c 4 ft It M ) j h fc e Prince Rupert DiiHe 3rUi0 ." Wednesday. December 31. 1947 WOULD DATES, 1947 (Continued from PajeOne) at Capetown. 18 British government to, refer Palestine problem tP United NatJpns general assembly. 19 Poland ar;d France slsn five-year "frienrsh,lp" and cultural agreement." 20 Brit)sh, gpyernment tq leave Ind'a by June. 1948. 25 Russia, approve United, Slates contrpa qf 623 Pacific Islands fqrmcrly Japanese; Deputies of foreign ministers end, six-week conference In Lonr don without agreeing on German peace treaty procedure. MARCH 1 P,remjer T.V. Scpng realms, a.t Nanking. 2 Martial law imposed on more than 250.000 Jews In Palestine. 3 Jewish underground Ir-gun Zval Leuml, declares open warfare In Palestine; Stalin succeeded as minister, of arm? ed forces by Marshal N. A. Biij? ganin. 4 50-year alliance signed by Britain and France. 7 1G5 killed, 403 injured In - - Classified Advertising - - ClMfifleds: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge. bOcf Birth Notlcw, 50c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices; Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 13. FOR SALE FOR SALE 5 room house, full basement, on twq lots. Phpne Blue 336. (3) FOR SALE Oolichan Grease, Good Quality. Order Nqw B.C, Furniture Co. FOR SALE-British India Rugs, New, Beautiful Colors, Llmlt-ed Quantity. Reasonably Pric- ' ed. Come In and look them ' oyer. B.C. Furnjture Co. Black 324. FOR SALE New and Used Furniture, Hardware and Office Fixtures,, rjew Skillets 80c. Cups and Saucers 25c, Soup Plates 25c, Aluminum Double Boilers il.95. Electric Double Hot-plates $7. New Camp Stoves, Scatter Rugs $1.75, Used ' Chesterfield, Bed $30. Fancy Occasional Chairs $12.50, Slightly Used Radios, Electric and Battery Sets from $21. All kinds of other useful articles. Come, and look them 'over. B, C. Furniture Co. Black 327 ''s; (tf) fOR -SALEiH:J942 Dodge "Sedan, New paint Job and generai overhaul; Phone or apply 112 Taxi. FOR SALE Excellent family home at 338 5th Ave. East. Full basement, fyrnace, fireplace. Immediate occupancy and, a fair price. Collart & McCaf- ""'fery Ltd. (3) FOR SALEj-1939 Oldsmqbile, new engine;,kst spring. Quick sale. Phone. Blue 317. (304) CHENILLE SPREADS, $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance first qualty fp.rdoutie and sirile bfds In beautifu twq-toned ' colors, worth double the nrlce. Money refunded If not satisfied, Sent C.Q.D. plus postage i in Canada. Handicraft Distri butors, 254 Sherbrqoke St. W., Montreal 18, Que. MACHINERY FOR SALE "J oAvy oeuer lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Saw-mills manufac-fured 'by' National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, ' B.C. (tf) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Renovating West Wing and Kitchen of Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, Prince Rupert, B.C." will be received unUl 1:00 p.m. Saturday, January 31, 1948. Blue prints and specifications can be obtained from the under signed on deposit of a sum of S1Q.00 in the form of a certl fled cheque payable, to the or4er of the Prince Rupert Genera Ifospital. This de posit will be released on re turn of ' the- blue-prints and specifications. The lowest or any teAdernqt necessarily accepted. Douglas C. Stevenson, Managing Secretary, Prince, Rupert Oeneral Hospital, Prince . Rupert, B.C. (5) METAL WORK. PLUMBING Installations and rer&lrsj & U 6 fe Tf iMjE, T,A t WORK. Eurnace, tanks, evestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 029 Sixth West Phone MS. (tf) three-day rioting in Punjab. 10 Four-power Foreign Ministers' conference on Germany and Austria starts at Moscow. 12 President Truman outlines new, fpreigq policy and requests $100,000,000 to aid Greece and Turkey. 17 Russia, claims $10,000,000. Q0Q In reparations frpm Gpr-many. 18 Britain arid United States rejected Russia's claim for $10.pqq.OO.q,O.OO in, reparations. 20 Large areas of Britain flooded 23 British farmers estimate flood damage in drowned, paf-tle and shp af $48.Qq0.0q0. 24 Admiral Viscount Mqynt-batten sworn in at New Delhi as Viceroy of India. 25 HI coal miners die in coal-mine explosion at Centralism. 3040 killed, 137 wqimded In Hindu-Mosleni riots lp Bombay. fting George II of Hellenes, 5j, jies at Athens; Crown Prince Paul, brother succeeds. 2 Britain formally hands Palestine problem to United Nations. FOR, RENT FOR RENT 2 rooms unfurnished. 336 9th Ave. West (4) FOR RENT Three" roomed furnished suite. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. (4) FOR RENT Warm, comfortable room; reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser St. (305) FOR RENT One 3-roqm apartment, unfumlshed or partly furnished. With " private bath. Red 441. (tf) FOR RENT Housekeeping room furnished. 209-5th west. $15.00, Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phqne Green 917. (tf) FOR RENT 3 room house part ly furnished. 1008 6th Ave. ' East. $20.00. Prlnc e Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917. (tf) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 221 Fifth Ave. East. (5) ROOM AND BOARp ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. (tf) WANTED WANTED TO RENT Furnished housekeeping room, central, for elderly lady. Phone Blue 505. (tf) WORK WANTED MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 588. (tn PERSONAL AFRAID to Eat? Real genuine fast lasting relief from acid indigestion, gas disturbances, neariDurn, nervous sour stomach, gastric hyperacidity, i bloating, or belching with' GOLDEN STOMACH TAB- i LETS. 360 tablets $5.00: 120 ! tablets $2.00; 55 tablets $1.00.1 Ail drijg stores and drug de partments. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from' drlnklpg. It is a confldetlal service rendered without co$t. by others who have found freedom from alcohol. Box 276 Dally News (tf) A SANDED FLOOh makes a new room) Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient job with modern equipment. Greer and Brld-den have the latest In floor sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 561. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold nugget chain with owner s name on medal. Find er please return to 800 Fraser St. Reward. (i) FOUND Two keys on string by Wrathau's Photo Shop. Own er may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying fqr this advertisement, (tf) LOST Saturday December 27, j. on 5th Ave. East between Mc Bride and the bridge, silver drop earring, studded with brilliants. Mrs. Christie, St Elmo Hotel. Regard. (1) 7 Henry Ford, 83, dies at Detroit. 9132 dead 1.073 Injured wheq tornado eweeps Texas and Oklahoma. 10 Internatiqnal trade conference of 1 cquntrles qpeqs at Geneva. 15 British budget balanced fqr first time in 10 years. 1Q Mjltqn J. Ijeynqlds lands at New York after record rpund-wprld flight: 575, killed at Tex as City wheq freighter Grancj-camp, loaded wltrj ammonium nitarte, explores, causing chemlcql plant to blqw up; General Chang Ch,ur succeeds T. V. Spong as premier of cf)Ina. 18 Britjsh bjow i)p Helgoland. 20 King Christian of Den-mark, 76, cies after 35-year reign; Crpwn Prince Frede.rlk succeeds. 23 S6-mile-an-hour wing hifs United Kingdom, oil tanker Samtampa sunk, 42 lost. 24 British R,pyal Family leaves Capetpwn for home; Council of Foreign Ministers concludes, meeting at Moscow; use of gas and electricity for heating banned in England. 28 First sReclal session of United Nations assembly opens to study Palestine prohlem: Poland qnd Britain to sign $232, oob.qqo.qoq trade pact. MAY 3 W a r-crimes Indictments at Nuernberg charge I. G. Far-ben combine with making cartel arrangements to weaken the United States. 4 251 prlsqners freed at Jeru-.'alen prison when Jewish terrorists blast walls. 5 British bill to nationalize all inland transport given third reading 7 Brazil' rqles CqmmijnUt party illegal. 9 Prptest strike against fqod shortage i:i BrtishH3ce,upied zone of Germany: bill authqr-izing $400,000,000 aid to Greece and Turkey passes U. S. House of Representatives. 12 British Royal Family reaches Lonadon from Squtja Africa. 13 Protest srrlke spread? to United States zon of Germany; Italian calji'rjet qf Premier Alclde de Gasperl resigns. 15 11-membrr fact-finding commission op Palestine set up by United Nations. 22 American food, sqips reach Germaji ports reJieviVig food crisis. 23 Partition of India prepared in special British cabinet fession. 29 48 dead in plane crash at La Guardia ajrfsid, Npy'Vork. 30 53 kiiled in worst plane disaster ever in North, America. 173 dead, 30 Injured in two days of aviation lis.asters throughout wcrld; Premier de Gasperl of Italy excludes Communists from cabinet. 31 Prp-communist Lajqs D!q-r.yes hepomes. premier of' Hungary after resignation of Fer-enc Nagy. JUNE sl 35 dead In Arkansas tornado. 3 Announce offer of Dominion status and Its acceptance by Indian leaders. 5 Palestine Stern gang admits plot on Britons by "explosive letters." King and Queen to be guarded; U. 's. Secretary of State' Marshall aescnoes in speech to Harvard University alumni a new program of European reconstructionfirst project qf the "Marshall plan." 8 Mississippi floods cause 23 deaths and render 22,000 homeless. 9 Moslem League Council at New Delhi accepts British plan for new Moslem state. 1350 dead in crash of Capital Airlines plane enroute from Chlcagp tq Washington. 15 All - Indian Cqngress party agrees to division of India lqto Hindustan and Pakistan. 20 Russia walks out for second time In United Nations history after class In Military staff Committee. 21 71 dead In two days of communal rioting in India. 26 Greece, before United Nations security council charges Yugqslavla, Bulgaria and Albania with, aggression; Viscount Bennett, ' Canada's ' prime minister, i930-35'rdjes In England, aged 76. 30-U.N.R.R.A. officially dls solved. JULY 1 68 killed when Itajlan munitions ship explodes at Porto Santo Stefanq. 2 Conference of Britain, United States and Russia on Marshall plan cqllapses at Paris. 4 India Independence BUI introduced info British House of Commons. 0 King announce engage ment of Princess Ellz-abeth to Lieut. Philip Mountb'atten, R. N. 12 Czechoslovakia and Russia announce five-year trade agreement. ( 13 Conference of 10 nations on Marshall plan decides to prepare survey of Europe's needs by September 1. 15 British pound sterling, I with some limitations, becomes convertible into all other currencies for current transactions. 16 1 n d I a n Independence pill passed b,y British House of Lords. 17 M,ore ttyan 60q missing after ferryboat Ramdas sinks in Bombay harbor. 18 Largest contingent of illegal Jewish Immigrants, 4,550. arrives at Haifa after sea battle with naval landing party. 2q Arrest former Premier U. "S?V apd, 19 lieutenants for machjne-gun massacre of seven Burmese council ministers Juy 19. 25 Dutch say they have completed first phase of military action against Indonesian Republicans. 30 Irgun Lval Leuml, Jewish underground, announces hanging of two British sergeants captured July 12; United Nations Security Council orders hearing on Indonesian ' dispute. 31 Enraged British soldiers fire on Jews at Tel Aviv, killing five, injuring J8. AUGUST I United Nations Security Council orders Immediate halt to war In Dutch Indonesia. 8 Tax on Imported films means no more Hollywood films in Britain. iq William p. Odpm, 27, )ands at Chlcagq tq complete fastest trip ever made around wqrld 19,645 miles In 73 hours, fjye minutes. II Unofficial British coal sUlke start at Grlmethorpe, Yorkshire, 'l2-gritish and United States negotiators at Belgrade sign $ioq,qoq,u00 trade agreement wlfl Germany for Yugoslavia. 14 India and Pakistan become dominions. . r'v ... 1 a 15 ill trapped coal miners die at Whitehaven, England. 18168 dead, 4,000 Injured when naval torpedo factory explodes at Cadiz, Spalr. 20 British government re-vqkep frpe convertibility of sterling in effort to salvage part of $3,750,000 U.S. loan. 21 Russia invokes veto twice to block entry of Italy and Austria into United Nations, raising to seven number of Soviet vetoes in 6? hours. 25-Cabinet uecides on austerity measures to combat Britain's economic crisis. 3090 kitted! '60 hurt In theatre fire In Paris suburb; mutual defence treaty unanimously approved by 19 North and South American republics at Petropolls, qrazll. SEirn.MKi 4 Report massacre In, Punjab, Pakistan, of thousands of Sikhs and Hindus. 8--3qq kljled In twq days of Hindu-Moslem rioting lq Old and New Delhi; 1.4p6 Jewish Immigrants turned back frpm Palestine reach, Germany. 9 Jewish refugees and British troops clash on transport Runnymede Park at Hamburg. 15- Brltaln sells $80,000,000 of "last ditch' gold reserves to buy U.S. supplies. 16 Japanese estimate 2.28Q dead as result of typhoon oyer two-thirdi of Honshu, main island of Japan. 20 Fiorella H. La Guardia, formerly mayor of Ne$- York and director of U.N.'r R.A.. dies. 23 Nikola Petkov. 54, Bulgarian Peasant arty leader, hanged after conijcted ql plotting against Communist-controlled government. 29 Reorganization of British cabinet makes Sir Stafford Crlpps mlnittn tit economic affalu. 30 Canada ai.q Argentina elected members of United Nations Security Council. octou:r 1 Admission of Italy and Finland to United; Nations blocked by Russian vetoes. 7 Brlflsh cabinet scuffle re-moves Emanuel Shlnwell as " v CONTRACTORS !.. Box 1399 lilack 823 (304) Happy New Year TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS IN PRINCE RUPERT IN THE CANNERIES AT THE NUMEROUS HUDSON'S BAY CO. ESTABLISHMENTS AND IN THE VARIOUS OTHER CENTRES THROUGHOUT CENTRAL AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Grant & Newton KJ.ECTRJCAL 712 2nd Ave. West TRY Rex Cafe FOfl TASTY MEALS rM.,.., c..., m t . .. OfEN Mtflf f,VV vyinnv ku J A.M. TO 2 A A!. CHINESE DIIES (JUft SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL fuel minister and five other senior ministers. 14 Paris paralyzed by subway and, bits strike. 17 British aqd Burmese agree on Independence for Bunna. 2452 killed In plane crash South of Salt Lake City; 31 kiiled lq trail crash at South Crpydon, England. 2j5 Deaths from cholera In Egypt reach 5,501. 3-Jplin D. Wlnant, 58, fprnier Amerlpp anityissadpr to Britain. corqniiU sujclde at Cqn-cqrc, y.U'.: Stanlsjaw Mlkola-JczyV. yeiujtpe leader ot Pplsh Peasant Party, reacipfl London. 12 British Chancellor of the Exchequer Daltoq Introduces "crisis' budget to counter Inflation. 13 Huith Dalton resigns af- ter giving budget details to , London reporter, succeeded by 1 sir Stafford Crlpps. I 19-French Premier Paul ! Ramadlej resigns; French i recalls 14.9,000 cqnscrlpts to j meet Connpunlst-lpsplret la-! br crisis. I 2q-Rrlncc Ellzatjefh and Prince PhltlP. Duke of Edin burgh, mafried i Westminster 'Hulld II. C PayrolU" Please The GhHtJrer) Youll find cqcoa made with crcarqy rich Pacific Milk hard tp beat. And lp all your cqok-Ing requirements you'll find farm-fresh Pacific In the familiar vacuum packed tin a real kitchen favqrtte. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed FOOT Satisfaction 40 . . THAT IS WHAT YOU OKT W1IKN WK SKKVK YOtT. SKK OUt ?TU'?I)Y SMAKTSHOKS FOIt MKN & 'CIIILDKGN. Fashion Footwear STONH BUILDING IIIQKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone. Black 823 Abbey. 24 -French Premier Robert Scrjiman flnnouncf forma-tlpn of coalition government. 25 Cfouncll of Foreign Ministers of Britain, United States, France' Russia opens conference on peace treaties for Germany and Austria. 29 Plan to partition Palestine approved by United Nations general assembly. ):ci,:misek 4 Emergency bill providing heavy penalties on sabotage and lncfement to strike passed by " riatlohaf assembly as France paralyzed by nation - wide walk-puts. 5 Jewish - Arab communal strife, touched oif by partition plan, spreads through Palestine and Middle East. 9 Russlap and France expel eactj qther repatrlatlqn commission apd Mqsoow breaks off trade negotiations. 12-4p-hqur strike qf 50Q.000 f y V rtt .... 1 11 , it f. . iiAnz-iur uritr in All JrvlTMIM A ivi r IV vv r 11 w v 1 11 iij ui .itinniinr n nnr nu 11111.111.? i nu.M, iiiti.il. TKl'CK SERVItl. FASTER - SAFER - LESS EXPENSIVE posAioie ciiori ana save you money uy w. ... charges to a m ln mum RUPERT MOTORS LTD, 'Complete Automotive Repair Scrv::t Day Phone 566 (NlthU, BUfk livnnti n VllffflrtC Gurvich & Son CONTRACTORS TRUCKS FOR HIRE Phone 32 or Red 511 Sixth StreJ 'f,',f',tx,e,,st,cf,e'f,ctH:,,'c,,,c,c't,'t','',"1 SUMMIT ICE CREAM FOR YOUR PARTY It Is flood, I UESH MADE ami Drlirioui VALENTIN DAIRV 13 Em. Cj,,, Drltl.;n prim.. . 11 Itfinnfm . t! Union announce' Russian currency taneous abniit ' -C 1V 1 . dv;. . , I ----- iiuy-v.i treaties tot c: 1 Ulllllll.v I . . . ' . F r -. j - vt nure man MYRIADS fir tncre a c:t i4 world than inrr 1 type or crrnturj -VHH.M.HH m I Happy New Year TO ALL ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones?! 16 and 7 and 58 mU3 CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS