f 7 s a m a m K H a a n M a u a H m u a .i B S a a a n a n u M fJ U a H II a M li a u u 19 II II LI li 13 a a ii a u 13 ri a Iptfncc Rupert Dally JSclu Monday, December 15, 1947 SrOUTS LETTER BOX (Continued from rage 6) these same players are awarded a foul against an opponent they are very pleased. Of course, this childish, but It is spoil-Is g the game. And It is mostly by the older, experienced players that this poor sportsmanship is shown. On the other hand, I can think of many players such as Mel Thompson, who when he is charged with a foul and he does not commit many hold up his hand to Indicate that he is the guilty one. and takes the decision without question. What a happy situation it would be if all did likewise! The second group is the referees. They have thir share of" responsibility They can only call fouls as they see them and on the whole they do a good Job. I sat beside two spectators at a eccnt game, one of whom had a .ton playing. They were con- ta; 'v rrltteising the officials r-id itlcn at the top of their voices but, when I suggested that the association could use them as officials, they declined view. The decision should be given and 'play resumed at once. The third group is the executive and the executive .should bjck up their officials. It was in connection with this point that I read with amazement Art Murray's statement that "definitely Ted Arney or Jim For-man will not be suspended for i any period." I should think that j the officials in that game would i have written a report to the association, that the association would have considered it carefully and then have given their decision. But the president of the association states that it will be considered as "routine business", and has already given his de cision. This certainly will not assist the officials In controlling the game. And who are con- THIS AND THAT The Cmhi Mmlifw AJjmi Smtif. Inf. - 'Would you mind lifting your feet before rigor mortis sets in? "FORMAL-lv Sizes twelve through forty-four ... a style selection to please the fastidious. Holiday season formals can be made so much more enjoyable with a new Formal. We invite your approval of our formal Uresses of today. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE HOLIDAY EXTRA SPECIAL! 15 EVENING GOWNS Selection of all sizes. No two alike each different. Your choice. REDUCED PRICE FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST to offer their services. We should support the officials, but the referees themselves are at fault when they stop to discuss some ruling they have given. In a game recently play was held up for some minutes while the officials entered into debate with different players. This spoils a game from everyone s point of trolling the game if a player walks off the floor because he does not like a decision and then apparently returns to the floor in a later game without any pen alty? I am one of the fourth group. the spectators. It is up to us to insist on good games, good sportsmanship, good rcfereeing and good control. We can do so by confining our criticism to encouragement of these essentials and frowning on poor sportsmanship. I am not going to refer to the point where nlayers had to be "dragged from their firesides" or those who need a letter from your correspondent to "protect" them. If all play clean ball they will need no protection. Yours, for clean sport J. S. Wilson "ATTACKS" RESENTED Sports Editor, Dally News: We the udersigned solicit space in your paper to voice our strong disapproval of the tvpe of critl-i clnn on the Arney-Forman casej which appeared in the Daily News December 8. 11. 12. I In our opinion this criticism borders on a planned persecu-: tlon. What the individuals (who hide behind anonymity) expect to accomplish by such unsports-' manlike tactics is hard to figure out. We: can assure the players mentioned that all fair-minded fans are 100 behind them and , this goes for every player In oil leagues. As for "Hooi Talk". "Snectator" and "Fan" the least said about such contemptibles the better. It however passes our comprehension how any newspaper would encourage such venomous attacks on respectable players and citizens of Prince Rupert bv nubllshing this type of journalistic criticism. Even if the correspondents had the cour r .AX-vN "In the Mood" EVENING WEAR at PEOPLES Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Iow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL BARBARA GETS MEDAL Ottawa First presentatloh of what is expected to become one of the most highly prized amateur awards In Canada was made Saturday evening. December 13, In Ottawa when Barbara Ann Scott received the National Amateur Athletic Achievement Award shown above. Hon. raul Martin made the presentation on behalf oi the National Council on Physical Fitness. The medal was designed and struck by the Royal Canadian Mint, Ottawa age to allow their names to be published, we would still think It poor policy for any news paper to print such tripe. As for "Spectator" Whinln. about paying to watch a "clean game" when fof 70c per week "Spectator" can see seven game which amounts to 10c per game What cheaper or more thrilling entertainment can one wish for'' , Perhaps "Spectator" cast around looking for something cheaper , before deciding to "Bless?" bas ketball with a very questionable support. Surely every fan knows that the players give their time and service gratis, and no part of "Spectator's" miserable dime finds its way into their pockets: furthermore, all players are paid up members of the Civic Centre. Considering the high competi tive nature of basketball, we go on record as saying that on the average basketball in Prince Rupert is Just as clean and as well conducted as it is anywhere else, and In our opinion the referee-1 lng is dn an equal par. Thpj Basketball Association In their' handling of the sport in Prince Rupert are to be congratulated Incidents will happen, mistakes will be made, post mortems on games will be held. Such matters can be rectified, but who' amongst us will kick and whine at a dime a game. Let all this vicious criticism stop. Let's play ball. D. MacPllEE. GEO. HOWE. NEIL MacDONALD. DICK CAMERON. (The above correspondents can be assured that the contributions referred to were not "en- 'couraged." Unless an official statement is forthcoming from the Association, we would suggest that the argument now be dropped. Edi. CONSCIENCE MONEY? CRAIK. Sask. 9 Although the council of Cralk rural municipality In central Saskatchewan has no record of the debt, it received $480 by registered mall from an unidentified person who said it was payment of an old account. FLOWERS ONE OF FAIR HIGHLIGHTS- Doreen Plumb is pictured above with a pony made ol mums at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Oni Over a million olooms. vaiucl ai $50,000. feature the fair this year, making n one of the biggest flower shows ever held in history of the fair. ARE YOU A PROBLEM I DIAMOND BUYER? I Then we want youf car Just for a minute W or two. , Bj We want to tell you that thl3 store Is fixed H to suit you no matter how much you wish to pay. H Also we handle nothing but standard stones fully tested. H We want to say that our diamond stock 13 m very carefully chosen. fl That it is now extra large, and that dla- 0 D monds will soon be hard to get on account of the H I Prices from $25.00 up H TRUCK BREAKS DOWN WHILE ON WAY TO FIRE City firemen succeeded In putting out a chimney fire late Saturday afternoon despite the fact that the big LaFrance truck broke an axle more than a block away from the blaze. The fire occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Myers, 1325 Overlook Street, at 5:30 when the cnlmney became Ignited, sending flames and sparks skywards. The fire truck broke down at the corner of Sixth ' Avenue and Overlook. i Assistant Fire Chief Earl Becker ran more than a block carrying a fire extinguisher to put out the blaze. He was followed by ouht firemen with a hose line The blaze was extinguished without damage to the building. Fire Chief Lock said that he expt'eted to get the truck back from the repair garage today or tomorrow. j CHURCH OI-' CHAPLAINS ; WINNIPEG 0 Canon WI1- llam Askey of All Saints' Anglican Church here, himself a chaplain overseas In the Second World War, had six former curates serve In; the conflict as chaplains. One was killed, a second captured at Hong Kong and a third decorated with the Military Cross. Dally News Ciassillcd Columns. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT DC Phone 281 P.O Box 190 Two Sailings Per W'crk for VANCOUVER -. VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:3c p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays. 12 midnight. Catala. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSLTT AND PORT CLEMENTS December 12 midnight FOR SOUTH ISLANDS December 14 midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 518 Third West ORDER POPCORN FOR xma? FROM THE CAPlf OI m ,.7 'U'liiii. T!. ....,1 T.iiL" I flint a 1 cniti inn.- -V' .-. V 1 nuiNt 669 LAST TIMES TO D A Y 7-nfTTiT DAN DUHYER IXLA RAINS In " IUH.I 'KK.ll.ll Uoilit IlLOKf; s "Lone Wf.ir ; .. . " -HCXlCfil urn. EVELYN KEYES ,Z ,1 KEEN AN WYNN Vrf ANN MILLER rc ALLYN JOSLYM V TITO GUIZAR A VELOZ AND YOLANDA FMPir. MAnmnTTPRfl nwn i t&iuuaii MCiuif HIR nRC'.HF.KTn A ljfiy flie National 'Film 'Boaro 'Asset GIVE YOUR FRIENDS THEATRE. TICKETS FOR XMAS-NOW ON USE &4&-l Bulkley Valley : C A ANP SAVE kim iv .... .I...... iiftrvii I.ONCi LIKi: . . . YOU'LL I IND JUST TDK OUT I 'OR LAt'll YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST. Come to Toyiarai HKRK YOU'LL SUM TOYS. OAMhS, DOLLS, MINIATURK PIANOS THAT I'LAY. SAILINC SHU'S. SI.KICIIS. DOLL ! Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal ' Your dealer can supply yu ! BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Tdkwa, B.C. LIMITED iii x is vftt ,-3 si -,n ,zi 3 -zfrjf:yfijsi m ma, Are You Ready For Christmas? I .. it not, let us help you A . H AS Vdl Gift Wraps, Seals, Ribbn RUOOIES, METAL OARS THAT WIND q 'J'j.gg and UP, WIRLLLSS SICTS . . .AND SCOKL'S Ho"Se Ol' OTIII-R (JUTS TO OLADDLN TIIK ,!rtC HKARTS Ol' CHILDREN. Uecorau"" hi! IJiVl&lli imil im or Phone KEI) 100