u if t; 2 fPrinrc Rupert iDafJp HJclus Ltu. ' ' Monday, Decanter ,8, 1947 An UMtepcodeat 4Jlijr newspaper ce-rotec to tlje upouliinnjt ol Prince Rupert and all coBMtiuaiaM comprising nor(nem and central Brltun Columbia. (Authormpq m fcccond O&ss ,13X0. "ort rOfttoe Department. Ottawa) Q. A. HUNTER, Uanagtag Editor. H. G. FERRT. ""g1ng rnrector. MEMBER 'OP CANADIAN PRESS .AUDIT BCRKAU OP CIRCCLATION? City Carrier. per-m.el. 16c. Prr Month. 65c: Per Tear. 17.00: Bj Mill. Per Month. 40e; Per Tear, M.OO. Decentralizing Population THE massiiitr of uouulation and industrv in nnp KNOW YOUR LAW AMr? bought several hundred very expensive cigars and had them insured against fire. After he had smoked them all, he put in a claim that tkoy were destroyed by fire. The insurance company refused to pay and the man sued. The judge decided that as the company agreed to insure the cigars against fire, it was financially responsible. As soon as the man accepted the money, .the insurance company had him arrested on a charge of arson. Mauston Kiwanis News. 'WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE MANY YOUNG PEOPLE consider that today's moist persistent irrelevancy is -the -thinly-veiled . advice which opens up with "When i was vour age . . . -and it seems as if .it will never ston. The scowhnr exuressidn on the Mstanftr's f.ne .miinliv reflects th opinion that what hapiJened then is of - no significance now, and not even interesting. The expansive look of the one who ladles out the advice shows clearly what he thinks of the good old days and particularly of .his stout-hearted and altogether eowmendaUe port in it all. Coropai-isons are odious, and anyone who thinks -of the jnprrnous changes of the last forty years or so knows that commrisnns KptwAPn tVion "nA eventually wind up saying, "When I was vour mm Cleaners DELUXE UPRIGHT MOUIX ' Wfth polisher attaeiunat JLSTEIt UPRIGHT MOOLX DtLUX EiT.lVK -MODEL. W aWaahicaU) ALSO FLOOR-0-MATSC The piarbine that .Vgents for Scrubs Waxes Polishes ' Price $99.50 Shter Shoes GEORGE HILL P.O. Box 7J7 Buffs N nvi as yet .prices subien to r:.inae vUvaut notice Give HIM the Gift he wants . . comfy, good-looking SLIPPFRS FOR CHRISTJLIS & SONS LIMITED 1 Third Avenue LIFE n this Prince Rupert by BIDDEE JIN&S It was .a question that had bothered me off and on since those days when housecleanine was my favorite hobby. It was ."me time azo I must admit so .'long that it .seems now a fuzzy part of a shining dream. They did shine, .floors and -furniture 1 sm.nll nrnor nf RritJsh r.nlnmhin nonnnf land mirrors, all vieinz tor ex . .. . " . . - fcw u brightness and I the ueiinueij' wunoiu aetrinieiu io tne coastal cities themselves and the province as a whole, said Hon. L. H. Eyres in a recent address. Something, Mr. -Eyres rightly said, must be done tol develop the great neglected spaces. There are .. thousands of prospective settlers, large and small industrialists, investors, farmers, tradesmen and people. of means, but the trouble is that the great majority all want to locate on the coast, in the ' .Fraser Valley or on Vancouver Island. And it is in these areas that already 9 percent. of atUhe people of th province are living. judge and I the driving force behind It all. Sometmes I liked doing It better than others but. should the urge slacken, a forth .com ing party was all that was nec In In .those .those .days. davs I I belipvprf believed in X-ray vision to the .N-th .degree. Although guests might never leave the living-room, clothes-clcsets received their scourging and back .cupboards similar treatment .Leaving the. servant or Mighty House, a scrap of .nervous weariness. The change came araduallv jeiean and sanitary and ccm i fortable to live in." V Her nam wfimv m. nr, 11 didnt matter. She would not mind either for she is a person more concemec with giving than that her wise .should be xc-rctmbered. ileis FQntt in aU Uklihced Jbut i has alu?s Jbten whoe jf Gifts 0 wav Distinction! have Being .a woman, she lid p omns world. She is a mother r.t 0 vouo bov and sirl so that. ; wnen she spoke of children, the was not quoting memory work, i And when tb- menUoned econo-i my of the food shelf And ener-es too. e was Ukwie at beme She uid her husband r 21? 109 " U Vi pearls gS& S LOCKETS Wgfcs 5? w y U K O H ; J E WE LLR S y J Li .viexi!Ger 5 23 Third Ave. Blue CIS ilr iiirTiti'll Announce withdrawal until further notice of service on Route 3 SS CAMOSUN .Vanmver.;PTiac JUpert-AUsU Last sailinc northUaad .Jeatinj Prince Kojxrt Friday, December Last sailing soathboond leaving Prince Ropert Sunday, December T Iliad noticed ttha-t women who J give a plaintive, "Just a house-whe." to the census-taker, or her test friend were frustrated j ftmales. She had also decided 'that a mother is more interesting and capable toward her child- went through the .deDressian In ren if she think."! in term iv poverty no less glamorous than'yond 'house'. Her hujband liked the kind thai hit you and .me., her still. . . maybe a little beMer ehna., ,, rt, i,., ZZ ,-nrV 700 ofl. "!d she. working Is and. raise her children.) It caught them unaw especially, far i as she made an excuse for nejIeeUn isuuuicii. children. This ims couple coupie aireed aireec not not - - LETTERBOX GETTING OS VOTERS LIST Editor, Dally News: I understand that approximate!' six months ago our provincial government enacted a decree whereby no resident nf this province has the right tn vote at the next provincial el ection unless be takes certain wares, her to sacrlIlce theIr famUy u , steps to have his name placed ' ? said, "I jmsband on new vo4"' Weh is itujuauu was wuk to iu u be away hwhv nil all nai day suu jiaa,Duti)ne aim in Hfp and .u. . . . m , lh. - iv" uum invest jier en- 1 ,t fhat .was to, be rhusband-s little w tQ when Ume. WWk wu haw Mated In helper. I worked hard aU day the ch5idren were.?And seldom i vartous that everyon. tJ have everything in apple-pie an they ,ert a,one ev?ninTS jjhoiild axwetee their ritht to order, plus an apple pie for Meal$ are kept simple and .vot-J ve whew you dinner. And far his coming. I -,,i, . ihaiw mma iuuir lelt I t had u j earned . th riffht , . to h . niHHVMuic, ... umner . an inter- , . MUv . 1- " tMing cneenui -reneawal of the M"" i"" vuiaiii wtetz la hit ki AinUdy 4.j ind . as tired as I; daVs evcnU jut ,ta nuU ad vaW and that ewary to'briog hack full vigor. Cpjeased. Onlj-. if I were.dull and lnr!i,i.. irritable, i , . , ' - "u " j i people wit: with witn selHess semess ideals ideals t aVt S,eress;or mlyippro.mate jat best, jname. eventualk cut then their " whtfwM'ouiieMdelvingr into -wages,-moraIs, trans- !mt0 ,tOB of life . Donation or what-hnvp-vnn. !?n" if ho nrvwnte U ia wav woiking woiking ijackwai ijackward. j urobabiejaughiible assumption that wisdom always ,' ccmes with age, the listener is forced to the con- j elusion that the sally into the past actually stems f from a desire to talk about oneself one of the most ! often denied and frequently felt urges of man. j This has been going on for centuries, satisfying the talker, nettling the talkee. People, however, i persist in dblikintr advice nn?? tw' which pwbab- why the younc oowi at it, and he was more so and U began to see some thine was awry. uriu 1 i . .. Better Eneli.sh By D. C. ViTLLIAMS "mi uer iitnuunaa JOD roil- i uf off and takin their lastL S. with this dollar with It thev fased other with the realteatton that; n... eam-work , the bk of ml f e. 1 bnarnage. And that Uie home. I i wiuv 1. . Dirt was no lovelier but one day ZTZ JT"', U BeUeve. reprieve. an elderly gentleman said: "You . we re not ZZZrlZ ZZ?TX I- ' Say " "Maw doojm. books" - 2. the cashes thenelves. And an- h cturiiH rhita,, j . . ether day another MnUeaum'7,! isu-ggested Kentlv-onehQur be-,L. " Ln 10. Joent first pliable. ifore "u'" tineas. .3. Receive., i. The quality or gueste arrived-- Woman f k1 T ma:i: ;By.Uie Ume fee eoeaamies state ! . of seeming likely "Ills er-ta .Potion. contlnedelayn e" mJnt floored me-but J did -think about 1 . it later JSo. . . Whea I heard aminpJ fan the radio say: "How clear! does a house have to be anyway,"J 1 rasiened the last Jar of .bread aad-butter pickles and echoed. "How Clean?" And while I wipedJ the tar and la need quiaiealln ,at curtains that should be a lit I tie more fresn the speaker haoM !aid: "Just elean enough to JbeJ Ahw have no 4e uakE each. IndtaMuaily. takex tbe jieeeaaart- sUys to aet itis iuue on the new lilt. No doubt, maay of itour ub- scrrbers wowM like to Jcnow what they haw to do in order to net I their names on the new voters' jjiat before It Is too late. M- il WATRRS. AIR iPASSFNGER To Sandspit Mr and Mrs. E. 8. Ritthardson. To Vancaurer- -H. J Prom Vancouver (Saturday) L M Felsenthal Try a Da; New. C.a.if.ed M ' DTld McWhlnnle of Terras . i sailed Satnrrto- f. I " JlPar M H II ""n cn ir.ei (H ii i- I ' " " n:ouver Jdar - " -v pjn. 3m Rain (0; m. MS H(s,inalh; . kJKp " ' - 1 FOUNDATIC GARMENT STYLED B? NAr RIVAL AND ul The conetthitisdi: il ST JX-l WONDER Bi 6AT1K AND STL STOCKING Ni w sr. ANNETTE ;;n-.-: UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDLN " ' l 'v' BHBKHJ In a year more than HHH9HH Port- BSflHHBViK are the HHHBH cH Canadian industry. 240 BLWmtbRB lkw. Ii carloads of brick and hih llHllllWrviP(rH II ? I Hk ' temperature cement are used B-ilf l"ilN-J) W, C HPJjJl for repairing furnaces and coo- iibiiHilv T" BaMTV. veners- The purchase of this a I IfllaLLfiw , J i'J '! Jl aaiaH material means jobs for large HSKvaPr W CtCJi I T VLEC- 1 numbers of workers in the ;VppHNpBf.li I1 "L. . lmSLJm cement industry MBJHI B . rrT C " bHl The cement industry, In torn, LIP jaaaKaaW 'flH I .HLlV uses a great deal of equipment iKZaaVaVH. taV . f 1 conuining NickcL Inside the ter2H ' 1 Bmm illustrated here, for in- .aaaaVaaaVrHlv'rTTH 1 aaaaaaaaaT stance, score of ruirLrn nude .aaaaaaaav aaaaaar ntawwf tEH 1 , j ivi I a I aaavaaaaaaaaaaaal mmMWm thu coe: dusm"es.i'-aritf t Irtf 1 .w Canadian Nick0 of Nicfel steel are nsei cause Nickel steel sundi under the terrific htit necef-in making cement SotheOnadianN-cktl1 prodpees the Nick- : the ceo' industry jnced.: the Do'; cement worker products cement required bv ib W dian Nickel v;1-iI indust iodnrr. EiCB ererT every iodustrr iodustrr io io ' creates emplovment in THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEl COMPANY Of CADArTlMITED, 25 KING STREET W.,