pcKINLEY & ST. CLAIR i i I f f t J t I I t r J Priiirt ftujiert Z5nlly J3eU Monday, December 15, 1947 BASKETBALL BREEZES by A FAN flOAT CONSTRUCTION , DESIONINO REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS L P. Crawley Oreeri 391 GEORGE L. RORIE I Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 1 ' PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING ! Phone Black 823 i H. J. LUND ! TAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PHONE RED 240 Plumb'lhg and Heatln Engineers Phone 174- P.O. Box 274 v. GEORGE McVVHINNEY PAINTING AND , PAPEJRHANGING -147 4th East Phcme Black 489 , SUPERIOR .; DECORATORS PAINTING :: PAPERHANGING Phone: Blue 952 or Black 245 ten Hltchens Bill Thornton (D18) DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCE ofHE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTI8TRY; IN SUITE 5. SMITH li!)CK: 1 " Telephone 7gs ArMstrong agencies REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS F.ione 342 P.O. Box 927 P. N. Kilbor,. w, 'Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER : AND MESSENGER lijmoer - coal - Wood - BaggaRt Freight - Express Phone Blue 8ltl , Night Calls Green 977 r'' Prince Rupert ; ' HELEN'S 7 BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In alt Its branches. xuo 4tn Street Phone 655 PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 gent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd, JONES NEWS STAND ttyltyfiq tfestejrn PabeW iwasuiiiiej 6UBGCRIPTI0NP TAKEN ... Elxth Street Red 808 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS. Mgr. Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces' Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Grandview Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONES : Qreen 486 Red 894 PHiNCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R, LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants I Large selection of Gifts Moderate prices for LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. ROSS RICHARDSON 028 Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 240 Confederation Life Association STEPHEN ERICKSON Piano Technician TUNINO AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave. If It's Rock Work-- CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS - BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work JOHN M0STAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONF. RED 752 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY &. MESSENGER uaggage Freight ExpreH Phone Blue 209 322 Sixth St, Night Calls Green 882 Serrlng the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.Y Ltd.j Cartaie, Labelling Welchlnr BLUE 992 t mtmwrmd vnaiRr ttUMMA0tfKLCaU WINDLE, WARD Df.U1 Uir.UCCT ? of friendly rivalry between thelDUflL IIIUIILj! ( two schools must have been fur- iii iirstt I r 1 1 1 r ther cemented as a result. IN K I r All Mr As In the first game", the tight 111 L LLnWUL refereetng of Comadifia and Benny Wmaie of Stones and Calderone slowed the visitors rj. Ward of Co-op shared lndi-down somewnat au; Uie efforts virtual honors in the "B" dlvl- The Bo-Me-Hl Rainmakers of Kay Hi's Andersorij Slatta arid sion, men's five pin session at once again played the part of Stenford before they were re- the week.end. Wlndle bowling the Ured wWh nve efsona,!i with 276 the ue nerfect perfect hosts hosts to to the the Visitiiu raiting highest single game a gaye Coach HoUlstert wy able Ward Kay Hi Polar Bears by absorb- substitutes enough of a lead to hlghcst tnree game score, 716. ing a nlhe point defeat In the mt in on .......... second rif their IwoflHie series. . op, wnicn neieaiea biones Saturday night's game served to Shier of the Haihmakefs went establish the Polar Sears sup- efv N bot" WS and wourid erlofity which was hinted at In up tne evening nign man in me the first irame hen thev saueez- scoring column with 18 points erl hut n nne nninl win nn FH- Lewis of Kay HI, Who made day flight. only a brie appearance in Frl- 1 day's tussle, played practically The visitors seemed to be in the whole game and fell just one command from the outset of p0int short of sitter's scoring Saturday's contest and the nine effort, point difference gave a pretty accurate measure of the fating The prelimlhary eXhlbltidn of the two teams. The Rain- turned out to be a rather tarrie makers and Alex Bill deserve affair with its low store belrlg an accolade for the spirited bat-' the most remarkable feaure of tie they put up arid the feeling (Continued oh Page 7) Business and Professional J. C. Kurulock 268 Handicap, 2 , Total 1033 MOOSE P. Parlete 143 M. McKlnnon 136 II. Hampton 155 E. E. Frleeeh fTiesen " mo J. Stewart 119 Handicap 32 Totals 828 GROTTO H. Shrubsall 174 W. Leverett 166 O. Anderson 100 tt. Tubb .'. 105 It. Moxley 169 Handicap 3 S. Davison - 140 IM. Grasdal 12f E. Mus&allem 238 J. Paul 343 Totals 947 CANFISCO H. Pnulson 109 L Mootie? 153 C. Saeles 108 SMITH fc'ELKINS LTD. Building and Repairs of all kinds, e. ihie? Roofs, Chimneys Lnd Oil Burner Totals THORNCLIFFS A. Mathleson 197 Handicap ... . Totals W. Wallace E. Johnson J. Pope N. Sheppard Totals J ntnv S I.OCKr.TS B9 FISH DOCK J. Sharp 195 209 ' 144 175 153 867 1 SCOT'ANS ,W. McChesney 93 Ij Wide 140 L. McDonald 78 J. Darldson 245 J. Graham 201 Totals 757 R. C. SlOMALS MacQuarrle 93 WllSOn 82 Chin om Prompt attention to mall orders. 1 Hag ". '. '. '. '. 107 Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave I "IffSSSan-' ' " Totals 767 MUTTS b. McNab 179 R. Houston 136 B. Tough 177 E. Llndseh 134 W. Landon 244 Handicap 24 Totals . x 894 MAPLE LEAFS - Hilton 149 f ISS 188 138 253 169 178 152 193 173 163 787 924 206 154 117 224 243 944 125 111 238 131 125 74 804 159 202 107 140 168 24 860 134 Morrow 107 201 Whlttaker 118 103 Dlapha 217 114 Jermain 148 111 Totals 739 C63 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See . K. MORTI.MKH 324 2nd Ave; (Near CFPRI I LOVELY GIFTS v Itfs'fi m:t LARGE BlIIPMENT JUST ARRIVED FOR YOUR lOR YOUR SELECTION six m k SMtKT riUTii.tiM; HKowii huts ? YUKON 144 ! 145 89 ; 171 I 160 709 170 90 104 123 : 124 ; 74 i 751 154 143 9:t. 123 171 i 24 I 708 160 ' 146 99 181 265 851 JEWELRY NOTED , Columbus called Costa Rica the "rich coast" because the liiv olans wore gold jewelry. UEWELLERS 5 J, a, Alexander) 5 J C23 Third Ave. Blue C15 j Today hi Sports I Ketchikan Wins Again two games to one, also bowled ar bears Saturday Might pres- out stars. Floor Captain Shorty the highest single game team j ented an overcrowded Civic Marklson turned on an experl-score of 1.05J, and the top three- . Mrtd peffomanee wlUl ; CMlfe 0M of the flnest . , c r i . t. . .1 nr thn ., . . . . ... ,oi-aj in mc kwiiu Baiuc ui . any ana were ooviousiy Dewnn- Ml i:v -if rm: i'i i .r.Kii'R STAMtlMiH Scotlans 6 Thorncltrr 6 Co-op i 8 Fish Dock 6 4rmr Signals 5 Mutts 4 Canfl.tco 4 Moose 4 Stones 2 Wd Maple Leafs 2 Thorn Sheet Metal 1 i sailed yesterday morning on their return to Ketchikan where the series will be resumed late'.-with the locals gqlng north LARGELY WATER The water percentage of milk is 80 per cent; of watermelon. 92.4 per cent; of porterhouse steak, CO per rent; of cod fish 82.6 per cent, of an egg. 74 per cent. Sport Letter Box i solved the of fenslve problem with Tor Clean Sport ! a fast breaking game. Had their1 Sports Editor Dally News iown defence not collapsed the i have r:act with much Intcr- I locals would have, undoubtedly, f.t the letters and articles In run the visitors out. In this half j ,r-ent columns regarding Incl; Shier. Scherk and Lavigne team- lenU in local basketball games j fed to ta.lly a big 29 points. The and refer.nces to ulavers. of-; Kavhi Puts t'n One 6t Finest northerners kept pace with the ,lcals and Vw association II Exhibitions of llasketball j "cai ooys Dy Dasiceis on iio-mc- scf But It was with a feeling of Ever Seen Here I"' slP' Johansen ami Lewis disappointment that I rfnd the i were top men for the Polar Hears ,cltf r from Arl Murtny, lhat ett- Ketchlkaii Hlgll School Pol- bul u was Impossible to single imMu. ous supporter of sports. I feel too that h has ntlfsed tlte points raised by those whi w?rc game lubui ui . ; iwtrniy-M uum ur ui. o.t 1 u.i.t ,n,r.H rnnfrl, h .Kethnll Here are the team results, fol- on the Alaskans and 17 on the " :r.u.u7w.,. ;., :,V 0 P111 ine,r v ' "Vnimrii in wn- Hall In sfirfte time 'tthfv shut ti r tua vidtinrr 1U 1 l U UJ fct IV lllVllftUUkil ovwinig f IIAUIO. 1 1 1 1 I V Jl hi IV f lOIVIil . i list, ,cilt the Bo-Mel!l Rainmakers squad sufered the shower pen- t!" Without referring to any bon't ir -unn i ' ' IntprnnMnnat Intprnntlnn.il itioti Hloh .QUrul Rrhnnl fill- rlaa- . 1 i ... u.. .v, .MiM...i .nrHA1n ramint Of rillCS I UIH Ml Iff M M1U rtiiiunc muni uiictfc iucini 4 , ...... ..u ...p... o-- ....w. , . n prni I'll Uj iiv liim lilt" j.1 aiiuiKCiit uivrii L iririi'iiiH ittriiTiits ... . . . . r.nintitr thn tne i.hlftAilwi Jtl it' w Thofncliff 2, Grotto l. Fish Dock 2, Cnhflseo 1. Army Signals 2, Scotlans 1. Mutts 2, Maple Leafs 1. STONES sic. 'ofoffitlalscalderoneandcoma- amo"8 J During the first half the Ru- dna. association tltf prcniolion and pert team failed to crack the while droppinj both games to' dovelopmcnt of lhat sport arc shifting ohe defence of the Al-! .heir annual rivals the local dis- foremost and with tlvew the eon- askans. Thelf attempt to draWjpny waj jar from disappoint-' tro1 of tl1 ?ame- It U breatUP d wta? ni 2?s 173 by lo"s snipln8 was dls i Ing as most of them are first Low score 151 155 158 mal and, while at times they year men and gave away height "lnton. " 203 67 succeeded In pulling the zone to , and experience. tM side courts, they tailed to. Total, sis ioJ5 9S3 Tnri,vlfili;i, ,,.. NC"il CaS?ul.n,n ?u ?lns?- M"C,h' Ketchikan-Anderr on ,8, lrned In tills rmittrr: the play- isk 155 177 credit is due the visitors for their Sf" .:::::::: n n III s.atta ,8, flt trs. the offl-iflU. the eefutiv? j. Hen i5t 2(w 203 defence and offensively they ford ,8( ,ni Jonan 'and the spectators. The plnvM o. warn ii ouipiayea ana ouisnoi me iocai ,,.,.m 1B9 158 . . . . aril ftiacftllliuu, iucivi'l. 2 3 aquau. mcir atcuiacy iium mi rnrttart lit .1 .th-irtsl.M 111 916 10o key and control of backboards 189 241 half time was 29 to 20 for the RoMe-Hl T. i 18. F'aten U2. Olsen (2. ,, , , . w j 236 2.2 point half-time lead. Flaten. for n 2'1 2? Bo-Me-Hi. held the ODDosine 192 191 ue tn-r rpnirp 14 nninu wnnp rn.iiK- - - -- t in l . I 11 k. poweii 185 140 i4o mg up a big 9 points to keep the Kayhi Basketball TOalS 765 9T4 976 l- ty,a nnr. TVi. rnna t m t thom's sheet metal "'c B " . ' , 1 earn Keturns Home E. Millet 228 E. Speers 147 J. DettSd 148 I. Morse 156 !i 143 vlsltors- i Having cleaned up the first ns 98 ; In the second half Coach Alex j two games of an International 165 gill shifted Lavigne to guard and inter High School basketball 7L sis I " 1 ' - i series. Kayhl basketball team 201 2OT 129 211 186 34 848 953 288 140 164 209 153 118 111 124 180 235 94 94 743 835 180 19D 201 194 197 24 995 178 153 111 17 19f 253 988 870 142 127 101 149 183 94 790 sticn control coniroi u isrKin? that there lus been so much criticism of thp game tt lenlly. There are four grotit?s ertl- themselvM must learn control, They must kiiuw the wits and Lavltne U3i Shlerl1" ,nrv ar- penaiifw ror in- j Tractions they mtm accept the official's decision. Ilw oflfrt --ntlv have i?rt nlsyer how his resnitm?nt of official's decision and do son In a mast objectionable wav. and vet jet away with It' Yet when Continued on page 8i WHEN' IN TERRACE STOP AT THE TERRACE HOTEL 16 r Convenience and Comfort llOt AMI COL!) ttMTr.lt IS KOOMS Central llr.iting Sprins-I'llleil Mattrmw FOR THAT ALL-IMPORTANT "KIM" iiiiiiiBHaHBisiiiiiBBiiisiiiBKiiiBsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBawarrr i i . Appreciative men know that the characteristic of a good whisky is quality, as reflected in maturity and mellowness. That's why you'll score a hit with a gift of a UDL Rye Whisky. UNITED' DI?TII I CPS LIMITED , VANCOUVER. B C AND CPIM Perfectly Aged in Oak Barrels B y M , Ar l This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British jColumbia. xw., y y y v v y y y y y y v y y rnn Tiln hhst in AirrmioTivn stnvirr See Your vcmciw1, MUIORS DFAI m Chevrolet Pnntlac Uulrk Oldsrnuhlle "-ur u"v. W.l M.M.C. t... I Terrace Machine Shop & Gara TF.HKACE, ll.( LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR I'.ousli and urred I, timber Liimhcr .Mamifarturcrs T lilt HACK Al'.CUiH Fr Ihternatlortal Harvester (n. I'lreslone 'Mre K Kul.Urr Co iu I'lillco ItadUn, U'lllard liatlrtln Gifts Galore IIKATING PADS at McCUTCHEONS 1'OU HER -Cosmetic Sols, Perfumes, c,, !3 'op, ll and rl I'ompactH, btationery, etc. TOR IIIMahnvlnir Sets, Wallets, Uoni Lighters, Pen and Pencil Sets, P!, e; f-c,ft,f'tPt'ee't't,c'e'ew'e-"Hft(.-vtw, McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTE 3rd Ave. at Cth St. phur if TRILITES TOASTERS RADIOS XXXXXi'.nt.tiitJ LAMPS COFFEE MAKER: FLASHLIGHTS AlTOMTir ICONS '...7., iin-Tini i HE.tr Rupert Radio & Electric piioni: mi LING THE TAILOR Vf nre tal;lri)t rlranlns and lrriliti; and steam prfslue while you wait. HONE 04!) 220 Sixth Btrret r.ox i Movinf. IMffcin rrt Shlppint and Of"" Carlatf an' storl: Fur fomple'i'. -u Eflii ii'f.' V1''' 1 Lindsay's Carl & Storage c.ir 2nd ;md I'arH ht EstablWied 19" rliimes 00 s'"1 " Scissors KaZorS 7 able Knives Bread Kniv. Pocket Knives Hunting Knu English Carving bets THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ill 1 riio.Ni; mi IVE DOCTOR SIIOIIS IIKnii TUMI ATTKNII TO TIII-IU DVKINO 3Avr. tiikiii soi.ns MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Uox 774 Second Ave Qittixlit? ,55 tliifd cif "Of"", r pfi MP MOVW. sToi!.r.r PIXY TRANSf ,... .,,!. and " - I'ir.ii WINTERIZE n" Mnfnr, Ch battery, I une Kccharge .nlifree , An" Cooling System and Instnl Won $ Repair or Replace Jl'e Giains, Chang, to WinOrj, RUPERT MOTORJJH