4 1 ft i Prince Utuicrt Daily Bclus Tuesday, December 9, 1947 Easier This Year To Pick Christmas Gifts For Men Brighter colors sportier and more casual apparel constitute the trend in men's clothing today. Christmas buying for any man is greatly simplified this year ly the wide, attractive range of up-to-the-minute clothing and accessories being featured by Prince Rupert stores. The old cry "Men are so hard to buy presents for" will be discarded by any woman who takes a little time to look around the men's shops. , . Why still short in many lines is more attractive than ever. And most men's wardrobes are short of so many things.'- If you are shopping around for I a present for a man regardless of age you will riot make a mis- take by selecting something he can wear. Today wearing ap-' parel is something that most rim men want and need. Clothes sense reveals a man's disposition. Even his selection of a tie in the morning will iiuliralp his fpplin?. Wliprp ft the merchandise while man.s wariirobe will permit, he will don a suit to match his mood. Judging: from the brighter colors, much in evidence today, in the gay Christmas-decorated stores of this city, the general mental condition of our men is happier. It's a good sign. Nature meant the male bird to be bright and gay not drab as the human TP THE ELECTORS: AStndidate for the mayoralty of the Cityfjf Prince Rupert, I respectfully ask for your endorsation at the polls on Thursday,. December 11. My record as mayor during the years 1UU, 1945 and 1916 is well known to you. ; I stand on 'that record and will give to the office the same attention I gave during mv previous terms of office. , Sincerely yours, H. M. DAGGETT. 12871 Gifts Galore. at McCUTCHEONS 'Oil HER -Cosmetic Sets, Perfumes, Colognes, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Imne RED 5G1 - J-7 P.O. Hox 721 '-v, - for as little as 2.33 cents v fAfAi a day, the wide world with all its excitement, pathos, tragedy, and human interest, will be brought to your door each evening. EVEftY da y? Except Sundays and holidays there IS A BOY IN Y6UR NEIGHBORHOOD WHO PACKS THE WORLD IN THE PRINTED WORD, IN A BAG SLUNG OVER HIS SHOULDER. ARprox.mately 85 of Prince Rupert householders now Ascribe to the DAILY NEWS and the other 15 are rapidly becoming aware of the value of the local newspaper both lo themselves and to the community. lr VULY NEWS IS SPONSORING A fSSSF6-" CONTE3T AMONG THE ROUTE CARRIERS. W?OU ARE ONE OF THE FEW RESIDENTS OF THE CITjT NOT SERVED BY A DELIVERY BOY YOU 'mlilZ THEM T WIN A BICYCLE, $15 OR $6 IN CASH. THE PRIZES BEING OFFERED TO THOSE BOYS QRINGINO IN THE HIGHEST POINT SCORES BEFORF THE CONTEST ENDS DECEMBER 20 ' fn THE BOY WHO MAKES THE SALE DOES lIJ fTO THE PRIZE INNING CLASS, THE COMMISSION RECEIVED FOR A NEW SUBSCRIPTION WILL ADD TO HIS CHRISTMAS SPENDING MONEY mm KEMKMIiEK . . . when a boy asks von to subscribe to the DAILY NEWS, he is not only selling you a newspaper but he is offering you a daily service that will carry on day in and day out, in sunshine or in storm, male has sought (o be for Too long a period now. ' In suits, the trend is to loose-fitting drape effect with straight back. Trousers, too, are draped with pleats to give comfort and conceal extra poundage around the middle. Of course the bottoms of trousers are narrower to catch less dust and mud. SPORTY ArrAisrii WELCOMED GENERALLY Men have always suited sports apparel and the sporty trend of jacket and odd slacks meets with general approval. "This combination is economical, too," points out one clothier. "It gives the wearer variety, as he can wear different .slacks with the same coat, and the one jacket will stand up even after three or more slacks have been I worn oui. What about color schemes? Lighter colors are in demand grays and light brown. Tweeds are becoming more popular every day. Double-breasted suit coats are still on the way up in popularity, the percentage of call for them now being about : 40 percent. In double-breasted j models the three -button has en- joyed a run but the long roll two-button one button to button : stvle -is coming up very fast. , Single-breasted models are most ' popular in the three-button I style. British suiting is in big de-: raanri, but the supply at the moment is negligible and the pmsuects are not bright for imanv months. Canadian tweed . is rising in popularity because I of the .shortage of Old Country J gabardine, gabardine twill, and fevert cloth. BETTER BL'V SHIRTS WHILE AVAILABLE Shirts, too. are on the scarce list Better not hold off buying them for your own wear or as presents for family members or ' friends. V Plainer shades are coming to i ' the fore again and stripes that 1 1 are not too bold also are easing back Into favor. Collars are softer. Windsor collars are in demand but few are in stock at the moment. As you have noticed, sport shirts are the thing today. On 1 1 holidays and in the evenings they are worn with pleasure, fopen and and ,with with tie. tie. tThey They 'jKHiaitfiie', - . jujirope are 70R mlavWW Wallets, RcT'W " SJ'S'E offices, too.' Their sale at the Lightci x. Pen and Pencil Sets, Pipes, eic. MbCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. ird ive. at 6th St. Phone 79 BRIDDEN moment equals that of the dress shirts. Now for neckwear. The move is definitely to bold patterns. Knitted and crocheted ties in plain colors are strong sellers. Belts, too, have made a remarkable comeback. This return to favor, together with tie clips and bar pins, is accounted for by the fact that sports jackets and slacks, minus vests, give the wearers greater opportunity to accent these accessories. WATCH FOR RETURN OF BOW TIE POPULARITY Oh yes. The olQ sport of pre-depresslon days, the bow tie, is back on display. In the United States bow ties are being given a gay whirl, but Prince Rupert men are still a bit hesitant to go all-out for the smaller tie. Latest style In the bow tie is the clip-on model, fitted with a collar clip that eliminates the old elastic band. What about socks? Big Ar-gyle diamonds are still mighty pleasing to the male, but plain shades matching plain shade ties are enjoying a big run. Silver, gold and leather tie NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 106 Margaret Mcleod Optometrist - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for bars, many surniounTVd with birds, dogs, fish, steers' heads, boots, spurs and other figures should prove popular Christmas gifts this year. Key chains in large numbers will be hanging from the gift tree this Yuletlde. Tenknlves for these chains also are attractive. For those who like to give Old Country woollen goods, city haberdasheries are offering smart socks and sweaters. Yes, women will find It much easier to shop for men's presents this Christmas. As one proprietor declared, "The men are enjoying brighter colors now. They even pick out for themselves ties like those they used to receive at Christmas from their mothers, sisters, girl friends and daughters. Only now they wear them Instead .of hiding them under a pile of papers in the top drawer of their dresser." The general conclusion is, jof course, that men are gettln? smart as far as clothes are concerned. Commander Agnew Goes to England OTTAWA Commodore R. I Agnew P.B.E. has been appointed senior naval liaison officer. London. He is succeeded in Washington, where he served as a member of the Canadian Joint Staff, by Capt. V. S. Godfrey O.B.E. holding the rank of acting Commodore, Commands of both officers, during the war included H.M.C.S. Prince Henry and carrier H. M. S. "Athellng" and H.M.C.S. Prince David CITY RESIGNED TO PASSENGER FARE INCREASES Prince Rupert citizens today t,.ok a generally unhappy view oi the boost in steamship pas-M'liger fares that added 15 per cent to the cost of travel on ; coast steamships. Their displeasure was tinged with a degree of irsignation at their inaballty to Uij anything about the upward ; sweep. The Increase raises single passage fares between Prince Rupert and Vancouver to $34.50 und round trip fares to $f2.10. Fares to other ports are correspondingly Increased. To one young businessman whose parents live In Vancouver the boost means a Chrlst-( mas away from home. He Is going to remain in Prince Rupert for the holiday season. "It's partly a matter of budget and partly a matter of principle," he declared. "I have to strain my purse to make the trip under any conditions, and ' this increase seems to be timed , to take advantage of Christmas i travel. I am staying here." Others recognized it as a "trend of the times" but deplored that Prince Rupert, as the "end of the line" should be hit ' the heaviest. "Costs have risen in just about everything else," one said. "There is no reason why we should expect that they should not Increase for travel also. Being so far from Vancouver, it naturally hits us the most.'' j Tt Ct. M.tiK.. AiM S,n: Imt. (t1 'We finally got him to stop biting his nails." Just how Christmas travel generally will be affected by the boost remains to be seen. Steamship line agents seemed to think that it would not be reduced much. "We are having a slow time now but I think that the pre-Chrlstmas rusn will be about normal despite the increase." one said. "People like to get home for Christmas and I don't think that $1 or J8 difference In boat fares will stop them." Try a Dally News Ciuslfled Ad SAVED BY PLANE FROM BOAT FIRE JUNEAU Through quick cooperation with a sea plane the lives of two men and two women and a small boy were saved In Chatham Straits not long ago. A elner they were on caught fire. Sighted from the air they were picked up within an hour. . The owner of the boat was Jlm-imy Marks of Hoonah. The boat was called North Pas. DUTCH FARMERS COMING HERE OTTAWA- Arrtvin, , iriA fire r ... idn ""W"-Butt ",B win reach rv..., aa cnarterert ... that unit m.i.. ... . ,ue i '" ' ' , first up land themiv. ' w- 'XMAS EYESIGHT CONTRIBUTIONS THOMAS MF.ILLIS FlVn Staff of Belmoni Hotei D Ello Mr and Mrs A E Tayior Anonymous W. J. Raymond Mrs. II. s. Harrison Mrs. D. A. MacPhee I iMlss Marjorle Ebv Mrs. Stan Parker I Mrs. J. D Fraser C. G. Ham i Mrs. D. Scott A. Friend Mrs. North Canon Rushbrook A. Sympathiser Mrs. Isabelle Wood Mrs. R. D. Oreen MEDIEVAL ADS Medieval entertainer I " 1 . . 1 OW' DEAP,TM6(?es) " J TJ 1 ar. A - ? AH fltov BBEB -n-n V I , ( ... s V THE FRONT J . I v l' q (rMSB.KN8) ,fe WEWr) K SSo'SSOoTl tSS'S?-" """"" 1 I .odk drnrn ' , &i UiJ m (bruImEes-sS 'j tlTrrV I I bSng'Wi okay, toot r-c-ru. C25brvoUR WIFE Cf1' ( Vf TAKE MV SHORT CUT S HER VOU-PE ) ME TH,S RF aT HOME?) Tk HERE ZJ S DAr 'J Vf fJ? i CONT FOR3ET THE VAN ) I A VT'S e'.GWyTngsJip (s-H-H-TTuTEfrnr I ttW 1C what is W "? ( a bigamist is a mam (THE MAN'S m K wKmTT o'C vlwANr0 IW AGT A BIGAMIST mfp. L MAMA yuS"B5Jf V vr-vTc ( '' 9 A brushes?) V t VMfea1T rfl ACN . " JL n i f.-n- JIM.: l no newspapers in whir K:, u vertlse themselves usea i tr or herald accompanied bj ' parade.