I 11: If, fc 5 .a ft- V.. -'i. 1 V i'i' - r H WO. 1 V W'H:a lUX S7-5S: X group,: and ioaHiBBBi Itfnce Gupert Daflp Betas Monday, November 3, 1947 BIG TIME AT PARISH HALL Colorful Hallowe'en Affair ion Friday Night Jn a hay-strewn, barn-like atmosphere, made even more holidaylike by gay orange and black streamers and cats and witches, nearly 80 young people, members and guests of the St. Peter's young Peoples' Association, with members of the United Church Young Peoples' grpup as guests of honor, gathered in St. Peter's Hall Friday evening for a 'super-duper" Hallowe'en party that will be remembered by the youngsters for n'long time to come. The evening began with the Grand March, for which boys and girls were paired off by cards handed them upon arriv- a-U'l Abner paired off with May, Josephine with Napoleon, Lord Plushbotton (jPwith Emmy, and so on. Costumes gere judged by the St. Peter's (ftproup's director, Mrs. Helen 1 TfoSson, who agreed that Dick fSjjt'eTand Shirley Tremeer wore iiiuiniiesi uuiLuiiR-s. iiiu wiu- tWere each presented with idkerchlef with a specially embroidered "YPA" in one cor- pejv which had been made by I the girls of the group. ISquare dancing and special .Hallowe'en novelty dances took tfji.niost of the evening, except for Interruption at 10 o'clock jfjr the serving of refreshments, fClQwed by a fireworks display -wWch everyone swarmed SitiniSTA hovel innovation was introcfuced to the party in the cKxSslng of a 'King and Queen Qf timrBall." Albert Eyolfson, PKalclfnt of the United Church JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue secretary of the St. Feter's group, won these distinctions, j Focal point of much admira tion were three life steed drawings of L'jI Abner. Daisy Mae and Moonbeam McSwine, which adorned the walls. These were drawn by the St. Peter's group's president, Diane Kennedy. -- CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) -v MONDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 The New Mother Goose 5:C0 Latin American Rhythms 5:15 Vaughan Munroe and Orch. 5:30 Rhythm and Romance 5:45 Toronto Trio 6:00 Tex Beneke 6:15-Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Piano Pops. 7:45 Canadian Short Stories 8:00 The Choristers 8:30 The Smiths of Hollywood 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 Intermezzo. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Aragon Ballroom Orch. il:0o Weather and Sign-off TUKSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Sisnal Donna Kerrighan, 10:00 Musical Program m - "tW V SHIPS AND WATERFRONT From bright and early in the morning until midnight, Sunday was a busy day at the Canadian National dock. No less than five coasting vessels called during .the night. First to arrive at 8:30 a. m. was the ITnion Steamship Co.'s Chllcotin, Capt. Harry McLean, from Petersburg. Wrangell and Ketchikan, with no less than sixty-one passengers added to which were twen-ey or more from here which made her a pretty full ship when she sailed at 2 p. m. for Van couver, At 9:30, CP.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. P. L. Leslie, arrived from Vancouver with 7! passengers, sailing at 11-30 a. m. for Skagway and Alaska ports whence she will reurn here on Wednesday afternoon southbound. Union steamer Ca&siar. Capt. Alf Aspinall. arrived in port at 12 noon from her Mas-sett Inlet calls, sailing at 12 midnight for Vancouver via south Queen Charlotte Island points. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon the Northland Transportation Co.'s big freighter. Cant. Larry Clark Grummit Reefer arrived from Alaska, discharg ing six carloads of fifh here GLOVES!! GLOVES!! GLOVES!! all hands point to the RUPERT PEOPLES STORE O Show off your hands to advantage in our handsome, new gloves. All fabrics, all colors, alt sizes and lengths to please all fashion-smart women. The Store For Accessories GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED ,., SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN n B n M , MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR DYEING- save their 774 Second Avenue mm Or HONORED ON RETIREMENT A delightful surprise party was staged on Friday by the shipwrights of the Prince Rupert dry dock'.at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gillls, 330 Seventh Avenue West, on the occasion of the birthday and retirement of Mr. Gillls from the dry dock after a, service of 20 years. On behalf of the shipwright department, Robert Cameron, shipyard superintendent, presented Mr. Gillis -with a watch chain with accessories and a lighter, both suitably engraved, and to Mrs. Gillis a lovely moon stone brooch and earring set. Also on behalf of the dry dock employees, Mr. uameron presented Mr. Gillls with a pen and pencil set and wallet. A delightful time was enjoyed by all with singing and old time dances and delicious refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. i L. Halcrow, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. j Gillis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Feasby, j Mr. and Mrs. J. Pederson, Mr. ; and Mrs. L. Wide, Mr. and Mrs. i A. Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. ! Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George ! Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gil-I lis, Mr. and Mrs. J'. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith. Miss from Pelican for transshipment , ,,rl JV over Railways before sailing at 7 p.m for Tacoma with timber and more fish from Alaska. Last ship ,of the day to arrive was Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. John Boden. which sot in nt 5:30 from Vancouver and way-points, sailing at midnight for Alice Arm. Stewart and other northern points whence she will be back here again tomorrow southbound. Advertise in the Dally News! D. McRae, J. A. McRae, J. Mc-Greish, J. Stewart, Allan Gillis. T.B. SEAL DRIVE COMING OF AGE Larger Committee Than Usual to Conduct Christmas Seal Campaign A somewhat lareer committpn than usual has been organized ' In folrn Ik. Ol-.l.. sale in Prince Rupert this year, It was announced last evening by the chairman, P. LeRoss. "This is the twenty-first anniversary of the seal sale in Can ada," Mr. LeRoss stated, "and. H J we must try to make it note- worthy. We must celebrate our i majority by a willingness to a j shoulder responsibilities and to j ' strike out in a vigorous fashion against tuberculosis." "i The first nation-wide Christ-q , mas Seal sale was held In Cana- da in the year 1927, Mr. LeRoss recalled. At that time TB took B,a toll of 81.7 per 100,000 of the! population. The death rate since ! then has been cut to 45 a de- JJ j crease of 45 per cent. There Is j still, however, much to be done. . From now on the gains are m n' i : Margaret McLeod Optometrist - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 321 ' for SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. rhone 37 P.O. Box 811 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert 41 EAT in your FANGE IrfK with a ILENT GLOV Oil Burner No more ashes, loot, dirt, fires that die outj In your kitchen range I Fiv Ytar Guarantee by makars. Ovel 400,000 in use today. ON SALfc ATs Hotel. . . i arrivals I'rincc Itupcrt Mr. and Mrs. A. Ring, Bute-dale; J. Saurlol, Kelowna; A. Mather, Penticton; H. C. Kennedy. Vancouver; O. Hanson, city: L. F. Chapman, Spokane; E. Secord, Queen Charlotte City; J. Secord, Queen Charlotte City; Miss N. Langlois, Butedale; M,iss M. Ring, Butedale; Mrs, A. Jones, Skidegate; E. Howard, j Burns Lake; A. L. Lourand, Burns Lake; Miss H. Dimar, Queen Charlotte City; S. G. Brl-dlal, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. Calderwood, Smlthers; Mrs. , O. Biseloff, Smlthers; Mrs. R. Davidson, Massett; C. G. .Nay-J lor, Vancouver; M. L.. Henning, Fredericton, N.B.; J. Paulls, Ced-arvale; Mr. and Mrs. P. Brook-field, Butedale; L. A. Head, Vancouver; W. Griffiths, Terrace; C. Waters, Vancouver; Mr and Mrs. O. II. Bell, Vancouver. Mrs. J. Simpson and daughter, Massett. likely to be sinwer and less spectacular, and there will be need for greater effort than ever before." R. G. Moore, president of the Kinsmen Club which sponsors the T.B. seal sales, announced that the committee In charge of the forthcoming campaign would consist of: P. LeRoss, W. Manning, R. Moore, G. Dibb, 11. Muncey and II. Seaman. Aoip Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL t ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 310NDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY 9mwmmmmmmmmwimammmMmiammjmmmmmmajk- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmRi iilTTflr ni " ill ' 4 r: jm,,jmwmmTmrmmMmm w: mmmmmmmmmmmmmtA :immmmm7 mmmmmmww mmmwwmmmmtL ,z&w . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmWLJmW' VaIi'ua A L Il I AiM mmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmWF I Ull VC I IITrt I II miiiiii II i r ,-I?""iJ" fmW' You've Read About It! " YW r PHONE 32 ARTHUR TREACHER BRENDA MARSHALL HARRY VON ZELL THE SMITHS HOLLYWOOD The Sizzling Hew Half Hour Comedy Siow of the Air! Mons., CFPR, 8:30 p.m. "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has returned to the CONTRACTING BUSINESS No Job Too Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING. HAULING, LAND. CLEARING SIXTH STREET j LUMBER JUST KECEIVEI) a large shipment of Fir Dimension, Shiplap, Flooring, Vcc Joint, Kiln-Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Agent for H.C. CEMENT CO. i ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF HUILDINC SUPPLIES 1'IIONK JIG 1 COAL -PIIONK 117 NOW YOU CAN SEE IT! mwit.s .Tmmmmmwmmxm hhu b h i ' mmmmmmmmmmmr -mmmr mmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmai inr tiiVttrfmiiiH DAVID O. SELZNICK'S Technicolor products limit! JENNIFER JONES - GREGORY PECK JOSEPH i LIONEL BARRYMORE HERBERT MARSHALL LILLIAN GISH WALTER HUSTON CHARLES BICKF0RD WITH A CAST OF 2S00 DirtcteJ h KING VIDOR PRICES FOR WIS LIMITED ROAD SHOW EXGACEVtSI MATINEE 75c- EVENING 1.25 loix;es extra This picture will not be shown at Lower Prices dmiml Only One Evening Showing at 8 p.m. am CAPITO1 Announcing L 3 The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS rilONE KJ REMEMBER . . . Dillj Delivery YES!! We Make Them All . . BOAT TANKS MUI I Ll ltS - STACKS rimvirrif l AVKSTKOlCill THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Phone Blaik .SSI 253 us" the opening of our new CARPENTER SHOP with the very 1" mnimmiMnf: MACHINE We will build your kifjg right in the shop ready lor instaau ..Also Floor Sanding thc0 latest maclunc. For appointmc Gunna Phone Hlue filO nt call Selvig 7.fV mnJe of WOodfM A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS P.O. B' Jolt -Trt