FAR CABS LApIO DISPATCHED j oublican »nvention ntes Soon enerals Vie Competition HICAGO (CP) — generals held t of the Repub- nal convention Eisenhower, Republican President, went tion's second day} wical vietory over | chief opponent, | t Taft of Ohio | ; MacArthur, who} from his job 15) is supreme com-! East, rocked the | his oratory in| h last night. workers won the! eonvention floor } wer disputed dele- | rexas, Louisiana and Dp hee ay 1 amendments moved for oval of all 68 from the vilege of voting on their right to be seated, Bisen- Mrs. Rita Le Claire yesterday wer people won a 658-to- | was sentenced to one victory after she pleaded guilty before wer forces imme-| Magistrate W. D. Vance charge laid under section 31 of the Protection of Children Act The chaige iad after a liengthy investigation by RCMP ; claimed the | : : ard core of the| It was disclosed that the wom nd will remain|an’s three-year-old son died in 1 ballots to gain | hospital here last April 11, The nd so give the Ohio| bOY was taken away from the necessary 604 votes mother March 16 following : reports of neglect | Authority nominations| child was received from court lafter the Social Welfare branch lof the B.C. government here 4] probed the case on this as a | w the vote will go} e nA { ~ th, aa iAntei z for the camdtent . Was force on neaning of the vote wili ts the known until apprehend jay nignt ARTHUR ELOQUENT thur was eloquent anc e in his keynote speech. | Taft, but he never | ned either candidate, | however, ” did | Strato-Cruiser indirect attack on| when he criticized | Breaks Trans- , strong position in fe ” Pacific Record which left Rus-| lly Invited Soviet nerai, i ver the free peoples' SEATTLE Northwest Alr- . > rope through stra-|lines reported a west-bound | seats captured so far by the CCI and Soc on of the Soviet) strat-cruiser set a commercial) us 3 , ak close of the Euro- plane trans-Pacific flying record | partie S in the 48-mi oak aid Sunday eee Taft was beaten on The big dirliner left Tokyo | he bounced control of the issue, ture same day credentials com-j|jn 18 hours and 11 minutes, in-| cluding a stop for re fueling a isenhower leaders! ghemya Island at the tip of the would | convention bute more likely 1 report giving the itor the bulk of con- egates Associated Press tabu- deiegates gives »Taft hower 429, other can- and ieaves 112 un-j i committee to the toda Vv Aleutians. It was only stop The previous hours, 4% minutes record was The plane carried 43 passen Captains were Clarence Opsah and Art Walke —TIDES- Wednesdey, July 9 2:00 1962 BIGGER IN WEST trees in Eastern Can-| High mall compared with) 15:11 20.1 feet ed cedar which may) Low 8:47 0.2 feet 15 feet high } 20:57 5.5 feet 3ULLETINS ef West Berlin Blockaded RERLIN (CP)—West Berlin city government vided tonight to blockade all roads leading into irrounding Russian zones to prevent more kid- ippings by Communists. * * * All-Star Baseball Called PHILADELPHIA: (AP)—The all-star game etween the National and American leagues was : illed at the top of the sixth inning today because ! rain. The field became a sea of mud. The National Leaguers were leading 3-2 at le time, * * Social Crediter Elected VANCOUVER (CP) __ Social Crediter Tom rain was elected in Delta constituency late today. m' was a gain from Progressive Conservatives. test tally now 16 Social Credit elected, 15 CCF, i\ Liberals, two Conservatives, and one Labor. CRASH KILLS EIGHT—Hight sleeping passengers were killed and 27.in oe ’ bn 4 es . “ 111k WHE Pear O11 w siavIGiialy tiut kK near St to a It was disclosed that the little i Sunday and got into Seattle the It covered 4,650 miles 18 | gers and 10 crew members Co- 22.5 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—’Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest” VOL. XLI, No. 159 * — he Misia WF xe te go INGE DEL, boy was ill at the time Social year in jail| Welfare Service officials visited! of the Protection of Child the downtown rooming house where he lived with his mother and that he was taken to hos- 'pital almost immediately after he was removed | ve li miles south of Winnipeg bags of machine parts litter the highway after the collision rear of the truck and hurled it 78 feet down the Pembina highway. Mother Sentenced to Year Following Death of Neglected 3-Year-Old Child = | ja PRINCE RUPERT, B.©., ° | | } | | . ' jured when a bus sliced Debris and The bus buried its nose in the (CP PHOTO) | Charges laid under Section 31} ren Act | include abandonment and ne-| glect. Maximum penalty. is $100 | or one year in jail, or both | Mrs. Le Claire will be taken to} il at. Prince George | | | | } VANCOUVER (CP)—Social Credit candidate Erie Martin took a one-vote lead today over Alex McDonald, CCF, on Ballot “A” in Vancouver- | ee Socreds, CCF Jockey "Sx For Photo-Finish Win aaa Admiral Gets Burrard, now one of key ridings in June 12 pro- vincial election. % By The Car t | | SHOT PRIVATE — The army has announced that Maj, Guy p’Artois, 36, of Montreal, one of Canada’s most colorful sol- diers, recently shot and killed in Korea a Canadian private who had been threatening his comrades and shooting off his rifle. An army statement said Maj. D’Artois, company com- mander of Pte. Joseph Emile Hector Sanscartier, 20, of Cont- ley, Que, killed Sanscartier, the night of July the ist Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, Maj. D’Artois won the DSO in the Second World War and won the George Medal in 1948 for leadership in the spectacular Arctic res- eue of Canon John H. Turner. (CP from National Defence) Reds Ki idnap | | | West German | BERLIN. — Dr. itop official of anti-Communist Free Jurists or- }ganization, was kidnapped to- | day and whisked to. the Soviet | zone amid a flurry of gunshots. | He was attacked by three men after he left his home | drifting over the land overnight | shortly lin the U.S. sector and was drag- | ged into a car which sped into |the Soviet territory. | Several who pursued the car shot at the kidnapper. ment 1 in the lines of | Walter Linse, West Berlin’s 1adian Press | VANCOUVER.—Election of a CCF candidate) n the Comox riding late Monday tied at 15 each | ial Credit ber British Columbia Legis- lature. W. C. Moore was elected on the third count in Comox, to gain from Liberals, as counting of alternative ballots from B.C.'s June 12 election resumed after the Sunday break. , CCF and Social Credit are staging a photo-finish drive to collar the largest ‘kroup of seats ind form a minority govern- | | i | | | | | With nine seats still | final returns, Delta and all but lone of the Vancouver seats, the | standing is ELECTED: CCF—15 SC—15 Lib —6 PC Lab 1 LEADING: CCF---5 9 Total—4s. | | | | Synopsis Skies are clear over most of B.C. this morning and indications are that sunny warm weather will continue for at’ least the next two days. Temperatures will again rise to the high eighties in the interior this af- ternoon and tomorrow with coastal temperatures falling in the 70 to 80 range. Patches of fog over north coast regions and along the west coast of Vancou- ver Island will dissipate overland this afternoon but will form again overnight. Forecast A few clouds today and Wed- |nesday. Occasional fog patches dissipating by midday. A little cooler. Wind light. Low tonight and high tomorrow at Port | Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 50 and 65. | to report Brewer, Celebrated K TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 Road Worker Fights For Life After Brutal A Hazelton Man Beaten, Robbed Near His Home Two Suspects Held by Police A 45-year-old employee of the provincial depart- ment of ptiblic works is fighting for his life in hos-| suffering a brutal attack. pital at Hazelton after eS ee Rioters Help To Clean up Prison Damage GUELPH, Ont. (CP) — Bedded down in the open and on re- duced bread-and-milk rations, 900-odd prisoners today helped to clean up the damage they wrought in the $200,000 week- end riot at this Ontario reform- atory Last of the rioters surrender- ed yesterday, giving up knives, tack | | RCMP here- were advised this morning that the man, Laur- robbed of $180 near his home at 8 p.m. last night. Police say a murder charge probab#y will be laid if the vic- tim succumbs. He is suffering a severe con- cussion and cerebral hemorrhage. Police at frazelton reported that the man was attacked on a trail at the junction of the South and New Hazelton high- ways. The trail between the roads leads to his home. It is believed he may have been followed from downtown after completing work. two pieces of lead pipe and other makeshift weapons they brand- ished during the 12-hour dis- Prison officials said that and unlawful assembly may be laid against the prisonefs who instigated the riot. Soaking in ‘Plane Crash PUSHTHROUGH, | Vice-Admiral Nfld. E. R. Mainguy, Royal Canadian Navy chief of staff, escaped with a soaking on Monday as a U.S. naval amphib- ious plane on which he was to be ferried to Halifax cracked up on take-off at this south coast Newfoundland port The Admiral and seven crew members took to a life raft as the plane sank after its hull j split open. None were injured. | A US, coast guard plane later |made the trip to Halifax. Admiral Mainguy was cruising |o nthe rainesweeper Wallaceburg off Newfoundland when US. authorities at Argentia were asked to provide an airlift. o —| FOUND UNCONSCIOUS He was found unecunscivus bY a neighbor who notified police and had the man rushed to hos- pital. Because of his condition, the RCMP have been unable to ob- tain descriptions of the attack- ers although two suspects are being held for questioning. Police said the men wiii re- main in custody pending further investigation. | Photographer | Hurt in Fall | ROSSLAND, B.C, ® — A 22- | year-old girl photographer was |seriously injured Monday in a | 100-feet, fall down the shaft of lan abandoned mine on Red |Mountain near here. | Miss Margaret McCoy of Wat- lerloo, Que., landed on a ledge isome 30 feet from a water-filled | bottom shaft. | She and her older sister, Doris | McCoy, are members of a party |working for Holiday Magazine. |They were assigned to photo- | graph old mines, Brought to hospital here, Miss | McCoy was found to be suffer- ling from cuts and abrasiions, /and her condition is reported as “fairly good.” idnapping Figure, Dies of Heart Attack | LONDON, -Ont—John S. La- | att, 72, wealthy London brewer |who was the central figure of |Canada’s most celebrated kid- napping for ransom, died today following a heart attack. He was kidnapped Aug. 14, 1934, on a deserted road near Savage Thunderstorm Hits Prairie Section; Half Million in Damages REGINA @—A savage thun- derstorm that ripped through Saskatchewan, Manitoba and |northwestern Ontario late Sat- urday an dearly Sunday, is re- ported to have caused $500,000 damage in southern Saskatche- wan, Hail and driving rain battered the four-mile strip near the in- ternational boundary. Hardest hit was the Esteven area; 125 miles southeast of Re- expected to reach $250,000. It was estimated that 40 sec- storm were demolished, CONVERTS’ REFUGE i Tre | opposite ' | Lachine, Que., Iroquois Indian | Christianity. converts gina, where crop loss alone is tions of crops were wiped out by the hail storm, Barns and farm buildings in the path of the village of Caughnawaga was | founded in 1667 as a refuge for to \Sarnia and held for $150,000 | ransom. The money was never paid and he was released Aug. 17 after being held captive at a summer cottage in the Muskoka district 130 miles north of To- ronto. Three men served peniteniary terms on charges connected with the kidnapping. B.C. A.A. OFFICIAL VISITS RUPERT ~ Field supervisor of British Co- lumbia, Automobile Association, J. H. H. Roche, says he is sure his organization — will win pablic opinion to establish a $10 car licence for motorists. The B.C.A.A. has campaigned vigorously all year to reduce the present average of $25 annually. Mr. Roche is in Prince Rupert on an inspection trip of the pro- vince of all official members of the A.A.A. He is accompanied py his son-in-law, Bernard Wag- staff, recently from England. enzo Grego, was assaulted and). j YANK INVASION—A record number ie of American visitors came to Ontario July 4 to celebrate their Independence Day. This air photo shows traffic on the Ambassador Bridge which runs between Detroit and Windsor, Ont. A total of 20,455 cars crossed the bridge, the highest ever for a July 4 holiday. (CP.PHOTO) New For the third time he called on Premier Byron Johnson to in- tervene and bring an end to the deadlock which has tied up Brit~ ish Columbia’s multi- million dollar industry. Winch asked Johnson for 4& hearing before the cabinet in the latest move. He was associated in the appeal with three of his party’s newly-elected members, who also are members of the striking In- ternational Woodworkers of Am- erica (CEO-CCL). PREMIER REFUSES Yesterday, Premier Johnson called the strike “illegal” and said to intervene or mediate the Mexicans Riot Over Politics MEXICO CITY (€P)—Soldiets and police patrolled streets and blocked all roads leading to Mexico's capital city today in the wake of political riots which left at least three killed, 200 injured and another 300 under arrest. Similar outbreaks were ré- ported in other Mexican cities. All apparently were quelled quickly. Anti - government candidates are running far behind in the counting of votes from Sunday's presidential elections. Gen. Leandro Sanchez Sala- zar, Mexico City police chief, blamed “Communist students” by Winch | For Strike Settlement — Calls Again on Premier to Intervene; Other CCF Join By The Canadian Press VANCOUVER.—A: new effort ‘to end the 24- day-old strike of 32,000 woodworkers was made today by CCF leader Harold Winch. strike would be to condone it. Rae Eddie, who defeated the premier in New Westminster riding, said he would immrediat- ely contact, all CCF elected MLAs and suggest a meeting be held to discuss plans of immediate negotiation -between employers and the IWA. Republicans Moot Woman Senator Veep CHICAGO @ -~ A movement was under way Monday to nomi- inate Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine for the vice-pre- sidency on the Republican ticket. This would be the first time in history that a woman’s name won consideration for the United States second-highest office by a major political party. i The move has the consent of Senator Smith, serving her first term in the Senate after eight years in the House of Represen- tatives. ROYAL NAME The Strait of Georgia between. Vancouver Island and the main- land was so named by Captain Vancouver in 1792 after King for the bloodshed. L i Hot sunny day and even the weatherman must have blushed as the mer- cury was pushed up to 73 de- grees. weather caught | Prince Rupert by surprise yester- | grees the previous high of 68 It was the warmest day of the ' and Even Weatherman Blushes as City By Warmest Day of Year—73 Degrees year and bettered by five de- established last May 17. Hundreds of citizens headed for parks and playgrounds dur- ing the afternoon and evening a maze of children crowded Hit the Gyro swimming pools in Mc~ Clymont Park. In his synopsis yesterday, the weatherman told of a flow of moist air across the north coast cloudiness and said there would be little change in ‘the temperature, . aad