III a, im from Page 1) United States jratlon for de- SCjjRi-Tnanent peace- rlke of 13,000 miners start, beard authorized in domestic $1.55 a bushel ecort accomoda-immerclal renter) rent control: y.icz; on all other :trclal accomoda- d Va n e o u ver i O McNei! and cjmlsscd follow-' report on vice nt tax relief rold mines an-.mmona, Oick acquitted of band on second ton Ont . Deer it Winnipeg, sklp-my Welsh, wins Brier at Saint Ann Scott, world mplon, returns to - freighter Nova-presumed lost r.d coast with 22 i- women Minuter Macken- - Canada wlth-ut.jn troops from 'PRISONERS :l at large ER UPRISING )N TTY Colo T -Six of onvicts who fled : Sta: Prison last c:.:d;v uprising are ;d.iy a hundreds t; nij; d through &::d bitini! cold In .ve wa slain in 1 anon n-v A sec--'..'A in the : n v severely o mm pn- m guards i e.autod m the hectic ei incorrigible" conned tt freedom the vouiigest escape ea quickly but the t mrep it aptured gave up ifter brirs fired on by ir be;.-;? beaten Into ub- kS'r lENT INDUSTRY uik ullure has flour -4 000 vears irgaret McLeod 522 Third Ave Phone Green 324 for V ADVANTAGES of a PUO-THERM Air Condition f)il Furnace Unit ronxAKi.Y pkiceu ECONOMICAL EFFICIENT mure bothering about dirt, ashes, coal bin or mess, Slt ABOUT IT SHENTQN'S ?eet Metal Works fJ Ave. East Phone 33 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST lohn Bulger Ltd: Third Avenue Germany because she had no voice In directing control policy. t 12 ' Government announces H per cent Increase In Individual sugar ration, elective At-rll 1. 14-J. A. (Pat) Sullivan, founder and president, announces resignation from Canadian Seamen's Union. 17 Table syrups removed from rationing. 18 Commons supports government motion extending Emergency Traasition Powers Act to May 15. 10 Donald Gordon reslzns as chairman of Wartime Prices and Trade Board, efefctlve April 15; Kenneth W. Taylor, deputy chairman, succeeds. 2ft M e a t rationing ends effective March 27. price control remains: Evelyn Dick sentenced In Hamilton to life for manslaughter of Infant son. . 23 Barbara Ann Scott wins North American figure skating senior title at Ottawa for second time. 31-Maurlce Hartt, Liberal, wins Montreal Cartler federal by-election: William Boho- zuk acquitted at Hamilton on charge of torso murder of John Dick. AI'ltlLi ' "T. 1 Approximately one-third ol controlled goods and services removed from price celling, Including motor vehicles, coal and footwear. 2 Donald MacLean sentenced at Hamilton to five years for being accessory after the fact in Dick murder. 3- -J. A Strong appointed Canadian ambassador to Peru 9 Most Rev. T. Owen. 70. Anglican Archblshap of Toron to and Primate of All Canada, dies. 10 Dana Wllgress vacates ambassadorship to Russia. 19 Toronto Maple Leafs win Stanley Cup defeating Canadians four games to two. 24 Twelve men lose lives when trapped by fire at East Malartlc, Qr Gold Mine. 29 Budget presented to Commons; Income tax cut averages 29 per cent effective July 1; excess profits tax removed; TC A plane with 15 persons aboard missing on route from Leth-brldge to Vancouver. 30 Prices Board announces butter price Increase 10 cerjts a pound effective May 1. -MAY 1 Bill of Rights effective in Saskatchewan, making criminal offences acts of dlsrimina-tlon on religious, racial or color grounds; Commons gives third reading to government cotrol bill continuing number of wartime orders-ln-coun-rll for another year. ft Barbara Ann Scott required to return Ottawa's gift car to comply with Olympic amateur standing; Most Rev. P. J. Monahan, 65, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Regina, dies. 16 Farquhar Oliver elected Ontario Liberal party leader. 25 Ninety-nine-day-old Maritime coal strike ends. 29 Maritime coal miners called out on strike again. JUNE 1 Last of 100 Polish girls arrived for work in St George de Beauce, Que. 1Canada Steamship Line freighter Emperor sinks off Isle Royale 12 persons die; Rev. C. II. MacDcnald, Lucknow, Ont, elected Presbyterian church moderator. 6 Most Rev. Maurice Roy appointed Arhcblshop of Quebec. 9 Butter jatlon lifted and many goods and services, Including honey, cheese restaurant meals freed from price control. 10 Prime Minister Mackenzie King completes 20 years as prime minister, record for Canada; President Truman, wife and daughter reach Canada for three-day visit. 11 President Truman addresses Joint session of Senate and Commons. 12-Strlklng Nova -Scotia coal miners return to work. 18 Marian Congress opens at Otawa. 19 Government removes rental and eviction control from domestic accomodation completed after Jan. 1, 1947. 25 Jovernmsnt Increases sugar ration; Canada-Newfoundland conference opens at Ottawa. JULY 14 John Dickey,32, Liberal wins Halifax federal by-election. 16 Destroyer Mlcmac collides with freighter Yarmouth County, five dead. 18 Third session of 20th parliament prorogues. 22 Supply ship Nascople founders In Hudson Strait, all saved. 23 Second Issue of Canadian saving bonds announced AUGUST 6 Canada and Newfound land begin Joint discussions on terms under which Newfoundland might enter Confederation. 10 Hon. H. P. O. Bridges, 45, federal fisheries, dies. 11 Senator G.G. McGeer, 59. mayor of Vancouver, dies. 15 Prices Board announces end of meatless days. 17 Canada and Italy exchange ministers. 27 Three thousand Swift Canadian Company workers, strike in six Canadian cities; announce Increase In individ ual canning sugar ration. x 30 Tornado strikes for 70 miles east and south of Good-erham, Ont., one killed. SEPTEMBER 1 Thirty-one killed In C.N.R. collision at Dugald, Man.; Milton F. Gregg. V.C., appointed federal fisheries minister. 3 Reconstruction Minister Howe announces Chalk River atomic energy plant producing radio-Isotopes. ,4 Reconstruction Minister How announces new discov eries of uranium in Canadian north. i 8 Bishop G. F. Kingston of Nova Scotia, 58, elected Anglican primate. 10 Meat packing strike af--fects Montreal, Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto. 12 Government announced Canada's candidacy for membership on Security Council of United Nations. 14 Seventy-five per cent of foods and services under re striction are decontrolled, effective Sept. 15. Subsidies dropped on all decontrolled items. 24 Twelve die when steamer Mllverton collides with tanker Translake in the St Lawrence. OCTOBER. 2 Premier Hart, 68, of British Columbia resigns. 11 Five persons drown In wreck of Gulf Stream, east of Powell River, B. C. 13 New T.C.A. North Star flies, from Vancouver to Montreal Jn six hours, 52 minutes, record non-stop flight. 20 Fisheries Minister Gregg elected in federal by-election in York-Sudbury. 21 Brlcs ceilings removed on all meat products, except lard and tallow. 22 Five-week strike of 14. 000 packinghouse workers ends. 24 Government announces commercial rental controls to be removed March 8, 1948. NOVEMBER 10 3 Rationing of sugar and edible molasses ends. 6 Terms of suggested en try of Newfoundland Into confederation made public. 17 Government announces new trade agreements reached at Geneva, also import restrictions to conserve dollars.. 24 Price controls on most canned fruits and vegetables relmposed effective Nov. 27. 26 Plans for movement of 10,000 Netherlanders to Canada completed. 27 Army and Air Forces enlistment are dropped from 18 to 17 years. 29 Toronto Argonauts win Canadian football championship and Grey Cup by defeating Winnipeg Blue Bombers at Toronto 19-9. I 1 I ' 1 I ILL PHONE YOU V (THAT SOUNDS I " ll I - AND SAV IT'S SttfiSfr PEACHY-- ilHf" r YOUR BOSS AND) g&ff &J9Jli' G lfli&Ir! ' CAN '" TV Y THAT,- THAT I WAKT CT! V7 R1GHT Bl LViNIlc Bl IIVIp 111 YOU GET OUT I (VT(l DOUBT. YOU TO WORK ) VJS hS&X HCME vouhavetoS wWr I WW K9-ASwoocy . mm& fl Sf"'"'' I (hand SPvcur !SS!R it to curly J ivfrtr ; boss. LsWnASk: f-.HEf JUST BUBBLES V.'L, j Mft, OlTSERS J C? J'M ' " . , I I I 5 v555? TwhAtTT I fS!3L HELLO? ) H'fl&SfM A W GOODNESS. - JB717! M (&$e WW mb- F'T" (who could that J) iBpK c'y . S Prince Rupert Dafte BtW Wednesday, December 31, 1947 DECEMBER 5 Fourth session of 20th parliament opens. 6 Dr. Raymond Boyef, scientist, convicted on espionage count at -Montreal. 10 Byron (Boss) Johnson chosen British Columbia Liberal leader. 11 Llbetfal government af Premier J. W. Jones wins Prince Edward Island provin cial general election. 17 Pririte Minister W. L. Mackenzie King celebrates 73rd birthday. 18 Government announces Anglo-Canaditn trade agreements. 19 Civil service and pension Fhone Green 917 " ' fe" ' " , n 1 1 1 " 1 I rfTFrNB: l a I NEVER SAW J I Jl Kii f ,.fV oriiOXO'WtlF - rT4 ; ' f : 'WJtlC annsoo faint 1 ml m BuUk Oldsmobile Cliet. Trucks G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. 3 increases annonuced. 21 Cmdr. J. C. Listler, of- fleer commanding Mlcmac, to, blame for ship collision July 16, Transport Department; finds. I WHEN IN TERRACE, STOP AT THE i TERRACE ; HOTEL. , For Convenience and Comfort ' HOT AND COLD WATER IN ROOMS Central Heating Spring-Filled Mattresses LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Rough and Dressed Lumber Lumber Manufacturers TERR AC E Logs, Poles and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Philco Radios Willard Batteries FOR THE BEST S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Ponliac Happy New Year TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS I THE WISH OF McuMvs.JM P. H. LINZEY 211 1th Street Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! DDftAnAAV P A FF HrSife (FORMERLY BOSTON) 3 Chinese Dishes a Specialty YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 A.M. TO 8 P.M. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties 608 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT FLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN Big Market YOU MAKE A SALES TALK TO 3000 SUBSCRIBERS EVERY TIME YOU ADVRE IN Jiji latly 4 "YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER" .a