L Classified Advertising I . ir dot word per Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth Notice. Wl(i,fiZt of ThanXJ. Doatb tiotlces, Funeral Notices, Mirrlage Kpc: and engagement Announcement! : 2. : FOR SALE 77T r. .House with four SALE . -11- Al 01P .... and Dai". (.Jt i,c"o ' j; 00 feet 2x10, 18 I J30.00 2X1t AU, oau, auuik r.n niraffp finrsr ,'n 698 (288) SAL ' Two adjoining ini, RprnnH Av- pc,,... - , c-ce Bargain ior casn. & McCaiferyi Ltd. (286) : t . t . . SALE NCW ana usuu rui- :r refill iiuuc witu uao- r.t PIUS iwu .room icutai $31i0 Armstrong Agen-Phone 342, evenings Red (290) : . tnnA nil. 0 (rame Fine condition. P Lakie, Box 608, Citjr. (281) Co:il Heater. Phone 537. Fur - -o.ia. vviiiu: j.iiuil Good (290 SALE Phonograpn lie: dra'Dca Trunk, Oak . . . . . r 1 1 '. i ana uuuua, jivu Our in" Tools. Soring 7 : Record Piavcr. etc : 7-1 stvi Avpnup Fin ri. ni niMnl nil knliifAan It in rnrt i nm (286l SALE Oolichan Grease, -J Quality. Order Now. C Furniture Ca. Coat. (288) O t n n.ui i. I n.. M. Beautiful Colors. Llmit- Quanllty Reasonably Pric- Come ln and look them fir nr. i...A rr 11 nrt R SAI F FlnMric wash n r-".i wui;u aim .cuui i . R RAt V C,,,. ttimn llSfll .ii.k.i,Li lull. v.triv vuuii;. cuu. 11UI owl j.v. 19 ,U. 1 r r ... r A ntAn l.k oil; mm k TENDERS .vo win ue receivcu 1C clnslntr rlntn Nnv 15. Of t .nlfO.HnHV ' ' WW... - 'J Model, completely overhauled 1c nlr... .nnrllllnn. bwju tirpo fi. nnnH witn re- I.I .u.vv. '"weed frame, two speed tear axl- Platform G' 6"xl6' with tl CO.nroi.ol Accnitnl.l0n. -v-upcrauve Assn., P.O. u Pilnce Rupert, B.C. Hwst or anv Lender not ?essirily accented. Addl-1 "Onal lnfnrmntlnn mnv he had ,toti either of the above 1 OR SENT FOR RENT Warm, comfortable room; reasonable. 800 Fraser Street. (290) ROOM AND BOARD-S43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. SAI4KSMEN WANTED MANUFACTURERS' AGENCV handling hardware ad sporting goods lines, etc., looking for livewire salesman to contact retail trade in the whole or in part of British Columbia. Commission .and drawing account basis. Furnish infor- covered in first letter. 292 Dallyews. KOIIND PERSONAL Box (286) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS TOPS LEAGUE WITH BOWLING SCORE OF 404 Linda Erlckson of the Savoy Swingers bowled a crashing 404 FOR RENT Two rooms fur-! 10 wln individual honors in nlshed. 336 9th Ave. West. !tnls week's Ladles Five Pin (287) League, a score that has rarely ,been duplicated in any league FOR RENT 2 semi-furnished in thn Miv tvii csumti n0cito rooms. Call after 4 p.m. 1235 her virtuosity, however, Savoys Park Ave. (288) J were defeated by Sweet Sixteen FOR" RENT-Sleeplng room for j 30-gentleman. Call between 0:00 Top score ior three games was and 8:00 p.m. 742 7th Ave I won by -ElsIe Morse of Rosa Lees' West. (288) who DOwled 1G2 74 anti 29- totalling ana averaging FOR RENT Two furnished a standlne acceDtable even In t rooms with bath. Call Black j the men's .league, which lnci-825, evenings. (288) .dentally do not always out-class Hardware etc. New Cups poR RENT Four room unfur- .iaQ.' ... . tu. Saucers 25c. Soup Plates nlahed apartment. Phone iln::7"L 'ZZ Vere " n t c-.1 FOR RF.NTfljirnire 5(10 Rlnrlr ieo ruruiuwe, u n. ovcci - - c is Squares $2.25, Levels o" New Ourney Ranges 5th Ave. West. 961. 0 tJew Fancy Blankets F0R nENT-Four room house. 1 SlishUy Used TopcoaU, Apply 315 om West or Phone :c3as Logger jiuuis, AAiK-Savi Everything at a ..... nrUo nrtmp In nnn nauir w... ----- them over B.C. FURNI- SALE Beat "Cheetan,' . x . A few r-n y rrfr :L Phone Jtea .zo. tain 5th Ave. near ,hos- . n.1l " (ill -ALE Well-established store business. For i.ir.::;ular.'! enquire Box Ne"v (286) SALE Heater, coai ourner. T : Street. Red 338. (286) SALE Well constructed Green 838. Phone Black ROOM AM) HOARD (tf) (238) Big Sisters 3, Comets 0. Westview 3, Mansons 0. Orange 3, Coasters 0. Sweet Sixteen 3, Tollers 0. Rosa Lee 3, Savoy Swingers 0. Watts Si Nickerson 3, Miller Bay 0. Cosmos 2, Variety 1. Lucky Strikes 2, Blowers 1. Annettes 2, Moose 1. Scuby's 2, Bankers 1. VARIETY I. Krtetjanson T T.vkppaard .... (tf) I. Cl0Uf!h 162 04 F. Cembelia r A. McLeLan 122 124 ' D Handicap Totals 75 -80 COSMOS A. Holkeiitad ..173 123 P. Black 87 147 A. Llndseth 1.30 .160 M. Peterson 100 B. McCheeney 154 150 Handicap 126 126 Totals 770 870 COMETS K. Reld M. Shrubsall Iy a-r Handicap . ; T tals BIO SISTERS n. Gomez n. Alexander FOUND On 12:30 bus, child's j. Dickens double-barrelled sun. Owner call at the Daily News and piv j Handicap for Uie advertisement. (tf) Totals ... MANSON'S T. Dell N .. A. Sparks. ., M. MCLeod . . . It. Sharpe Offe-s a rermanent release from n! oowjin drlnkine. It is a confldetlal huiiki . . ' - Totals service renderea wttnout cast, westvview .140 139 139 125 177 117 195 76 163 171 by others who have fbuncV free- iDonw ,. J66 r 16 m "ggtffff, . . 13 m .their last period drive which stewart SiTvllle "? :., ' 144 291 149 ..-.j lh. m nn Mfht dom a , from alcohol. Box 278 07 A. PPlt(.r 132 143 Daily News WHY MISS Half Your Notes? Learn to write rapidly from first day. LIGHTNING LONG equipment. Greer and Brid-den have the latest in floor 1 mMMnlp the I Green 583. METAL WORK (tf) (tf) M. Flynn D. ion H.mdlenn 102 Totals 852 COASTERS ...r i i i Mf rri.. M. Scharlr "L. L. u lb aiiiijjic, wit, .-. Tl . ent. Price one dollar tfnlltfn sanaera aim fc ---- toilers 171 only. M'. Lewis i Box 120. Terrace. (291) o. u - SANDED FLOOR makes aj iap V.V.'.'.V.'.' 713 new room! Dark and stained I oranoe floors can be made as good as Anderson im new by sanding, a quick, ef- 'WWe 98 flrlnt lob with moaern nardner ; Lund 65 .Handicap 1J3 Totals .' best service. Phone Red sei.B. Euison jw 145 WORX WANTED III 1 I J. Hill MIDDLE-aeed woman will look after children evenings. Phon" M. Wide I. Way J. McnzJcs Richards Handicap Totals 109 GO 130 111 662 SWEET SIXTEEN E. Duncnn 03 F. McKmnon 19 H. Wright 157 .1. Nowak "'J I T..ii n Molariu 14U PLUMBING - installation . . " Hr" 73 243 ln SHEET Mtin 757 en WORK. Puma ee s . tanks ROSAs- m eavestrouching and stac Eisle Morse icj i. t .Imirnomt Sons. 629 r nnmsav 151 Sixth West. Phone 543. j TELL Your Troubles to Thorn Sheet Metal. Furnaces, Smokestacks, Air Conditioning Units. Black 884. 253 East First Avenue. FOR RENT OR SAM' SIX-ROOM House for rent, or for sale with three-room cabin in rear. Reasonable price. Apply 315 9lh West or Phone 238) Green 833. MACHINERY I OR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National ills manufac- T.imitea. viiuwu'", vfu"' . DC. to the Norm i" "- lf acres, more or i--WHEREAS 1EAS satisfactory proof of nf Ttle l0ss of the above Verhey-iued in the nan.nc"rl3Ve0rf1?Je. lien has oc. " . l"" tnat I shall, notice is hereby B'" . from ut the expirav.oM - bllcallon rrlnee Rune . ot November. S DThompson Deputy Registrar of Titles 150 HO T nnmnnv UimH Ann ' a 102 966 181 110 129 127 123 99 775 159 165 132 107 106 143 812 122 100 103 238 95 11 769 164 155 169 88 221 73 247 274 156 225 178 8 Totals 761 1088 SAVOY SWINGERS- A. Kellett , 07 65 J E. Knutsen P. Men.les J82 18 w L. Erlckson S by National XXS Today in Sports Basketball Sevoy Wins CI ose vjame Squeezed Out Narrow Victory Over Brownwoods High School Wins and Loses Battling furiously all the way Savoy hammered out a narrow 57 to 52 victory over a fighting Brownwoods squad In the Senior League basketball tilt on Saturday night down at .the Civic Centre gym. It was one of the roughest melon-tossing affairs this season aM.h.pju.gh only Hne display of team play but as play progressed things began to referee's decisions bartishlng players for flagrant fouling. mv 2. T. Arn&v 24. H. Marfan i.w - - . M'wru v." --0---- 222 McMeekln 35 i efllri-nt. ot a mt!c of 102 P. Dickens H20 HandicaD 5 Totals 791 MOOSE 223 Hilton ' 228 137 McEEwen 118 90 Astoria 148 17S Chrtstopherson 179 122 Low Score '135 99 Handicap , 99 852 . Totals .907 286 SCUBY'S 86 T. Braun 115 . Woods 166 Sleeves 128 J. Thornton 024 .Handicap Totals ' HANKERS 111 813, 126 178 179 187 177 73 920 155 290 122 274 150 8 099 79 122 153 188 l.M) HW1ISTKY ACT ,ne: Certlflcate of Title No. 23082-1 of Lot to the North,Wcst Quarter One Tnm.mnd 8-vpn JlundreU and Sltxy-flve (17051. Queen Charlotte District. sal(l to pontuln On Hundred- and SUty (100) acres, more or ici. nnDia entUfnrtorV ltfOOf of i 10'of he above Certificate of Title . 08S., .:. .1,. n.m-. of Cesar Verbey- Sen has been filed In this office. Entire is hereby given that I shall, expiration of one month from at tnn fho rtate of the first publication !"'..;.; n Provisional Certificate " of Title in lieu of said lost Oertlflcate.. i," In meantime va'ld objec- prme Rt-pcrt, B. C. tms , 1947. A D. November, 01 of " Andrew Thompson. r,..( neirlstrar of Titles. """"' " (302). LAND REGISTRY ACT murine ..r ntie to lot Knirieeii " !..rf ir, th name of Benjamin o. i.e. ":;, ; said lost Cer -.meaiUlmevaUd objectinn .oe " RealstrY Of-i DAT1SU i . B.C., r tli! tnw .iH. 24th! fW. Prince Rupert. day of W7T,feti-p80K. ! DeVlRegtotrarbf TO. Service Your Car Regularly 190 203 192 J. POPEBOWLS HIGHEST "T .LEAGUE SCORES - -Ted Arney was the spearhead , Poe of he Fish noCk team that Jed the Jjotelmen on ,to ,vlc- jwied .hiehest individual .scores tory, dropping ia 24 points to at (Week,end .session ,of thej lead the scoring for ,the night. , five.nin league. His jviei Thompson was uie snooting single gatne nlgh 5C0re wa8 .425, eye ior jirownwooos witn 0tstanding in , the league Jec-well-earned counters. 1 crds .whlle nls three-game ag- At the half Savoy managed to gregate was ,74s. hold on to a narrow lead .with j Fisn Dock b0wied the higbest the score standing at 34 and 30. Ueam score for a single game,, In the third frame came rpwn-' roUing up 1,113, yhi'le Thprn-yoods downfall when the vscor- cuffS bowled the Jiigh three-lng .was 13 points for Savoy and' ame team aggregate with 3,061. 8 for the shoemen. Brownwoods battled hard to overcome .their rivals'5 lead but fell short as time ran out on them. Savoy J. Davies.6, M. Holkes- fad 5, ,R. Holkestad 11, p. Mur Scotlans 3. Thorn S. M. 0 Thqrncliffs 2. Maple Leafs 1. Co-op 2, Mutts 1. Canflsco 2, Moase-1. Fish Dock 2, G rot to 1 . .Army Signals 2, Stone's 1. MOOSE- twenty-six personal louls were g nomlnato fi, McClymont.' h. Mckmnon 525 115 dished out bv Referees Fred,., .,..j .h. Hampton 122 v taiuerone ana men tsui, uiixuecu against each squad. The game started out with a j, parman 10, E. Ciccone 12, M.i Handicap' : "... 20 T'hnmnsnrt 13. B. PeitenuzzO Z. v - , rAVPTRm liven up and by the end of the j RAINMAKERS match it was a near riot. For-j STILL WINNING man of Brownwoods and Arney. The Bo-Me-Hl oi savoy enmaxea tr.e piay wnen continued K Prlesen 173 14 irownwpods V. CJccone t6, ,D. f. Pariette 165 -215 Hartwig 9, E. Pierce. B. Gurylch, b. Bellamy y aw 'H. Basso ...J......... . IW I M. .Stqpes- 112 L. Mooney . 195 V. Corridor Rainmakers l. oamer tue.u-. Intermediate i ToUW each were tossed out in the! rneue wlnnlnsr streak bv.down- thorncliffes closing seconds. This was the a .hard jwo'rklnc Morgan's a: "aLhe.n T, "o 129 i5ilIlrst stance this season of "ggregation by a' 53 to 30 score, s. Davison . . . .V.V.'.V 3 140 This game was,Jiever in iouoi,- .."".r ;! 194 1ST ' . . E. MUSSBIieill .... .. 1 .(..Jnnfa , i t.nf.VtO 123 J. Shenton 161 277 167 HiksIp LUCKY STRIKES 109 J. Boulter . 164 B. Smith . .' .' 84 B. Vuqkovlch 144 A. Smith ...... 140 J. Warren1 v. .v. 148 194 131 164 130 Dlbb V:.'.'.?.V:, "f 174 97 E. Smith 161 146 170 194 199 192 - i ATI 13i n. McCallum 148 142 178 as iuc wua.w 69 Handicap so 50 50 early lead and -jut kept .addinp UJJ lOlfllB 4o 1U44 103 I 113 watts & nickerson and gold squaa bounced Y- ?h. ; 3A i?l markers from .the.baekboarcLi to lotais JJAPLE LEAFS to it. Jim Flaten of .the .green w.Waker ' 132 16 Morrow 132 Dzrupka ' 121 e. Moxiey 119 .196 131 lead the scoring spree In tnej .Handicap iim - ---o -.-.- Miller until the .final .whistle. E. Speers . The first frame was disastrous J. Dewage . . . Morse for .Morgan's as the Rainmakers romped .through for a 16-4 lead 'Handicap .1 iu A r iViA flrct- nimH.pr Totals . .. ARMY SIGNALS jvic i ii -" Hags the weak 'defense of the clothiers : Wum 130 tn close uo the first half out in t. Lushington l 'mrit. ?-3. In the last half Mor- D HW , 162 -rail's bega ' to get iome drive Totals tthtr nf tensive In 12 points . ....W.BU '8M w 738 Sr.-::.V.V ,20 . .m 20 . w '-OJ .7.1 Uli the ' students. finnr marched for. windie Slmundson ,. O". swjCM "V '" y TV Mlnton .. ' lOi ,88 Totals 768 778 A HanmceaP 'Sr'Soso Moving mightily down the floor scotians- ,1 Totals 804 1040 908 " ln their new uniforms of gold TM,e6ney 208 ' ' .J. Laurie miller BAY 1 .. , a 205 112 176 B. Peterson 137 143 150 88 101 103 P. Roberta 125 159 140 72 64 78 M. E. Smith 47 91 123 133 98 185 M. Morton 102 163 123 113 71 77 M. Vincent 120 132 136 ' 85 85 85 Handicap 90 90 90 696 531 701 Totals C27 778 740 "141 134 224 BLOWERS 126 118 123 V. Morrison 190 100 88 113 159 102 L. Keayes 116 107 115 120 71 165 M. Calderonl 158 113 139 158 85 77 C. Hlnton 109 121 128 79 79 79 Low Score 130 140 122 337 040 770 WiuuUcap . .. -U0 110 110 , Totals - . 819 757 702 and green, tne campus vwjux j. wide , i. iu..i v.1,1- WTnr- J. Davidson 157 Graham 184 170 179 142 130 145 26 .802 70 20 742 )i2 133 172 19X .208 .i78 219 879 467 U20 U4 146 186 124 .903 130 : 171 179 143 240 219 1006 1071 167 166 123 172 210 88 926 108 136 241 300 185 gan's never gave up the light TotttU 802 1000 98 124 167 187 132 26 744 156 122 180 130 144 20 758 254 112 181 168 112 141 165 124 891 176 194 255 991 238 198 181 .222 193 178 130 187 153 170 187 214 tl,at; schooi solrJt into the jiame r. swubsan 58 227 131 1.71: 160 Totals Totals 800 810 195 924 135 253 154 I 123 196 88 949 160 188 185 16'. 241 94 1 152 118 08 93 169 26 COO 157 161 78 212 120 124 852 172 214 179 207 220 986 847 wMi three lovely .cheer queens Q; Anderson 166 212 218 Ipd'cart of the student .way m r. Tubb w 2bi 1C8? -sr.Wted jells .for the .old. "9 lie T.vnRin.pr ! I,avl".ne "? i 131 ;u9 774 119 231 204 TO KEEP YOUR CAR IN TIPTOP SHAPE , . . DRIVE IN OFTEN FOR CHECK - UP1 Dan's Service Station McBride Street Green 005 IIICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet. CorMortaDU 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 HO TEL Carl Zavelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STjlEET Prince Rupert From This Oate WAR ASSETS COAL will bet LUMP Sacked 512.00 per Urn MINE R UN-Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 134 j J Pope ,u uu n rlon Ifi .RrmltPr 4. ,CariS:n. n lnhimnn 136 153 808 IIS IRS 1B1 ' 00 60 934 1033 148 C. Uslck 154 174 145 1. Foote 84 118 117 U. Nulson 154 152 05 M. Amadlo 134 .71 107 M. Baxter 125 148 Hanrtlcan 106 100 i7, X -It. ( -" R-lierk 2, Davidson 1. Olsc Krinn 9. 100 rfivfpfit .hv a low score oi ii" j!" , to 14. It was ,a close ,elK-cklns! ..I i -loiit tvirniinh tn tne last Continued, on Pap.e 8) ".lime '4B11W tv..wvo-- t frame .when: Bill .McChesney Co-op K,,t n.,t. with a 6-noint scoring Savoy snree'on some' nice breakaways Brownwoods . .... 4i,o irnnco ofSt.nne ln .the T" 5 Bo-Me-Hi 5 0 lead. , . . . .. -i--. uiu ..-fu4 wciro Merchants 1 atones &ivy b"'-" - , "Iven plenty of work to ao as .muib"" .Mm rtue'ents from Junior h. fired away at the rim but the ball just would not stay in where It was supposed to. These two I Junior squads put oi a fine dis play for an eye-opener to in-Lik turn wrimmn?es on Sat- 65 Taxi Senior League W L 1 3 1 0 InUriucdiale League 1 4 Fashion P 5 Jellies' League Peoples 3 0 Bo-Me-Hl 1 1 Sweet Sixteen ...... .0 3 ! Junior League 5 0 Stone's 4 1 urday. - Stone's-Sharon 2 Walsh Mo- High School 1 4 t nvn u J East to West 06 DEN'S Rclls Vest 5pt FOR 992 154 187 868 189 425 176 133 Mjwmu'.s-WPtsoo ,8. Schfl.rff Dumas 4, Carlson.. John 164 C Jones 3. littL uen i. ''" 144 234 i5 pnrisnn f. Webster 2, Isaac 4. Totals 757 709 $ .LASTiMlN.1I.TE. DRIVE WINS H? c'fnwo-s ,imri to nut on a lively son. HI School Johnson, Smith 3 Webber 4, Prevost 2, Jeff-lej. Weiss 2, Simondson 3 Black, Jordan, Hamilton. l last quarter drive .before the 161 .,-,. r...i 1 inini-c hnirid rinwn S1AMHM" 114 !isn o-" ,"""" ...,, otonHl.ios tn date: ij I. t w...... cj Pct. .833 .571.. .158 1000 .800 .200 .000 1000 .500 .000 1000 .800 .200 .000 5 Monday, December ,8, 1947 - --.-r. : S ORDER NOW for the Holiday Season to assure delivery. 0 W M M MM DELIVERED FREE C.O.D. PHORE-654 :25c per dozen paid for empties, l'lcase have them ready when driver calls. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Uquor Control Board or by the Government of .British Columbia. mported Direct From Scotland SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS ALL-WOOL, IN SHADES OF MAROON, CANARY, LIGHT BLUE, BROWN. IDEAL GIFT FOR ANY MAN LEADERSHIP IN 4 STYLE AND. COMFORT MORGANS MENS WEAR t .j.. a. i t "TAILORED IN T II E C U S T O M , M A N N E R ?. RUPERT MARINE REALTY ! We Take Listings of . i (J. CLAUSEN & SON) BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RI IPERT MARINE REALTY ' FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS 1 1 (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) j$ 1 BOX548 Fl,one Green .TO ij C33 Third Avenue West delisKrfwl o ""yjll f laden J FINE CUT . SUITS of the We are proud of our new shipiuent of Suus! Drop in and inspect them. DoublcHrct9d and single models. . BE .SH.ARP! Pick out Your .SUIT OR HAT for Christmas NOW while our ranges "are still complete. ACME CLOTHING STORE: TRY PUONE &5t Rex Caf e! FOR TASTY MEALS v n.nn Riilv . ..Chow.Mtin open Jivv i , 5 A.M. TO 2 AW. CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY .SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE ,RUFRT 'HOTEL, T v 2 m i4