MOLOTOV SAYS 0.5. TO BLAME FOR COLLAPSE LONDON W Soviet Foreign Ml:i:.-cter Molotqv threw the for the collapse of the 3jm(. ,nflon Foreign Ministers' Con- I ft:: : e on the United States to-uid claimed that only the of the Russian deleza- Kept the conference from entirely fruitless. a news confererfce he i :sd the American delcga-;;: undertook to disrupt the ( ,. work of the conference" be .:se "for some reason" the i: , States was anxious to the settlement of Gcr-,-:. future. c 'clary of State Marshall, broadcast report on be- c io'f 19, blamed Molotov for failure of the conference, rung that the Russian dis d 'no apparent 1ll to n a settlement." H4 P.O. Box 274 OEOROE MoWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING p.o on East Box 1426 Phone Black 489 SUPERIOR DECORATORS PAINTINO PAPERHANOINO P) Blue 652 or Black 245 'j- Kitchens Bill Thornton P N Kllboru (D18) DR. P. .1. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCIS THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF OENTISTRY IN SUITE 5 8 MITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 A IMICTDOMP. AGENCIES REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS. Fnnrie 342 P.O. Box 927 W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight, - Express Phont Bine 810 Night Calls-Green 977 Prince Rupert HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all Its branches. J6 th Street Phone 655 PRINCE RUPERT nOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 5ent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. JONES NEWS STAND Extern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Blth Street Red 80! BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIONINO-UEPAIR8 Fln Workmanship Estimates OW BAY BOAT WORKS p Crawley Oreen 391 GEORGE L. RORIE fubn Accountant. Auditor, etc. "icome Tax Returns Compiled Jf'ntr Block Phone 387 I'AlNTLNG 'AND PAPERHANG1NG Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND ITS A GOOD THING BUSES CANT FLY The 89 Taxis uus aid not get Very far when It took off across Third Avenue last Thursday morning but It started a chain of events that were generally embarrassing. Here Is the box score: 1. A broken wall and a smashed plate glass window at the Commodore Cafe. 2. Minor mechanical dislocation to the bus. 3. Charges under the Motor Vehicles Act laid against Art Murray and Lloyd George Bowden. Murray, owner of the bus, and Bowden, the driver, are charged with leaving a parked vehicle unattended. Both were scheduled to appear in police court this iiockky scores Cqast League Seattle 5, Vancouver 2. Tacoma 4, New Westminster 3. MeUtro Jnlernaliynal Kimberley 8, Spokane 3. Business and Professional MrKlNLEY&ST. CLAIR PAINTINO AND PAPERHANOINn PHONE RED 240 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. i plumbing and Heating Engineers ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage - Freight Expresi Phone Blue 2C9 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Oreen 882 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS. Mgr. 13C1 Overlook Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work.' 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Grandview Hotel ROBERTSON ROTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Oreen 486 Red 894 PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Gifts MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders, H.W 516 Phone 777 300 3 rd Ave. FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. ROSS RICHARDSON C28 Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 246 Confederation Life Association STEPHEN ERICKSON Piano Technician TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 -411 west an nvi-, H It's Rock Work- CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS - BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 Serrlnic the Fisheries ...-., WpIU (P.R.) Ltd- Cartate, Labelllnr, BLUE 992 Battered Log Raft MICHAEL FREE Returns to Harbor TO LEAVE HIS Battered by the sea and with some of its Iocs! strewn along the beaches alter a strong gale which swept the north coast or Tuesday, a raft containing 1,500,000 feet of timber is limping back to Prince Rupert harbor today. Towed by four tugs, the four-and-a-half acre flat raft headed south at 10 o'clock Monday morning for Ocean Falls but was caught in a storm 10 miles out. Monday night and all day yesterday the masters of the steam tug Wireless and the mtor tow boats C.R.C., Kaien and Phlppcn fought to save the raft from being broken up in Chatham Sound. sim.rr.nm BY ISLAND Late Tuesday they managed to get In the lee of Kinahan Island where they put a line ashore, mooring It overnight. Despite the power of the tugs, the 48-mlle an hour southeast gale forced the raft near Holland Rock lighthouse before it was controlled and sheltered behind Kinahan. Many of the logs one estimate was as high as one-quarter of the total raft slipped under Conference last fall, will be re stored at the New Year. PEACE THROUGH UNITED NATIONS FATHER FAILS TO SAVE BABY VANCOUVER 0 Three year- old Barbara Connell was burned to death and her father. .Walter Connell, suffered severe burns when fire destroyed their home at Cloverdale last night. tVia fnihpr made a desuerate low Avaihhh! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE OLD KINGDOM i nttemnt to rescue the child i from the flame-filled house Announcements All ndvortlsrmeiifs m this column will b" charged for a full month at 25 cents a word. S.O.N. Christmas Tree, Odd fellows' Hail. uec. ju. z io o. Refreshments and Booth P.T.A. Jan. 21. Bosun inn,- 909 First Avenue West, Black 959. Fine food, ta-males, chilif ba'rbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small irtips Onen all night. Orders to take out. (2) GOLD SEAL LABEL BUCHAREST The Romanian royal family of ex-King passports to leave this newly- the enclosing boom sticks and the Danish princess was drifted away. The rail was about 900 feet long and 300 feet wide and was owned by Pacific Mills at Ocean Falls. The logs came from camps In the Prince Rupert area. The raft is being returned here to be re-formed before another attempt is made to move it south. OLD TARIFFS ARE RESUMED OTTAWA O -Stiff tariffs are 1940 tariff schedules, except abdication. PARSONS NEW SCOUT LEADER headquarters announced. S700 Million Fire Loss During 1947 NEW YORK lAPi-Fire lossef in the United Statess reached an all-time high of $700,000,000 this year. It is the highest annual loss ever recorded by any country in peacetime and tops Great Brit ain's property loss from the two those altered at the Geneva ! year German blitz by $300,000,- 000. Flames ate up millions of bushels of grain which might have gone to Europe's needy. The domestic housing supply i was set back when fire destroyed WASHINGTON. -(P President a $1,000,000 factory in Austin. Harry Truman said today he is Tex., that was turning out 400 looking forward confidently to prefabricated dwellings a month. world peace upon which all nations can agree. In a New Year's message, the president Said this hope includes the proper development of the United Nations which, he says, offers hope to the world. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 j ERASER STREET Prince Rupert SINGER mmrdiate delivery of new rradle and electric sewing machines in Prince Rupert and district. t SINGER Sewinff Machine Co. t Phone 864 Prince Rupert STORMY WEATHER Ih llerct II)' roinrorlnhlr. :r in itm ii tonvj-..K GEORGE HILL SON 1.TH. Local News Items O Rupert Radio & Electric will i C.N.R. Carmen's New Year's I be closed all day Friday, Jan. 2, I for stock taking. (It) Mr. and Mrs. David R. Barclay I of West Vancouver, former Prince Rupert residents, are visiting In the city as the guests proclaimed "democratic repub- , Mr and MfS RRoy Morrlson nc. I Michael, who abdicated Tues- George Wilson of the Provin-day, came back to Bucharest clal Government Public Works with his mother, the former , in Prince Rupert, who has been Queen Helen, from the royal, '"disposed of late, was able to go castle at Mount Slnaia, where they spent the night. Dr. Petru Orozu, premier of the Communist dominated government, said Michael was free to come and go as he pleases, thus halting reports from outside Romania that the ex-king had been placed under arrest. POLITICS NOT LOVE LONDON F Politics rather than romance was behind the abdication of Kiin Michael in to the office yesterday. the opinion of most observers and associations, here. The Romanian govern ment refused to allow Michael to marry Princess Anne of Bourbon Parma, but this was considered a "purely secondary consideration." Some newspapers on the continent, however, leaned to the view that the king's love for for a short time Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, Jan. 2 at 8 p.m. Initiation, Silver March and Bingo. Robert Gordon, well known pioneer merchant of Prince Rupert, is spending a while at Tucson, Arizona. He Is finding the change of considerable benefit and enjoyment. In a letter he mentions the bright sunshine and Interesting and kindly scenes SCOUTS, CUBS JOIN IN RALLY VANCOUVER 0)-T. W. S The Kuests ,n on a few 8ruP I Parsons, former commissioner ' Bames which are a part of Scout i of the British Columbia Police, a"d Cub recreation. has been elected commissioner ' Boy Scouts Association to be restored on many United mnHin.. n.Hnaifor the province, provincial Canada, on January 1. as a result of the repeal of the War Exchange Conservation Act. passed In 1940 to reduce tariffs on British goods. The move is designed to -conserve United States dollars ln Canada. When passed, the War Exchange Conservation Act was a purely temporary measure and Its reDeal will mean that the When refreshment time arrived each boy opened the box lunch he had brought and the women served lemonade, peanuts and candy around a camp-fire. A sing-song followed, with Mrs. Harld Thorn at the piano. Eighteen Cubs with their lead V T L V . 'WV. T Eel iv i .axpv a HOSIERY Eve Dance, I.O.D.E. Hall. Danc ing 9:30 till 17 Refreshments, novelties. (304) built near the western edge of the deep cut connecting Second and First Avenues. The ground is part of C.N.R. Totem Park reserve and the 'work is a timely precaution. The Legion of the Moose will hold their Annual New Year's Eve dance at the Moose Temple. Dec. 31. Come and meet your friends there. Dancing starts 10 p.m. (304) Roy Clifford, under treatment in hospital here, was able to spend the Christmas holidays In Terrace. He will return to the hospital to complete treatment for the effect of burns suffered in a fire at his home. There were l! round-trip pas- scngers on the coastal liner Prince Rupert which docked. here this morning on her final trip of the year. The party will enjoy a New Year party aboard the vess.vl tonight. W. J. Alder, in Prince Rupert i during the summer, returned to , Woman's Auxiliary to Conrad his home in Victoria not long i Rtrppt Remit and Cub eroun I .. .,i,t rrnn..o " ttgu liujii a viatb w tciuicucc. ln "cnonsnrpd a rallv Monday niaht . .. . .. . nrlnclml principal reason reuon for for the the decision. decision. 7 TC 17 . V, Mr- Aiaer, wno ursi uvea in ; the assembly room of Conrad J School. A number of oarents. MINISTER KESIGNS also , ,c were present. I came originally from England VATICAN CITY P Theodore Solacolo, Romanian minister to! A flag-breaking ceremony by r. A rA n au 4Vta Canute fnlfmrpri Vtv thp f!nh: ... v.ot. or,on,H ness ln t.naiianooga, lenn an aiiermain 01 nui; jvuciiiicio men 6inu v....- and, prior to locating In Western Canada, established a busi- He the evening's activities. A knot-jhas en livlnS ln Victoria since lying coniesi among me uuys, .....w. and a first aid demonstration where he was city .commissioner by the Scout troop were the for five years, main features of the program. er. Bob Ferguson, and 12 Scouts under the leadership of Harry Quick, took part in the rally. Colds To relieve mfcerles without dosing, rib on .57 ! VICKS IT VAfOB'JB THE SALVATION ARMY Extends to All Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year and thanks those who assisted them In offering the Helping Hand to the Needy through the "Red Shield" and "Christmas Cheer" appeals. Divisional Ildqts. Room 14, Smith Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. (It) Twin Sweater Sets FOR Cozy Warmth Complete new line ALL WOOL In WHITE and PASTELS F0RMALS FOR New Year Festivities WISHING YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR ANNt I I b MANSELL UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING OUR WISH May you enjoy all the Happiness In The ISew Year McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. Prince Rupert jDaflp T3tW Wednesday, December 31', 1947 TOO LATE TO pLASSJFY y ... v y y y y y y y y y ft A rl A A A A A $ A 5 A r y v y y v y i w y y y y y y y y Of ; ,. t Mart" "turned,on , March of Dimes the Prince Rupert this morning c; -, from a business trip to Vahcou- I O Mart ohortly vcr March, of Dimes campaigns i Police Radio Operator William carry the fight, against Infat A stout guard rail has been!uarK returne tnis morning oniti;e paraiysi3 soon win toria. were a feature of the days-he) when united states troops stationed in Prince Rupert? Many local people will remeir ON account pf sickness half fn- ,ber on one of the largest, dancl terest in Poulsen's business is for sale. Established grocery, meat market, cafe, ice cream business and gas station. Sixth Avenue East, Prince Rupert. Phone Red 411. V.O. Box 1001 Station "B." (309) held here during one campalg when a painting' of an enlarge r portrait of 'President Rooseva held a place of honor. The pain) ing was the work of an Aner can soldier who1 also, was a ret artist. j , . Tile Season s Greetings . . .v 9 To all our friends and customers , we extend our best wishes for a Happy, jj New Year. May Good Health and w Good Fortune be yours always and may 1948 bring you a. full measure. ol ' Peace, Happiness and Prosperity. ff Md'.rlllr St., I'lmiif .311 Modernize Your Bathroom Our Bathroom Fixtures of modern sign are constructed of finest materials. Estimates given without 'obligation Prince Rupert Plumbing and Heating Second Ave and Seventh Street PHONE 108 BiiST WISHES FOR A Happy New Year THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. j PHONE 101 255 ThTrd.ATe,. i WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New Upholstery Materials Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered .. J30 Second Avenue (Next to CFPR) BLUE 81 H ASK ABOUT I f j I M ' C Prompt 'Attention CREDIT TERMS L V I I II J to Outside Orders oreer & Briddcn Builders and Contractors Wu0i 1 Ss.a.J.5.J.J..5.Si.iSJ.I;X.5..XJiXi.X;V,,X.ri,.3;VH !; We have a good selection of - .i j i FURNITURE : made in olu shop, such as i- CAIJINETS - BOOK CASES . TABLES AIAP.AZINE 1LVCKS DRYING RACKS ROCKING HORSES DOLL CRADLES $ '. in three sizes ; 5 Your last chance to purchase these locally-made furnishings and toys "If It Is made of wood, we can build It to order" FREE DELIVERY PHONE BLUE 610 RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN Si SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OK (JHAK1 LK , H BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING, EQUIPMENT TRY I RUPERT MARINE REALTY II FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS ' (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box SIS Fboa ureto W7n i I 1 - 1 BVOH gaga"gjaaSLatt