' ince 5 the Chamber secretary, North- ford Flectrieal Works, Cow FOR SALE. Wrecking 1941 Ford. province we should be the last to | ary, ) = Se a me eS, er -. RSI mata ¥ ie . pe. = we wed f Cay Pee Hubei sally News . | “ECONOMY PLUS hs, by re 2 Tuesday, July 8, 1952 .| usiness | , John F. L. Hughes, D.C. 7 : : , i PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER BLACKWOOD. on CHIROPRACTOR DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 63 po gto as a — — |] Eves.: by appomtmen ed ss : a Classified Rates |___ HELP WANTED—MALE REAL ESTATE fs e | | a m8 Sane piecke mee ; ers ee 10 : e 2 Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- WANTED — Two young men to/|PFOR SALE—Six room house, ri ge FORD'S ENGLISH BUILT | vious to publication, accompany, an expedition on partially furnished. ‘two bed- OONSUL and PREFPECTS Classified, 3 cents per word per) #0 Overland trek through the) rooms, living, dining and util-| | j ‘ i n insertion; minimum charge 59| Wilderness from Houston, B.C.,| ity, rooms, kitchen. Two lots. By EASLEY BLACKWOOD | Ave you looking for a aoe | SCOTT McLAREN cents : “er 8") to the Chehalis Lake district,| Call at 329 7th East. Phone |} able, smart wtylel, coneioutenee | il i Oe ate ‘ Approximately 80 miles. No) Blue 726. (159¢) Safety Play Often Can Be Substituted | rae Se Se CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT s, { ‘ents; ards} roads or’ trails followed. a mcrae interest i T XE AS FAR? : of Thanks, Death Notices,| ject, adventurely only For tml|PO® SALE— Large four room to James Block 608—3rd Ave, W, Funeral Notices, Marriage and) details apply John Webb, Gen- onan wien upstairs. tee c- Mr, Muzzy won the opening diamond lead w ith| noes or Prince Rupert, BC. het Sk SR ea * ‘iia aa . at ns SE asia " man ace, ( 9) | erect or Const, | aan Engagement Announcements, — Delivery, Rrinec wy air ahimaeke Ga P|} the queen and promptly led a small club and put in erik wOmAy! | Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 - a q (tovp? | SALE—Goo pargain st ’ F } =e ~ Special Display double price ; 7 rn 7 room house on Fraser Street. 'dummy’s ten. He was elated when the ten held. ; : | “ : WANTED - ave yeas mon ito possession within 30 days.| «arp : 9 . _ | “Home of friendly service” J) ANNOUNCEMENTS a. = eg oa Pp Price $3,500. Phono J maa a hrow the play over here, partner, he said proudly - |] FORD—-MONARCH DEALERS FOR YOUR ROCK i rile 1k oug e ; bon at . rO fOU oni 4 dhpiaian pean : ; vich, Red 511. 15¢ Mr. Heinsite was not’ amused , gf i Rebekah Bazaar, October 4 i stom Houston, BC., oe Move? dagitimes ib sontune ae eee South dealer Phone 93 AND CONCRETE WORK +“ : oO the Chehalis Lake Gistrict.; HOUSE FOR SALE — Wartime | ; 4 en 3 nuinerab a Catholic Fall Bazaar, Oct. 8 Approximately 900 miles. No| four, full cement basement, | Bates to see his partner make Both — le SAUNDERS BROS. and 9 roads or trails followed. Ob automatic oil furnace, modern | } Winning play as it leaves him (Mr. Heinsite) We Pour Ce:nent For Less — — .| ject, adventure only. For full kitchen. Close to bus stop.| Nothing to talk about after the S—A 10 4 3 | LIMITED . No anadian Legion Fall Bazaar,| details apply by letter to John} Phone 600 or Green 983. (163) | hand H—J 9 3 Phone Blue 939 ovember 5 Webb, eGneral Delivery, Prince . ———-— | At trick three Mr. Muzzy D—<« | i. 2 f : Rupert, B. C LOOK $1300 handle: this SIX- | .ashed the ace of clubs and led ae ee ae 1 ita | AUS. Puli bazaar, Novem- PO@ihn Louse. DHaiahce 94¢4UU if ther ne After this there West +" visa ber 20 HAS WANTED-—PEMALE rent, Fhane Med 900. (208) oe =. can to keep Sie from ox . a 9 "7 r - CI , ay i go eee oe ae - Bs ae wei i * as uv « : - te 87 e aa Presbyterian Bazaar, Novem-| SALESLADIES wanted — One a, ea npc ee house. making his tad p—J ‘ f ” > > ‘3 hinese tsites Lawn Mowers Sharpened ber 27 full, one part time. Apply of easonable price Cash Blue | “Well, how did I look on that G_oxjo98 C—4 9165 Ist Aye. W - i fice Wallace’s Dept. Store Ltd 469 between 5 aiid 7 (6ip) | 5ne?” he asked smiling South Chop Suey - Chow Mein se 1st Ave. ; ENGAGEMENT NOTICE (161) _; “In a word, terrible,’ replied er ' Phone 909 ie: : aging i ERT ~y | ‘insite ; ri Open 6 pan. - 3:30 a.m, tot, and Mrs. J. F. Smith wish SALESMAN WANTED SREET METAL "vue ta cia Gi « mnie oso , ” ; P.O. Box 721 oO announce the engagement of ta) Work in Mite 3 un a - sss ae their youngest daughter, Edna SALESMAN WANTED—to repre- ea ieee eee it, didn’t 1? e: poe ae e Marie Patricia, to Robert Gor- sent well established firm aret Re (tf) You should. have afety- sith a We North East | HOLLYW ‘ D CAFE HELEN’‘S on Anderson, son of Mr. and Jasper to Prince Rupert, played the clubs,” said Mr. Hein- ; ¢ Pa 1s Pa | 0o0 eta | Mrs. William Anderson. Wedding Prince George to Williams| WANTED . site. “Suppose Abel’s singleton NT Pa 3 NT All pa : BEAUTY SHOP will take place Friday, August Lake with headquarters sme ss had been the ‘jack. Then you For Outside Orders Phone 133 Permanent Waving 8, at the First Presbyterian George. Experience in whole-| WANTED TOP MANEE?! would not Have won three club . sc GR a ee Church (itp)| sale groceries and fruit pre- P vr ES P At) for scrap iron, ; TIMES CHANGE Beauty Culture in all C ‘ ey Fes ferred. Must be ambitious self| Steel, bras: oyper, lead, pip. | Crees You might have made ie ENGLEHART, Ont. (CP) The | | its branches as CARD OF THANKS starter. Good salary, commis- Honest grading Prompt pay- eo by a after nent old days when machines were} 204—-4th Street Phone 655 4) ait areas . wan. sion and expense arrange-| ment made, Atlas Iron &) other suit, out you wouldn't ~~ = sigan rie Me | io. = pee agate pl a4 ments. G seus I i suran ; e| Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van-| have made it in clubs.” TOURS pan ges! nad ax tee | friends for the expressions of 2nd Pension Plan. Must have| COuver, B.C. Phone PAcific| “How many tricks would I ee rg a a + for the| | sympathy and beautiful floral, %.800d car. Good permanent} 6357 _(tf) have made, playing it your OPening oO) a eee * ant? QUALITY REPAIRS offerings extended to us in our iob for the right man. Reply CASH for scrap brass, copper,| Way?” asked Mr. Muzzy Ontario highways oe ~ 4 For Downtrodden Heels tine * ; nt pos avement. Special vie , and Ea batteries and radiators. Phone Mr. Heinsite ignored this, as os a aici r eon e and Wourn Soles | tanks to those who assisted in; S®8PSace to inacpenaeny Pis-| 543 Call 630 6th Avenue West,| the answer was nine, the same ‘!* ‘#%ee aise neta The bntee tee i, |] Box 774 Second Ave. dragging operations cuit. Company Limited, Ed- ‘ity sie ad ony ai , ade motor vehicles, has a large oil| Those” cana “eens eee monton, Alberta. (160) — wa aha ce ae sateen ioe a burner. MAC race ite “ya “7 ~ al . : la aa € ste ar sale at) scien ii ~ - - Si | Vara Cems Cae. fee SITUATION WANTED this combination of cards,” he 7 caus ee SHOE HOSPITAL or zeague Church, Ivy Guile | as ‘eu i #6n na VANCOUVE of PAAC., Ladies’ Aid of the young WOMAN. 36. desire St tects at cae and VICTORIA 2 TT tin coli ay. ot ’ vv, ‘ irst, en go to-your nana anc | - 2 " pobedongr igh ot a work as cook for small crew lead a small one toward the SUNDAY Shipping and General Mr. and Mrs Bill Lawson Rit 1 a agg ae " By 7 a ten.” ; | 88. Camosur 8 p.m Moving, Packing, Crating Lawson, Bernice Lassen etre. Bie. Pian ks - 3 Coas a ‘That way vou win three club — on oa Cartage and Storage Maggie Green, Mr. and Mrs. Car! Thiten By CT a as i ihe’ no any divis , S Coquitlam 6 p . oe eps. ae : White Rock, B.C (tp) tricks agaimst any division of ° Complete, Reliable and Effi- psc Mr and Mrs Charlie : - »PRINCE RUPERT RIFLE RANGE the suit,, provided it’s not worse SLICE ARM, ane ane cient Service. Also agents for Alexcee Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John FOR SALE Firing will be carried out at the| than 4-1. This is the standard PORT SIMPSON : C; a ths i id A C Ltd Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert | ———__—— Prince Rupert Rifle Range from 1) ofety play with thi eas Friday, Camosun, 12 Midnight BNOCISN LGU A WO: & Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc-| tATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-|Jun 52 until further notice ee ee FOR NORTH QUEEN for Oxygen, Acetylene and all Ks a y. Mr and Mrs Charlie Dous- ited Distributors for: Mining ae range property comprises th a moe a IPSS CHARLOTTE aSLANDS welding supplies, as, i é Mrs larles Alex-| Sawmi??l, ovgine ane Yon- ) "7 97 " ~” oo ong ee . . . haa ‘ ; ; La and 27 to 34, Blk. 32 _ ial June 4 and 18 ‘= We ag sit seeatie Mr aoa Mee. tar aes a teraeertl vTsland 1ots 11 Lo 18. Bk 23 vg Ito s at te t!’” barked Mr. Hein 8S Coquitlam, midnight LENOSA T'S “CARTAGE Siey and family, Mr. ¢ Mrs es invited. Granville Tslanc and 19 to 33, BMk. 34; lot 16, Bik a rign arKe T. sein ; sour JEEN Moses J. Wesley, Mr. and Mrs Vancouver 1. BC. (tf) 35; lots 1 to 1B, Blk. 47; lots 7 to | site. “The point is, do you under- “8 os —. & STORAGE LIMITED Joe Marsh, Wilfred and Eddie, - 23 and 30 to 46, Bik. 48; lots 9.| stand it?” CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Cer. 2nd and Park Avenues Mr. and. Mrs. Paul Price, Mr.|FOR SALE—Scandalli piano ac-} 10 and 11, Blk. 49; All in Sec “Yes I’ve got it now.’ Mr §S Coquitlam Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 and Mrs. P. M. Ryan, Harvey; cordian. verv good condition. — “ak > ree Sad pli a , ee June 11 and 25 ek and Lloyd, the Bacon family,| Phone Red 446 (1683p) me penger: Aten me wlearly Celine ee . - rs ce Ws ‘ : 7, | — | by_ danger signs | And he very next hi FRANK J. SKINNER ay a thie = me eee’ ROATS FOR SALE No unauthorized person may enter Bcongy saclay me aa eo - “0 Sean Rupert pie = 7 * s - Ipson, MIs. : ss . this area and trespassing on the area . , ! ' . = = Hannah Ness and family, Mr 3ALE—16 4th 914 is strictly ‘prohiited ae Muzzy proved Mr. Heimsite’s fa- Third Avenue Phone $68 For the MEAL that REFR one Mrs. Paul Starr, Mr. and gig Erie poe 7 BY ORDER vorite saying that “a little learn- ' Mrs. James Bolton, Mrs. Mary ee ee a C. M. Drury, ing is a s dangerous ‘thing ; ; amatie cs oe condition. Phone Blue 754 Deputy Minister ee . : * mace Chas ane usees, ae (160) Department. of National Defence eee j23 BES! aan ee ears Gene AUTH: WC/5365-1 (GS) Alice LLeighton and far 4 I ‘ 5 > WC /5365-A2 ‘ Make Your ar CARS FOR SALE WC/5365-A20 (GS) OF and Mrs. Matt Leighton, 1! a H.Q. 5140-2 TD 175 Pp, hj Di Mrs. George Bird, Miss Cora FOR SALE—1950 Fargo '% ton Soe ee eee u ec mener | i M tt Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford pickup “71000 wiles Aci cone (161) rin ing a er FOOD Sankey, Mr..and Mrs. David ition throue | Or - will lo é He 3 dition throughout Or will Mason and family, Mr. and Mrs.| trade for late model car Ap ° Part 0 Herbert Morven, Mr. and Mrs.| yy onns ar oe P, _ * Br Mciies. 3 : co ead oe ply 2005 Graham Ave. Fone Tr in ft /| Fi M MJ Rlemat Mes ané Ms. | ihe gol semen Sand pm.| | veemee Cae Or mEnISter | Your Business ance arte ¢ t y “S . | 1 a : . ; % ; , | i ublished or displayed by Ellen Alexander and Annie Ben-| FOR SALE—1946 Triumph Twin l b S ki | ae a This advertisement is not p son, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wells,| motorcycle 350 cc, $300. Red umber tr e ee, Tae Weccinece aor ae Seah Saamee ie nd rye — Brothe! Victor, Mr. Johnny Mor- 554. _(161p) FI ti l ve lopment, aos Ss a lal! . | Did it ever occur to you that \ rison icteric neler | . «3 : ed stinetive printed Mr. and Mrs, James Lawson, FOR SALE— i040 green Chev, HFOUMUING LAW | reupert next Savurday night «nd TM, || 2, Sismcise pits JOHN H. | (itp), sedan. New engine, excellent VICTORIA Premier ‘Jot | will be guest of honor at a Cham- | hu ine&a? , . ; _ _ condition. Phone Blue 814 PLC TC . emler JONN-| her of Commerce dinner in the ore | PERSONAL | said Saturday the 21-day | qo, vdian Legion hall sun | | : é s€8 di | | ee italien morerrerite evi | tie-up of the lumber indus stry is peng sc" agg 8 i NISTS! e | MERCHANTS! Keen the public |FOR SALE—1949 Dodge special | «ij}egal” and called down those Tt will be Mr. Winter's first . | one ae ne NE ws in peg i sedan, $1650. a. who are condoning strike. He |‘ it {0 this city : Optometrist conn ep bre . be goes! me meee P’|also rapped CCF leader Winch| While here he will visit the Type faces give you this 8 Kee apreas ve Ss: Fl i n y ate ing . renege adverts ine predicts events.|FOR SALE—City cafe. For par-|for suggesting that he, as pre- | Columbia Cellulose plant on Wat- A Good Place to Stop outstanding distinctiveness e Phone 748 today and tell the| ticulars apply to Box 435, Daily| mier, mediate the strike. | son Island and inspect the and these can be supplied by public tomorrow what’s going| News. (164p)| “Winch should know better | housing project underway here. | 244 Mil our modern printing depart- to happen the day after. FOR SALE than make such _ suggestion,” | The Sunday dinner is open to} 244 des to ment, John Bulger Ltd. Ye Ses : | everyone Chamber of Com- ird Ave 2RY’s ;| and electric stove, $295.00. Like |JOhnson said, Third Avenue JF RY'S «og ue Biv les. Fe ae new, Phone 0. (164p) “As law-maker,of this province | merce officials said they regret- « » gt Sade Ba Poll aa ath 3 Frailer alesp, | 20d leadettef a réspomsible party, |ted that Sunday , mass, the: omly; , rinting 0. “your hair the best Phone R55 FOR SALE Bouse cae ne (Winch) should realize that te} one i, ane nee Bene “hh (159) our, Fartiy Unisned. an 2 | mediate would be to condone an| City but hoped there would be | | terial to finish with. Phone | | ‘ PA a. Green 780 after 5:30 or ones illegal strike and since both he |# large attendance. Whale coer aaa mae wile | see at 613 3rd Ave. (164) |@Nd I were law-makers in this| | Tickets can be purchased from ____ LOST AND FOUND |FOR RENT — Sleeping~ room. LOST. White face Boston Pull Phone Red 560. (161) Phone Red 650. (160p) FOR ‘RENT — Sleeving room HELP WANTED—MALE Green 894," wee “C160p) SALESMAN required for North- WANTED TO ‘RENT 2) ern Interior Territories. New| — ~~ al ; nroduct manufactured in BC. Direct Sales. commercial ac-|WAYTEP TO RENT—Two hed- counts. Write-or wire S§ & A.| room house, unfurnished. Cen- Distributors, 719 Ford Build-| ‘Ally locatel. Phone Red 280 | ing, Vancouver 4, B.C. (159) after 6. ea (162p) MALE -resident Sales Represent- WANTED TO RENT—¥urnished ative wanted for Prince Ru- housekeeping . room, Phone| nert area sales and servicing,| Blue 701. (159p) | Exverience not necessary but a help as we train you and supplv. car and expenses. Good opportunity for advancement for rieht man. Write age, ex- WANTED TO RENT—Furnished 2 or 4 room apartment. Phone Blue 828. _ (61p) | WANTED TO RENT — Light | perience and salarv experted| housekeeping room, ouiet mar- | to Box 431. Daily News. (159) | ried counle. Phone Room 22. nme j 1 { y} WANTED—Youne man. 17 to 99,| commercial Hotel. a | je interested in a career in the| YOUNG COUPLE with two small | r newsnaner same. An eveen-| children require livine accom- | tional onportunity for those} modation. Unfurnished or} interested. No previous ex-| partiv furnished house prefer- | , RAE b i 3 i perience mae ae vont) red. Box 1035, Station " BUS HITS TRUCK—A Northlands Greyhound bus, 45 minutes ae a pert BC. e ee ees '61p) behind schedule, crashed into a seven-ton semi-trailer truck on * — ACCOUNTANTS the highway 11 miles south of Winnipeg, killing eight passengers and injuring 27 others. The impact sheared off the right front side of the bus and hurled the truck and fits 10-ton load 78 fect. (CP PHOTO) SUPER- VALU requires. a buteher ~ for summer months—could be| PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income a steady job for the right man Tax specialist. 8S. G. Furk, (160)! Stone Building, Red 593, (20m) : [ nofession FRED E. pg OPTOMETR} Successor to Margate Room 10, Stone » PHONE BLUE 594 P.O. BOX y HOTEL , condone breaking or flaunting | €™n B.C. Power Company offices | > Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf)| “an parts for sale. Green 780, our laws,” goHnéon said . | or from C of C members. Telk B-C WINDOWS WASHED—Domestic| ©",Can see at 613 3rd Ave. after ies | + * Sere . and Commercial. free esti-| 5:30. | ee COLD C URRENT FAMOUS GROUPS mates. Phone 589. (158p) FOR RENT - . Just a Nice Day’s Drive — ~ ae = The Labrador current makes! The historic merchants’ guilds peo “NU-LIFE” Duracleaners. Up- | FOR RENT —O a Canada’s maritime provinces|of England derived the name| aa holstery, rugs and car clean-| —One large room. | siiently colder tha 1-| Jd. | : nit ing Sree eakisnétes etean on| formate d. Blue 409 between 5/30 an correspond-|from the Saxon gild or geld,| . request. Adaress 1228 Beach, 20d 7 (180p) | "AB anees in ttl» nF oat. ee. a (rer en _Place. Phone Black 433. (171) | FOR RENT—Sleeping room close | General STAR Delivery and Messenger.|_!". Blue 433. ee) SUNSET CABINS Construction Day _ night service. Phone | FOR RENT—Boarding room for. 112 or Black 433 {160p)| working man. Black 660. (161) BOATS and CABINS FOR RENT ED WHALEN Terrace, B.C. STORE IN CONNECTION Box 421 Floor Sanding General Repairs Cabinet Work Greer & Bridden LIMITED Phone 909 ‘15 Ist Ave. W. P.O. Box 721 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 BLONDIE — sin hie Honevmoon is Over, HANDY HOME SER¥ GENERAL CONTR Building and Rep kinds ROOFS — CHpy Om pin Wits OU ND PHONES P.O. Box 1670 MATTSON UPHOLSTERY Phone Blue 126. P9 234—~3rd Ave Prince Rupert H. G. HELGER LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INS Phone 96, Evenings ia LING THE TA Vailosing - Alte and Clothes Made-to- 220 Sixth St PORTRAIT Films Developed and PROMPT SERY CHANDLER'S STI 216-—4th Street Phone Green Prince Rupert FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE WRATHA Photo Finishi 6 DEVELOPING, PR ENLARGING EXPOSURE ME AMATEUR SUPP Phone Green 136 HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know : Phone 174 Repairs and Alterations |Smith & Elkins Li Fer P.O. Box 274 TRAPPED STEERS | CALEDONIA, N.S. CP)—Gerton }Cs aver lost a pair of young steers | whe n they became trapped in |8% abandoned well while on | summer pasture. The _ steers | found dead at the bottom of the |well which had been covered | with poles some years ago. Blondie! pts mi Ses — | } DINING PLEASU IN SPARKLING SURROUND! Commodore MOOSE wis AMHERT, N.S. (? had the best of it whe! collided with the an! here. Two men wert hospital and _ both ! badly damaged, put t ambled away into the parently not seriously By CHIC YO DAGWOOD BUMSTEAD-- DO YOU CALL THAT A GOOD- BYE KISS ? 4 / : | ope_1992, King Features Syndicate, toc., World rights reserved ‘HIS WIFE GOODBYE IN THE MORNING HERE'S THE ‘NAY sate he (THE MAN ACROSS | | ‘apm 1 \ THE STREET KISSES | | "Ee YEH THEY'VE or MARRIED THREE WEEKS ! t