Piiwce Mupert buy itewe ~ Savoie Adds Tuesday, July 8, 195: tumme 000,000 In 1951 sports equipment pre Camanetl of non oe — ” plots of duced by Soviet industry cost UBSR.” it’s name makes clear | VESTAS RON en 2,000,000,000° rubles. (More than |‘* * ® Oranen Of the Soviet gov $500,006.,000.) ernment and its appointment A large part of this money are approved by the pawers that comes from Soviet trade unions be. QUALITY CHESTERFIELDS which support a farflung array The committe present chair- " of sports ciubs to Which a citizen | man is Mikota: Rx 9 = + + en ene eg il - Ae cal belong for the price of a/of wide experience in the orgat es Saag : package of cigarettes. gation al ontrol of iletic : é : The Soviet army also spends | activities. He an ommittee ] tA » ¥ BOWLERS—Canada’s representative team of lawn K. B. McKellar of Toronto, capiain of the Canadian team, and large sums for promotion of ath- | sets the rules for all spe and ee-mot tour of the United Kingdom, is on-his jeft is William Jardine, president of the Scottish Bowling letics. on thely own flelds and/erganizes al) major competition { Seottish players on the green of Porto- A elatic Before their arrival in Edinbargh the Cdeuucties a government anpropriations 'and meets i ok white shirt in e th rov i ed ‘ : ent sligpester aid : e series of matehes in Northern Ireland and Wales. ports Is Part of Government Sunervision “ \ y The group also publishen one | ervises referees, judges and othe! 6 newspaper and at teast two officiais, Ti Upei Vist aly i " magazines for national distribu-| important leagues, such as the ves f e tion. dealing with sports ques-|soccer football leagues and th tions. hockey leagues The committee has joint sup- The committee is divided into H Nameless Wonders Stretch Gavilan Hands TKO to lead to One Full Game RY hey 1” moved a full game ahead in the ee ay e Canadian e 7 ‘ i 3 { bal eague A aint oe own machinery and competi-| organizations scattered through- ‘ all | — by dow ning the Haw ks last PHIWADEI PHIA. — Cuban Kid Gavilan stood tions. |out the land inside other organ- | Phone 46 is nivht 11-4 as Rusty Ferd racked up his third win of) ., ; age , ie ’ However, in the field of Olym-| izations and operating in a de-| Bi nen nee anil off the buzzsaw attacks of 21-year-old Gil Turner pics organization the Soviet icentralized manner. n against no losses, ; ; Ulympics committee is supre: ‘ = ac : ( ste as “ar . ye ‘ if sre - hy ryan . i > iB 8 elie. help, however ” t night to stage a blazing rally that left his youth But the Olympics committee of | HISTORIC FORT ne in the sev-; gon Jerry and Cart Watson ful challenger helpless on the ropes, a technics||the USSR. is made up of sec-| Fort Frontenac was built by » perfect re- ti 1 heads of th it the F pl ] in ‘Al per sept each picked up two hits while 1, , uioti $a ” . : a pa lona 1#adas 0 é sports com- | the rench explorer LaSalle in dilowine Hanne Lareee and Qemais Wet kno kout yietim, in 2:47 of the 1th round, dnd saved mittee ae 1673 on the site where Kingston, en Rusty ers both hit twice for the Hawks.| his world welterweight boxing title. This body maintains anc sup-'Ont., now stands. waiagee kak womnentty a— CCC 300) slowing down the machine- —!" eo ee (C é re se ae he : fe ‘Saas Matt Heag- H a oe Lo meet the! oun attack of the previously sce it coming as young Gil. who vt jf i[% «é : ans on eight! No 2 ~ AB Rf Unbeaten young Philadelphia boy never went*15 rounds, suddenly S nn J ©PRCTAL—1948 Indian 1—-1949 Austin Erich . ae oe i. a 4 aisicy »,, found his own pace and Gavil-| Chief Motoreyele 5 lord ; @ 1)who had Won 31 straight, the 21s sharp counter punches wear- | “S 0 }--1949 Flying Standard * j (it still sith 4 @ 4 sleek Cuban Reed turned on the jng him down. f 11942 Chrysler Royal IT) i ata ee 5 3 2) full tury of his two-fisted attack —_—_—— Sedan 1—1948 Thames Van nd , k 41-0 p. Scherk 4 9 0 san utinit Pini that ay ming — R. Ford : 2 SC fee ing -Ciniah at ware 1—1940 Morris 1—1950 Austin 1 he sixth. gpring 3 1 9 led a huge crowd at Municipal runs in g geherk 5 9 1/ Stadium . : . he game. Morrison $-h: 1 arming with the fury of a _ venir i TRUCKS ol umver Ones Nickerson 4 1. © champio: langered, Gavilan aching muscles, the easy R 1—1546 Dodge 2-ten Truck - two in th hammered Turner around the soothing way. Rub in dea 1—1951 Austin 5-ton Truck of LE oo au ‘ised 8° | pygtponea Gamey |, _‘fseacting Mina’ Linimene Ss in ered eRe , : “ $ f 7 a. Gi Ford, hitting 'paurie 3 j 1 A teft hook startet it- and at 4, 5 vin his own Wate rs aces least 50 punches kent him going Shel & Odowes _ ‘ MM. Sedgwiek s 1 1}. For five round mer fought “ 0 ervice iS ~ | Vegel 4 1. 4 Withat st brought the bi Commercial Hotel SORE MUSCLES ? uperior u " Martin 2 1 oe to its fee 7 “KING OF PAIN” | : ge MeGregot 4 0 6} 1t wae a close battl o the :00 p.m. | 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 OF : : ey : Larsen 4 6 2 LAE ¢ u ou coulda |. ae iS ‘ _ a — a Ki Sather 4 0 | " iti Say aes ” Hodgkinson 3 0 0 Erickson 1 0 0 3 4 8 anada s Foremost Life Company Slo-Mo-Shun| Tops Record i whipped his sereaming Slo-M '|Shun IV to a world hydroplan | |reeord of 176.497 miies per how yesterday. It cracked the maik set two years ago wy more than ys mph. Sayres made two Piahs eS ae ngien?? eeiiet est, the HOCOr Baw Vinwiwencs f Sayres actually hit a pace of 185% miles an hour in the run) over a measured mile with the \wind at his back S| On the return run, into «4 | choppy waves of Lake Washing ton’s East Channel, Slo-! slowed to 171.4 ergo cain WEA the | The plan in brief: DIS( US CHAMPION Roy Pr University of Michigan's Average for the two runs om Sudbury. Ont. toss- | 278497 miles an hour, becomes ' cord 157 feet | the official record. Sayres’ for- siintentaistiadecesoatiisaiuaiail es j the trials at |™mer mark was 160.3235 to win a place on oe r e Olympie team at the CAPETOWN (— Gavin Pet- | ° vent He bettered | erson, 13-year old schooboy e : mark of 145 feet, | found three pearls In one oyste! ne et by Bric Coy of jhe picked up om the beach at} e ipe Sixteen men and | East London. One was valued women will represent | by a jeweller at £200, while the 6 ' on the track team. lather two were. very small ° SPP A AON AE TION OMT! | * 2 e 5, - } * ih ieee Sa ee “ | e “ es i a NN 2 | : } = | * ic aS) 2] ° 5 Me es are aie S| e : oe 5, | : : For Cool Cooki i ; e * For Cool Cooking... : . * : tall ‘ * 4 Cook Electrically =: ° s : © * SINGLE BURNER HOTPLATES $ 6.65 : ° e T : e WO BURNER HOTPLATES $10.55 ° $48.65 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Besner Block — Phone 210 Prinee Rupert, B.C, TABLE RANGETTE 58" a"c"aMe"e"2"2" Hehe Mate" ean tae ate Stewart, B.C ~ and x | SPOR MOSCOW —The Russians, who| for physica] education in sehoo!s make their first appearance this r in the Olympic Games at Helsinki, have become a very While the exact ‘igures aren/t) available, it’s believed the Rus- sians spend more rubles a year, more than $250,000,000, to pro- = Pa ithe - hu Greco in a rousing 12-round supreme authority on all! bout : eports in the U.5.5.R., no matter Savoie weighed in at 135 TOMORROW NIGHT sports-minded people. where played, te thi : : . yc ea pee $ qae% : itte se ' HOR? seyinte pane pounGas ana UTrecoe au itv 4. Tes Both fighters were on the BATTERY oe saan The full tit?e of this import- | Verse of knockouts during the * ‘that ie ant organization i the Alj-| bout. Spectators, in shirt sleeves, vs |} Union Committee of Aff of | Were drenched in perspiration in Physical Culture and Sport ef the | Montreal Forum, where the GENERAL MOTORS mote their athletic programs ervision with educational auth-|sections, each of education of train- coaches. autherity on questions | spend on sports development and ration of records, differs sharply from * + This ‘apre- Hadelphia Battler wate ot sports group is autonomous, mak-' rung of the sports ladder. But it E VET countries ing its own rules, setting up its deals with tens of thousands of Presents a Brand New Plan: Tops fer’ LIFE INSURANCE and YOUR MON I. ). 3, j. In your best interests, make inquiries immediately about this remarkable, modern Sun Life plan. For further particulars see your Sun Life agent, or get in touch with the Sun Life branch office in your own community. For Appointment: lain A. MacRae, Red 913 §UN LIFE OF CANADA | = Weiterweight | cuematetd Fight Titis your purse 1 MONTREAL (P)—ar ! By TOM WHITNEY oe O2ne aoe (For CAYLE TALBOT : champion, added .the welter- 7 LE TALBOT) weight title Monday night when he decisioned champion Johnny ae : a adien Hence FOOTBALL Minister of he b which has a partienlar has its own Tunds 1 over one titular heac It It is the’ sport. to its own large The sports Staff of exper committee 1 h the p where each/| sents centralization top Gordon & Anderson EY BACK se & A ey wii pi 5. ‘i ye heen ae . Provides Life Insurance Protection to age 65. Returns in full all basic annual premiums paid, plus dividends, if assured survives to age 65. Can be taken out on male or female lives. Js available ai ages 15 to 50 inclusive. At age 65, the funds can be: (a) taken in cash; (b) used to purchase a paid-up policy for the oriqinal sum assured, without evidence of insurability (on advance election), and the balance taken in cash or as a guaranteed income; (c) used to provide an annuity; (d) left.on deposit with a guaranteed rate of interest. T. A. McKeown: Prince Rupert Hotel °