6 prince Rupert Dtiflp facto Tuesday, August 26, 1947 APPEALS FOR PROTECTION OF WILD FOWL A flock of between 150 ad 200 Canada geese and countless numbers of fallard ducks wtoich have taken up temporary abode on the fait flats at the mouth of the Kyex River are an outstanding torn I t attraction and should be protected for that pur-pa in the opinion of B. J. Bacon, past president of the Prince Rupert Jtod and Gun Club. On a fishing trip to the Hole-iiythe-Wall on the Kyex at the week-end, Mr. Bacon spotted the armada of wildfowl from the highway and recalled that it was the earliest that he had evrr st.en them there in such large numbers. "Ttvy are literacy a prfceles tourist, attraction," he said with vehemence. "For a tourist to see such a sight from the highway is one of the best advertisements naaaDBBBflsaBBQtinBBiJi a u n m WALL a 3 ki B B B B IN FAN ' WE this country could have. Every effort should be made to protect them." "We use dto blame the soldiers for shooting the. game and birds alon gthe highway, but we haven't got that excuse now. It is up to the citizens to feel responsibility for protecting such a ' fine asset." Irresponsible persons persist in shooting at the birds, Mr. Bacon said, but as they are usually far out on the salt flafs. they are rarely hit. However, they becccne frightened and are apt to leave the place. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Mr. and Mrs. Sten Diderick-sen wish to thank their many friends for the kind expression of sympathy and floral tributes received during the recent sad bereavement of their beloved son, Sten. with special thanks to the. "gang". FOR RENT Housekeeping room, nice and clean and warm. 1142 Park Avenus. Phcne Green 224. (201 IBB B n ACE'S B a B I B ! B B B I TS and n B a REN'S AR NOW OJS! DON'T MISS IT WALLACE'S IBBBflBBBBBBBHBBBBEHBBBSBflBBBBBBl Looking for Something for yourfkitchen SEE THE MANY KITCHEN REPAIR AND YOUR HOME ITEMS ON DISPLAY AT RECONDITION THIS SUMMER! CALL (5REER I BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Thone RED 561 P0. ,2l FAMOUS FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE BRITISH rupert Company Limited Columbia THIS AND THAT '.'There's a new dog BEING KIND It doesn't cost "a penny to be nice to folks you meet, You never lose by being kind to the fellow on the street. If someone should be hungry, don't be afraid to give, The good you do comes back to you as long as you may live. There are people who think they're better than the average folk, it's true, , But sometimes the fellow they ignore forgot more than they knew, A smile sometimes gives us a boost when we are feeling blue. It isn't much but just the thing sometimes to pull us through. When strangers come to see our town, Don't greet them with a'frown. Be a high pressure salfsman with that pleasant smile, And boost your city all the while. Josephine MacDonald. Salt Lake. Union Steamships cruise vessel Chilcotln, Capt. Alex McLennan, docked at Prince Rupert Monday afternoon, carrying 101 round trip passengers, 15 cit them British Columbia people. B. C. people aboard were Ald erman and Mrs. J. D. Cornet t, Vancouver; Mrs. Hilda B. Costel.-lo, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Gracey, Vancouver; Miss Gwendoline Harrison, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. James, Vancouver; Robert C. James, Vancouver; Miss Laura M. James, Vancouver; the Misses Rita and Yvonne LaBelle, Vancouver; Mrs. Ada Longley, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Angus Patterson, Vancouver; Miss Mar-jorie Petavel, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Thomas, Comox. Eddie Smith, who, with his family, is among the summer camping colony at the Salt Lake, proved himself a fisherman of no mean sort at the week-end when he landed a halibut weighing no less than 50 pounds. He received congratulations and admiration upon his prowess. Her passengers including a considerable proportion of round trippers, Union steamer Coquit-Jam, Capt. John Boden, was back in port at 9 o:lock this morning southbound ifrcm Stewart to Vancouver whence she sailed at 1:30 this afternoon. The vessel had been here from 6:15 to 9 p.m. Sunday night northbound. With a full list of passengers, most of them for Cumshewa Inlet logging points, Union steamer Cassiar, Capt. Alfred Asplnall, sailed at midnight Sunday Tor Vancouver via the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands. The vessel had arrived at 5:30 a.m. Sunday from Massett and Port Clements. Four automobiles which had driven off the Alaska Highway over the Haines cut-off roaa arrived here Saturday 'afternoon aboard the steamer Princess Louise and two were unloaded here to take to the Prince Rupert Highway for the United States. The Louise had on tooard 190 passengers of whom 18 disembarked at this port.- O. R. s. Blacka'foy, local manager or the Bank of Montreal, had an especial Interest in the British light cruiser H.M.& Kenya, which was here a few days i ago, in view of the fact that his nephew. Alfred Winston Black-aby. was formerly schoolmaster aboard the ship durlne the war. 'Hi L' now -leri ie mn V ',er a II j on my route." SHIPS AND WATERFRONT M.S. Conway, naval training station in the Mersey River. At nine o'clock last evening CPJl. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. William Hubenet. arrivtd from Vancouver. There was a gcod sized passenger list, most ' of them tourists. The motorship Southeastern of the Briggs Steamship Co, recently called at Sikta to load fish for Seattle. The president. Phil Briggs, has gone to Seattle by air to line up cargo for the vessel which will be due there today. The Princess Louise, on hsr most recent northbound voyage had included in the passengsrs a good sized number of school teachers on their way back to Alaskan posts following the annual vacation. DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have , Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, .Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. I SINGER Electric Sewing Machines For Rent f Rea.;nnnhl T7-f Phone 884 Prince Rupert I alnger Sewing Machine Co. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST Is away for a week attending an optometric convention. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) I COTTAGE CHEESE .New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY i Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kllocyclei (Subject to change) TUESDAY P.M. 4:00 Belle McEwen ( : 15 Stock.Quotations. 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Three-Mile Bend, Wpg. 5:00 Melodies For Juniors 5:30 Max Chamtov, Wpg. 5 :'45 Remember Time 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30--Tommy Dor&ey's Orch. t 6:45 Recorded Interlude 6:50 Fish Arrivals and Int. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Economic Prospect, BBC 7.30 Leicester Square to Old Eroadway 8:00 The Weatherman" Says, Tor. 8 : 15 Tomorrow's Concert Stars, Wpg. 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Tuesday Evening Recital Wpg. 0 15 Mainly About Music 9:30 Design for Listening NBC 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 To be announced 10:30 Pacific Pianoforte 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Ck-ck 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:30 Music for Moderns 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert 9:45 Morning Melodies 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman in 10:15 NBC Concert Orch. to 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45-Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console D. 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast of 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening PJW. 12:00 B. C. Farm- Broadcast 12:20 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:40 Recorded Int. 12:45 Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Recital, Ottawa 1:45 Commentary and Summer Holiday 2:00 Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favourites 2:30 Men and Mu.-ic 2:45 Rural Route No. 9. - jesjBBBB 1 VBBSHbS'. .v- First Avenue and Aug. 25 - Sept 2 Everything New Canada's FINEST Midway KIDS DAY7lRIDES 5c TUESDAY, AUGUST 26 NOON TO 6 P.M. Telkwa's Thirty-First Big Annual Barbecue TWO-DAY CELEBRATION Sunday, August 31, 1917 and September 1, 1917. Labor Horse Racing Chuck Wagon Race Wild Cow Milking UNITED STATES SENATORS WILL PAY VISIT HERE Important United States congressional committee one of several which are to visit the territory this summer Is due In Prince Rupert this Friday morning enroute to Alaska. It Is the senatorial committee on public lands, headed by Senator Hugh Butler, Republican, Nebraska, which will hold its first hearing at Ketchikan and will then proceed to other Alaska points. There are In all 15 persons In the party including members of the families of the senators. George McAdams, president of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, Is coming from Terrace to meet the party and the Alaska committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, Arnold Flaten, Is making arrangements to show them around here during their stay. It 1$ understood Governor Ernest Gruenlng of Alaska will be coming here to meet the party. $200 Fine or Four Months on Liquor Charges 'Fines of $50 on eaca of four charges of supplying liquor to Indians, or In default, a month Jail on each charge, the terms be served consecutively, was handed out in police court Monday afternoon by Magistrate W Vance to Raymond De Valera who was charged with violation the Indian Act at the week end. Jcc Ward Jr. left on last night's train for Toronto where he Is studying music at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. He has been spending a holiday with hte parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jce Ward. A. J. "Oxenbury, shop superintendent for the Jacksory'Prlnt-Ing Company in New Westminster, is making the round trip to Stewart and return on the Union steamer Coquitlam which wac in port today yxt ' an i a 1 - hbbbi Sixth Street Day Dronco Itusting Wild Steer Decorating Special Feature Attractions THRILLS STAMPEDE SPILLS MIDWAY OF BLUE RIBBON NEWEST AND EXCITING ATTRACTIONS VISITORS AND PIONEERS IN ONE BIG WHOOPEE! GIGANTIC FIREWORKS SUNDAY NIGHT. THRILLING DISPLAY! REFRESHMENTS Ladies' Softball Games Baseball Games JOIN THE PARADE ON SUNDAY NIGHT AND SEE THE CHOICE BEEF LOWERED INTO THE BARBECUE PIT. RETURN TO TOWN HALL FOR THE BIG DANCE-STARTS MIDNIGHT SUNDAY. Barrel Sweep Houston Bridge to Telkwa nridge FREE SHARE IN THE DELIGHT OF A BIG FREE JUICY BARBECUE SANDWICH GRAND BALL in Town Hall the year's big dance Monday Night. Plan to spend your Labor Day Week-end holiday at Telkwa . . . "Beauty Spot of the North" New Safe Car Parking Lot. See jour local Canadian National Railway Agent for week-end fares Telkwa and return. Bob Phillips, Secretary-Treasurer TODAY and WED 7 p.m. - 9:10 Matinee Wed. 2:30 Ess Crrrl (V 11... 1 Tbe Civic Centre Carnival Con tec desires to express keen apprcti$ to all organizations and individuals! so energetically and wholcheartl assisted in the operation of last vj Carnival. The general public is also thil for its generous support and patnjj, t W. F. STONE Business and Projesm DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENINO OF IIIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 153 124 4 th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 208 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burner! PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 If It's Rw Work CALL BLUE 930 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your houses and yourself lullj Insured while I do the work PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phono Black 823 A II. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND I PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phono Black RFX 1 SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE i Orneral tWl PRINCE EIi BOTTLE COHi and MESS PHONE E3 Agent I'-rtyfirfcl GEORGE III Public AccoantatiJ Income Tax Seal 8c ;n;r Block - El P N Kilbcrn V BERT'S U AND JiSEj Lumber - Coil Freight -t N:zht CiWl Prinafc PIUNCE RCFE3H t A. R. LOCll B(:.:cWlr-i UODBttUPKl Prcti.j1'. attenucn to' n,,v '.; Phone V. I'l JONES N Eastern and W nape; bubschipho3,3 Sixth Street JOHN J CARP5NTEH CABINET f-j PHONE BUI BOAT CONS? DBSIOWN'Hjj vw.r WorkmansMjf coW BAY BOAT p Crawley ServlnirtheFi' Wells (P'R Cartage, Ll flPPJ HI Chow CI CAFE -oT( CHINESE DISHES OOB SpE 2 aJ0' Open 6 a-m-t0 PHONE I?3 A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAUA NEWS Stoma 3