iniB CHECKED in a Jiffy or Money Back p p. i..- - COURT OP -qnPBBMU 1- -"An nu TUB iSrWfHKW DECBA6ED, iT i r iuri " Lima- claims against ft 1B47. after which claima .i.imi ni wiii." r---- r anPRKMB cuuiii to m WATTER' OP THtt .... mrM X PT" ' the- 22nd' day of October, Official AUIIiMt. --.jr , and IMTTEIJ OF THE F.3TATE DECEASED ,n ,-MPPS. (NTE3TA l urtTTCB that? UV Orrlff I .......... it rt. Tallinn. 4hm if tit Btwrrans- iure ' . nM.K.w n m47t ntv Administrator of the- Etate c the .Id estate arc re-:: nt amount of their Having claims againni. .h m nnmpriv. VHTlfled Oil- i,!!'" wnien antnouiiona nait ntvlns reKnrd only to . ..hinh T. Bhall havp i Prir.:? Rupert. H.C.. this . Oc.abcr K.OI IB47( G -S:;n Prnser Portjpj; Offlcsi Admlntr.trntor. Pn. :e Hpert, 1J.C. ik uiMi hi (mimvn; HlwTUIfiT I t Rctardo. late of Prince Br! Jl C-tlnmhln uhn riled .... vtvi ui riiiito ;i. -a Columbia. All persons K iht old estate are re-1 'o FJ the amount of their r , . r . i ... i 1 1 bavir calms aualnst the w required to lite inem ..lh dan of November. 1947. b::h distribution will bo "-'-it r"-iu-d. nulv to. such )' hlch I Khnll hum hrflli 1 of Ortnhpi- a n ioi7 WRDON PIMSBR FORMES, 0"lc:al Administrator, "ince Rupert, B.C; (203) EHNMENT LIQUOR ACT Section 2(11 ... .t'MH'iu inn lor n. nun I ii'Mltl.l .11 nni i, . i At 7 ji nuvemwr next, me sui-u HEX HOWIlNfl Control HiinrH frv a tT1i!v In rc3ect of premises situ-0 22) Third Avenue West, vuT British Columbia, 15 anrt iR m 1, n . ..... .. "ince Rupert Land Regla-"Utrlct tn the province of t-OlUmbla. tn ooih, 1 Ol the entrl rl,,K bun - iii-rsonai consumption Premlaes. and entitling the PUrchasK llnni,, r,. to sell hu , to its members and '.""'sumption on the Club - ' accordance with the of the "Government sated "8""' t0 tills 27tU day of October, ttl. I I riD,S.rVKMK COURT OF t i? COLUMBIA t v " ur l im tai p.i rnhimui ,Mi--w uouru or un Ct-i. ' tOU. OUUU 1 LCU i of August, 1947, at the An. - RuPft. British Col- unions Indebted to the "or tIL8, lr lT,u,'l to pay the-th .i ""Jebtedness to ma- " "tiu (ill . 1 against iv.. i1"80"8 . "BV,n " w file tir ",0 ,venea on . ; 7'"' "T J h,,.. "cnur, 1947. failing uihlPh oniv , maae navmg re J'ove hn ." '".' "4 WHICH Oav r, upert, BC.thli Rupert, B O, Seniors Provide ;shlp Trophy. i Ser&eant Potterton officially .started' the season by tossing1 .v.inhn r win on vn'i . uo iaxi anm mam acnooi: jnn jiory etSarted' tnln? rolllnff withi ,tlie Taxi' lads- running rou?h-shod over the JVinlor ?tudente by a .ore of 32-17. The cab- H0T1CE mac jonn- v. jwnc- au.nw. .v,.. - . . TU PnrtMlMntArf. . I I I 1 J t . 11 1 :iT.?5b.c-,out 21' personal fouls The stir- (283) "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" C..lnn OOl i i -l t: purchase the Xol-I . . . . .. ir-r-i lands situate m quarter and never lost it. They , -j DiKirtct and bounded pA 8.y at the half. O: Skce of i..: bv Lot 5088. on the I . , . . . Mi-.t and on the East the merchants got 4 t. the boot to -Jcu- 31ouj?h Cmmenrtntt flie. sllower w)th. five fouls LiNcrth Eat oonier or,,tacKea on1 mm. j; fiatem was ler.rt West) chain ttthlwN man. fnn t,1i Unlnmalrprs :.n KiL' ; r rnpr ni ixiv nnni srji an chains- to- the North ,ne sarnerea nimseir ni n e .1 5087; .thence East Tnku Slough: c.r. ; the Taku Slounh Pot and contaln-c ;r or less. :t. 13th. 1947. JOHN C MacLEAN. ifKt.M K I l ei til-- BRr3H COLUMBIA W PROBITY MOTTO OP THR ESTATE. Arttav'. points. O. Slatta played a stellar game for the Shoemcn and also speared' sir points; Senior It was the BrcwnwoodsSavov tusrie that supplied the thriller of the evening. Sparked by Ted- sharoshootln.'? the Ho- AS KJARIO HOUALDO Oit!""rll qnrairu me onuciucii ckeased, intestate by a score of 39 to 38. h:'t v Onlr of f ' -p W n FiiHrm. Iiral !'! 8-.preme Court of Drl-t was on the 22nd u (he Estate of Rossi known a.1 Hosarlo At the end of the first quar- B. C not later than 11 a.m. on tliff 10th day of November, 1B47, ror tne purchase of Licence X 31708. to cut mm nnni f h m. of soruce, cedar, and hemlock on an area adjoining Timber n ior,ip Puln Licence 70 and 5n34P PulD Licence 84, vicinity of cnHoi.nto TjiVe. Cumshewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Land .District. . Two (2) years will be allowed for removal, of timber. Further particulars of the Cnier Forester, Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. DEVELOPING, PRINTING' AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras,. Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlareers and a complete line of photographic supplies- WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C.. If your building, house or fur.-nlture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE poyer replacement of youx possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent?' Consult your Insurance advisers nowl H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 218 Sixth Street Thriller Basketball Season Starts; Junior- Tai' 32",, High- School' IT uiiermeaiau-HOOtW AlemotlaV Hlghi 25, Fashion Footwear 15-Senior Savoy 33;, Brownwoods 38 ; Featuring a tightly contested Senior tussle, the-ibasltetbnWseasonigiorJ off to a good start on Saturday evening- to a- near- capacity house- Intermediate and- Junior League-also' provided interesting although not as ciose- games.. IWar Intermediate game T: Nbr- -n. VliiMnni nnnniinniiil' 4A4n. 4-14 a. . I ' HM n ronrna f - aH W T 1-U VVtlVIV uuuu Sportman-.vflr of the innkeepers! At the ship Trophy, which' had! been hair it was 2115, It was in the- won by the- late- Bobby Houston; ,, third Quarter that; the Bt-own-had been Riven tfl" Mr.i, Houston; "'woods' crept uv on. the Holland that another one would' be men. This period' the score ,put up called the Bcfbby Hous- stood) 29-28 and. It was only ;ton Memorial' Good1 Sportsman-, time that teat the shoe mer- up the ball at the start of the , were 1 called1 oiv the Brown-Bo-Me-Ht v Fashioni Footwear j woods- and1 13 were called on the Kstcrs-. led 14-a nt tfte. ouare.r,. 21-2 at !; half and 26-5 at the three-miatiep time. M1. Wffcster and! B'. Ratehtord' :were the shooting- stars for the transportation) squad, while- Provost and Tmlth netted most of tllff Student'si pointSi Intermediate Bb'-M'e-Hl' won ovee Fashicr. Footwear 25-15 in a hard check- chants. Final' score wasp 39-381 The whistle- tootens dished out 27 fouls. In- this contest, There Savoys. Scoring JUNIOrt- EEAGUE 05-Taxik-.D. Bill t, t. Vanpylr-ster T.' Hblt 5 E. O'sen 0, B'. Ratchford' 8, M. Webster 14. X Atory C, H. Martinson P. NT. Sedgwick. 32. H'iigh Scho'ol) D: Prevost 5, TV. Smith. 5; K. Black, D. Johnson 4, S. Hamilton, G. Jeffreyz. B'. Wless 2! R. Webber, F. Sl- mondsun ,17 INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE BO-ME-III-R. Lavigne 4, J. Flaten1 11, T. Baulter. D. Shiers 2. G-. Carlson. A. 01 sen 2. D. Scherlt 4, R'. Springs. B. Dav'.d-scn 223" FASHION fOOVvVEAR O . Slatta 0, H. Menzies, O. Skog 2, J. James, N. Shepherd, P. Petersen! c: Johnson, M. Teng 2, A. Arntenson 515 SENIOR LEAGUE SAVOY Davis, Arney 15, Alexander, Murray 11, Holkestad 7, Morgan, Hougan, Dominate 539. BROWNWOODS Hartwig 8. E. Clccone 6t Gtirvich 2, Thomp son- 9, Pierce, Forman 2, V. Clccone 1138 Football Banned; Skiing Is Favored J U N E A U The school board here has voted against adding- football to the regular public school sports schedule. Skiing Nntli-nf AimlleiMliHi. fur IWrr I.Uciice Will be developed. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN trial on the 28th day of November, next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect of premises being part of a building known as Karls-court Hotel, situate on ColUson Avenue, at Massett. Queen. Charlotte Islands. British Columbia, upon the lauds described, as Lot One U). Two (2) and Three (3), Block Five (5), Subdivision of. District Lot Seven (7V. Plan 94B. Prince Rupert Land Registration District. In the Prov-luco of British Columbia, for the sale . of beer by the glass or Dy tne ooiiie for consumption on the premsies or tdwwhere: DATED' this 27th day of October, '7; HERALD ORAY Applicant. (278) TIMHI It SAI.K X3I"08 Sealed' tenders- will be received1 bj the Minister of Forests at Victoria! . BOTTIED BEER delivered free C . 0 . D PHONE 654 25c PER DOZ. PAID for EMPTIES Please have them ready when the driver calls. T.i.1. .,i.rtimpiit Is not published or dlsolayed awpwycu by u; the Liquor ,T,,iiih Con trol nnlumbld. Boardor UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS Out-ot-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 81H r . Basket All. Indications point to the 65 Taxi lads to be favorites W cop' the Junior crown this win ¬ ter. They are being1 coached' by boyo- Gurvich; although the Junior students will give- a' batter account of'themslvs as the season progresses. Jt Evans Is looking- after the Junior H!gh. Playing together Saturday night for the- first time th? Fashion Footwear put up a- good grme against the" Rainmakers. Slatta and' Arnsten will be the ones to watch on- this team. Sev Dominato is doing the brain- trusting from the bench. Rainmakers turned in thel.-usual performance with Flaten Lavigne. and D! Scherk as the outstanding- players. Alex; Bill l.S UU1I1S U1C tudillius auu ic claims by the end of the first half this team should be as good as last year. The Senior game started out a fast wide open game but, by the last quarter, It had slowed up- as the boys are- not exactly in shape- as yet. Davey Murray.' B of the Sa-voya and V. Clccone ot the' Brownwoods brought the crowd to their feet with some spectacular shots. There Is no dbicbt that these two teams are going to supply some thrills for the ball fans. J. Davis was. Injured in tne first half and had to be .given first aid treatment by T. Graham. Davis will be out for a couple of games. MEN'S FIVE-PIN 'T LEAGUE Nov.3-7 p.nt.-Burns and Mc-Meekins; Brownwoods and Con- Itinentals; Morgans and Nortn Star. 9 p-rn. Revellers and Ant-rmsninrs: Malkins and Man- sons;, Kllowatt3 and Home Oil. Continentals; Malkins and Revellers; Mansons and Ambassadors. 9 p.m Burns and Home Oil; Brownwoods and North Star; Morgans and MeMsekins. Nov 17 7 p.m. Revellers and Poppies on sale as-usual give generously REMEMBRANCE DAT, NOVEMBER 11 Different ? 0. C. Football SATURDAY ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Aston Villa 4, Preston North End 1. Blackburn Rovers 4; Bolton Wanderers 0. Blackpool T, Liverpool 0. Chelsea 0, Arsenal 0; Derby County 4, Mlddlesbor-ough 2. Everton 2, Sheffield' United 0. ' Grimsby Town 1, Burnley 2. Huddersfleld Town 0, Charlton Athletic 1. Manchester City 1, Portsmouth 0. Sunderland 1, Stoke City 0. Wolverhampton Wanderers 2, Manchester United 6. Second' Division Bradford 3, Fulham 0. Bury 1, West Bromwlclv Albion 2. Cardiff City 0, Leeds United 0. Chesterfield 1, Plymouth Ar-gyle 1. Doncaster Rovers 0, Newcastle United 3. Mlllwall 3, Lutcn Town 1. Nottingham Forest 4, Coventry City 0. Sheftteld Wednesday 1, Leicester City 1. Southampton 2; Birmingham City 0. Tottenham Hotspurs 4, Brentford 0. West Ham United 2, Barns-ley 1'. SCOTTISH LEAGUE "A" Division Aberdeen 2, Queen of the South 2; Clyde 3, Morton 2. Hearts 1,, Queen's Park 0: Motherwell 0. Hibernians 2. Rangers 3t Alrdrlenonlans 0. 'St. Mirren 3, Partick Thistle 1. Falkirk vs. Dundee (postponed). Third Lanark vs. Celtic McMeeklns; Burns and Brownwoods; Malkins and Continentals. 9 p.m. Kilowatts and Am-basadors; . Morgans and Revellers; Malkins and MbMeekins. COTTAGE CHEESE .New Creamed Fresh Made 1 VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE FOR SALE Large supply of dry scrap wood,, random lengths,, $6 per cord, 3 cord lots $16.. BLUE 810 Bert's Transfer 303 Third Ave. LING THE TAILOR We are taking: cleaning and pressing and steam, pressing while you waif. PHONE (J4S li'J iiixin oireei. STRAIGHT CUT V I R G IN I A CIG ARE TTES I'1VJ3,IIHMI McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE WiqtfgRKTJ'SGi 79 GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations P.O. Box 721 Prince- Rupert Dailp JOctas Monday, November 3, 194T RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS', MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY ?- FOR QUICK SALES- OR: CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's,. Waterfront)-Box 5iS Phone Green 075 .V.V.V.V.V.VW.V.VWAVW.V Union Steamships Ltd. wish to announce their NEW FAST DIRECT SERVICE Between Prince Rupert and' Vancouver N Off EFFECTIV E (Southliound)1 Lv. Prince Rupert Sundays 2 p.m. Arr. Vancouver Tuesdays 7 a.m. (Northbound) Lv. Vancouver Wednesdays 0' p:m. Arr. Prince Rupert Fridays 9 a.m. Also extended service- to Alaska' as follows: (Read Down) 2 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. Friday 11:45 pjn. Friday 10 a.m. Saturday 11 a.m. Saturday 2:30 p.m. Saturday Lv. Pr. Rupert Arr. Arr. Ketchikan Lr. Lv. Ketchikan Arr. Arr. Petersburg ' Lv. Petersburg Arr. Wrangel (Read Up) . iS'.Zd a.m. Sundays 11:43 p.m. rp.m. Saturdays Lv. 3:30;p.m, Saturday FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINC RUPERT Company Limited' Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second' and Park Avenues IMIONE 56G Prince Rupert B.C BRITISH COLUMBIA RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We- specialize In rebuilding- Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete' Automotive Repair service for all1 makes of cars and trucks. MOTORISTS Here is a service that voir have been waiting for . . . TIRE VULCANIZING We have just installed' Prince Rupert's first tire vulcanizing machine and-offer you a prompt and efficient tire-vulcanizing service ALF STEIN ERT,. who Is in charge of our tire department, will be pleased to explain-this new service, and advise you about any of your tire problems. , Prompt attention given to oui-of-town orders. Bob Parker Limited f "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" P.O. Box 38 Prince Rupert, B.C. To Avoid Inconvience We strongly recommend that our customers fill their coal bins as soon as possible, or at least order well in advance as there Vill be, unquestionably, a shortage of supply this winter. ; "CALL US OVER THE COALS it is going to be a burning question." FOOTHILLS LUMP EGtt TELKWA LUMP NUT PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Call 651 or 652 Coal Lumber Paints Building Supplies