealth Forestry conteren, vé have nothing here with which to accommodate thing: into you or taking —— g|fined or imposed upon by the” pe held in Ottawa from’ ia ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 e 4 ate . . ‘ +} edieal profe | Mo nar 3 in th r nle's 14 « i. fe S ni ie. 1 i Ss 8 - } ‘ Out oO} You ; , ' 7 Management nn vit HOPE S i f t 0} the tourist, is making his fourth visit just to enjoy Ee lenined “a Uk City Changes eee es i sen Pe of o a ere ‘ ow cee . f : inj svitain the scenery. 5 needles in the quarter century All Add workefs being punished severely estry Commissto: This | ‘ . | ince I had my previous con- resses if they infringe the —-ryles of United Hingdom mien c . we au . Ae pa : Cr Ue : eTuiteG ‘640 normal It is time we awoke.to the w aiting potential of || etic With them work discipline Office photo Cp Ph tourist development in our back yard. Year after | 200 By, See. bege In Fell Swoop Today, in Hungary, Czecho 7 * vile Prince Re t ee Be das } % Is o | came sround to get a sampie ol slovakia and Romania, following Inde end t EF Veal rince vupel IS passing’ up thousands of my biood is better and quicker ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., (AP) the pattern set by Russia, trade ' - r én Erfort tourist dollars, not to mention mueh more in word | and vine at the Job! Citizen in Albuquerque are | ynion officials are no longer WADENA, 8a; (CP) 7} y isi ; % than was n neLoved: Wie, u radually getting acquainted |the watch dog of the workers !4?Mers turned out with 1§ of mouth advertising because we are unable to show the d when she, too, was &/ with new addresses , | Against the employers, but the ! a re KM: build yp ; ‘ \ . i a > >A ar young techniclan engaged oO Every address in this city o *h dogs of the state ] a TOAG leading to Gaskin y the tourist what we have in our back. yard. We are you a é watch dogs of the state employe: ; 4 . : si york 2 as ehanged last Wed- | gooing . sida lal opened last year at py unable to keep a tourist in Prince Rupert yet | bret tt a i ‘ialist who saad Poa Ct ae See ane Lake east oe aaa : sane VO HELP a t » J i“ A - = Ané the noted specialis : aie ae : | Related articles in the peo- thousands head our way on to Alaska every year, ARGENTINE QUINTS—Argentina’s famous Diligenti quintup- | puncture my puee. po or : City wiberiape described it as i ple’s democratic newspapers eee : , oe lets—Franco, Jr., Carlos Alberto, Maria Christina, Maria Esther |S@™Mp!e of the lubricating 1 Aw the biggest single job of unifying , urge trade union officials to We have always blamed lack of tourist interest and Maria Fernada—for the first time in their lives won’t pose | ‘at wr: 7g go om on a ahd ie eee s ever | join the movements to force the ” Selling . : a * , ampuge these past *W MONnUNS | unde en é : . , . 1@ in Prince Rupert on two factors: no paved highway | together when they become nine years of age July 15. Their | AmPA8e These past few motlts pa aerated ediaéententonn | cua pl sts ' ak, Pree es Ss Se : | father, Franco Diligenti, a well-to-do Italian-born factory owner fore you could’ say Finnegan me Of thom, Shy COMMISSION | bee Oty. AhG eave. tive an ILLOGICAL MAR leading into Central B.C. and our weather. But we | has sent them to five different schools, Their Canadian coubtes, |DCfor® You could’ say Finnegan. | chairman Clyde ‘Ting!*y, wasn't | minutesslate, to clean their ma- | dink; Ulan ransisiae Cink ahlhin ok taaihs tidntihe | ee ee rn oe ee ane weno 499 lat all pleased. Tingley exploded: chines on their own time and is an ECONOMIC WAS much also rem e} i Ss } Sty parts the Dionne quintuplets, will start college together next fall. | yy MIND flashes back to the! “It’s the mosi disgraceful | to produee “more today than $ they will only come by way of the path of least Their father, Oliva, would not divulge its location. Two of the early twentic It is in a cer-|thing that’s ever happened to yesterday,” a Wille... : | . i highway hi ; tt such ¢ ath | Diligenti quintuplets, Maria Fernanda and Franco Jr., get to- | tain ho pital’in eastern Canada| this city, Let me tell you, son! Instead of opposing ‘“speed- : resistance, Our hig hway iaS Nov been such a path. | gether during a brief visit to the Diligenti home at Belgrano, a jand « young student nurse is|q house could burn down while | ups” trade union officials are Georce S.May Cus Meanwhile, there are many attractions hitherto | Suburb of Buenos Aires. Botton: Carlos Alberto gets a,school (about to ‘inject an enormous | the fire’ department is looking | eynected to drive the workers 40 © Bweinese &.. unLtn ri ld h - date here th wpite insignia from a matron at the St. George school he attends in |meedic int my wht d. She | at the map to find out where it! continually increasing produc- ‘ bie undeveloped which would hold tourists here in Spite Quilmes, a Buenos Aires suburb (Op toe AP) | Patises watts the Done ye eis i tion and to explain to them the Pr deiivetake > ll ofthe fact that we are a little more blessed with | the twitching flesh: Officials said there was g00d| hee for eutting piece rates oor ae ee : : ‘ . Sti vee. | “Mi hilpott-—I have to warn | reason for the change whe n wages get too high stablishs wise precipitation than the Yosemite \ alley of Califor- ra Re lects you to stay very still while I| Albuquerque has grown from oEO8 ee 4 . £f , io this. The needle broke in the|a population of 35,449 in 1940 =o nia, or Banff, : mL sntdin ota 4a ice Ait last man who had this and the|to an estimated 120,000 plus. 4 Organized bus tours along the Skeena River The word “papa” is said to Printer’s ink should again make | Goctors pad an awful time get-| this caused a lot of subdivision j . : ‘ have virtually disappeared from itself felt—particularly when 4jn5 he pvieces out and hit-or-miss. street naming with several tops along that picturesque route; | our language, tomments the! there’s a legislative explesion Believe it or not. instead of| 80 the city’s planning commis- cruises up the many magnificently scenic inlets | Windsor Star. Instead, it’s “Hey, going into convulsions I did lie|S!0n divided Albuquerque ‘into ‘eg ; , i. : eg a : you.” And sometimes, even on| Comes word from an aged) cin as % mouse—I guess I was |/OUF quarters. : within a few miles of this port would present al ;Pather’s Day Missourian that by omitting to too sculed to move Say the address was 824 Mad- . : ‘ ' ag neo toh wy — shave in 52 years, the amount : ae age ison St, Now it's 824 Madison NE rast ¢ ]]-rounde o-d yrogram which would ' s , least a well-roun | d tw : 3 Rre | There’s a fundamental differ-|of money saved is $800. He ada: YES ‘THEY do’ things better now The same thing happened in the a tourists here— proviaea they had a place LO jence between Senator Taft and|!that though he figured right, pete oda nay ae sea rn Vet cther quadrants—NW, SE, SW s . General Eisenhower’ that is'|he’s been umable, so far, to oe ee cmwen hate | altixed to street name stay in the meantime. aS : erans’ Hospitals. Of course back J causing respective delegates gt|actually put his hands on that in those naive years just after Q urns ys 1} ace at} is need- |Chicago today to wonder and|much cash ee a iat Gem tak ee ee ® ° So, more modern hotel accommodation is the first worjd war we did not Beg¢ Alls: i ; ° + worry if Republican and Demo- sade oe evento = cir? ows ed, especially suited to tourist requirements. Hotel |oratie parties yi! suffer fruu| COURT UF NORTH San cGh sear wiiae aeae ae A to Spain Se 7 ‘ . . . . . ees a ; on reyes peta ; : : yh , anc ill biges ars were © i ré6ms are not likely to 20 begping’s in this eity In | lasting wounds, Taft would carry Blizabeth held court in Holy- ts by.‘ the main Besitiess of thi rims @ Pp . on, in keeping with system, law|rood Palace the last week in great century of enlightment LONDON (Reuters)}—The Bri- any event. | aod order and 7 , ae eee a ee ae a again |“ wa a a tin eld sh eks and “sh government has decided to iH T LAT S, FANS ce 4 eee : will talee a tan i ail ee principles as they prevail. Eigs-|came into its own as the tra : is er : we, allow the export of certain arms Grante d, bi ill take a lew men W ith vision to ehhower’s supporters while not/|ditional capital of Scotland. | COV! ~ faci ncn weet a | Spain, a foreign office spoke , ? : $ . ‘ 2] "7 veleran i pital ‘ the " : . develop tourism for Prince Rupert which is not denying their man feels much|Great was the social whir! aa ee a a ve nan said today RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRICY i ithe ea: has ABE cae a 1 emt aes 4 - idea Wea nat in about ;: at aoe ee; ie i the same, has other attributes|Holyrobd has age and some ; : But strict oriority will be main O W j . 4G SS i 7" : i , 1° wounde ( yvorlé OO Pe GP gs ™ me nigt omy it Att: EM Peal Ol po ibility, but appear 8 raft appears to haye missed or gloom, as well as a phanton . os i wou ve . ae - li tained ior supplying Common CT ey a . Va Would e < ea ali sive ’ a - » ~ _* - ee Oe ee to.be a chance we have been passing up for years. [ignored So undoubtedly, it is what it ee ee eat za = Tigh e- Wealth and North Atlantic Trea- re ea ae a waa a aaa aa aaa aha ath . Sant} Yo ‘ go 4 tne 4 ] . joy | OMe | pretends to be ni a ( ' used to end ty demands, the spokesman add- ¢ Organizations such as oui Junior and senior | Comes information that Rob- » : ad * ww : j ’ as ee : , tl \ospital we > s c Ohambers of Commerce must surely have such men |imsen Crusoe wa ponsible for| Wells in Juneau are reported Now in this hospital we see} ” No trade agreement has been $ Ny | : oe Beat ae ; |the five-day work week running dry—an arid position | the three crops of man's TWen- | .oahed between the two govern- ¢ of’ vision, Perhaps all they need is a little encour- | seems he had all his w ork done| for the capital eity of a country tleth ' 6 ee Polly Phere o meots, but manufacturers in Bri- 9 LR. yement by Friday jlike Alaska to be in. But one | the Cid Sweats, like myself. NOW iain have been told that appli- § hi agen . rae Rewil take for granted there ig, all in the grandpa class, There cations for export licences would > ace saphena t ; ' z ; and p '’ | WHERE TO BE jan up to date water works sys-|are the Hitler era men — and) i. ranted in suitable cases : : ‘ | Mr. Pattullo is said to bej|tem by this time. th re are a Bed ae? hl ecipariy The’ British decision has been For Coo Coo INg noticed quite frequently in the| ORS number from the Korean cam- made on economic grounds io % U Sl ness po Ig |press gailery at Victoria it) THERE ARE THOU SANDS palgi 66 help export business. “ : {should not be surprising. If Visitor from Tennessee is al- * Cc k E| lly sy 1 Fad ici |there is anywhere on earth| most lush in his praise of scen-|WELI, I guess I m just a con- ‘ ‘ OO ectrica By The Canadian Pres: lthat Thomas Dufferin Partulio ery ean. aS re : génital optimist 5 or et hank Richards Gets “ ji ‘ ‘ i i is place 2Cis ls i rest, just now,|and along the Skeena River. He I’m just piain ornery, anc jus a : s » builders were urged to-, oring to fill this place, especially | Should find intere ‘ ji mobs ay dl te wake sure that the . as | through the formation of re-|it is the gallery. He has long! wonders why there are so few see the opposite side in area Railway Post : SINGLE BURNER HOTPLATES $ 6.6 stall electrical Witing which will| gional Electric Service Leagues, been one of the most discerning | picture posteards. Strange he thing. There is a ir ehee rien VICTORIA @-—-Percy Richards, ‘ 3 4 " we > me irs. Early| has not observed any of the!to the chud of a ese [oo ; mo ; et sir need upported by all electrical indus- | Public men in B.C. affairs. Karly J aM e. of wentive’ aeulehad ‘rahi 54 = aaa sane from speak lea te hie ' | in life he was identified with a| thousands on display here in, wars, and that is that they learn ee ne “ cae taah gt 5 TWO BURNER HOTPLATES $ 0), ers at the annual conve ntion at | Mr. Catt id furth } newspaper in Ontario and it is| newsstands and stores every day better how to = after the old baat apnennnels d puty wiiniatay s a 8 eee . r. Catton said further: | oie decent a Bk ain nena ast 40 ye: crocks and wrecks of war me 8 me mere i ? ‘ ; » Cane 7 | Natural enough as age comes on, | for _ the last 40 years rot an a ee . Winkie cacy 4 6 ae oa a ee a a) “Every day new evidence comes | ~ — $$ ~--- All kidding aside, one only has °f railway: in the provine ae EY ie TABLE RANGETTE : $ &, Ag equa le - pe 3 reg , -neY | to light showing that insufficient be to ecurnpare the equipment, the ornmar i / ppointment was ap-|§ ae ae ae itn gy wiring is going into places that staff, arid the whole layout in! Proved by order-in-couneil “ Sa. y ments only 3 ‘ fe t % ‘ ‘ ing é g thee hospitals now with what & Catton manager of | 2te being built today, and if it THE i ‘ misap aie . ern a arena cae = is insufficient for comfortable | ther: was in the first decade | Kai Rg Sele. Aignergay a f t|> or ower 0. : a. Cr anes ant ty. the| electrical living today, iv will ETTERBS xX afte: world war one to see how| na a is eer WAR jhe it ” aenak yw a Whens i40 onan eee certainly be insufficient for to- far we have come in the right) rector of the Finnish National © Prince itewart, BU Camadian Electrical Code is still i ” ‘ Theatre which observed its 50th|4 Prince Rupert, B.C, Stewart, atisfactory, but it is definitely | ™OrTOW’s requirements. COMBINES ROOT direction anniversary this yéar a 5 yy , y | " " “. * + |anniversary this yéar nota standard of adequacy.’ He suggested that the Central OF WORLD TROUBLES ee . | ‘ PPP PPP PO MMO OPN MMMM MMM a MaMa Maha ah speakers said th has been! Housing and Mortgage Corpora- | Editor, i DON'T BOW how long I shall | nev estab! d authority to tion “insist on adequate wiring The Daily News— be here—or how much writing | , with builders can go for advice.|in each of jts homes at the out- Congratulations on your edi-| 1 can do while here, But I wan The wiring buiean, formed a) set rather than minimum speci- |, torial of July 2 “Investigate All) to rh readers right now that | year ago, and Supported by elec- fications required by the Cana- | f | Combines.” This matter is at the; 1 Wot be writing much nae | trica} manufacturers, is endeay-! dian Electrical Code.” root of most of our, and the| the hospital staff ‘ - a world’s troubles today. Canada} Tie cietician looks like a lovely | People Know Little About Electricity is in the same horrible mess as|your.g lady—but whe knows. ' ee ; . , aa di lo ‘ nest ee nets rere | Howard N. Walters, president, | ranges, washers, refrigerators, | jis the USA, and we appear to on s aes Pee ae Be | Electric Service League of Brit-| yaeuum cleaners and clocks. In | be just one step from -Commu- oe bal gs en Pee 2 cueie ish Columbia, said: 1940 there were 36, the additions nism wr ne : ‘Ge vy are very good “People do not, unfortunately,| being principally shavers, mix- “Recently our so-called states- ay i pene. | \\ now much about electricity and | ers, air conditioning, eleetric ra- jmen called a special session of | es | cannot be expected to k: 1ow | dios, and some automatic de- | Parliament, at considerable un-| to do some thinking, for a} { what is adequate and what is| Vices. B necessary expense, for the pur- | change, when I received your | oF r u not; though they can grasp the! “In 1950 there were 43, includ- oS ee at gh Pg iw dh mae a ya