4 prince Hupcrt Daily J3etos Tuesday, October 28, 1&47 Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds; 2c par word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Notices. 50c: Cards wf Thanks, Death Notices, funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: (2. IN MEMORIAM JOHNSON Jn loving memory of our dear; brother, Sterling Johnson who passed away Oct. 26, 1946. One year has passed dear . .. brother Since you were called away, How well do we remember that sad and weary day. You suffered much, you murmured not ,, , We watched you day by day. We cried and prayed, that your dear life would not be taken away But God knew best, and took you home to rest. (Sadly missed by your loving six sisters, two brothers, your mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson. CARD OF THANfcS We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our friends in Terrace for their kindness in our time of trouble. We extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation i for the many acts of kindness "and sympathy. To all those! who gave so generously of their time and effort, to those ... who donated money, household goods, fruit etc. To those " who offered- shelter and sent ""gifts to Roy in hospital. To the doctors and nurses, and the clergy,- and to all who helped in any way, we again say '"Thank you!" Frank and Gladys Clifford, ' Roy and Teddie. W0R2 WASTED iviiuiAL,-as;eu woman win iuur. after children evenings. Phone - Green 5S8. (tf) EMPLOYMENT WANTED Young man seven years business and bookkeeping experi- - .tablished firm. Phone Blue 562. (253) 1 FOR SENT FOR RENT Seven room house on Seventh Avenue. Phone ii.Tted 968. (256) I i FOR RENT 3 room furnished I suite. 1028 2nd Ave.. Blue 270. (252) .FOR RENT Heated offices and heated warehouse space, centrally located on waterfront. For full particulars apply1 Or r. phone H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (256) FOR RENT Furnished room lor two working girls sharing. -Use of kitchen. Close to bus Yt "Jstop. 913 10th Ave. East. (252) ' "FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment, and one sleeping rruim R01 Pmifn C-fresf FOR RENT Furnished room, ' clean and attractive, in private home. Phone Green 697. (253) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Furnished ; 3 or 4 room house or apart-5 ment, couple with one child. Phone Mrs. Hampton, Prime . Rupert Hotel. (257) PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a positive and perman-. ent release from drinking. It is a personal and confidential .service rendered without cost or Inconvenience by other alcoholics who have found free-. . dqm from alcohol. Prince Rupert, Box 276, Dally News, (tf) A SANDED FLOOR makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient job with modern equipment. Greer and Brid-den have the latent in floor sanders': and guarantee the best service, Phone Red 561. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST During Central Hotel fire, male "police dog pup, answers to name of Tlmmy, has collar on. Anyone with infor-- matlon concerning dog, please phone Blue 829. (253) TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of dwelling property No. 327 5th Avenue East, City. Tenders to be submitted on or before Saturday noon, Nevember 1, 1947 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. P. TINKER & CO. LTD. BESNEK BLOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE Dinette suite. rusH 7x9, Occasional chair. 1512 6th Ave. East. Phone Green 336. (257) FOR SALE Lady's Coney Fur Coat. Red 807. (257) FOR SALE Kitchen range with wick burner; kitchen cupboard. Green 290. (252) FOR SALE Dinette, buffet, table and four chairs. $90.00. 1840 7th Ave. East. (256) FOR SALE Winter potatoes, delivery $3.50 per lOOlbs, cash with order. D. Tumilson, Ter- race, B.C. (253) FOR SALE General Electric six-tube radio, with attached record player. Phone Blue 983. (251 FOR SALE New and Used Furniture for Household, Offices. Hardware and Musical Instruments, etc. Slightly used Radios, battery and eleetric sets, from $20; used kitchen Chairs, $1; Hassocks, $150; Chesterfieia Bed, $32; new double electric Hot Plate with . -j at. i r -i : cord, $7; unpainted Medicine Chests, $2.75; unpainted Book Cases and Chests of Drawers, Everything redueed. Come and look them over. B.C. FURNI-NITURE CO.. Black 324. FOR SALE Flooring and 2x10. Phone Green 658. (256) FOR SALE Olrl s bicycle. Green 937. (255) FOR SALE Good used lumber. 2x4, 2x6 and 1x8 shiplap. Can be seen at the main highway at Telegraph Point. There are approximately "7,000 ft. all for $175.00. Apply W. Walsh, Telegraph Point, B.C. (252) for nAT.K i94f rhvrnVt f, Han r crnnH mnrHHrm Annlv 537 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE 1936 Buick sedan; 5 good tires, overhauled this summer; running well. $350 cash. E. S. Laird, Terrace. B.C. (252) FOR SALE 621 Fulton Street. formerly knrwn as Norfolk Rooms and Japanese Association Building, consists of large builring with two suites .ground floor and hall above, also cottage at rear. $3,500. H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. (257) FOR SALE 6 room house with 3 room suite, close to McBride. completely renovated. Immediate occupancy. $2,000 down will handle, balance on easy terms. Also: 2 4-room houses -2 3-room houses 1 exceptionally handsome home, nearly new, 5 rooms plus rumpus room. See Armstrong Agencies, 307 3rd Avenue West. (257) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National I Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARIJ $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Tablf. meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) METAL WORK WHY put up with a smoky fur nace or leaking eavestrough. Call Black 884, New installations. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, t anks, eives-troughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf) WATER AS WEAPON The most famous instances : of water as a weaDon are Blbll- ical: Noah the flood; Joshua I the Jordan; and Moses the , Red Sea. PRINCE ItUPERT, B.C. (255) THE MARKETS CRANBERRIES, SWEET SPUDS. (AVAILABLE NOW Eastern cranberries have made their appearance on local markets, selling at 49 cents a pound, a sure sign of approaching winter and source of appetizing jellies and sauces foT Christmas fare. Sweet potatoes, also an important product, ate available at two pounds for a quarter. Produce of the southern states, they will be in season throughout the winter and early spring. Spanish onions, those lars and fasty bulbs which are often eaten surreptitiously in the raw. although this sort of secret munching can fool ho one. aff in good supply and enjcy a popular sale. They are selling at about two pot:r.ds for a quarter iri most stores. In addition to there Jeter arrivals, the regular fll -cgstable crop' still creates an abundance on market shelves. Pumpkin, symbol 0f Hallow e'en, squash; vegetable marrow and other such vine vegetables are adding their variety to family tables. Prevalence of seme vegetables . .... has resulted in a droo - m tnir nrict in the caw cf carrots, which, are down about three cents to four pounds for a quarter an head lettuce, which new retails at two heads for 29 cents as against 18 cents a pound last week; VffretaMes Cranberries. Ib .49 Sweet Potatoe. 2 lb 5 Hubbard Squash, lb I m Daftich Squash, lb 09 Spanish Onions. 2 ib 22 ureen Peppers. Eb .19 Vegetable f arrow, lb 07 Pumpkin, lb 07 Citron, lb m TENDERS TENDERS will be receivM Z I the Massett Co-operative As-! sociation for mirchasp nf tnBi f oDowing trucks at Massett ! B.C.; closing date Nov 15 ' 1947. FARGO, 3 tons. 19S" wn stake-body, 1947 Model, used two months, condition as new. Equipped with 2 speed rear axle, reinfnrrprt form 'T 10"xir 6". Platform may be purchased with truck or separately. FARGO, 2Y2 ton, stake-body, 1942 Model, completely overhauled, 1st class condition, good tires. Equipped with reinforced frame, two speed rear axle, platform 6 6"xl6 with truck only. Submit tenders to the Mas-1 set Co-operative Association, co Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assn., P.O. Box 264, Prince Rupert, B.C. Highest or" any tender not necessarily accepted. Addl- tional information may be had from either of the above named- (tf) GREER & BUILDERS AND I Cauliflower, ea. . , .39 Leeks, bunch ... .09 Parsnip, 3 lb.' .19 Turnips, lb .07 Mushrooms, lb. .63 B'els, 6 lb. .25 Lettuce. 2 for' .29 Celery. 21b .25 Garlic, lb. .... - 491 Cabbage, new, lb". Calif. Carrots, 4 lb. Sugar White, lb. Golden Yellow, lb. .1,1 Ffesh Milk Quart Pint i..; Cream, te-Pint - .15 - - r.ses Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz. .62 Medium, doz. j. .57 Fish Halibut, b . .3J Salmon, lb .35 Cod !b : .25 Black-Cod, smoked.lb. .38 Smoked Kippers, lb. .22 Btrtter First Grade, K). .......; .69 Milk Evaporated Milk, 16-oz. tins, 2 for .27 FIOTff Pastry Flour, 7 lbs. 57 Flour m No. 1 hard wheat.. 2.53. Second Patent - 2 33 1 f ira ana police I DeLme (Juality, lb j f Coffee, lb .55 i Canned Fruits Aprfeets, 20 Oz. .33 Cherries (fancy) 20 02. ' .37 t .msanoernes, 0z Pears .... J'. Juices Tomatoes, 20 02. 2 f or j... 40 02; gallon , Apples, -20 02., tin M oz. .35 orange, 20 oz 17 .19 BTerided (orange and grape fruit) 20 oz 19 48 oz .'. 43 Canned Vegetables Dill Pickles, gal 1.49 Cut Green Beans, fey. each .20 No. 3 Peas, fey jn Mixed Vegetables - 19 Dlced Beets-tin 14 Fruit tomatoes (hothouse) 1 lb. .30 PPles- cooking 3 lb. . 5 lFancy Apples. 3 lbs 32 1 Grafruit. Calif., 4 for .29 1 ions, a .49 "Trill' li "J Oranges, medium, 2 doz. .... Crabapples. 3 lb 2f Grapes, Tokay, 2 lb. rapeS' seedIess. lb 25 Dates. California, lb .29 Anjou Pears, 2 lb 25 Pomegranate, each .15 Lard 4 rure, id 3(1 Shortening 1 ,33 Soap, face. 2 for 'n Laundrv cake .lf-.n Sunlight. 2 for .19 Powdered, .63-.69 "SO TAXI, STEALS BUS BELFAST W Michael Dei-gen. 17. couldn't flnrt a tnvt e dance so he helned himir n a double-decker bus. He was fined nine pounds ($36) for the damage he caused when he ran into a light standard. BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 721 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 - 220 Sixth Street W Mm WW' JIM M r I i 1 1 1 PHARMACY LTD. Repairs - Construction Alterations Phone RED 561 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue I.1.1J JJ.U.l I IiT-jj r 1 ftf McCUTCHEON (E. C, Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 7J PRINCE 6E0R6E GIRL IS BRIDE 1 Miss LeHH Rfatttgh arid David .!eMeiri United ; - First ,, United Church Mans? losJwas the setting Saturday e-.23 j fr a Qul't weeding which united Leith U. Reaugh, daugh-10 ter of Mr. and Mrs. j. M". Reaush of Prince George, and David Stewart McMeekln, younger son l$ct Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M:- Me efcirt of this city. Rev. R. A. Wilson Officiated, The bride, who was given in marriage by Donald Arney, was lovely fn a dressmaker suit of powder WW with grey accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Mrs. J. M. Cearfcy, sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor. She wore at rose-colored dressmaker suit With black accessories and corsage 'of pink carnations. J. M. CearJey wal groomsman. A reception followed at the home of the bridegroom's par ents where the guests were ceived bv the Broom's mother, wearing a dress of flnnamcn btmtn wHw Mmf of brorue Chrysanthemums. Tne bride and groom received , , ., ... congratulations of the guests under a canopy of pink and white streamers, centred with a'cara P13?" 10 bgin arranging wedding bell. Toast to the bride was nro-i 1 'Dosed bv James Simmon and . r. : . ..was suuaoiy responaea 10 oy it. rti 4 , me groom. luasi to inc matron- fif-frfrn nr wa nffereW hv R Wlrlr and was responded to by the.??"? drop a hand- groomsman. of, P3?!"' sho5ld she he,P Delicious refreshments were , served from a beautifully ap-' pofnted table which was pre-i rr c.Ji nvit miu mioi a v. naiuitk. ? i tenrs were Mrs. T'. A. McMeekln, Mrs. Robert Parker. Mrs. J. M ! Currie, Mrs. L. Cromp, Miss K. Paul, Miss Turcotte. Miss San-; dhals and Miss Whiff en. Many beautiful gifts were on display, attesting the popularity of the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Mc'-Mfcetln win take up residence In Prince Rupert. 1 t x r t i-v UN A I I V XL. UttlLU PASSES AWAY Adeline Sankey, year-and-a-39 half old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sankey, of Port Simpson, died last night in , Prince Rupert General Hospital, Burial will take place at Fair- view Cemetery on Thursday. Phone Green 917 P. II. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! To Avoid MOOSE LADIES HOLD BANQUET - Prince Rupert Chapter, Women of the Moose, observed the annivarsery of the founding of Mooseheart, the Moose home for children in Illinois, with a banquet followed by a card party in the Civic Centre and Moose Temple Monday evening. The banquet, which was attended by 53 members, was held in the Civic Centre dining room and was presided over by Mrs. John Kaspar, graduate regent of the local chapter. Following the dinner, there were brief speeches by Mrs. Robert McCarthy and Mrs. Sam Hougan.. The gathering adjourned to the Moose Temple where the evening was spent in playing whist. Winners were Mrs. Alf red Ritchie, Mrs. Telseth and Mrs. Harry Home. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Isn't It poor form to your conversation with the namps nf nmminpnt nnnin you know or have contacted? A. Yes; this Is very egotist- leal and affected, it is amusing to well-bred people and never impressive. Q- "a't 11 improper for a ,ms eards before the entire nd has been. dealt? . A 1LI. t ics mis 11 cruae. a Diay- er shonlrf wait until pn-hnrftr " , , - .v.-, has been di'aJt his ntlr hanrf .V . 11 me employer 01 a gin nun pics mem up.' A. Certainly. Business etiquette does not extend all the little courtesies a girl has a Jrieht to expect In the social world. Q. Is "I know Miss Brown" the proper thing to say when being Introduced to her ,a second time? A. No; this sounds as if it were trouble to make a second acknowledgment Say. "Thank you, I have already had the pleasure of meeting Miss Brown." IDENTIFIED ELECTRON The electron, smallest unit of matter, was first identified In 1874 by aA Irishman, C. J. Stbney. TOO LATE TOO CLASSIFY WANTED Board and Room for young man in private home. Close to City Centre. Phone Blue 357. at) LINZEY 214 4th Street Inconvience Ve strongly recommend that our customers fill their coal bins as soon as possible, or at least order Avell in advance as there will be, unquestionably, a shortage of supply this winter. "CALL US OVLK THE COALS it is going to be a burning question." FOOTHILLS LUMP EGO NUT TELKWA LUMP PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Call 651 or 652 Coal Lumber Paints liuilding Supplies For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CUOP SDEY CHOW M E I N 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open S am. to 2 am. PHONE 17S VrrxirirTrxxit mr f P P D Radio tlal V I I IV 1240 Kilocyclei (Subject to change) TUESOAY-P.M. 4:00 Belle McEwen t15 Stock Rotations. 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Three-Mile Bend, Wpg. . 5:00 Music in a MeHow Mood 5:30 Platter Parade G: 00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Tommy Dorsey's Orch. 6:45 Recorded Interlude 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CDC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Tuesday Evnlng Recital Wpg. 9:15 Mainly About Music 9:30 Design for Lfctenlnf NSC 10:00-CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Neighborly New 10:30 Pacific Pianororte 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical ClocK 8:00 CBC News Terrace FOR PROMPT SERVICE See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALE ChetTolet Pontlac Bnlck Oldsmobile Machine Hork A Specialty Terrace Machine Shop & Gar TERRACE B.C. Phil's Cafe Lakelse Attmue BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DIM AND BANQUETS Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries Quick and Coartroufr Proprietor, Phil Tetrad LITTLE, HAUGLAND & Lumber Manufacturers Roneh and Dreed Lumber TBKKAtb mi Agents For Interiiilional Harvester Co. rirestone Tire & Rnbbf f C Pbilco Radios WlHard Batteries TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box l6t Terrace Furs of Quality, Style and Distinct)' Priced to suit all Budgets SEE THEM AT Fowlie & Rttl THIRD AVENUE Coney Coats fV"" 0tliU". liroun Electric Seal ,a .( " riankCo'1 Coats 91.-W-00 Mf C(i, Mnskr.tB.rt Mouton Coats ir,0.00 0 A generous valuation jven old fur coat In trade for new Budget terms available-No Interest Remember ... for QUALITY. STVLE wj W FOWLIE & RUTTLE Third Avenjie Ortnes D Drugs"" The Pioneer PRESCRIPTION CHEMIT PHONE HI REMEMBER . . V 1 . l1-' ill !0:43 r?TH 3 11:00-tf 12:1.1 run . , " Vi"- news 1 itS?41 i-45-Commentarj. Are They Not z 31- -Men and Maj, Wfint t... SDNEY. AustraU, , the 19947-48 wort-K j from last mmth mas, 1.400,000 baleir;' ied for PubUe auctte,; ; lia- Last year l were offered. Ch;T. m CMC. Terrace. i SINGE Immediate deliver treadle and electn f mathines in Prinr I and distrit' sixS Scwinp Ma Phone 864 KiK