. V, t the rix bowwow ---- fiwn: v.. . mnT ' "I ,' t to Awnu west. ft-" fur;v.; ir.,vmce of ' . " . .-,tim the fn":.-i . iof from X ven 'i rL.'M the uauof " r.Lhiluttons xotf limited: BOtftiNC ' il-.Tl C JJRT or IU ....... IN PTt-i- ..j,, wjr;r .;r:si. DECEASED. m Order y hr AD. 1947. . ... AS -watt Of the W"- C-:r;.-i'n I " ' . Mia k?" re t..; ,la '" in? cJt which claims u- ... .i ........... itt ill r-1 rrm.T: , , -f lC-.il.ft 1 U1VU " ..debted to tM ; lir.d flu? of October, K. (Cipcn.- D C (28Tr I :pr.E".r2 ecu hit op M DPI" ATrfl tup tt- T Oh THIS IMIili.. " I t..J vhttf i IP Tj F FTATE i , .-rPI ' DECEASED JTICE thai Dy OrVr rf j lu- W O. Fulton. - . c inome Court f O: A D. 1947. ap At or the wne . ...... nf Drini.. TFll . l r. All rmrannt f-.? a c ;tate are re- - r err' nmt of their ( r : irtnwitn ami L.. liiis against arc rr:;ulrecl to file i (. ;)f NovemmT. t i cl!' trlbutlona ;; i rc. trd only to :! w..;jh I shall have r- " T. -pet I1C , this : A.D. 1947. ( Pr. ;er Forbet, t j Atoii.u.tratar. P. . r. .,.: ll.C. p'.E rnrjriE court of n r : te J.TTE ! OP THE ESTATE ;, r -. o OTHERWISE ! t&T Ll( HOliALDO OK intestate (. srr. ' .:nt by Ortlr of (J- WO Fultim, UxM :is Court of Brl- Wic' i ' f on the 22nd : AD 1547 appointed E-.l;ite of Ronal - t'Dwn a R'Miarlo r r late of Prince Br- . (. r.ibla, who died J -. .: ' . day of Beptem-the ::-i of Prince Ru- Vi i C '"rihln All nprnnnR 2 P-T th"t-Tjnt of tliclr c: forthwith and all ' rrf arm I net VB tutt arc rc .'jpd to file them ' v. pr.: j . -inpd on or be- -.a C i November. 1947. I C '.rljtmn will be t TT "- nnlv In e.iirVl tr '"--J aun have been J t Prln;? Rupert. B.C., thta 0c A n lo.T -OltDON PftASER FORBES gl ..' Admlnlntrator, i-r:n;e titiDcrt. B.C. BRITISH COLUMBIA A vj a iiiini C";wlgned Intends to ' anolv wquor control Board for a NX a hi n j premises Dcing Wut ; www ju -ouiiiBon A'fC' E . wiirsetf rMM ti. in52,?..uf.0? '"two Pan Bdfl n", " oeven ""tlBh Columhlo tn, oy th """ Lremptl0 on the premsles or ?H thi. . nn aay of October. HERALD ORAY Applicant. (275) INCOME" T A V prepared - See E. MOKTIMCI- 2KI Ave 11, SHORT SPORT ' There ha been1 considerable puzzlement and flfting of eyebrows since it tecame known tht unit of tfte R.CJV.F. would maKe up1 Canada's hockey team at trie Olympic this winter and thee wffiF be p'.ehf of coh-i feetuTe a to hyvf th service boys will fafe. lWonfreal Ilbyals, fA nan rms! oririiM mt of eoufie', the foglfeal1 choice lrt the first place but therf it turned iiif that the amateur Swats and a'riy number' Of simrtariy-d'esig natea teams across, carta a a wei'erft. J'ust amateur eAough tfnder Olympic standards. The perturbed anywa'y. Finally the . J -Li ... . caimnari Amateur Hockey as-oefatlrwlf wars tossed the hot no- tatoe that! hasn't ehtirely cool ed off with rramTng of the R.C. A.F. squad as Wearers of the (2G3) im rKUBATE ' I'lTTI .i nn . . R0LMAN DECEASED. r NOTICE that by Order of mot. Jnri-ci ur r t t the Supreme Court of Brl- 31 llmhln . . j wus on tne zna I UCtr.hni 1 n tntn . i . ... u lVnlt HppUlIlkt-U Prutor ot the Estate of Leo r oi rrince Rupert. Brl-Jiiimb;;. who died on or about F ay oi Au;;ust, 1947, at the - ... nupert British Col- . All run- i ... . . . . ... . ... r, luuu inaeDlea to tne & squired to pay the lutwicuiiroo w sue (l"h K" and al) persons having ' gainst the said Estate are r W file them with me tiro- rtled on or before the 30th pution win h i,Tio, ... " IUUUC V- Btlltf . lO.V.llf CUCh C'almS f WhlCh 1 K tfn . J, noilPd. R-D at PHn.n r ..... Pi 01 Octnhi.1- L n iui I GORDON FKA8ER TORBHES "inciai Admlnlrtrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Maple Leaf. LeSef-FbSti' Dry burgh came out flatly for no team at all if Canada! couWn't send" its best, and '.i,nrf the rjre!errt selection "thlrcT txit at best." Now along eofnes Eamef fMrtntreal Herald) Ferguson wdth the -suggestion fnat tfte situation be accepted and alT the cfttbbling halt forthwith1, tivti K mufsf not be forgotten that Fergy has never pulled any punches in blasting "the mass, or mess, of red tape a time verlKWr upon the rldicu (263) "'ERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" nr Ai.i.n : . ' . b.. -ri.in in urn n. i..a.w..i P'CE is HEREBY .vuu mvpw tt. Fergy thinkr. it's possible a good R.C-A.F. team will be as sembled1, although It will lack bie names, "but it will be ama teur1 within the strictest and most puritanical interpretation of that much-abused, misunderstood and maligned term. "The team wtll be composed, we're happy to say. of patriotic young men who will put duty to their country before the dollars they might pernaps make out of hockey, in major, minor or nKeudo-amateur circles. The team has all this to commend it. and perhaps this Is more 1m- portant in the broader viewpoint than technical hockey ability. "So, that being as it may. let s accept it. cease the quibbling over a situation which developed through rigorous adherence to out-moded amateur rules in a fashion which never existed before, forget that qonsense and get behind a team which doubtless will be a credit to the uniform- thev wear and to Canada, too, which will be quite as im portant as the glory of winning an Olympic title. MEN'S FIVE PIH "B" LEAGUE net 3l-Stones vs. Fish Dock, Thorncltffes vs. Moos. Army vs. Mutts. Maple eLafs vs. oaniuro. Co-op vs. Thorn S. M.. Grotto vs. Scotlans. Nov. 7-Army vs. caniisco. r-ti v Thrum SJVI., Co-op vs. Moose, ThorneliffeS vs. Scotians. Stones vs. Maple Leais, muus vs. Fish Dock. Nov. 14-Mutts vs. Thorn b.M.. Stones vs. Tliorncllffes, Maple t.rafs vs. Scotlans, Army vs. rtsn Dock. Grotto vs. Moose, Co-op vs. Canflsco. Nov 21 Thornclilfes vs. can f'sco, Army vs. Grotto, Stones vs. Thorn SM.. MuttS VS. HCOtiani. ?0-op vs. Fish Dock, Maple Leais 's. Moose. Nov. 28 Fish Dock vs. Sco- Mans. Maple Leafs vs. Thorn S. Mntt. v.s Moose. Co-op vs. ir'otto. Army vs. Thorncllff cs, 'tones vs. Canflsco. iklivered COP BOTTLED BIER FOURTEEN HOOP TEAMS LIKED UP ThTce Senior, Fouf Intermediate, Four Junior and Three Ladies Fourteen basketball teams witt enter league competition' in1 the Civic' Centre gymSasfum when the competitive schedule begins early in November and all' havff j been practicing dlligfr.tly dur-!ln.g the last few weeks unde? tutelage of various ecache aril managers. high promise from the fans point of View, the league schedules have not been laid out ye! Games will be held" on Tuesday and Saturday Alghts with threi sehfor. four infprmprflntA four Junior and three ladles teams taking part. The ladies, under present plans, will play on Tuesday nic hts only as fhey; did last jeaf. 1 1'h une 01 tne ongmest spots in ll! TIMBER SALE X42793 Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Forests at Victoria, B.C.. not later than 11 a.m. oA the 24th day of November, 1947, for the purchase of Licence X42793, to cut 3,775,000 f.b.m. of spruce, cedar, and hemlock, on an area situated on Mosquito Lake, Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. ., j Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Deputy Minuter. Victoria, B.C . or District Forester. iPce yrars prospedts w the fact -rVjeing has been nut on an organized basis With the founding of the Referees' Associ-aftdn, whfeh wilt put the standard of refereelng on a constsf- ant basis, thus avoiding mani( of the troubles that arose last season. Slated for the senior competition this season are threj teams Savoy, Browrrwoods and' Co-otx Savoy and Co-ot are carrying on from last year While Ti'rwnworris wis organized tn's year and is being coached by Alex Bill, so it should by off to a substantial start. In the Intermediate Jeagde. Morgan's, coached by Doc Mont-comtrv. is a new tpo,n and' fe- porti lhdfeate that it is coming along nicely. Syd V7oods,1deo Merchants are last years Gvroj Uiniors who topped the junior Jfague ard then moVed up to intermediate status. -Most of he nlavers hate Remained on the team although there are on cr two changes. Fashion Footwear and High School complete ih intermediate league. In the Junior roster, Sd Woodslde has brought up a new Gyro aggregation which will compete with 65 Taxf, coached fey Boyo Gurvkh, High School juhlbrs eoajhed by Jaclc fivati3 and William. Stone, coached oy Mel Thompson and Don In the ladies laeue there will be Sweet Sixteen, coached by vernon cieeone, Bo-Me-Hr. coached by Alan M. Hurst and" Peoples Stire, cached by Al Pootball Th Gertie. Say Aussie Women MELBOURNE, Australia, (TO iFOotbafl for1 womeW IS' gaining popularity nere where 7Z determined womert have' formed four : teams. ' Ma-fehes Were oi'IffinAll nlan- nea as a novelty to raise funds fOf a lnrnt rhnritv1 h. thr -am- J I " " - -..v. ' " mert have become so enthusias-1 tfc that they intend to take up soccer seriously. fn the initial mntrfipa hpfa'ppn' teams representing various districts of Melbourne, total casualties-were one set of cracked fibs", minor leg and hand sprains and .fuineff hair-do's. The football "glamor girls" wore jerseys given by football clubs or boy friends. Play was fasWand rought. What the girls lacked In tactics they made up by enthuiasm. Football for women has been criticized as "unladylike" but Beryl Simpson, captain of South Melborune girls' team, defends women's rights to take up the sport. As one of the first Australian Women to play cricket, she recalls the time when women were criticized for taking up- that game. Now, she says, when- teams are exchanged between the different Australian states and between England and Australia, cricket is recog-nizprl as a reeular women's spOrt just as swimming, athletics, gOtf i and tennis. Try a Classified Ad in The News Ideaf Deterceiits Slav fn Lead of Mixed 'B'" B'ouiirig League Althought defeated two to One by B.C. Padkers in week-end play, Ideal Detergents remained in first plade in the Mixed "B" Bowling League, One point ahead of Miss or Hits who took the Cougars for a clean sweep of three games to nil. Triple XXX won two games to one over Isl anders to take third place while Brownwoods crept into fourth place with a clean sweep over Catholic Youth Organization. Men's high scorer for the session was B. Scharff of Miss or Hits, 284, who also- had high three game honors, 74f. High larires' sinefe scOrer was O. Cam- ipaghOla Of Ideal' Detergents with' 236 while the top game score for the ladles wa-s 1 622 by B. Usich of triple X. High I single team score was 1144 by iM'iss or Hits and high- three, ! Triple X, 3,336. Individual scoring: Kitss OR irits H. Tfoungman 153 B. McChesney 174 B. Wlndle 98 D. Ifartwlg ..t 194 B. Matson 142 B. Scharff 214 Handicap ..." 68 Totals 1043 COUGARS E. Anderson . . . . . 164 W. Anderson' ......... 163 M. Scharff 185 p. Scharff l'8 Low Score 98 R. Anderson 160 Handicap 90 Totals 976 c. y. o. N. Stroindahl 194 T. Amnilio 41 F. Amadlo 199 M. Dolron 11 T niiWifm Ill Low Score 105 Handicap 47. Totals 721 BROWNWOODS K, Rell 105 M. Skalmerud 253 Dl Woods 119 E: Smith 1-8 J. Rell 211 LOW Score HI Handicap 54 Totals 10U ISLANDERS V. Duncan 90 J. Foster 85 H. Duncan 118 1? TVinrnrt 193 A. Boasr 95 B. Payne I9 Handicap I33 Totals 873 TTRIPLE X A. Mathesoh 151 147 159 178 139 109 94 253 158 173 184 284 243 08 68 1212 1045" 150 190 1 158 175 , 176 146 189 167! 1091 94 ; . 190 180 90 90 ' 1062 1042 268 228 111 47 120 122 111 7 155 200 118 102 47 47 883 775 118 102 207 151 MM 157 132. 186 176 248 120 122 54 54 969 1019 177 17S 167 108 198 205 150 165 139 116 168 182 133 133 1132' 1088 277 212 M, NNttv-t lift . M A. MacKenzie Furniture CHESTERFIELD SOttES (various designs) CEDAR CHESTS BEDROOM SUITES DINETTE sClf ES TABLE LAMPS LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Su LAY-AWAY FLOOR LAMPS END TABLES MAGAZINE TABLE (walnut). COFFEE TABLES (walnut). LIVING ROOM DESKS (solid mahogfany). LIVING ROOM TABLES' (Duncan Phyfe). COFFEE TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). MIRRORS Numerous designs, reflection' of beauty and taste. ORIENTAL CARPETS WILTON CARPfcTS AJtMlNSTER CARPETS. MAIL ORDERS HAVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert B. Usiclc 235 163 224 Eric Trumbell 189 181 188 E. Trumbell 127 68 138 S. Davidson 155 184 173 J. Thornton 183 145 198 Handicap 47 47 47 Totals 1087 1065 1178 IDEAL DETERGENTS R. Suden 148 E. Musyllem 200 H. Schmidt 132 D. Houston 228 O. Campagnola 236 LOW Score 78 ?andlcap otals K71 49 B.C. PA'cKER! ty. Balllle .'. 12 K. Paul 8 W. Glass ... W I'WM Gladi H'8 N. Mzuone 126 y. Turcot'tc" 14C- Haiidicap ......... roe-Totals 755 Trie standings to date: W L- Ideal Detergents ..14 4 Mlsff or Hits ....rS 5 Triple X 1.2 6' Brownwoods ...... 11 7 B.C: Pickers ...... 9 9 ,IIslanders 7 11 ' Cougar's 5 13" c y. o: 1 17 154 107 278 180 182" 166 181 204 174 130 82 151' 49 491 1100" 937 181 174 137 149 157 105 105 174 151 l'Ctf 149 106- ioer 948 991 Pts. API 19 17,649- 18 14'J2 n 17,883 15 16,773 ll" 15,340 8 15,450 6 16.535 2 1,4-41' MEN'S FIVE-PIN "A" LEAGUE p'.m".-B'uT'ns and Mc-Mee&lns; Brownwoods and' Continentals; Morgans and North' Star. 9' pii. -Revellers and Am-basadorS; Malkins'and Mart-sons; Kilowatts afid Home Oil. Cbntlnentah-, Malkins and' Revellers; Mansons and' Ambassadors. 9 nm, Burns and Home Oil; Brownwoods and North Stat; Morgans- and MrMeeklns. Nov 17 7 p.m. Revellers and McMeekins', Burns and Brown woods; Malkins and Continent als. 9 pm. Kilowatts and Am-basadors; Morgans and Revel lers; Malkins and McMeekins. Advertise in the Dally News! DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11. 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic Supplies. Wtf ATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert. B.C, ester CIGARETTES II . ' . I I ff rA 'A date Vvifh- tli6 one you tike best . . . and .J S WWa o6'n' whfi you,- to add to your enjoyment ... . fj W - Winchester cifjuretfes, to give! you sinoking satisfaction. ; m n 5 y- , r,,--!.,. : 1 RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Lfstlngs of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) phone Grten 075 Box 548 "Offetitlg 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has has reti returned to the CONTRACTING BUSINESS No Job Tod Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING. HAULING, LAND CLEARING PHONE 32 Prince Rupert Daflp r3ctos fuesd'at. Obtobef 28. f .47 A BLUE RIBBON CHAMPION POSITIVE STARTING POSITIVE COOLING POSITIVELY GUARANTEED ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION AT fiM'ERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Box 1321 -:- PHONE 01 1 MOTORISTS-Here is rf service (hat yort have t)een wafting for . . . TIRE VULCANIZING We have Jusf installed Prirtee Rupert's first tiri,viijcan!zin-machine arid dffer you a prompt and efficient tire vulcanizing service. ALF STE INERT, who ls (n chafge of ouf tire' department, will' he-pleased ia explain1 this new service, and advise" you about any of your tlrt problems, rompf attention' given (o out'-of-toWn orders. Bob Parker Limited "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" RuPrtf. B C- Pnce P.O. Box 38 Before having that next REPAIR JOB done", drive M and have one of our experts' give you a' detailed1 ESTIMATE. We are Fully Equipped for Automobile Repairs Dealers in Sturfebaker Commercial and Hudson Cars Tires and' Tubes Repaired' Grease Servicing SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE Junction Second and Third Avenues Green 27 GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED . Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES Cafe P.O. Box 737 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore W df i Union Steamships Ltd. wish to announce their NEW FAST DIRECT SERVICE Between Prince Rupert and Vancouver NOW EFFECTIVE (Southbound) Lv. Prince Rupert Sundays 2 p.m. Arr. Vancouver Tuesdays 7 a.m. (Northbound) " Lv. Vancouver Wednesdays 9 p.m. Arr. Prince Rupert Fridays 9 a.m. Also extended service to Alaska as follows; (Read Down) 2 p.m. Friday 9:30 pm. Friday 11:45 pm. Friday 10 a.m. Saturday 11 am. Saturday 2:30 p.m. Saturday Lv. Pr. Rupert Arr. Arr. Ketchikan Lv, Lv. Ketchikan Afr Arr. Petersburg LV. Petersburg Arr. Wrangel (Read Up) 8:30 am.' "Sundays 11:45 pm. Saturdays 10:30 p.m. Saturdays Lv. 3:30 p.m. Saturday For Your Eating Pleasure . . . Broadway Cafe (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TJEAS I Chinese Dishes ChoVV Meiri Chob Suey "TAKE - OUT" ORDERS ANY TIMB Hours: 7 LtL to 1:30 AAl. PqpNE 200 CLASPIFIRD AD" IN TUB DAILY NEWS WILL- BRING RESULTS i