'our ' e tirtcn 917 I'R BKST COURSE jr 8 PM, boy and ARS AGO tcemser g. 1922 particularly now what can r!'i:iiim time, lushes of Aus-i u general Melbourne d tabbed with v, is rescued by 3 continued his .1 reaehed its i jc during the in 22 degrees tlie morning," :uun Meteor- " 'A'C Eiks' memorial icd members F.- home. Dr. plain, preached z.'fers. Mrs. Jar- our WATCHES a boy who Is old enough he ought to .1 ti. He isn't to very particular what it"h, you know just so it will tell him ii is every time he wants to know pretty often. WELL, WE HAVE THE WATCH avc some as low as $2.93 and we have .1 watches as low as $1.93. There asc all a too. ,uve a very good strap watch In stainless 15 Jewelled and fully regulated for ovc a waterproof 15 Jewelled watch with dial in the most mod&rn design for 17 jewelled self-winding watch with g..i1 for $37.50. let us show you WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New Upholslcry Materials :X and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered . . v- . i.. I'fimi III IT UIU itCC.".U ilVtllUC HI V.I ! "I" liCOI T IfWIN' Prompt Attention (IT TEltMS L U w I II J to Outside Orders Leplne and Frank Dibb. December 8, 1912 The contracts for the large buildings to be used in connection with the dry dock scheme were expected to be let shortly. 'The tenders had been sent east to be examined by the designing engineer of the O.T.P. .r K. Miller, inspector of Inland Revenue, Vancouver, was in the city on business. . A start was made toward the fall exhibition. A prei.m'.nary committee was appoln'ed to I draft bylaws and prepare for the first annual meeting to be held in January. Advertise in tne Dally News. Classified Advertising Pays! P. II. LINZCY 214 4lh Street rince Rupert Realty Co. r Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties 608 THIKI) AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 ORDER NOW! Personal Christmas Greeting Cards - ALSO BOXED ASSORTMENTS In New and Original Designs. Prices from 500 up lT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS BB PRINTING COMPANY m BLOCK THIRD AVENUE HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE f?LEl'ELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PtoPrletors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN Local News It Hear H. l. Daggett, candl-dale for mayor, over CFPR, at G:30 p.m. (286) Mrs. John Wilkin 'K.illrrl m. Jack .Lindsay Jr. sailed Satur- men's Auxiliary Canadian Legion, P.O. Box 473, or Secretary-Manager. Legion, P.O. Box 628. List closes Dec. 1.0. (288) Mr. ad Mrs. Ed. Lytic and family land Mr. anc :..'.,. ;ai2 '.r.ironi-I clc and family were passensers (aboard the Camosun yesterday I going south. Mr. Lytle and Mr. Chronicle, who :iave oeen identified with the management of the Ketchikan radio station, are moving to Portland. W. A. Thorns. hC'd of the Thorns Sheet Metal. Co., after a i hHff visit trv hn rnmn'inv'c ln- I sun yesteraay aaernoon on his return to Vancouver. (,vis MCLua ana ivirs. v. iv. iup- nits, rim q;nuur oi rveicnisan CE RUPF.RT jiP?r were soloists. Committee in was a passenger aboard the Ca- charge consisted of R. V. Q. mevsun yesterday going through to Vancouver enroute to California for a visit to her home. Her husband, one of the operators of the Alaska Travel Bureau at Ketchikan, ts already In Vancouver and will accompany her south. m -4' jf V V 8 ftmSS till 2:00. ems Conrad School Card Tarty, Dec. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomas returned lo ine cny on the Co terday afternoon on the Camo-Nuam 'as evening from a trip sun for a trip to Vancouver. to Vancouver. Mrs. William It. Wrathall sailed yesterday afternoon on the Camosun for a trip to Victoria. O Vote Edith A. Black. (Mrs.J.S.) for Alderman. (288) W. M. Watts returned to the city on Saturday night's train v". Canadian Legion executive meeting tonight at 8 Regular W. c. Osborne of Terrace af- ter a brief Sne J J to Vat n T'Tn 7"; Dec- 10- 8 (" couver. arrivrd in , ,7t V,,-. P- ' v V WVJ W bill Coqultlam last evening and is L M. Felsenthal returned to proceeding this evening to the the city on Saturday afternoon interior. by air from a brlef buslness trlp i e CANADIAN LEGION XMAsj0 VanCUVer ! TREE SAT., DEC. 20. Children J. E. Matheeon, district for-b f War Veterans (12 ester, sailed yeiterday afternoon vrs and under) eligible on the Camosun for Portland ' rpl&g atlcnd- Names. age3 where he will attend a conven-j2Tf and addresses should be I tic of the Western Forestry I itL' forwarded promptly in I Association. writing either to Secretary, Wo Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged tor a full month at 25 cents a word. Another Rotary ticket will do three things give you a chance to win a car, give you ticket to Grand Rotary Dance, help the hospital children's ward. Get one today. (289) St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. li. Catholic Card Party, School Hall. December 11, 8 p.m. Moose Christmas Tree Saturday December 13. S.O.N. Christmas Dance, Mr3. , .v. ' - dIa.1. j el t , . cal business, sailed by the Camo-, """ "u orcnesira. t.vcijruuc welcome. iicKets at door. Civic Centre. Dec. 26. 9:30 S.O.N. Christmas Tree, fellows' Hall, Dec. 30, 2 Refreshments and entertain-1 v ment. jj Bosun Inn, 909 First Avenue v West, Black 959. Fine food, ta- g males, chill, barbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small v parties. Open all night. Orders j 5 I to take out. 15-JewcI Watches from 12.50 up 1, 2 and 3-Strand Pearls from 3.75 up Musical Jewel and Powder Boxes 8.75 Cigaret Cases and Compacts 4.00 up Earrings and Pins from 1.00 up (2) MAKE A DATE . . . To see our new selection of BLOUSES JERSEY AND COKDtlKOY Housecoats REGENT SIREN KNITTING WOOL Rose Marx Brassieres - Lingeries IRISH LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS AND LUNCHEON SETS IDEAL GIFTS FOR THIS CHRISTMAS ItOSil-LeC LadieSlFear (279) BURNS LAKE NURSE LEAVES Miss Doris Allin Honored Prior to Departure Odd- g to 5. j? POOR RELATION A cyclone generally travels at the rate of 20 miles an hour or more, while its tropical cousin, the hurricane, sometimes at tains the velocity of 100 miles an hour. LONDON, ffii A school of young porpoises recently ven- as trie city area before turning i seaward. Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come in and see samples WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Everyone here last week. lit was attended b friends from all parts of the Lakes district. An attractive purse, donated by Dr. T. C. Holmes, was presented to her jointly by Matthew E. Nourse and Mrs. D. M. Oerow. It con- DURNS LAKE; Miss Doris O tained a substantial check, the member ' e district Welfare Clubs Allin, a of the nursing fctaff of the Burns Lake Hospi-! contributions from many tal since 1942 and matron of the i other sources-institution since 1945, has re- Mrs. Andrew Brown has been signed because of ill-health, and I acting matron during Miss Al-plans to leave in the near fut-1 lin's Illness, and will accompany ure to" return to ner home at I her east as far as Jasper. Two Brantford, Ontario. , experienced nurses are expected A farewell party was held in j to arrive shortly from New West-her honor at the community hall , minster. Les Florence, Ketchikan chain store manager, and Mrs. Flor? ence were passengers aboard the Camosun yesterday going through for a trip to Seattle. ft . . 5 loves uppers Delight your FAVORITE . with the most adorable slippers this side of the North Pole. All styles to please all ages. Select slipper gifts here now. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C COME IN AND LOOK AROUND . . . COMPARE OUR PRICES AND QUALITY! GIFT WRAPPING FREE SERVICE No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from 30.00 and up T STILL OFFER YOU A THREE TO FIVE-DAY SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE JEWELLERY REPAIRS AND ENGRAVING ' ' ' ' i M ANSON'S w"ers aid ptr etrists bincere, rnendly oervice MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION V V V it r. V V V V V V Etf Amy ib. m ' jj 1 1 Prince Rupert )aflr Ji3efi, Monday, December 8, 1947 Wallets and Secretaries 1 Many styles, made from imported Morocco, Pigskin and Calfskin $5.00 to $10.00 Cigarette Cases Exclusive new design imported leathers $6.00 ' in fit WE KNOW HE CHOOSES HICK o m when he buys fine quality leather goods So you- can't go wrong if it bears the Ilickok label. SELECT HIS GIFT TODAY Here arc some suggestions . . liclts v In many types of leather, tongue or Initial buckle $1.00 to $3.00 H races In leather, plastic; and elastic fabric $1.00 lo $2.50 Boxed if desired at no extra cost PRACTICAL GIFTS . . . are always acceptable FOR HIM Power and Carpenter Tools, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods. 1 FOR HER Lamps, Dishes, Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons, Toasters, ;i Mixers, Pyrex Ware. FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Ice Skates, Skis and equipment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, Wagons, Bicycles and Kiddie Cars. "SHOP EARLY" Miilrlde M., 1'lione 311 SI I' m I l t i If you want your kitchen remodelled, we build your 1 CUPBOARDS in our shop, ready for installation. Or if you want your FLOOR SANDED Call BLUE 610 We also have a good selection of furniture made in our shop, such as Cabinets, Book-Cases, Tables, Magazine Racks, Drying Racks, Rocking Horses and Doll Cradles in three sizes. SEE OUR DISPLAY ROOM IN BUOOKSBANK BLDG., THIRD Ave. Open 2-5 P.M. THIS WEEK CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Arden Evening In Paris . Adriennc Max Factor Yard ley Peggy Sage Cutex Tangee Bachelor WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OB" OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT SETS. Wc will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' A GIFT OF FISH... I I: K K 1 X s- l K H H K H K X K ! 'ft' f ti II 1 n K t Your friends will appreciate as a Christmas Gift g a ten-pound carton of our Famous TLB. Brand of ASSORTED SMOKED FISH Shipped Express Prepaid in B.C., ALBERTA, MANfrOBA.S. SASKATCHEWAN OR ONTARIO for $3.75 "S Send your orders to the Bacon Fisheries PRINCE RUPERT,- B.C. For Prince Rupert Seafood Products it nr tt A en tit PP vrvfTO DTMTT? G PAPT.V 5 2tt,ttSi2,.?23'tt3tt r a 1 1