1 1 it in i 1 1: If s 4 jtouv: il ..." .; 1 I i I. u - ltmcc Uupcrt Dailp fSctos to. Tuesday. October 28. 1947 1 ... Published every arternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) SUBSCRIPTION RATES. City Carrier, per week.. 13c; Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, 17.00; By Mall. Per Month, 40c; Per Tear. 4.00. DeGaulle to Rescue POSSIBLY WHAT BEARS the earmarks of being a spectacular rise to political power of France's war hero, General Charles DeGaulTe, ma bring to the great republic that governmental stability and steadfastness which it has lacked so many years, the antithesis of which treachery, intrigue and chicanery in high places brought disaster ami disgrace to the nation1 in 1946. Signs aire not lacking that the French people may be turning from a political impasse and the threat of communism to a1 saviour in DeGaulle' who may have his dictatorial tendencies and may have his rightist leanings but whose integrity as a true Frenchman can never be questioned. As he was steadfast in his country's darkest hours, when all seemed lost, who knows but that De Gatille may guide his beloved nation back to unity and glory which it has been so- long denied by its own leaders in whom trust was so often .yongfuliy placed? THE BRIGGS ADVENTURE THERE JS SOMETHING SAD about the failure I of the Briggs Steamship Co. to realize the ol , . , .jecfive which it so bravely set about achieving last spring namely" the development of a new trading route through the port of Prince Rupert between southeastern Alaska and the Middle West, niore particularly the twin cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Possibly we may consider the case of Phillip Briggs as that of a pioneer who was unable to reach the end of the trail. The possibility is still there and it will be developer! to' a! successful fruition some day, the' obstacles and the influences in its Way notwithstanding. Prince Rupert, still has all the a'dv'anfa'ges it ever had as far as being a, trading port and shipping avenue for Alaska is concerned. The' Alaska people' are in favor of us even thbu'gh they are- not as yet organized to take advantage of what we have to offer. There are lessons to be learned from the ex periences ttf date of the Briggs Steamship Co. Thlir plan is not impracticable and can' still be' worked out. This is. a natural channel which only needs-further clearing. COMMUNITY PLANNING A GREAT BUILDING PROGRAM now going on in Canada' is rapidly changing the appearance of iriany communities. Looking around many towns one can already see transformations and fihey are progressing at a surprising rate. But what will be the quality of some of these' neighborhoods and towns fen years hence? Are district being buil't that will enhance1 and itnpr'ove the community as the years go on?' Or, are future slum areas being built? There may be no such problem in' Prince- Rupert yet but We might give more than a passing" thought to the kind of community we need and want. ( ' Community planning is a technique little used vin Canada1. It is affected by legislation at the' local, provincial and national, levels. In order' t6 be effective, it rewires a wide appreciation of the nature of town planning, the co-operation of all citizens, and a pervading spirit of initiative.- In the past, there has been rapid building, but little planning. We need no book to show us the visible results of that Way of building. The fa-ihiliar sights we see in travelling about the countrysqualid housing areas, dangerously congested iramc,- new developments Without adequate fa cilities are lessons enough for any citizert with his eyes often. To make a community a' better place' in which to live and make a living is a- problem urgently facing every larger' centre and even the smallest community must face' the' future and plan so" that today's activities do not hamper tomorrow's de- velopment. PRINCE RUPRRT I YEARS ACO j . (Odtobcr 2i, 1912 Trie ' members of the Prince' Rupert Rowing Club were planning to give a Perriot Concer't, "Our, ( Miss Glbhs," at an early-date. Vancouver boxing fans were anxious to stag a match between Jc Bayley of Victoria, and Ernie Barrieau of Vahcou-ver. Such' a match they said', would, be the most interesting boxing tfontest ever" staged ln the pirovine'e. H F Knclief, a promlnerit minlh'g'e nglneer who has. been' at? Stewart in the' interests of Sir Dbriald' Manrr, was vlsltig In the city with' Major ' George F. Gibson. (Oc fetter 2ff, l'922)' The Northern Llauor Cci. charged with unlawfully selling two bottles of gin ln July, wi fined $1,060' and costs aftef pleading guilty through its counsel, Williams and Gonzales1. Charges against Peter Black and Fred Dubord and against Ben Self and Frank Steven? were read artd the' cases ad journed. Ball' was set at $2,000' In the former cases and1 at $l'00- ror the latter?. .Canada could easily absorb"1 ,300,000 new settlers per year and" with the outlook at present not very favorable for general investment of- British capital in Tmmtn industries, he Domin- ' ' VANCOUVER DELEGATE HOME FROM WORLD FESTIVAL-Letitia InheS, of Los" Angeles, Calif and Homer Stevens, of Vancouver, B.C., who1 attended the world festival of democratic youth" m Prague-, Czechoslovakia, are shown as they returned on the &.S-. Radnik. The Radnik is the first Yugoslav ship to dock in' Jersey City, N.J., since the war. One member of the U.S. delegation to the festival charged that it was Communist dominated arid that she was detained for two huors by Czech authorities when she made a' complaint. Canada Faces Need far Planning (Continued from Page Oner who complain about prices to- day and voted the Liberals In in 1945 have nothing to complain about. They are getting exactly what they voted for. For once, a uoerai government is lullll- ling its promise to the electors." Canada has brought-In almost and "Prince Rupert Is the logl-Mr. Coldwell said that, ac- 7,000,000 Immigrants, while duf-' ' Cal outlet " lie lauded the ef-cordihg to official figures, the ing the same time, more than forts of II O Archibald M P Seheral price Index has rin 14 ,6,500,000 people, "many ti young for Skeena, or, nis efforts to ' .uCeAUg j ? a1d high intellectual and vocational have the Peace River outlet F.iu.v 20 per cent above that level. , j IT MIGHT HAVE HAI'PKNEII HERE The United States, where prices are even higher, is an example of what would have , Iorm 01 1He-happened here had the Con-; SHOULD ADMIT servative policy of immediate DISPLACED PERSONS" de-control been effected lm coldwell declared Iff a duty Canada, he said. He contrasted 0f this country to give refuge to that with levels In Britain, New displaced persons of Europe so Zealand and Australia, where that they mfgh". ue given the Increase during the same period opportunity of fuller and freer had been only from one to three nfe. Such would be merely con-Per cent- tinuatlon of traditional British "True, in Britain there is not policy to provide haven where much, but Britons share equal- people might think, speak and ly of what there lst while in write without fear. Canada there is abundance an Tne alms of the c c r t that Is poorly distributed be-; are the same now as th were ca.vp,roi . when U was founded ln 193. "That kind of thing is u bound a Mr Coldwelj asserted. It is a to brlng its own Nemesis and we of party farmeM and workers are approaching a period ofwhlch does not belleve 1tnat chaos If It continues. It is not our great resources should be Communism that need to be we by tne few tQ the e ,oU. afraid of but of chaos and econ-1 atlon of the man bmlc discontent that is the breeding ground of Communism." Mr1. Coldwell paid tribute tq the Labor government of Bri- .JS?. h JifJL yet lead the world along the path of peaceful evolution,! inthe nations of the great, extremes together to a goal of peace. He agreeo that war was neither Imminent or Inevitable. It was certainly not Imminent when the United States, possessed of 54 per cent of the world's Industrial potential, did not want war and Russia, having j only eight to 10 per cent of the world's industrial potential was Incapable of waging war. "In spite of all its difficuties, and ot the past negligences of i profit-seeking interests, Great Britain, which has a peoples' government, will yet lead the world on the path of peaceful ev61utf6n'," he asserted. Mr. Coldwell advbeated a plan ned prbgram of populating the country1 with the aid of lmml- grants, coupled with the . de km- should give earnes attention fo' tccuT'in'? thefe settlers," said Itori. T. G. Patfulio, provincial Minister ci Dands on his 'return from' England, J. Redforrf, a stowaway on the steamer Prince George on her sbiithlbound voyage, wai taken from- the ship at Ocean Falls. He was (fled before Magistrate Hill I and sentenced to 10 days In Jail velopment of- a way of life that would make young Canadians' want to remain- In- their home-! land, instead of emigrating to the United States. since Confederation-, he said. aainmenis nave gone w me "United States. f "We need an Immigration pol-. icy based on the needs of the touIlirJr' ana inen P1 Be our PPuia"OI a sausiymg j "Our aim Is to change the economic orce-,, not only for the benefit of this generation, but for generations which are yet to be born in this demo- cratlc ,and; Mr. Coldwell denied that he EXTRA FINE 5READ! QUICK HELP WITH FULL-STRENGTH FRESH YEAb, Watch Fle!schmarin5"cV fresh Yeast go right to work help give your breatf more delectable flavor, finer, smoother texture every time. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, be sure to get Flcischmann's yeast for Reminiscences By w.J. snd Reflections Over the 'phone last week, came a question that seemed, at first, easy enough, to answer, But If wasn't. In fact the cor-; rect reply has not ye been efts- covered. Some folks know of It, of course, but no contact, has yet been made. The query was Just trite: "Can l you tell, please, how Cow Bay i got its name? The more one thought it over, the more he became dense, foggy and generally all confused. It was enough to cau? a feeling of disappointment If not dismay. After an acquaintance of nearly forty years with Cow Bay picturesque retreat down by the sea shore it was distressing to have to admit that how the name orlglrfafetl could not be revealed because i of simple ignorance. What about livestock? How about cbws- and herfens and bulls not be said there has been a and buffalo and pastures and filling l. And there is no bay, munching of hay nd feed all such as wis in the minds of the snug In the bam? There was hopeful pioneers, nothing whatever-no link inj But there has become estab-any way. connecting bay and , ifched a handy and progressive had ever been offered the i leadership of the Liberal par ty. That was something that , only a national convention could do: He declared that the i question that was put to him 1 in iJilo prior f" fhe general election1 wds whether or not he would agree to join a coalition government of Liberals and .C.C.F. with (he under standing 6f succession to premiership on the retirement of Mr. King. This- had been based on the event of the Liberal party not winning enough seats in the electWn to command a majority. However, Coldwell had rejecieu t:ie proposition as "my services were not for sale." He declared that development of the Peace River country re- r,nrrH i , m .k ,.. aDtiroved hv th envpmrtient. Nir. Coldwell, who has been in ; the Peace River country, assert ed that that district was lone overdue an outlet to the Pacific coast. In the intelligent devel- bpment of the west sneh a pro ject was a necessity. j REMOVE CAUSE OF WAR U. N. TASK Touching oh International affairs, Mr. Coldwell urged sup- port of the United Nations ef- j forts to remove the cause of I war by guafanleeing free and ! abundant life for all men rath- j er than setting up armed forces j to combat war. With Mr. Coldwell on the' platform were Mr. , Archibald, William Brett, M.L.A. for Prince Rupert, and George Hills, pre- ' sident of the Prince Rupert C.C. F. club. August Wallin. nresl-' dent of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council, was chairman. Adds To relieve miser. V; les, rub throat chest and back with comforting fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow fabef. Dependable Canada's favorite more than 70 years. bossy to the point that memory would be refreshed to the objes- tlve would be gained. a cow fell ffom the C.N.R. dock Into the harbor, once, swam aiong th grade until hauled ashore. But that was too . do wtth present cirenmsfances. Cm- Uafy rs ftgured' in wafer-tttfti rrtetoiy. It has been the subject of debate on many a local platform. Cow Bay has berfn mentioned in politics. Tfcere have been, argument by word of mouth and" in print as to" the sflSvisabillty of converting the space into a sort of Inner harbor. Government estimates said grufily "Prohibitive Cost." Advoeats of fnilng It In were eloquent ami perintslve. And so, the years rolled along and by and by a sort of compromise t n-nvi nt. it ran boat building and repair centre, It's been a tfosy summer with I'many a first etas example ot killed work. And that, .good friends, provided, work and" wanes However, all this docs not dls-1 rlo;;e hw Ow Buy not its name tMTK(LU2t ' ; ri w ! A Su. j " vh.t's the Canadian way of 1?'' asked the Old timer, rhe- toricaliy, this morning, as he leaneJ over the fence. "Did you ever stop to try to define it? "Well, to me, iVs a system of things that gives everybody an opportunity or doing' pretty much what he wants to do, within the operation of certain natural laws. Tha,t is to say, it gives every man the chance of living reasonably well and getting ahead if he is prepared to work hard for what he wantsr Of course, there are always the sick and the handicapped, and the system provides for them too, perhaps not as well as it should but certainly a lot better than in the past, and as well or better than irt' any other country. But for most people, it is a land of unlimited opportunity.. f borne make more ot opportunities than others,-of course. You ant level everything down to one common plane. One man is more ambitious than another. One man is more Jaring than another. One . man is more industrious and thrifty than another. But the opportunity is there for everyone, to, reach the level of success on whicR Kc has set his aim. "Socialism and Communism and other isms of the kind aren't new. They have been tried over and ovef again in the world's histotyi- and never once have they provided as high a standard of! living fof all the pcoplc'-as our Canadian system has. "Even beyond that', we' are only beginning to learn how much of liberty, health and happineis an flow from our way of lire. All the time, the benefits of our system are getting better distributed, making for a still higher, general standard of living. Our system has been growing, changing, as we have learned tilings. It still isn't in full flower. "It has faults, but for me, I'll still take it over arty Utopia the thcomts an dream up." (The iewi of the OIJ Timer art fntseniei iwtto m this rUu:fter unJer tfie ijwmor-1)111 o the BriVivi Cotumfcirf Fedeiatuni oj Tri !r anil Jmluitrvi. ffw ) To Wartime Housing PUT2rA We ..-.v have somHl.inr ouiiiriuinr in. u r"1QieriJ tmm I On your new hoirfe arid futmu ay n providing wD. e nave a plan to meet .n ." IU" Prol jour nctrij d5' DoNotDrfnvt c 11-V H ELGERSOH It 1 or visit our nrn. I BAPCO floor ENAI and DAPL-ART PR0CF woodwork, and dries with 1!? DODUlar colors anrf l rj., .. ' H u Bid, --u,H,WanonwjaLltlh THOMPSON HARDWARE CO rno.NK lot Moving, Pickfnrf, Crating'. Shlppln and Generat Cartage and Stora( For CompTeCe, RelYafile and EfflcWnt Service. Call Lmdsay's Cartage' & Storage Ltd. C'of. 2nd And Pafk Avenue Established. 1910 Ph'onV,- KlT hf V 1 Business and Hrofessioh DR. P.-J.- GIIBNBY DENTIST AMbxfficvg Tlit' OPENINC? 6F HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISfft' IN SUltE 5. SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 ' J, P, MOLLKR P'lfCTN'E- BLUE 15-5 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AtffJ PAlNflNG m A Rife a(;iUra)S0N!HAN!2iS raft) ion Prl GRADUATE NURSE Dealer for Spencer Style and SURGICAt. SUPPORTS INDI-VlbUALLV DESIGNED FOR OOMFORT and FIOURE PROBLEMS. For appointments please Phone, Res. Red 240. HELEN'S ! BEAUTY SHOP ! Permanent Waving B'eaiity "Curtilr'e in , all fts lirahcKe. l'2b(j' 4tlV Street Phohe 655 ' HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE ! GENERAL CONTRACTORS Uull'dlng and Repairs 6f oil Iclnds. Roofs, Chimneys and,Oil Burner's. PHO'NF: Green 488 Red 894 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUW 93'9 M, SAfjNLHORS co'n'cr'et'e sidewalks basements You hoifsd and1 yourself fully insured wnll'e' i do' the ttork. : j I PhrtiVe'Blaci; 623 H. J. LUND ! tftH-A.fiLltffllS. LTD. PlWmbl'ng and frtitlrtf Engineers" - i 'hone 174 PO Box "1 Public Aefctfunt'ant,- Audbr",- etc. ine'om Tax Returns- Compiled. Besner Block- Phone 387 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND P'APERAKGfG' UI 4th East Pliohe' Black! 4!$' ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER , Baggage - Freighf - Express Pftbnff BliVtf 269'- 3rf.Sh St I NlghtJ Calls' Gfeerf 88? I I " " trW'CURCr:X8SlFIED'ADS- 1 t Or tiie i weddi.vc mi Chandler I 4t: El:- ; p. , Due to unforad ; stances 1 will i Pruice Rupert on t i October, for two ic i my arrival tart. It tacted at Blact it StflPHKX Ef. 1 PIANO TECE ' PHlNCERt: BOTTLE fOIJ ! and MESSES fflONIRD : A?.nt for Pacific 8s: FRIES MESSENGER 34-Hour Smi TELEPHO.V! Cffil A3 NIPS 1(371 Grusowi i ROBERT BOTTLE Bll & TRAHSFl DAY AND Kl Cal; Biack -1 P. N. Kilburn BERTS TRA5 AND MESSt Coal -Woof LumWr - Freight - Phone Btoj Nht Calls-Cf Prince W' PRINCE RUPERT A. K. LOf Wedding Bouquets Designs fl)tr Large selecfl1 MODERATE f-Prompt attention BoX 516 Phoned JONES NEWS Rnstern and Wf5"' subscriptio113 Sixth j3treet JOHN AOS' CARPENT PHONE Bflj' DHSIGNIN0'1?; COMBAT0, A'. p'. Crawley WIS