TOO UTK TOO CLASSIFY Magazine ..v ' Prince Rupert Balls J3cU), re$ Foursome FOR 926. SALE-Olrls Call after 0 p.m. bicycle. (289) Red Local News Items ?'T Tuesday, December 9, 1947 :1.:iber of the . ft ItV. Rtu T v. n 917 Magazine Dtlon under foursome, t recently I):;ards of FOR SALE One C.C.M. bicycle, almost new, $35, can be seen at 1058 Sixth Avenue East. (289) ccuver, Industrial agent. CNR.. Ninbla were IB. C. district; Her Worship. Mrs. i's. left to Nora Arnold. Mayor of Prince u Victoria, I Rupert, and C. A. Dciner. .super-of British i lntendent of the C.N.R. Smlthers man. Van- division. ,E YOU A DIAMOND PROBLEM BUYER? . we want your ear just for a minute M-unt to tell you that this store is fixed ; no matter how much you wish to pay. we handle nothing but standard stones :ted to say that our diamond stock is uiiv chosen. . it is now extra large, and that dla-i oon be hard to get on account of the ...uuns. Prices from $25.00 up y-TTRTWr ' iii IF You Are Particular '-J TIIKX CALL l!S FOR ALL YOLK I'LL' MB I NO AM) iilatix o it eq u in km ents Phone 108 Vmtn I ' U .. I- . I LI IT ui seventh Street rilONE 108 WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New UphoUtery Materials nd Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Avenue (Next to CFPR) BLUE HIS LOVIH'S I". II, LINZF.Y rrempt Attention to Outside Orders 211 4th Street Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! III I, .'..... EVTINi, :. SE - PM BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dislies a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties 608 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 1 ORDER NOW! Personal Christmas Greeting Cards - ALSO BOXED ASSORTMENTS In New and Original Designs. Prices from 50? up IFT ST VTIONKRV FOUNTAIN PENS I R R D D I M T I Kl fi rOMPANY 1 3!JQ? BLOCK THIRD AVENUE : .: - 5;,!,(..a1,,,,Js.l1fc.i9''a':,s"s':, HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT TLACE TO LIVE J!JPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN BASKETBALL tonight, Senior League 0:30 p.m., Co-op vs Savoy. dt,) Tonight's train from the East, due at 10:45, was reported this morning to be on time. Kenneth Meek of Northwest Salvage Co.. Calearv arrived In CANADIAN LEOION XMASi TREE SAT.. DEC. 20 Dr tant of War Veterans (12 yrs and under) eligible to attend. Names, age3 k&M and addresses should be forwarded promptly In i writing either to Secretary, Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion. P.O. Box 473, or Secretary-Manager, Legion, P.O. Box 628. List closes Dec. 10. (288) Edward Bolton, vice-president of the Native Brotherhood of B. C. for the lower Skeena region, sailed this afternoon on the Coquitlam for Vancouver to attend a conference of Brotherhood directors. In place of the regular weekly luncheon this week, the Prince Rupert Rotary Club will have a ladles' night on Thursday after which the club's Christmas Ball, feature of which will be the drawing for an automobile, will take place. James M. Hershey, assis provincial health officer Hotel. . . w r-.. f Uriio arrivals Prince Rupert i K Meek. Calgary: D. O. Stcn-! strom. Vancouver: C. Vlassoff, : Montreal; O. A. Thompson. New ; Westminster; Robert Gordon, I Vancouver: E. J. Jonah. Montreal: Dr. J. M. Hershey, Vic-1 'toria; P. Underhill. Vancouver; j Mr. ; Mrs and Mrs. Olsen. Juneau; E. Lonergan. city; Mr. and cfty. Conrad Dec. 12. School Card Party, Vote Edith A. Black. (Mrs.J.S.) for Alderman. .(288) Mrs. N. Headrlck sailed this afternoon on the Coquitlam on a trip to Vancouver. the city on the Princess Louise ' Arnold Flatcn- lowing an last nleht from Vanrnm-or ho. i operation a week ago In the lng here on business. Prince Rupert Genera! Hosplt-J al, has made such satisfactory! t. a. Stenstrom, consultant recovery that it is expected he: to the Port Edward Cellulose Co. 1 will be able to leave for home arrived In the city on the Prln- today or tomorrow. ess Louise last nleht on a busi-1 I ! nes trip from Vancouver. Arrow Bus Route No- 0wlnS 1 10 winter conaiuons, until fur-1 Bernard Allen, general super-ither notice Inbound buses will (lntendent. Canadian National no' turn west on 8th Avenue Railways, British Columbia, is but w111 conlnue on McBrlde arriving In the city by tonight's train from Vancouver via Jasper Park on one of his periodical Inspection tours. to 2nd Avenue and the Depot. (289) Mr. and Mrs. Francis K. Rich- i ardson and son, Kenneth, of I Tlell, after spending a few days i Children ! here for mfidlcal advice, left by uir iuunaay on uieir return W their home on the Queen Char- : lotte islands. Miss Joyce Leslie, former public health nurse attached to the local health unit and now mak ing her home at Hazelton, arrived in the city yesterday aft- expects to be here until af ter Christmas, She is the guest cr Miss Olive Johnson, Angus Apartments. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "We received an invite to the party." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "business"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Admltance, acquaintance, acceptance. 4. What does the word "Infinite" mean? 5. What is a word beeinnins with headquarters in Victoria, ' "Hh "na" that means arrived in the city by car ye- ANSWERS a story"? terday afternoon in the course Invite Is a verb. Say, "We Announcenr.ents All advertlsemeti-s in this column will be charged for a full month at 25 centi a word Another Rotary ticket will do three things give you a chance to win a car, give you ticket to Grand Rotary Dance, help the hospital children's ward. Get one today. (289) St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11. Catholic Card Party, School Hall. December 11, 8 p.m. moose unnsimas Tree aatur-ih' day December 13. f St. Peter's Y.P.A. Xmas Con-j cert, Dec. 19 and 20, St. Peter's irt Hall. U S.O.N. Christmas' Dance. Mrs. ! tZ Black and five-piece orchestra. Everyone welcome. Tickets at door. Civic Centre, Dec. 26, 9:30 till 2:00. S.O.N. Christmas Tree, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 30, 2 to 5. Refreshments and entertainment. Bosun Inn, 909 First Avenue West, Black 939. Fine food, ta-males, chill, barbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small parties. Open to take out. all night. Orders (2), 15-Jewel Watches from l-'.oO up 1, 2 and 3-Strand Pearls from .'5.75 up Musical Jewel and Powder Boxes 8.75 Cigaret Cases and Compacts 1.00 up Earrings and Pins from 1.00 up "Let's straighten up before Mommy gets home!" SAMUEL BEATON PASSES AWAY Samuel Joseph Beaton, a resident of Prince Rupert for 30 years and a former railway em ployee, died last night enroutc IIP Digby Ratepayers Form Association The latest edition oi the B.C Gazette, official provincial gov- I ernment publication, lists an ap-1 ; plication for incorporation of 1 the Digby Island Ratepayers' Association .nsauciawuii under unaer the me Societies societies pu I L J , Le , "t0 develP and foster the gen-where he had been Sot the living erai elfare of the communlty last week. of Dodge Covei Digby Island Born in Prince Edward Island ; Also listed is an application to in 1868, he came to Prince Ru-1 change the name of Collart and pert in 1917 and was employed , McCaffery Limited to Robert for a number of years by the ; e. Montador Limited. bridge and building department1 of Canadian National Railways.! During hl3 later years he lived ! HOLY THURSDAY In a cabin near the grain ele-j Maundy-Thursday, the Thurs-vator. He entered the Pioneer day of Holy Week, was a day for Home six days ago. pilgrims to wash their feet and He is survived by a sister, Mrs. is derived from "mandatum" Theresa Bradley of Charlotte- first word of the service chanted town. i at the ceremony. AHEAD OF TIME ETON, Eng. Qi Richard kown as "Cherries" to the Nicholas Appert, a French chef, ton, known as "Cherries" to in 1810 found that food would thousands of Eton College boys, keep If It were properly heated because for more than 40 year3 o a trip througn tne alstnci or. receivea an invuauon. i. rro- piacea m nerineuca.ii seai- ne soia lruii irom a Darrow, aiea ' official duties and will be here i nounce blz-nes, not blz-1-ness. i ed containers. aged 70. for a few days on business the local health unit. at Mrs. B. R. Rice and daughter, .3. Admittance. 1. "I1U1UUI llllllis, c-1,l,aM(Sr. of any kind. "By heaven we V" understand a state of happiness ftjf uiinuic m uciee, auu eiiaiess Miss Joyce Kice, nave reiurnea , ln duration." -Franklin. 5. Nar to their home at Cape North, Cape Breton, after spending several months here visiting with Mrs. Rice's son, Lloyd Rice. Mrs Rice is the widow of Ben i Rice, one of Prince Rupert's plo- ; neers and for many years employed by the Canadian Fish & ' Cold Storage Co. Eyolf Stockland. son of Elhar Stockland of this city and wire- Uess operator of the British freighter Lanalescrag. which recently stranded in the Straits of Bell Isle arf broke up a total lass. Is now In St. John's. I Newfoundland, according to word received by his father and i expects soon to be on his way to !Prtnce Rupert vhere U is his intention to make his future horn? ration. FUNERAL- GODDESS Libitine was the Roman of funerals. GLAMOR AT HOME! Smart and Cozy All-Wool Plaid House Coats SEE OUR EXCITING Blouses Rose Marx ' BRASSIERES LINGERIE REGENT SIREN KNITTING WOOL CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Luncheon Sets R0Sa-Lce Ladies' Wear COME IN AND LOOK AROUND . . . COMPARE OUR PRICES AND QUALITY! GIFT WRAPPING FREE SERVICE No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from 30.00 and up WF STILL OFFER YOU A THREE TO FIVE-DAY SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE JEWELLERY REPAIRS AND ENGRAVING IVlyNSDN,S Jewe"ers Optometrists Sincere, Friendly Service MEMBER. OF THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS&SSOCIATION (279) - jar V a y v y v y y y y y y y y : : w and ernoon ... by car from the Interior to Prince Rupert . General Hos-jAct. object of the associatlon : g There's No Doubt . . . ... he will appreciate one of the new TIES or a smart, comfor table SCARF. In scarves you can make an easy selection from a wide range which Includes Quebec handwovens, authentic tartans and colorful plaids and stripes.. We've silks and spun rayons also. Priced from $2.00 to $4.00 There's a host of fine TIES to choose from. See the new SwlS3 silks, Mac-clesfields, silk foulards, as well as the favorite wool challls and Loch Glens. From $1.00 to $3.50 GIFT BOXES AT NO EXTRA COST '8 PRACTICAL GIFTS mm ... are alivays acceptable FOR HIM Power and Carpenter Tools, Fishing 'Tackle, Sporting Goods. FOR HER Lamps, Dishes, Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons, Toasters, Mixers, Pyrck Ware. FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Ice Skates, Skis and equipment, Sleighs, Roller Spates, Wagons, Bicycles and Kiddie Cars. "SHOP EARLY" .... MiBrlile St., Phone 311 ie"tc'S',c,e'e't'c'cic'11c'e's,e'e'e'!ire'e!!1c!5,c!s!PSw! V.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.VV.V.V.,.WAVAV X If you want your kitchen remodelled, we build your CUPBOARDS in our shop, ready for installation. Or if you want your FLOOR SANDED Call BLUE 610 We also have a good selection of furniture made in our shop, such as Cabinets, Book-Cases, Tables, Magazine Hacks, Drying Racks, Rocking Horses and Doll Cradles in three sizes. SEE OUR DISPLAY ROOM IN BROOKSBANK BLDU., THIRD Ave. Open 2-5 TM. THIS WEEK CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Arden Evening In Paris Adrienne Max Factor Yardley Peggy Sage Cutex Tangee Bachelor WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT SETS. We will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' K ti A GIFT OF FISH... Your friends will appreciate as a Christmas Gift a ten-pound carton of our Famous B.B. Brand of ASSORTED SMOKED FISH Shipped Express Trepaid in B.C., ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN OR ONTARIO for $3.75 Send your orders to the Bacon Fisheries PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Prince Rupert Seafood Products PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY 8 r. p h 1 ft fi fi I I n