A. MaeKenzje Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions (HF.STEKFIEIJ) SUITES IlEDUOOM SUITES Beauty Rest Mattress, Beauty Rest ISox Spring Walnut Tables for every purpose WATQH OUR 'WINDOW FOR SPECIALS Do imi Have FIRE PROTECTION u jundle Fire Extinguisliers ,for any ,neel . . . OAS--OIIELGCT.KtCA,L ,or GENERAL lllES All .types all tjUes KIDDE LUX ,CQ2 EXTINGUISHERS IVRENE EOAiMIJE ,Ideat for Home, Office, Boat, ,etc. requirements. ..,niiri' ptriiiTire rnn nrnu isim-iv-. v mvn (JJ T I.I A... .v a..v.aaaav.a.v .miliar PHIL POTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHPNES 051 .- 652 PDAK AfTIVF LAKES DISTRICT ould Hive uiven aupppn 10 t 1. 1 ;r- a group consisting large- . rc;auve iiew-cuuicis ,iaj .uk while veterans .of the re- . wok a more .cautious .stand, rjrn niirt ni inp nravmctr , :..rified before any .commit- J r.i is made in the central in-1 '.f choice of a Liberal candl-U contest Omlneca riding .t next provincial .election been left in abeyance by son agreement. a Francois Lake i,iDerai ration re-eieciea lis oia ..( I . 111. E. T Kenney ,as honorary ainv president, William Muivanev. secretary. uric ni inn 14 irn ijikc ijiu- W . IttV . 7 Association is being spur- oy President John uerg ana fewry jonn a. urown. Sew. LOVELY TO LOOK AT! COME IN AND LET OUR EXPERTS STYLE YOUR HAIR IN EX CITING NEW WAVES. I'll ON E C55 Helen's Beauty Salon rw .fourth Street SINGER 'mnifdiate delivery of new J .c anu eiecuic sewing httt.i.!- i ' '. , ""ines in Prince Kuperi a and district. inn iiiiii-iiiiif iii. ne 864 Prince Rupert JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST Jhn Bulger. Lid. Third Avenue TEACHING STAFF IS NOW FILLED terrace All members, ex ROAD ALONG COPPER RIVER Will Serve Mine-Terrace Hoard of Trade In .Session TERRACE Construction of-.a, posters and pterature ,ie.al- iridlng high wl,Je and hand,some road lad alone along thr the CoDner Copper River River to to .nr with with thp the -United .United .Polish Polish .Re-!.. .Re ... . ' . the site of mining operations ot the Omlneca Gold Quaitz Coi vlll be undertaken In a few, weeks, the Terrace and District Board of Trade was Informed at its Decemtoar meeting by will Robinson, chairman of the highway committee. The wcik will bs carried on by the provincial public works department The Board was aio tdv;sed in a letter from Hon. E. T. Ken-ney, Minister oC Xands and Forests, that a high .wire fer.ce will b; erected around the hot springs at Lake .Lakelse. .This Is considered necessary to protect the purity of the water now that .a highway has -been completed almost to th- springs and also as a safeguard against accident ground the ceiling pool. In an eifort to combat adverse .reports about the northern highway, the Board .decided to cept one, were present at the i would be finished by Christmas I lakh ine aUiiKcS . 1 nHAnriHAin r-nu i i Aiier me routine Doara .ousi- r work will .be done in the .Christ mas week. A telephone is to be installed in the secretary's office. l, Halliwell was appointed auditor of the school books. 'Try a. Daily News .classified Ad coarse .grain s j.wU.j.a? ivW-,' fNeed Tor .aMejeptione m wie C,N,R. ftegHt ,pnd .fxpre-y, attic yas .expressed ,by cvqral j llllJIIUi:! . alU (a Wia I j approached ,in .this .regard. Lacc I of (a -telephone .there results In I Inconvenience tto necohants .of A th district, the Board jwas told. mg lief fund .was .tuned pw to (the village .commissioner .after tthe Board decided that .the .proposition was .to ,arge -for jit, to .handle. Will Robinson .was appointed to the finance committee, of the Associated Boards ,pf Trade ,of Central B. ,C. (Work ,done .by the' Associated Boards was .explained by the president. Annual meeting .'of the Board will .be held .on January 16. TERRACE PLOT'S WAR ,ON .RAJ:S TERRACE The ,rat ".menace has become .so great here that the village commissioners, will ,bc asked to .appoint .a .sanitary in spector to cope with .them. ,Harry King took verbal ot-shots ,at rodents at the December meeting of the Terrace and Board .of Trade. nave an engraving made of a. Not enough attention was map showing the route from I being given -to .their uxtermlna- vancouver to Prince ' George to tlon he said, in introducing 'the Rupert Rupert, and turned the subject which later branched out matter over to ateve iiowiea lnto a discussion of the village for action. C. J. Norrirgton, reporting for the radio committee, said that garbage collection system. Board members .termed the current garbage djsppsal .opera an interference detector which tlon as : U .being made by Mr. Chesher practically to appoint a sanitary Inspector. NEW MILL AT X f A. .4 i i 1 f Mnvrnntnn ncfflH tn tA. v& v. k m a mm m-m a A discussion UUtUJlU.. .VU..W...U.S .concerning the - trucks vauwaa, a- is hauling a. from ........... .the Fay , Reminiscences By w.J. W Reflections .When the .Hotel .Central was the faintest notion. Never In- the -spacious .dining hall was a favorite place tor banquets, dinners, luncheons, parties and what not. One night. & pollU-j clan .was down for the speech ;of the.evenlng and he was In craik-erjack form. He had a lull house and .deep attention. The Lspeaker reached .a rare pltsh ,of eloquence and conviction, finally winding ,up with shining Leyes, purple .face and to an ac companiment 'Of ringing cheers and all that sort of thing. Then, as the .clamor .died down, and there was -silence, the little cuckoo, clock on, the wall stepped cut and said. ".Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!" WJien Doukobors, singing strange ,hymns, first landed a pt. John, N. B. from a CPM District tsteamshlp .about forty-five years j ago, Canadians in general seem ed disposed to welcome thr.m. They were, presumably, peaceful people. They understood agri culture which is very true, All they wanted was to dwell in amity and devote themselves to fruitful Industry. They would make such sturdy western at.i.Li j seiners ! tsiuray western neaa- .uusuus.acvury aim . ... .non-existent" nd mpved that .the .village xpmml-sloners o.u..v.3 be c asked to .w bring w.... for- aches, rather! district srhnnl hoard mpetlnf? i "nie ,aua wouia De uui. iu uae , ..,,.. '.. . . . . . . I ' . ,ki m m- t.-.'ward a .hvlaw .to .chvir "nlumb-i .SS c UJJ 111 new in secretary Aigers omce--" " v- ,' , fT' . prince Rupert. This ia.u city taj is the i.ujjtav. . i ti. u at. n...jl. Inor xanltntlnn and hnlth and .on nn -Thiirerlfiv Thursaav evemne. viar.inty ,uxn .ucu mv mc .v-auauidu1.vB. r v, , tv, tinot babies on earth. So, logically, the I baby carriage industry must be 'flourishing. Take a stroll any w . HKv.- uuic.uttuwt wi4ww tuuictc, - - dUKINo .LAlVE line aiternoon f I!" A LAI ULLIUL niiu . lit IV. J W, 1 1 II lilt It I II H 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 If 1 1 L 111 I"tl' . w... w - TTi-, j i i- it.. -...U..uIh . ...... i Ia nnft TTi ttr if Imt no 0 n nnnftit- ' ntmxTfi t a rrr Tv..lAll.lln. ih nrovince. The activity .chnni icd to replace him. Other mem- a new sawmill bv Wheeler Bros, a: ... j ,..,j . : . 1,1,111 1.1 1 1 UUI.U - - T . . - J . . 1 n J aA l.n,n f n A Ulld VI. h. W .V w M. w ..... llaLO llallltll&U 11 H Ul 1 U. ..IV ... . . n nHM n k t nennv. wnose name 1 recently was mentioned as,, lible candidate, was fav- and note the are practically Fcncols .Lake Liberal Asso- .elementary school at Terrace .Stevenson, H. Spencer and W. C. Francois .Lake ..ferry , somewhat arked bv th haH dozen at .wired for .electricity and this ( Osborne. .because the Wheeler .fleet 01 st0 doors ,Watch Prince Ru- . rt ErOW" lnTCaSC flnd Xl wheat and coarse grain sltua- Short ranch, , near .Colleymount, 'BOTf', ' u,, babv nnn rpsnlted in Mr. Camnbell which obviates , the necessity of yh'v. " ...I.. and Mr. King being Instructed , to crossing Prancois;Lake, They are .age-cosw ran.y. we . take action in support .of t:. - pouring a steady stream of lum- .. candi. Canadian Federation of Agrl- ber to the co-operative lumber- Mw 1L.M. Ba?gett, candi . .... 1 m.a,niAin--imiii i nt niirnsdawcfor-mayor, over 10- icuiiure .ia seeming, a.iunrc..v ... a . .. ... ..... anntft fl An l.nKP. . a If 1 aUltl.UI..... quired! Never had to! Jailing to rebuff jself-plty .Is a bad wav to get into it. Yet recent visitors from Vancouver appear to be in danger. Some like to be sympathized with. Unfortunate symtom and very bad sign. Next thing, somebody will want his hand held. The trouble is a'.l about fog. They like to shunt you off into a corner anc talk about fog. That might be all right for punishment, but it's a .poor substitute for cheerful chat. 286' Sore m Throat mm uuo i.w a wiiu, l t a little time-tested, soothing VapoRub melt on CKS tongue, wonts pnei voho t FURS for XMAS V y H v a v v v v V y it v V V V if y V V V y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ffP! This accident, at .the intersection of Cook Street rsk, ni Fairfield Road, Victoria, on November 18th, JhE ViB caused injury to one driver and damage to three t JHH'fljjH cars, including one paiked at the curb. . . What could be more lovely than a new fashion Ki ll COAT for Her styled Jrom Jbe finest quality furs .fashioned In the NEW LOOK. BILL SCUBY FURS 322 3rd Ave. 3 jptlnn .Rupert .. JSi, Monday, December 8, 1947 JModern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. ,Of what should one be careful when planning to .take a guest for an automobile .drive? A. See ihat the - Is tidy. Old shoes .y'r-j cn ,t,he floor, packages .scattered here and there, soiled ,rags ,or .newspapers on the seat, indicate .careless- - AevarrTt fflT trie the windshield and windows aro clean and do not in any way obscure the guest's vision of the scenery. Q. what should a man do if he is doubtful as to whether or not he should jemove his .hat? A. A good rule to follow ,1s, when In doubt, remove the hat. Q. What .should one send 'the mother of a new baby? A. Flowers, or a letter of con- UCa 3 ttllu ,Mwavoav. 1 .... WAU guest's comfort. Also, .see that ratulatlons, .or -both. PERFECT GIFTS THAT GO PLACES ' Advertise in the Dally News. y'i ,he,e Bau,y Boxes, which are favourites of many women, moke yjr KTO.WKWWWWWW rj M ChrUtmo, aift of areat distinction. 0, X iff A. TUCKAWAY KIT neatly packed in ilmulattd 1 rUf leather in plain, or alligator grain Hack, Brown or lilt Re1 containing 12 Eentiol$ for loveliness K jj. and comb . . . $13.00; smaller size $9.00. jj B. SERVICE KIT she'll freshen up In a twinkling wNk Wjl this specially designed trim Service Kit . . . carry it in her hand . . . tuck it in her pocket ... in Black, Ormes Drug Store DEATH AND DAMAGE on the Highway have made necessary the new '"Safety-Responsibility" law. "In this very year,, to the end of September, there were 127 people killed in motor accidents. There were 2,940 people injured. There were 8,135 motor accidents of all kinds "To that date, the record shows one person killed in this Province every other day.1" ! V ;i r ' ' . . Extract from a radio address delivered on November ;27, 1 947, .by the .Honourable Gordon S. Wismer, K..C, Attorney-General of the Province of British Columbia. The record of traffic accidents .has become so serious drastic measures are necessary. To curb Jhis mounting toll, your Government has passed legislation providing heavy penalties for all who fail to accept their full driving responsibilities. There is nothing experimental about the new British Columbia "Safety-Responsibility" law. Similar legislation in Manitoba and in the States of New Hampshire and New York has succeeded in gaining two objectives. First it protects responsible motorists and pedestrians against irresponsible drivers. Second it establishes .in the mind of every motorist a greater awareness of his responsibilities and makes him do something about it. This it achieves by providing offenders with such severe penalties as license cancellation and vehicle confiscation. Prevention is the keynote of the new legislation. Compulsory insurance laws, suggested as an alternative, are not preventive. They provide compensation only after the damage is done. B.C.'s new law assures all who walk or drive the roads a greater degree of safety. The "Safety-Responsibility" law becorhes effective on March 1t. A Summary of the provisions will be published in the next statement of this series. You are asked to study the details of this legislation. Complete co-operation by .everyone is essential to make the Act work. ATTORNEY OF THE PROVNCE OT BOTISH COLUMBIA S AWH H AUTHORITY OF THE HONOURABLE CORPOH S W W K C -GENERAL .m N A SEHES OF ri BP tit