2 prince Rupert Daflp ileitis Etc, Thursday, October IG, 1947 mii?pendent d.a.'.Iy newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert .Lc!n2unlUf8 comPrls"g northern and central British Columola! (Authored as becond Class Mall, Post OtHce Department, Ottawa) irr..S,V; "ENTEK. Managing Edivor. H. G. PERRY. Manaelne Director MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCUlSmON3 CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION , Published every arternoon except Sunday bv Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c: Per Year i7oo-Bj Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, $4.00. Gossip MORALISTS of the sterner type Jiave always condemned gossip although for all their high-mindedness they seem to be as eager readers of the newspapers as anyone else. Even those men who are more tolerant of human frailty are often inclined to leave gossip to the women and refuse to listen to it except when it is retailed to them by their wives. Women, greater realists than men where matters of social taste are concerned, make no pretensions, hyprocrital or sincere, about listening to or passing on gossip. They frankly enjoy it, and recognize its value. As the women know, social life would be virtually impossible without gossip. It is true that in the hands of the malicious and inaccurate, gossip can be deadly; but the spreading of a truthful story, even though it is not to the credit of the person about whom it is told, is not an unmixed evil. Some kind of story will be told anyway and the truth is never as horrible as the tale that some women can build on half-truths with the aid of lively imaginations and venomous tongues. Moreover, gossip, a part from its instrinsic in terest, is a promoter of tact. The tactful man, knowing the stories that -Are in common circulation about almost everybody, yill know what subjects to avoid in conversation. The overly high-minded man who refuses to listen to gossip continually finds himself making social blunders such as that reported by Kipling's Mr. Pyecroft! t wagglm the tiller lines at a man who's 'ad 'angin' in the family. b OCTOBER'S POCKETS IN OCTOBER the man of the temperate zone can I put his coat on again and get some work done. During the warmer weather he has been frustrated by the lack of pockets. His shirt has only one po.cket-.two at the most and there are only lour or five trouser pockets. No man can hope to carry much equipment in so few pockets. His pipe is almost always . missing and has to be hunted down before any work can be done. Then his tobacco pouch is missing. Noliiere it is in this hip pocket. Well, where are those spectacles? Left them m the car probably along with the key ring and the card case and that list of things to get at the hardware store. In October a man can carry his working kit with him. October brings out the waistcoat, which has tour pockets and even in rare specimens of waistcoats a fifth pocket on the inside, .an excellent place to carry money and lose it forever. Then there is the jacket. A jacket is not reliable in summer. It is eventually remembered to e haneine on the back of a chair in another room or in the garden at Aunt Sadie's. October's jacket is much more likely to be nearby when a man needs to go pockets for really bulky pieces of luggage. In October, contentedly laden with his belongings, a man becomes almost as efficient as a woman. Women scorn pockets. They carry handbags and assert that men look funny scratching through twenty and more pockets for the theatre tots. Women prefer to lose everything in one TAG DA YS UE DO NOT necessarily criticize the city coun-T Cl1 for Permitting a tag day to raise funds for the "defence" against Bill 39 although even the applicants for said permission may have been as surprised as any that it should have been granted. The so-called capitalistic city council, with a municipal election almost around the corner and its ear to the ground, was at least democratic. It is playing no favorites so anybody who wants a tag day can probably get it now. Just the same we have said before and we say again tag days are becoming a nuisance in Prince Rupert. We do believe there should be some other way of raising funds for worthy causes including the "defence" h against Bill 39. FUNERAL OF '' MARTIN KRALL Final rites for Martin Krall, pioneer of the Alice Arm district, who died In Prince Rupert General Hospital on Sunday were held Tuesday afternoon at Grenville Court Chapel with Capt. and Mrs. E. F. Jarrett of the Salvation Army officiating Jointly, There were a number of former Alice Arm residents In attendance. The fu ieral message was delivered :y Capt Jarreft who also Played the organ during singing of the hymns "Blessed Assurance." "Jesus, Saviour Pilot Me" and "Jesus, Lover. of My Soul." Mrs. Jarrett led the sin?-lng. view Cemetery, with the follow-Interment took place at Fa'r-ing actin gas pallbearers: Michael Cranley, David McKenzle, Hugh McDonald, Steve Dumas! W. J. Robertson and Barney Tur. foitt. BRIGHTON, Sussex, England Betty Bredon, 35, mother of twins a few months eld, D CAREERS OF NEW GYROS Autobiographical Talks at Yesterday's Service Club Luncheon Three new members of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club told their life stories in concise auto biographical talks at the regular weekly luncheon yesterday with President G. G. Ham in the chair and a good attendance of members. George Murray first saw light of day In Aberdeen, Scotland. He obtained his commission in the Royal Flying Corps In World War I but the conflict ended before he was able to set anv com bat flying. Then ueu cuiue camea u couple uuupici"' of years as Palestine before Prince Rupert. Advertise in The Dally News 1 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 206 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners. PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H.J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.C Box 271 Express - Baggage - Gene ral Hauling FRED'S MESSENGER AND HANDYMAN SERVICE FJIED LOWE, Proprietor 24-Hour Service TELEPHONE GREEN 446 H NINTH AVENUE WEST GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage Freiaht Ernrpss Phone Blue 269 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 DEREHAM, Norfolk, England 0) Excavations mav hp rnrrlprt wns mil Jl . killed when a .rust of winH u.. " .Uronze ..e bur- wnicn are relieved to h?r ner nvpr over th the cii.;s near here. be near here. FIKE SUFFERERS AIDED Editor, Dally News After the disastrous fire which struck Terrace in Septem'ber. leaving Mr. and Mrs. P. Clif ford and iamlly homeless, the executive of the IndeDendent uraer or Oddfellows (of which F. Clifford Is a member) met with the purpose of seeing what could be done for thenu ltfwas decided to aDDroachlthelvillac-e council In view of this matter ana an approved oiacommun- """..un ueuw. "vji, a police officer In,10 aid this familylttTijrj- n ,. . . .V,I u.. Iwiv'J?!!. ounaua, spending sixteen years tummuuny iajrancetu) as a diesel engineer at Premier a'd this worthy cau and then coming to Prince Ru- A committee wasnamed ,to y carry out mis woric.'J.TheiClU- zens of Terrace and district Pennsylvania-born T. H. Wll- ford, with 'Itchy feet," tried out gave tne committee their splen- 26 of the 48 states before arriv- aia ana very Benerous support . . . . In this rvvnnt -1 mg m British Columbia which M" wuc, cun has been kind to him and which 1 he has come to prefer to the best the old U. S. has to offer. Dr. A. W. Large was born In Port Simpson. Graduated in medicine from University of Toronto, interned at Hamilton, spent five years as a medical officer with the Royal Canadian Air Force, after which he com menced civilian practice in Business and Professional DR. P. J. -CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 J. P, MOLLER PHONE BLUE 155 124 4th Ave. East . PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING STEPHEN ERICKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning and Action Repairs BLACK 195 PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE RED 828 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. GEORGE L. RORI& Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns.. Compiled, Besner Block Phone ; 387 Grandvlew Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 P. N. Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Battease Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsage3 Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Bulbs MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders. Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 Serving ihe Fisheries industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labellinr. Wrfehln? BLUE . 992 w UtM to to state that to date we have t received a total sum of $1529.70 which we have placed In the Royal Bank of Canada at Terrace to Mr. and Mrs. F Clifford's account. The members of Prince Rupert Lodge No. 63, I.O.O.F., gave A. a generous donation to this cause. The T.ives of' the Oddfellows aided In filling the hamper of fruit and vegetables for Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. It Is understood by the committee that several women's organizations In Terrace have also worked for the same cause In similar manner. It Is also understood that another company of Terrace has aided In this same cause and a very substantial cheque has been sent direct to this family. Our lists have been audited by a notary public and they will GENERAL What is ibt pricf of CiiuJ.i Salinas Bmulst 100. That is, a $100 bond costs $100. If payment is not completed on or before November 15th, 1947, interest will be added to the purchase price. Q. What interest is p.iiJ on Canada Savings Bonds! A. 23i payable yearly on November 1st from 1948 to 1957, by coupon cashable without charge at any branch in Canada of any bank. Q. In what denominations are Can' add Savings Bonds available! A. $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. Q. Is there any limit to the amount of this Second Series of Canada Savings Bonds that one person may hold! If so, why! A. Yes. On this Second Setics there is a limit of $1,000 for each individual, but each member of a family may hold bonds up to the limit. The favourable rate of interest and the advantage of immediate cashability make this limit necessary. CASHING OF BONDS Q. Can Canada Savings Bonds hi assigned or transferred! A. They can be cashed, but not assigned or transferred. This is necessary to prevent any individual from acquiring more than the authorized k'imit. Q. How long can I have my money in this Second Series of Canada Savings Bonds! A. Until November 1st, 1957. The bonds will be dated November 1st, 1947, and will mature November 1st, 1957. A. Can I cash my bond at any time uejore isovemoer 1st, igjjf Yes, any branch in Canada of any bank will cash your bond immediately at full face:valuc, p us interest at 2$tf, upon identification of the registered holder. be hung In the? city hall ,v. wily, heh .l one who wishes to , ,! y' Further donations will b reported as received J. H. SMITH, Treasure? TerraceA" Barman, SeCretar CASEY'S CORRECTION Editor, Dally News- Kindly allow me to qualify a statement made by myself council meeting Tuesday In ref FACTS REGISTRATION Q. Why h it ntctssarj to register CinaJj-Saiings IionJsl A. Registration gives protection in case your bond is lost, stolen or destroyed. It is also the simplest way to ensure that individuals do not hold more than the $1,000 limit. Q. Can Canada Savings Bonds registered in the name of a child be caskd! A. Yes. Banks arc familiar with the necessary regulations. A. A. Can Canada Savings Bonds be disposed of when registered in the name of a deceased person! Yes. Any bank will supply the necessary information. Can I replace my Canada Savings if they are lost, stolen or Bonds, nonas, destroyei d! Yes. It is wise, however, tn keep Canada Savings Bonds in a safe place, as you would any other valuable documents. Replacement requires a certain time so that proper safeguards may be set up. In case of loss you should immediately notify the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, of the circumstanccsiof the loss, with details of denominations and serial numbers, if possible. If bonds have been lost or stolen, you should give the same information to your local police. Q. Are interest coupons registered? . A. No. They arc payable to bearer. HOW AND WHERE TO BUY f Q. Where can I buy Canada Savings Bonds! A. Through the Payroll Savings Plan, if this is in operation at your place of employment; through any authorized investment dealer or savings institution; or through any oranui 01 any nanK in Canada. A. ireUahiv... .1 London georgI aepted the J -""noaore-in avsi want iu IU1UW ai)0ll Canada Savings Bonds Second Series Q. In whose name can Canada Sav ings Bonds be registered! A. They can be registered only in the name of one individual, adult or minor, up to the amount of the authorized limit. The registration must designate a Canadian addrcu. Ihudt' A. In any of the follow-" ; J I. Hy pay:.irnr inh... of purchase 2. Uv regular dtducti-ofn pay il the Parrel, it. run i in operatic; t -place ol empiovisrt 3. Hy monthlv instil-' other arrangemcr- r your bank, trust f u companv. What Plan! lb PatrJk.. Under this Plan -tattta' -order for Bonds wit' employer V on pn fr Domls bv rcguui iti.c from pa ovo period may extend to twelve nsd You nav IOC plus 1 a amount 01 interesi Aft" you havr completed tit ti payment tin uor.it ire du vcred to vou with the fas and all ubscqs:.i mtceJ Coupons .irui Q. What u th, Ojjicui Ate Savings I'hn A. Under thw Plan vou makei down pavmcni ot V,a per $100 Bond to vour bmk, trust or loan company Then youpav the balance uiduditj a snuil amount of interest over the next eleven months by regular monthlv mstat ments. II. at any tiraedunne these eleven months, yoa w to complete payment of at balance, vou may do so. L 0. WhjamlrtfimdWf onmypblseunJertb,? A. Because the coupon payJ November 1st, 1943, rcpnj tend the interest you receive as if you yout bonds t nfu cforc instalment plans, yoyre " titled only to interes t onflj amounts of your WjJ nuUtncm. from the date you Q. What happens if I nil Savings ru Savings I'Im! your employer, baJj or lo.mcoi';ray '.i . a1'" 1 L.;.. (n' VCU tllC Pi"'" " refund your paywB' Th. mcln p0,p.,e of lh. Conada Saving, Bond I, to provide the million, ,f Cdnodian, with a .onve-iert " You'll never k sorry you saved MUM ffll m